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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Adapting Yii 1.x models to allow change validation
class SomeModel extends GxActiveRecord
* @var $oldAttributes Holds the state of the object afterFind() until afterSave()
protected $oldAttributes;
* Yii hook after filling the model
public function afterFind()
$this->oldAttributes = $this->attributes;
return parent::afterFind();
* Yii hook after saving (create or update) the model
public function afterSave()
$this->oldAttributes = $this->attributes;
return parent::afterSave();
* Example on how to use the $oldAttributes to check for
* changes in the model beforeSave().
* You should do this on Yii using rules() and creating a validation
* method, but to keep things short and easily to understand...
* @return boolean
public function beforeSave()
// first check if it is not a new record
if (!$this->isNewRecord) {
// check if 'created_date' attribute has changed
if ($this->oldAttributes['created_date'] != $this->created_date) {
$this->addError('created_date', "You can't change the created date!");
return $this->hasErrors();
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