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Created April 3, 2013 16:25
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Sinatra script to scrape a specific xml file for image urls and upload the linked images to an Amazon S3 bucket. Change to suit your particular XML nodes.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'haml'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'aws/s3'
set :bucket, 'bucket-name'
set :s3_key, 'xxxxxx'
set :s3_secret, 'xxxxxx'
set :s3_host, ''
set :scraped_domain, ''
set :id_node, '//communication/@id'
set :url_node, '//image/@url'
set :upload_dir, 'tmp'
before do
AWS::S3::DEFAULT_HOST.replace settings.s3_host
AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection!(:access_key_id => settings.s3_key, :secret_access_key => settings.s3_secret)
get '/' do
haml :index
post '/' do
@results = ""
# Get host xml file from form post
host = params[:host]
# Prepend with fixed domain name of the host for scraped images
url = setting.scraped_domain
# Get page xml using Nokogiri
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(host))
# Grab unique dir name from communication id in xml (change if non-existent)
dir_name = page.at_xpath(settings.id_node).to_s
# Loop through image urls and upload each image to the S3 bucket
page.xpath(settings.url_node).each do |src|
uri = make_absolute(src,url),'wb'){ |f|
name = "#{settings.upload_dir}/#{dir_name}/images/#{File.basename(uri)}",open(uri).read,settings.bucket,:access => :public_read)
@results = 'Successfully scraped images'
haml :index
def make_absolute( href, root )
@@ layout
%title Image Scraper
%h1 Enter a URL to an XML file
@@ index
%form(action='/' method='POST')
%input(type='text' name='host' value=@host)
- if defined?(@results)
%text= @results
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