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Last active January 16, 2016 12:32
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function promise(fn){
var self = {
status: "pending",
value: undefined,
nexts: [],
__proto__: promise.prototype
function common(value, status){
if(self.status !== "pending") return
self.status = status
self.value = value
var resolve = value => common(value, "resolved")
var reject = value => common(value, "rejected")
fn(resolve, reject)
return self
promise.prototype.then = function(fn){
return this._common(fn, "resolved")
promise.prototype.catch = function(fn){
return this._common(fn, "rejected")
promise.prototype._common = function(fn, status){
return promise((aa,bb) => {
var f = (value) => {
if(this.status === status){
var result = fn(value)
return bb(e)
if(result && result instanceof promise){
result.then(e => aa(e))
result.catch(e => bb(e))
this.status === "resolved" ? aa(value) : bb(value)
if(this.status === "pending"){
promise.prototype.doNexts = function(){
while(this.nexts.length) this.nexts.shift()(this.value)
promise.resolve = () => ({
status: "resolved",
value: undefined,
nexts: [],
__proto__: promise.prototype
promise.reject = () => ({
status: "rejected",
value: undefined,
nexts: [],
__proto__: promise.prototype
var p = promise((a,b) => setTimeout(a, 1000, 12))
p.then(e => console.log(e))
p.then(e => console.log(e+1))
p.then(e => console.log(e+2))
// 12
// 13
// 14
var p = promise((a,b) => setTimeout(a, 1000, 16))
p.then(e => e / 4).then(e => e + 2).then(e => console.log(e * e))
// 36
var p = promise((a,b) => setTimeout(b, 1000, 16))
p.then(e => console.log(e)).catch(e => console.log(-e))
// -16
promise((a,b) => setTimeout(a, 1000, 1))
.then(e => promise((a,b) => setTimeout(a, 1000, e+1)))
.then(e => console.log(e))
// 2
promise((a,b) => a())
.then(e => promise.reject())
.catch(e => console.log(111))
// 111
promise((a,b) => a(1)).then(e => no_defined_value).catch(e => console.log(e))
// ReferenceError: no_defined_value is not defined(…)
promise((a,b) => no_defined_value).then(e => 1).catch(e => console.log(e))
// ReferenceError: no_defined_value is not defined(…)
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