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Created December 4, 2015 09:02
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  • Save nexpr/73becde53dc4500a512a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nexpr/73becde53dc4500a512a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Object.prototype.mcall = function(method, bind_this){
var that = this
var this_to_arg = true
var fn = method
if(typeof fn === "string" && fn.charAt(0) === ":"){
fn = fn.substr(1)
bind_this = window
else if(arguments.length < 2){
bind_this = that
this_to_arg = false
if(typeof method !== "function"){
fn = (bind_this || window)[method]
return typeof fn === "function" ? function(){
var args = []
this_to_arg && args.unshift(that)
var res = fn.apply(bind_this, args)
return res == undefined ? new Undef : res
} : Undef.maker
Object.prototype._ = Object.prototype.mcall
Object.prototype.get = function(key){
return this[key]
Object.prototype.__ = function(key){
return this[key] == undefined ? new Undef : this[key]
function Undef(){
Undef.prototype.mcall = function(){
return Undef.maker
Undef.prototype.isUndef = true
Undef.maker = function(){
return new Undef
;["ab", "c;de"]
._("map")(function(e){return e+"-"})
._("getElementById", document)()
._("getChildIds", null)()
._(parseInt, window)(16)
function getChildIds(elem){
return [], function(e){return})
._("getElementsByClassName", document)()
._("sort")(function(a,b){return a.dataset.order - b.dataset.order}))
function random_word(){
var a = trueRate(50) ? "sample-" : strgen(6)
var b = trueRate(80) ? "c63" : strgen(3)
return a + b
function strgen(n){
return btoa(Math.random()).substr(0,n)
function trueRate(percent){
return Math.random()*100 < percent
var v = x._("match")(/[0-9]+/).__(1)
var val = v.isUndef ? undfined : v
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