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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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CLI tool to interact with private docker registries
# requirements:
# brew install gawk gsed
# settings file ~/.registry_settings
# URL="https://${REGISTRY}:5000/v1"
# USERNAME="admin"
# PASSWORD="password"
source ~/.registry_settings
function _usage() {
echo "$0 - interact with docker registry (${REGISTRY})"
echo "Commands:"
echo " env # prints script environment vars"
echo " images # lists all images"
echo " tags image_name # lists all tags for an image"
echo " info image_name [tag] # prints image/tag info"
echo " pull image_name [tag] # pulls an image via docker cli (default tag: latest)"
function _error() {
echo "[!] ERROR: ${1}"
exit 1
function _curl_json() {
local url=$1
[ -z $url ] && _error "Must pass a URL to func _curl_json"
curl --silent -u $AUTH $url | python -m json.tool
function _env() {
echo "Registry: ${REGISTRY}"
echo "Base URL: ${URL}"
echo "Username: ${USERNAME}"
function _images() {
_curl_json ${URL}/search \
| awk '/name/ { print $2 }' \
| gsed -r 's/(["\/]|library)//g'
function _tags() {
local image=$1
[ -z $image ] && _error "Must pass an image to tags command"
_curl_json ${URL}/repositories/${image}/tags \
| gsed -r 's/[\{\}",]//g' \
| gsed -r 's/^[ ]+//g'
function _info() {
local image=$1
local tag=$2
local req="${image}/json"
[ -z $image ] && _error "Must pass an image to info command"
[ -z $tag ] || req="${image}/tags/${tag}/json"
_curl_json ${URL}/repositories/${req} \
| gsed -r 's/[\{\}",]//g' \
| gsed -r 's/^[ ]+//g' \
| gawk '{if ($2 ~ /[0-9]{10}/) {{$2=strftime("%c",$2)} {print "last_update:",$2}} else {print}}'
function _pull() {
local image=$1
local tag=${2:-latest}
[ -z $image ] && _error "Must pass an image to pull command"
docker pull ${REGISTRY}/${image}:${tag}
[ -z $1 ] && _usage
while ! [ -z $1 ]; do
case $1 in
env) _env;;
images) _images;;
tags) shift; _tags $1;;
info) shift; i=$1; shift; t=$1; _info $i $t;;
pull) shift; i=$1; shift; t=$1; _pull $i $t;;
*) _usage;;
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