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Last active March 14, 2017 21:56
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Expected Value SARSA
This file builds upon the same functions as Q-learning agent (
The only thing you must implement is the getValue method.
- Recall that V(s) in SARSA is not the maximal but the expected Q-value.
- The expectation should be done under agent's policy (e-greedy).
Here's usage example:
>>>from expected_value_sarsa import EVSarsaAgent
>>>agent = EVSarsaAgent(alpha=0.5,epsilon=0.25,discount=0.99,
getLegalActions = lambda s: actions_from_that_state)
>>>action = agent.getAction(state)
>>>agent.update(state,action, next_state,reward)
>>>agent.epsilon *= 0.99
import random,math
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
class nEVSarsaAgent():
Expected Value SARSA Agent.
The two main methods are
- self.getAction(state) - returns agent's action in that state
- self.update(state,action,nextState,reward) - returns agent's next action
Instance variables you have access to
- self.epsilon (exploration prob)
- self.alpha (learning rate)
- (discount rate aka gamma)
def __init__(self, n, alpha,epsilon,discount,getLegalActions):
"We initialize agent and Q-values here."
self.n = n
self.getLegalActions= getLegalActions
self._qValues = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(lambda:0))
self.alpha = alpha
self.epsilon = epsilon = discount
def getQValue(self, state, action):
Returns Q(state,action)
return self._qValues[state][action]
def setQValue(self,state,action,value):
Sets the Qvalue for [state,action] to the given value
self._qValues[state][action] = value
#---------------------#start of your code#---------------------#
def getValue(self, state):
Returns max_action Q(state,action)
where the max is over legal actions.
possibleActions = self.getLegalActions(state)
#If there are no legal actions, return 0.0
if len(possibleActions) == 0:
return 0.0
#You'll need this to estimate action probabilities
epsilon = self.epsilon
max_qvalue_idx = np.argmax([self.getQValue(state, action) for action in possibleActions])
mean_value = np.mean([self.getQValue(state, action) for action in possibleActions])
next_action = possibleActions[max_qvalue_idx]
value = (1 - epsilon) * self.getQValue(state, next_action) + epsilon * mean_value
return value
def getPolicy(self, state):
Compute the best action to take in a state.
possibleActions = self.getLegalActions(state)
#If there are no legal actions, return None
if len(possibleActions) == 0:
return None
best_action = None
best_action = possibleActions[np.argmax([self.getQValue(state, a) for a in possibleActions])]
return best_action
def getAction(self, state):
Compute the action to take in the current state, including exploration.
With probability self.epsilon, we should take a random action.
otherwise - the best policy action (self.getPolicy).
HINT: You might want to use util.flipCoin(prob)
HINT: To pick randomly from a list, use random.choice(list)
# Pick Action
possibleActions = self.getLegalActions(state)
action = None
#If there are no legal actions, return None
if len(possibleActions) == 0:
return None
#agent parameters:
epsilon = self.epsilon
if np.random.random()<=epsilon:
return random.choice(possibleActions)
action = self.getPolicy(state)
return action
def update(self, history, nextState):
You should do your Q-Value update here
NOTE: You should never call this function,
it will be called on your behalf
#agent parameters
gamma =
learning_rate = self.alpha
y = 1
long_reward = 0
for i in range(self.n):
long_reward += y * history[i][-1]
y *= gamma
reference_qvalue = long_reward + y * self.getValue(nextState)
updated_qvalue = (1-learning_rate) * self.getQValue(history[0][0],history[0][1]) + learning_rate * reference_qvalue
#---------------------#end of your code#---------------------#
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