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UnityMol API functions

UnityMol 1.1.3

# Fetch a remote molecular file (pdb or mmcif zipped)
# forceStructureType (-1 = auto-detect / 0 = standard / 1 = CG / 2 = OPEP / 3 = HIRERNA)

UnityMolStructure fetch(string PDBId, bool usemmCIF = True, bool readHetm = True, bool forceDSSP = False, bool showDefaultRep = True, bool center = True, bool modelsAsTraj = True, int forceStructureType = -1, bool bioAssembly = False) 
# Load a local molecular file (pdb/mmcif/gro/mol2/sdf/xyz formats)
# forceStructureType (-1 = auto-detect / 0 = standard / 1 = CG / 2 = OPEP / 3 = HIRERNA)

UnityMolStructure load(string filePath, bool readHetm = True, bool forceDSSP = False, bool showDefaultRep = True, bool center = True, bool modelsAsTraj = True, int forceStructureType = -1) 
# Show/Hide UnityMol console

showHideConsole(bool show) 
# Allow to call python API commands and record them in the history from C#

bool ExecuteCommand(string command, bool force = False) 
# Load a molecular file (pdb/mmcif/gro/mol2/sdf/xyz formats) from a string
# forceStructureType (-1 = auto-detect / 0 = standard / 1 = CG / 2 = OPEP / 3 = HIRERNA)

UnityMolStructure loadFromString(string fileName, string fileContent, bool readHetm = True, bool forceDSSP = False, bool showDefaultRep = True, bool center = True, bool modelsAsTraj = True, int forceStructureType = -1) 
# WIP Load martini itp file to parse elastic network and secondary structure

loadMartiniITP(string structureName, string filePath) 
# Show bounding box lines around the structure

showBoundingBox(string structureName) 
# Hide bounding box lines around the structure

hideBoundingBox(string structureName) 
# Set bounding box lines size

setBoundingBoxLineSize(string structureName, float size = 0.005f) 
# Load a XML file containing covalent and noncovalent bonds
# modelId = -1 means currentModel
# Possible bond types are: 'covalent' or 'db_geom', 'hbond' or 'h-bond' or 'hbond_weak', 'halogen', 'ionic', 'aromatic', 'hydrophobic', 'carbonyl'

loadBondsXML(string structureName, string filePath, int modelId = -1) 
# Override the current bonds of the model modelId and saves the previous one in model.savedBonds
# modelId = -1 means currentModel

overrideBondsWithXML(string structureName, int modelId = -1) 
# Load bounding information from a PSF file
# modelId = -1 means currentModel

loadPSFTopology(string structureName, string psfPath, int modelId = -1) 
# Load bounding information from a TOP file
# modelId = -1 means currentModel
# specialBondString when not empty is used to create a selection containing only these special bonds, shown as hbondtube

loadTOPTopology(string structureName, string topPath, int modelId = -1, string specialBondString = "restrain") 
# Restore bonds using the model.savedBonds
# modelId = -1 means currentModel

restoreBonds(string structureName, int modelId = -1) 
# Removes the covBondOrders bonds loaded by loadBondsXML from the model

unloadCustomBonds(string structureName, int modelId) 
# Delete all the loaded molecules

# Switch between parsed secondary structure information and DSSP computation

switchSSAssignmentMethod(string structureName, bool forceDSSP = False) 
# Show/Hide hydrogens in representations of the provided selection
# This only works for lines, hyperball and sphere representations

showHideHydrogensInSelection(string selName, bool? shouldShow = null) 
# Show/Hide side chains in representations of the current selection
# This only works for lines, hyperball and sphere representations only

showHideSideChainsInSelection(string selName) 
# Show/Hide backbone in representations of the current selection
# This only works for lines, hyperball and sphere representations only

showHideBackboneInSelection(string selName) 
# Set the current model of the structure
# This function is used by ModelPlayers.cs to read the models of a structure like a trajectory

setModel(string structureName, int modelId) 
# Load a trajectory for a loaded structure
# It creates a XDRFileReader in the corresponding UnityMolStructure and a TrajectoryPlayer

loadTraj(string structureName, string filePath) 
# Unload a trajectory for a specific structure

unloadTraj(string structureName) 
# Create a special selection containing frames from the trajectory

string pickTrajectoryFrames(string structureName, string selectionQuery = "all", int frameStart = 0, int frameEnd = 1, int step = 1) 
# Set the current trajectory frame of the structure named structureName to frame
# frame has to be between 0 and numberFrames

setTrajFrame(string structureName, int frame) 
# Load a density map for a specific structure
# This function creates a DXReader instance in the UnityMolStructure

loadDXmap(string structureName, string filePath) 
# Show lines around dx map

showDXLines(string structureName) 
# Hide lines around dx map

hideDXLines(string structureName) 
# Unload the density map for the structure

unloadDXmap(string structureName) 
# Read a json file and display fieldLines for the specified structure

readJSONFieldlines(string structureName, string filePath) 
# Remove the json file for fieldlines stored in the currentModel of the specified structure

unloadJSONFieldlines(string structureName) 
# Change fieldline computation gradient threshold

setFieldlineGradientThreshold(string selName, float val) 
# Utility function to be able to get the group of the structure
# This group is used to be able to move all the loaded molecules in the same group
# Groups can be between 0 and 9 included

int getStructureGroup(string structureName) 
# Utility function to be able to get the structures of the group
# This group is used to be able to move all the loaded molecules in the same group
# Groups can be between 0 and 9 included

HashSet<UnityMolStructure> getStructuresOfGroup(int group) 
# Utility function to be set the group of a structure
# This group is used to be able to move all the loaded molecules in the same group
# Groups can be between 0 and 9 included

setStructureGroup(string structureName, int newGroup) 
# Delete a molecule and all its UnityMolSelection and UnityMolRepresentation

delete(string structureName) 
# Show as 'type' all loaded molecules
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

show(string type) 
# Show all loaded molecules only as the 'type' representation
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

showAs(string type) 
# Restore all representations of a structure to the default representations

resetRep(string structureName) 
# Create selections and default representations: all in cartoon, not protein in hyperballs
# Also create a selection containing "not protein and not water and not ligand and not ions"

bool defaultRep(string selName) 
# Create default representations (cartoon for protein + HB for not protein atoms)

showDefault(string selName) 
# Unhide all representations already created for a specified structure

showStructureAllRepresentations(string structureName) 
# Show the selection as 'type'
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"
# If the representation is already there, update it if the selection content changed and show it
# Surface example: showSelection("all_1kx2", "s", True, True, True, SurfMethod.MSMS) # arguments are cutByChain, AO, cutSurface, computeSurfaceMethod
# Iso-surface example: showSelection("all_1kx2", "dxiso", last().dxr, 0.0f)

showSelection(string selName, string type, params object[] args) 
# Show all representations of the selection named 'selName'

showSelection(string selName) 
# Hide every representations of the specified selection

hideSelection(string selName) 
# Hide every representation of type 'type' of the specified selection
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

hideSelection(string selName, string type) 
# Delete every representations of type 'type' of the specified selection
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

deleteRepresentationInSelection(string selName, string type) 
# Delete every representations of the specified selection

deleteRepresentationsInSelection(string selName) 
# Hide every representations of the specified structure

hideStructureAllRepresentations(string structureName) 
# Delete all the selection of the given structure

deleteAllSelectionsStructure(string structureName) 
# Utility function to test if a representation is shown for a specified structure

bool areRepresentationsOn(string structureName) 
# Utility function to test if a representation of type 'type' is shown for a specified selection
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

bool areRepresentationsOn(string selName, string type) 
# Hide all representations of type 'type'
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

hide(string type) 
# Switch between the 2 types of surface computation methods: EDTSurf and MSMS

switchSurfaceComputeMethod(string selName) 
# Switch between cut surface mode and no-cut surface mode

switchCutSurface(string selName, bool isCut) 
# Switch all surface representation in selection to a solid surface material

setSolidSurface(string selName) 
# Switch all surface representation in selection to a wireframe surface material when available

setWireframeSurface(string selName) 
# Switch all surface representation in selection to a transparent surface material

setTransparentSurface(string selName, float? alpha = null) 
# Switch cartoon material from transparent to normal/solid

setSolidCartoon(string selName) 
# Switch cartoon material from normal/solid to transparent

setTransparentCartoon(string selName, float alpha = 0.3f) 
# Switch sphere material from transparent to normal/solid

setSolidSphere(string selName) 
setTransparentSphere(string selName, float alpha = 0.3f) 
# Recompute cartoon representation with new tube size

setTubeSizeCartoon(string selName, float newVal) 
# Draw cartoon representation as tube

drawCartoonAsTube(string selName, bool drawAsTube = True) 
# Draw cartoon representation as tube with Bfactor as tube size

drawCartoonAsBfactorTube(string selName, bool drawAsBTube = True) 
# Recompute the DX surface with a new iso value

updateDXIso(string selName, float newVal) 
# Change hyperball representation parameters in the specified selection to a preset
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

setSmoothness(string selName, string type, float val) 
# Change hyperball representation parameters in the specified selection to a preset
# Metaphores can be "Smooth", "Balls&Sticks", "VdW", "Licorice", "Hidden"
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

setMetal(string selName, string type, float val) 
# Change surface wireframe size

setSurfaceWireframe(string selName, string type, float val) 
# Only show a part of the representation inside a sphere, only works with surface types for now

enableLimitedView(string selName, string type) 
# Disable the limited view

disableLimitedView(string selName, string type) 
# Get if the limited view is activated

bool getLimitedView(string selName, string type) 
# Set the center of the limited view in local space

setLimitedViewCenter(string selName, string type, Vector3 center) 
# Retrieve the current center of the limited view

Vector3 getLimitedViewCenter(string selName, string type) 
# Set the radius (in Angstrom) of the limited view (surface or cartoon type)

setLimitedViewRadius(string selName, string type, float radius) 
# Change hyperball representation parameters in all selections that contains a hb representation
# Metaphores can be "Smooth", "Balls&Sticks", "VdW", "Licorice", "Hidden"

setHyperBallMetaphore(string metaphore, bool forceAOOff = True, bool lerp = False, float duration = 0.5f) 
# Change hyperball representation parameters in the specified selection to a preset
# Metaphores can be "Smooth", "Balls&Sticks", "VdW", "Licorice", "Hidden"

setHyperBallMetaphore(string selName, string metaphore, bool forceAOOff = True, bool lerp = False, float duration = 0.5f) 
# Set shininess for the hyperball representations of the specified selection

setHyperBallShininess(string selName, float shin) 
# Set the shrink factor for the hyperball representations of the specified selection

setHyperballShrink(string selName, float shrink) 
# Change all hyperball representation in the selection with a new texture mapped
# idTex of the texture is the index in UnityMolMain.atomColors.textures

setHyperballTexture(string selName, int idTex) 
# Change all bond order representation in the selection with a new texture mapped
# idTex of the texture is the index in UnityMolMain.atomColors.textures

setBondOrderTexture(string selName, int idTex) 
# Remove AO from hyperballs

clearHyperballAO(string selName) 
# Compute object space AO for surface

computeSurfaceAO(string selName, string type) 
# Remove AO for surface

clearSurfaceAO(string selName, string type) 
# Get statut of AO surface

bool isSurfaceAOOn(string selName, string type) 
# Set ambient light intensity

setAmbientLightIntensity(float i) 
# Set light intensity of all directional lights found in the scene

setDirLightIntensity(float v) 
# Set light shadow strength of all directional lights found in the scene
# 0 is no shadow at all, 1 is full black shadow

setDirLightShadow(float v) 
# Set light direction in X of all directional lights found in the scene

setDirLightDirection(Vector3 eulers) 
# Set light color of all directional lights found in the scene

setDirLightColor(Color c) 
# Set the color of the cartoon representation of the specified selection based on the nature of secondary structure assigned
# ssType can be "helix", "sheet" or "coil"

setCartoonColorSS(string selName, string ssType, Color col) 
# Change the size of the representation of type 'type' in the selection
# Mainly used for hyperball representation
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

setRepSize(string selName, string type, float size) 
# Change the color of all representation of type 'type' in selection
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

colorSelection(string selName, string type, Color col) 
# Change the color of all representation of type 'type' in selection
# colorS can be "black", "white", "yellow", "green", "red", "blue", "pink", "gray"
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

colorSelection(string selName, string type, string colorS) 
# Change the color of all representation of type 'type' in selection
# colors is a list of colors the length of the selection named selName
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

colorSelection(string selName, string type, List<Color> colors) 
# Change the color of all representation in selection

colorSelection(string selName, Color col) 
# Using a selection query, change the color of all representations in selection if type is not specified or all representations of type "type" in selection
# Only atoms of the result of the selection query will be colored

colorSelection(string selName, Color col, string selQuery, string type = "") 
# Reset the color of all representation of type 'type' in selection to the default value
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

resetColorSelection(string selName, string type) 
# In the representation of type repType, color all atoms of type atomType in the selection selName with

colorAtomType(string selName, string repType, string atomType, Color col) 
# Use the color palette to color representations of type 'type' in the selection 'selName' by chain
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

colorByChain(string selName, string type) 
# Use the color palette to color representations of type 'type' in the selection 'selName' by residue
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

colorByResidue(string selName, string type) 
# Color representations of type 'type' in the selection 'selName' by atom

colorByAtom(string selName, string type) 
# Color representations of type 'type' in the selection 'selName' by hydrophobicity

colorByHydrophobicity(string selName, string type) 
# Use the color palette to color representations of type 'type' in the selection 'selName' by residue id
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

colorByResid(string selName, string type) 
# Use the color palette to color representations of type 'type' in the selection 'selName' by residue resnum
# type can be "cartoon", "c", "surface", "s", "hb", "line", "l", "hbond"

colorByResnum(string selName, string type) 
# Color representations of type 'type' in the selection 'selName' by sequence (rainbow effect)

colorBySequence(string selName, string type) 
# Use the dx map to color by charge around atoms
# Only works for surface for now
# If normalizeDensity is set to true, the density values will be normalized
# if it is set to true, the default -10|10 range is used

colorByCharge(string selName, bool normalizeDensity = False, float minDens = -10.0f, float maxDens = 10.0f) 
# Color residues by "restype": negatively charge = red, positively charged = blue, nonpolar = light yellow,
# polar = green, cys = orange

colorByResidueType(string selName, string type) 
# Color residues by "restype": negatively charge = red, positively charged = blue, neutral = white

colorByResidueCharge(string selName, string type) 
# Color residues by Bfactor

colorByBfactor(string selName, string type, Color startColor, Color midColor, Color endColor) 
# Color residues by Bfactor: low to high = blue to red

colorByBfactor(string selName, string type) 
# Set size of the line representation

setLineSize(string selName, float val) 
# Set size of the trace representation

setTraceSize(string selName, float val) 
# Change sheherasade computation method

switchSheherasadeMethod(string selName) 
# Set sheherasade texture

setSheherasadeTexture(string selName, int idTex) 
# Offsets all representations to center the structure 'structureName'
# Instead of moving the camera, move the loaded molecules to center them on the center of the camera

centerOnStructure(string structureName, bool lerp = False, bool recordCommand = True) 
# Get the current ManipulationManager, creates one if there is none

ManipulationManager getManipulationManager() 
# Offsets all representations to center the selection 'selName'
# If lerp is true and duration is > 0, centering is done during 'duration' seconds

centerOnSelection(string selName, bool lerp = False, float distance = -1.0f, float duration = 0.25f) 
# CEAlign algorithm to align two proteins with "little to no sequence similarity", only uses Calpha atoms
# For more details:

cealign(string selNameTarget, string selNameMobile) 
# Create a UnityMolSelection based on MDAnalysis selection language (
# Returns a UnityMolSelection object, adding it to the selection manager if createSelection is true
# If a selection with the same name already exists and addToExisting is true, add atoms to the already existing selection
# Set forceCreate to true if the selection is empty but still need to generate the selection

UnityMolSelection select(string selMDA, string name = "selection", bool createSelection = True, bool addToExisting = False, bool silent = False, bool setAsCurrentSelection = True, bool forceCreate = False, bool allModels = False, bool addToSelectionKeyword = True) 
# Add a keyword to the selection language

addSelectionKeyword(string keyword, string selName) 
# Remove a keyword from the selection language

removeSelectionKeyword(string keyword, string selName) 
# Set the selection as currentSelection in the UnityMolSelectionManager

setCurrentSelection(string selName) 
# Look for an existing selection named 'name' and add atoms to it based on MDAnalysis selection language

addToSelection(string selMDA, string name = "selection", bool silent = False, bool allModels = False) 
# Look for an existing selection named 'name' and remove atoms from it based on MDAnalysis selection language

removeFromSelection(string selMDA, string name = "selection", bool silent = False, bool allModels = False) 
# Delete selection 'selName' and all its representations

deleteSelection(string selName) 
# Duplicate selection 'selName' and without the representations

string duplicateSelection(string selName) 
# Change the 'oldSelName' selection name into 'newSelName'

bool renameSelection(string oldSelName, string newSelName) 
# Update the atoms of the selection based on a new MDAnalysis language selection
# The selection only applies to the structures of the selection

bool updateSelectionWithMDA(string selName, string selectionString, bool forceAlteration, bool silent = False, bool recordCommand = True, bool allModels = False) 
# Directly clear the highlight manager, this does not unselect the current selection

# Select atoms of all loaded molecules inside a sphere defined by a molecular space position and a radius in Anstrom

UnityMolSelection selectInSphere(Vector3 position, float radius) 
# Select atoms of all loaded molecules inside a rectangle defined by a molecular space position and 3 axis

UnityMolSelection selectInRectangle(Vector3 lowerLeft, Vector3 xaxis, Vector3 yaxis, Vector3 zaxis) 
# Update representations of the specified selection, called automatically after a selection content change

updateRepresentations(string selName) 
# Clear the currentSelection in UnityMolSelectionManager

# Utility function to test if a trajectory is playing for any loaded molecule

bool isATrajectoryPlaying() 
# Set the updateContentWithTraj of the selection to enable/disable selection content update

setUpdateSelectionTraj(string selName, bool v) 
# Show or hide representation shadows

setShadows(string selName, string type, bool enable) 
# Utility function to change the material of highlighted selection

changeHighlightMaterial(Material newMat) 
# Take a screenshot of the current viewpoint with a specific resolution

screenshot(string path, int resolutionWidth = 1280, int resolutionHeight = 720, bool transparentBG = False) 
# Start to record a video with FFMPEG at a specific resolution and framerate

startVideo(string filePath, int resolutionWidth = 1280, int resolutionHeight = 720, int frameRate = 30) 
# Stop recording

# Pause recording

# Unpause recording

# Play the opposite function of the lastly called APIPython function recorded in UnityMolMain.pythonUndoCommands

# Set the local position and rotation (euler angles) of the given structure

setStructurePositionRotation(string structureName, Vector3 pos, Vector3 rot) 
# Get the current position and rotation of the given structure

getStructurePositionRotation(string structureName, ref Vector3 pos, ref Vector3 rot) 
# Get the current position and rotation of the given structure

string getStructurePositionRotation(string structureName) 
# Save the history of commands executed in a file

saveScript(string fullpath) 
# Save the history of commands executed in a file

saveHistoryScript(string fullpath) 
# Save the current positions of the loaded structures in a single PDB file

saveDockingState(string fullpath = null) 
string loadedMolParentToString(bool addToHistory = False) 
# Load a python script of commands (possibly the output of the saveHistoryScript function)

loadHistoryScript(string filePath) 
# Load a python script of commands (possibly the output of the saveHistoryScript function)

loadScript(string filePath) 
# Set the position, scale and rotation of the parent of all loaded molecules
# Linear interpolation between the current state of the camera to the specified values

setMolParentTransform(Vector3 pos, Vector3 scale, Vector3 rot, Vector3 centerOfRotation, bool lerp = True, float duration = 1.0f) 
string getMolParentTransform() 
# Change the scale of the parent of the representations of each molecules
# Try to not move the center of mass

changeGeneralScale_cog(float newVal) 
# Change the scale of the parent of the representations of each molecules
# Keep relative positions of molecules, use the first loaded molecule center of gravity to compensate the translation due to scaling

changeGeneralScale(float newVal) 
# Use Reduce method to add hydrogens

addHydrogensReduce(string structureName) 
# Use HAAD method to add hydrogens

addHydrogensHaad(string structureName) 
# Set the atoms of the selection named 'selName' to ligand

setAsLigand(string selName, bool isLig = True, bool updateAllSelections = True) 
# Merge UnityMolStructure structureName2 in structureName using a different chain name to avoid conflict

mergeStructure(string structureName, string structureName2, string chainName = "Z") 
# Save current atom positions of the selection to a PDB file
# World atom positions are transformed to be relative to the first structure in the selection

saveToPDB(string selName, string fullPath, bool writeSSinfo = False) 
# Connect to a running simulation using the IMD protocol implemented in MDDriver
# The running simulation is binded to a UnityMolStructure

bool connectIMD(string structureName, string adress, int port) 
# Disconnect from the IMD simulation for the specified structure

disconnectIMD(string structureName) 
# Get current surface material

string getSurfaceType(string selName) 
# Get current hyperball metaphore

string getHyperBallMetaphore(string selName) 
setCameraOrtho(bool ortho) 
setCameraOrthoSize(float orthoSize) 
# Set camera near plane, note this has an impact on shadow map quality

setCameraNearPlane(float newV) 
# Set camera far plane, note this has an impact on shadow map quality

setCameraFarPlane(float newV) 
# Enable depth cueing effect

# Disable depth cueing effect

# Set depth cueing starting position in world space

setDepthCueingStart(float v) 
# Set depth cueing density

setDepthCueingDensity(float v) 
# Set depth cueing color

setDepthCueingColor(Color col) 
# Enable DOF effect, only available in desktop mode

# Disable DOF effect, only available in desktop mode

# Set DOF focus distance, this is used by the MouseAutoFocus script

setDOFFocusDistance(float v) 
# Set DOF aperture

setDOFAperture(float a) 
# Set DOF focal length

setDOFFocalLength(float f) 
# Enable outline post-process effect

# Disable outline effect

# Set outline effect thickness

setOutlineThickness(float v) 
# Set outline effect color

setOutlineColor(Color col) 
# Print the content of the current directory, outputs only the files

List<string> ls() 
# Change the current directory

cd(string newPath) 
# Print the current directory

# Return the lastly loaded UnityMolStructure

UnityMolStructure last() 
# Change the background color of the camera based on a color name, also changes the fog color

bg_color(string colorS) 
# Change the background color of the camera, also changes the fog color

bg_color(Color col) 
# Convert a color string to a standard Unity Color
# Values can be "black", "white", "yellow" ,"green", "red", "blue", "pink", "gray"
# Switch on or off the rotation around the X axis of all loaded molecules

# Switch on or off the rotation around the Y axis of all loaded molecules

# Switch on or off the rotation around the Z axis of all loaded molecules

# Change the rotation speed around the X axis

changeRotationSpeedX(float val) 
# Change the rotation speed around the Y axis

changeRotationSpeedY(float val) 
# Change the rotation speed around the Z axis

changeRotationSpeedZ(float val) 
# Change the mouse scroll speed

setMouseScrollSpeed(float val) 
# Change the speed of mouse rotations and translations

setMouseMoveSpeed(float val) 
# Stop rotation around all axis

# Turn docking mode on and off

# Transform a string of representation type to a RepType object

RepType getRepType(string type) 
# Transform a representation type into a string

string getTypeFromRepType(RepType rept) 
string cBoolToPy(bool val) 
string cVec3ToPy(Vector3 val) 
string getSelectionListString() 
string getStructureListString() 
addSelectionToTour(string selName) 
removeSelectionFromTour(string selName) 
# Measure modes : 0 = distance, 1 = angle, 2 = torsion angle

setMeasureMode(int newMode) 
annotateAtom(string structureName, int atomId) 
removeAnnotationAtom(string structureName, int atomId) 
annotateSphere(Vector3 worldP, float scale = 1.0f) 
removeAnnotationSphere(Vector3 worldP, float scale = 1.0f) 
annotateAtomText(string structureName, int atomId, string text, Color textCol, bool showLine = False) 
removeAnnotationAtomText(string structureName, int atomId, string text) 
annotateWorldText(Vector3 worldP, float scale, string text, Color textCol) 
removeAnnotationWorldText(Vector3 worldP, float scale, string text, Color textCol) 
#Add a 2D text over everything
#The position is set as 0/0 = bottom/left and 1/1 is top/right of the screen

annotate2DText(Vector2 screenP, float scale, string text, Color textCol) 
removeAnnotation2DText(Vector2 screenP, float scale, string text, Color textCol) 
annotateLine(string structureName, int atomId, string structureName2, int atomId2) 
removeAnnotationLine(string structureName, int atomId, string structureName2, int atomId2) 
annotateWorldLine(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, float sizeLine, Color lineCol) 
removeWorldAnnotationLine(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, float sizeLine, Color lineCol) 
annotateDistance(string structureName, int atomId, string structureName2, int atomId2) 
removeAnnotationDistance(string structureName, int atomId, string structureName2, int atomId2) 
annotateAngle(string structureName, int atomId, string structureName2, int atomId2, string structureName3, int atomId3) 
removeAnnotationAngle(string structureName, int atomId, string structureName2, int atomId2, string structureName3, int atomId3) 
annotateDihedralAngle(string structureName, int atomId, string structureName2, int atomId2, string structureName3, int atomId3, string structureName4, int atomId4) 
removeAnnotationDihedralAngle(string structureName, int atomId, string structureName2, int atomId2, string structureName3, int atomId3, string structureName4, int atomId4) 
annotateRotatingArrow(string structureName, int atomId, string structureName2, int atomId2) 
removeAnnotationRotatingArrow(string structureName, int atomId, string structureName2, int atomId2) 
annotateArcLine(string structureName, int atomId, string structureName2, int atomId2, string structureName3, int atomId3) 
removeAnnotationArcLine(string structureName, int atomId, string structureName2, int atomId2, string structureName3, int atomId3) 
annotateDrawLine(string structureName, List<Vector3> line, Color col) 
removeLastDrawLine(string structureName, int id) 
# Play a sonar sound at a world position

playSoundAtPosition(Vector3 wpos) 
# Remove all drawing annotations

# Remove all annotations + Drawings

# Export the given structure to an OBJ file containing several models
# BondOrder/Point/Hbonds are ignored

exportRepsToOBJFile(string structureName, string fullPath, bool withAO = True) 
# Export the given structure to an FBX file containing several models, (Windows or Mac)
# BondOrder/Point/Hbonds are ignored

exportRepsToFBXFile(string structureName, string fullPath, bool withAO = True) 
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