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Created February 13, 2024 14:14
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import { S as P, i as V, s as R, C as K, a as U, c as M, b as k, G, H as x, I as j, g as Y, d as z, h as H, K as X, o as Q, P as Z, $ as p, Z as q, _ as J } from "./index.ff0009f4.js";
import { l as T, L as W, b as o, Q as N, S as d } from "./common-text.425980d7.js";
import { w as B, j as $ } from "./singletons.725ad3fb.js";
import { H as ee } from "./control.f5b05b5f.js";
function te(e) {
let t, r;
const a = e[4].default,
i = K(a, e, e[3], null);
return {
c() {
i && i.c(), (t = U());
l(s) {
i && i.l(s), (t = M(s));
m(s, _) {
i && i.m(s, _), k(s, t, _), (r = !0);
p(s, [_]) {
i && i.p && (!r || _ & 8) && G(i, a, s, s[3], r ? j(a, s[3], _, null) : x(s[3]), null);
i(s) {
r || (Y(i, s), (r = !0));
o(s) {
z(i, s), (r = !1);
d(s) {
i && i.d(s), s && H(t);
const re = { componentName: "YandexMetrika" },
ne = (e, t) => p(T).error({, functionName: "defaultReachGoal", goal: e, params: t, err: new Error("Metrika is not initialized") }),
A = B(ne);
function oe(...e) {
return p(A)(...e);
function Ve(...e) {
return () => oe(...e);
function se(e, t, r) {
let a;
X(e, A, (l) => r(5, (a = l)));
let { $$slots: i = {}, $$scope: s } = t;
const _ = { clickmap: !0, trackLinks: !0, accurateTrackBounce: !0 };
let { logger: y } = t,
{ counterId: h } = t,
{ ymOptions: g = _ } = t;
return (
Q(() => {
const l = y.child({ componentName: "YandexMetrika", counterId: h, ymOptions: g });
try {
window.ym ||
(function (u, E, L, D, I, n, c) {
var f;
(u[I] =
u[I] ||
function () {
(u[I].a = u[I].a || []).push(arguments);
(u[I].l =,
(n = E.createElement(L)),
(c = E.getElementsByTagName(L)[0]),
(n.async = !0),
(n.src = D),
(f = c.parentNode) == null || f.insertBefore(n, c);
})(window, document, "script", "", "ym"),
window.ym(h, "init", g);
} catch (u) {
l.error({ method: "init", err: new Error("Fail to init yandex metrica API", { cause: u }) });
(a = (...u) => {
const E = l.child({ functionName: "reachGoal", goal: u[0], params: u[1] });
window.ym || E.error({ err: new Error("Missing yandex metrika API") });
try {
window.ym(h, "reachGoal", ...u);
} catch (L) {
E.error({ err: new Error("Fail to reach goals in yandex metrica API", { cause: L }) });
(e.$$set = (l) => {
"logger" in l && r(1, (y = l.logger)), "counterId" in l && r(0, (h = l.counterId)), "ymOptions" in l && r(2, (g = l.ymOptions)), "$$scope" in l && r(3, (s = l.$$scope));
[h, y, g, s, i]
class Re extends P {
constructor(t) {
super(), V(this, t, se, te, R, { logger: 1, counterId: 0, ymOptions: 2 });
function ae(e) {
return e && e.__esModule &&, "default") ? e.default : e;
function ce(e, t) {
return new ee(e, t);
new TextEncoder();
var w = ((e) => ((e[(e.Unknown = 0)] = "Unknown"), (e[(e.InProgress = 1)] = "InProgress"), (e[(e.Success = 2)] = "Success"), (e[(e.Error = 3)] = "Error"), (e[(e.NotFoundInCache = 4)] = "NotFoundInCache"), e))(w || {}),
b = ((e) => ((e[(e.Success = 0)] = "Success"), (e[(e.InProgress = 1)] = "InProgress"), (e[(e.Error = 2)] = "Error"), e))(b || {}),
v = ((e) => ((e[(e.ServiceUnavailable = 500)] = "ServiceUnavailable"), e))(v || {});
const ie = {
[0]: o.FALLBACK,
[1]: o.NOT_FOUND,
[4]: o.NOT_FOUND,
[5]: o.FALLBACK,
[7]: o.FALLBACK,
[9]: o.FALLBACK,
[10]: o.OLD_CLIENT,
[500]: o.FALLBACK,
le = {
[1]: o.OLD_CLIENT,
[21]: o.VIDEO_TOO_BIG,
ue = (e) => new Promise((t) => setTimeout(t, e)),
Ke = (e) => {
if (e == null) return "";
let t = e;
return [3600, 60, 1]
.map((r) => {
const a = (t / r) | 0;
return (t %= r), me(a);
me = (e) => (e > 9 ? e : `0${e}`);
var _e = de,
fe = /^(?:\w+:)?\/\/(\S+)$/,
he = /^localhost[\:?\d]*(?:[^\:?\d]\S*)?$/,
Ee = /^[^\s\.]+\.\S{2,}$/;
function de(e) {
if (typeof e != "string") return !1;
var t = e.match(fe);
if (!t) return !1;
var r = t[1];
return r ? !!(he.test(r) || Ee.test(r)) : !1;
const ge = ae(_e),
Ue = (e) => => t.theses).flat(),
Le = (e) => {
const t = Number(e.searchParams.get(N.TIME));
return isNaN(t) || t <= 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(t);
Me = (e) =>
?, r) => {
const a = e[r + 1];
return { ...t, end_time: a ? a.start_time : 1 / 0 };
: null,
Ie = (e) => {
const t = Le(new URL(window.location.href));
try {
if (t) {
const r = new URL(e);
return r.searchParams.set(N.TIME, String(t)), r.href;
return e;
} catch {
return e;
ye = (e, t) => {
if (!e) throw new Error("Empty input prompt");
const r = Oe(e);
return Ae(r) ? { session_id: t, video_url: r } : { article_url: r, session_id: t, text: r ? "" : e };
Oe = (e, t = !1) => {
const r = Se(e, t);
if (!ge(r)) return "";
try {
return new URL(r).href;
} catch {
return "";
Se = (e, t = !1) => {
if (!e) return "";
const r = e.trim();
if (pe(r)) return r;
const a = r.includes("http") ? r : "https://" + r;
return t ? Ie(a) : a;
pe = (e) => !/(\w+\.)+[^\s]+/.test(e.trim()) || /\s/g.test(e.trim());
function Ae(e) {
if (!we(e)) return null;
const t = /^.*(?:(?:youtu\.be\/|v\/|vi\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|shorts\/|live\/)|(?:(?:watch)?\?v(?:i)?=|&v(?:i)?=))([^#&?]*).*/i,
r = e.match(t);
return r && (r[1].length == 11 || r[1].length == 12) ? r[1].trim() : null;
const we = (e) => /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.|m\.)?youtu(\.be|be\.\w{2,3})+\//i.test(e),
Ce = (e) => (e.video_url ? d.VIDEO : e.text ? d.TEXT : d.ARTICLE);
var Te = ((e) => ((e.INIT = "init"), (e.LOADING = "loading"), (e.ASYNC_LOADING = "async-loading"), (e.SUCCESS = "success"), (e.ERROR = "error"), e))(Te || {});
function De() {
const { set: e, update: t, subscribe: r } = B({ status: "init", keypoints: null, theses: null, title: "", prompt: "" }),
a = async ({ prompt: n = "" }) => {
const c = ye(n),
f = Ce(c),
O = new AbortController(),
S = O.signal;
L(n, f, O);
const m = await i(c, S);
if (C(m) || h(m)) {
if (y(m)) {
g(m), u();
i = async (n, c) => {
let O, S, m;
do {
if ((await ue(S ?? 500), (m = await Fe(n, O)), C(m) || c.aborted)) break;
(O = m.session_id), (S = m.poll_interval_ms), l(m);
} while (_(m));
return m;
s = { [d.ARTICLE]: w, [d.VIDEO]: b, [d.TEXT]: w },
_ = (n) => n.status_code === s[n.type].InProgress,
y = (n) => n.status_code === s[n.type].Success,
h = (n) => n.status_code === s[n.type].Error,
g = (n) => {
if (n.sharing_url)
try {
const c = new URL(n.sharing_url);
window.history.replaceState(history.state, "", c.pathname);
} catch (c) {
p(T).error({ message: "Error while trying to create URL object from sharing url" }, c);
l = (n) => {
t((c) => ({ ...c, keypoints: n.keypoints ?? null, sharingUrl: n.sharing_url, theses: n.thesis ?? null, title: n.video_title ?? n.title, type: n.type }));
u = () => {
t((n) => ({ ...n, status: "success" }));
E = (n) => {
const c = Ne(n);
t((f) => ({ ...f, status: "error", error: { message: c }, type: n.type }));
L = (n, c, f) => {
e({ abortController: f, keypoints: null, status: "loading", theses: null, prompt: n, type: c });
return {
set: e,
update: t,
subscribe: r,
getSummary: a,
resetSummary: () => {
e({ keypoints: null, status: "init", theses: null, title: "", prompt: "" });
setStoreSummary: (n) => {
ageSeconds: n.summary_age_seconds ?? n.article_age_seconds,
keypoints: n.keypoints ?? null,
sharingUrl: n.sharing_url,
status: "success",
theses: n.thesis ?? null,
title: n.video_title ?? n.title,
type: n.type,
prompt: n.normalized_url,
async function Fe(e, t) {
return await (await fetch("/api/generation", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ ...e, session_id: t }) }).catch(F)).json().catch(F);
const Ne = (e) => {
const t = C(e) ? v.ServiceUnavailable : e.error_code;
return t ? (e.type === d.VIDEO ? le[t] : ie[t]) : o.SERVER_FALLBACK;
F = (e) => {
throw (p(T).error({ message: "Error while fetching the summary from /api/generation" }, e), ce(500, { message: o.SERVER_FALLBACK }));
C = (e) => "message" in e,
ke = () => q("summary-store"),
Ge = () => {
J("summary-store", De());
xe = $("goto");
export { Te as S, Re as Y, Ve as a, xe as b, we as c, w as d, ce as e, Oe as f, ke as g, ae as h, pe as i, Le as j, Ke as k, Me as l, Ie as m, Ae as n, Ue as o, oe as r, Ge as s };
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nezort11 commented Feb 13, 2024

Yandex's navigation component chunk of code responsible for sending request to yandexgpt generation backend

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