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Last active May 11, 2022 02:41
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"catalog": [
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"name": "Distribution powerlines",
"id": "649c5937",
"info": [
"name": "Description of Data",
"content": "<img src='' style='float: right; width: 40%; max-width: 407px; clear: right;'><img src='' style='float: right; width: 40%; max-width: 407px; clear: right;'><p>This is a map of ‘Indicative capacity for new generator connections’ determined according to each Network Service Provider’s (NSP) assessment of available capacity available under most conditions for that asset. ‘Most conditions’ is generally representative of ‘system normal’ conditions, where no outages or unusual occurrences are present. Where possible, NSPs have produced these figures giving regard to the factors normally considered in the first pass connection application assessments.</p><p>Substations and line assets are mapped and consistently colour coded according to their indicative megawatt (MW) capacity for connection.</p><p>A <strong>red to blue colour scale</strong> indicates the connection capacity of that asset where:</p><ul> <li>Red means there is likely to be little available capacity for new generation without network augmentation.</li> <li>Blue indicates that there is likely to be relatively unconstrained capacity for new generation.</li></ul><p><strong>Line thickness</strong> is used to show the line voltage:</p><ul> <li>A thin line indicates a lower voltage line</li> <li>A thick line indicates a higher voltage line</li></ul><p>Where a substation or line asset is grey, no data is available from the NSP on available new generation connection capacity. These may in some cases be private infrastructure.</p><p>A legend explaining the various colours and thicknesses is displayed in the left hand pane.</p><p>Users should note that indicative new generation capacity estimates have not necessarily considered all technical constraints to which a proposal may be subject. Indications are also subject to change as circumstances change, options are developed and more detailed investigation is done. Different NSPs use different methods and assess different types of constraints in providing indicative new generation connection capacities and while data suppliers have taken steps towards a consistent approach, the values displayed in one NSP area cannot be assumed to be directly comparable with values in another NSP’s area.</p><p>Capacity constraints may exist upstream or downstream of the mapped asset; depending on the NSP's calculation method this may or may not have been considered in this indicative calculation.</p><p>This map does NOT show the capacity of the network to accept new loads (see 'Available Distribution Capacity' layer for this data).</p><p>When the user clicks on the asset, a range of additional information is shown in a pop up information box. <strong>Many fields of the additional information are optional for an NSP to provide; the user should not expect each NSP layer or each asset to contain all the additional data fields listed.</strong></p><p>An explanation of the additional information is given below:</p><ul> <li> <b>Asset name:</b> Full asset name used by the Network Service Provider. </li> <li> <b>Owner:</b> Name of the Network Service Provider manages the asset. </li> <li> <b>Asset Type:</b> Type of the network asset. Data presented in this layer is only for the Distribution Zone Substation level, which carries the following definition: </li> <ul> <li> <b>Transmission Line (TL):</b> Very high voltage line for transporting electricity long distances. Typically 132kV, 220kV, 275kV, 330kV, 500kV or 660kV </li> <li> <b>Terminal Substation (TS):</b> This asset will usually represent the boundary of ownership between one Network Service Provider and another, Ie the point where electricity leaves a transmission network and enters a distribution network. Typically a terminal substation will transform voltage down from transmission level voltages to sub transmission level voltages </li> <li> <b>Sub Transmission Line (TL):</b> Very high voltage line typically used by distribution network companies to service the zone substations in a region. Operating at voltages such as 66kV and 132kV. </li> <li> <b>Distribution Zone Substation (ZS):</b> Transformation substation typically (but not exclusively) converting voltage to 11kV, 22kV or 33kV on the low voltage side, built and operated by distribution network service providers. </li> </ul> <li> <b>Asset code:</b> Shorthand code used by the Network Service Provider. </li> <li> <b>Notes:</b> Additional contextual notes. </li> <li> <b>URL:</b> Internet link to further supporting information. </li> <li> <b>Data last updated:</b> Date that data was issued </li></ul><h4>Indicative new generation connection capacity information</h4><ul> <li> <b>Voltage level:</b> the voltage level of the line or the low/high side of the substation, in kilo-volts (kV) </li> <li> <b>Indicative substation new generation connection capacity relates to connection at:</b> the voltage relevant to the point at which connection capacity has been assessed, in kilo-volts (kV) </li> <li> <b>New generation connection capacity available (MW):</b> This is the capacity of the network to accept new generation fed into the system. It has been calculated to indicate how much generation could be feed in at this point under most conditions (sometimes referred to as ‘system normal’ in regards to distribution networks). Where possible, networks have produced these figures giving regard to the factors normally considered in the first pass connection application assessments. <p>For substation assets, connection capacity is calculated at the low side of the transformer.</p> </li> <li> <b><em>Potential</em> new generator connection capacity (MW):</b> This figure is the potential capacity network of to accept new generation fed into the network, under most conditions (system normal) if modest feasible network upgrades were made to relieve the immediate constraint(s). </li> <li> <b>Upgrades required to achieve potential connection capacity:</b> A description of what network upgrades would be required to achieve the potential connection capacity, and the nature of the constraint. </li> <li> <b>Capacity of existing and committed generation:</b> The combined MW capacity of existing and committed generators that use this asset. </li></ul><h4>Graph of connection size vs estimated access level achieved</h4>This chart shows the percentage of time a given generator size could expect to achieve full access to the network of its rated nameplate capacity.<h4>Factors and constraints in assessing connection capacity</h4><p>The following data fields give some indication as to what types of constraints the network company (NSP) considered in making the indicative assessment of new generation connection capacity, and/or in assessing the percentage of time a generator size would achieve full access.</p><ul> <li> <b>Thermal:</b> indicates whether the NSP has taken account of thermal limitations </li> <li> <b>Voltage:</b> indicates whether the NSP has taken account of voltage limitations </li> <li> <b>Stability:</b> indicates whether the NSP has taken account of stability limitations </li> <li> <b>Existing load:</b> indicates whether the NSP has taken account of existing asset loading patterns. </li> <li> <b>Forecast load:</b> indicates whether the NSP has taken account of forecast future asset loading patterns. </li> <li> <b>Dynamic stability:</b> indicates whether the NSP has taken account of stability issues that occur when new generation and loads switch on and off. </li> <li> <b>Outage statistics:</b> indicates whether the NSP has taken account of probability and frequency of line outages when assessing the assessing the percentage of time a generator size would achieve full access. </li> <li> <b>Seasonal and environmental</b> indicates whether the NSP has taken account of a range of seasonal and environmental factors such as seasonal weather fluctuations and wind speeds when assessing the assessing the percentage of time a generator size would achieve full access. </li> <li> <b>Credible contingencies</b> indicates whether the NSP has taken account of probability and frequency of credible contingency events when assessing the assessing the percentage of time a generator size would achieve full access. </li> <li> <b>Other generator dispatch</b> indicates whether the NSP has taken account of the expected behaviour of other generators and the resulting electricity flows when assessing the assessing the percentage of time a generator size would achieve full access. </li> <li> <b>Supplementary information on calculation considerations</b> A free text description of any other factors the network has considered when calculating the values in this layer or describing the asset situation. </li></ul><h4>Supporting information</h4><ul> <li> <b>Maximum fault current level:</b> This reflects the maximum amount of current that may flow if there was a fault on the network at this point. New generator connections would typically increase fault current level at the point of connection and this must be managed by the NSP to ensure the network retains stability and protection systems operate correctly. </li> <li> <b>Minimum fault current level:</b> This reflects the minimum amount of current that may flow if there was a fault on the network at this point. </li> <li> <b>Capacity of existing and committed generation:</b> The combined MW capacity of existing and committed generators that use this asset. </li> <li> <b>Maximum real load:</b> The real power flow (P) that the network asset experiences at the time of maximum loading. </li> <li> <b>Maximum reactive load:</b> The reactive power flow (Q) that the network asset experiences at the time of maximum loading. </li> <li> <b>Maximum load date and time:</b> The date at time of the maximum load experienced by the asset </li> <li> <b>Minimum real load:</b> The real power flow (P) that the network asset experiences at the time of minimum loading. </li> <li> <b>Minimum reactive load:</b> The reactive power flow (Q) that the network asset experiences at the time of minimum loading. </li> <li> <b>Minimum load date and time:</b> The date at time of the minimum load experienced by the asset </li> <li> <b>Line length:</b> the length of the line, in kilometres (km) </li> <li> <b>Line R1:</b> line positive sequence resistance (ohms/km) </li> <li> <b>Line X1:</b> line positive sequence reactance (ohms/km) </li> <li> <b>Line Summer thermal rating:</b> The thermal rating of the line, in Mega-Volt-Amps (MVA) in Summer, assuming 0 m/s wind speed </li> <li> <b>Line Winter thermal rating:</b> The thermal rating of the line, in Mega-Volt-Amps (MVA) in Winter, assuming 0 m/s wind speed </li></ul><h4>Further information</h4><ul> <li> <b>Web hyperlink:</b> link to further relevant information available online <li> <b>NSP contact email/phone:</b> specific or generic contact details regarding generator connection enquiries </li></ul><h4>Access level chart</h4><p>This chart shows the percentage of time a given generator size could expect to achieve full access to the network of its rated nameplate capacity.</p>"
"name": "Data Currency",
"content": "<p>Different assets in this dataset may have different levels of data currency. </p><p>Please refer to the detailed data window through clicking on an asset to see data currency for that particular asset.</p>"
"name": "Data Supplier and Custodian",
"content": "The data was supplied by Network Service Providers. The data is stored and processed into mapping outputs by the NSPs and/or by Electricity Networks Australia using software developed by the Institute of Sustainable Futures (ISF) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and Data61."
"name": "Plain English Disclaimer",
"content": "These maps are intended to make data on electricity network planning and investment more accessible and consistent. These maps should not be used to make investment decisions, and should only be used to assist in discussions with the local Network Service Provider. You are free to use the data but do so at your own risk. <em>By accessing or using the data the user agrees to irrevocably release Network Service Providers, UTS and Energy Networks Australia from all claims, actions, damages, judgments, losses, remedies or matters whether in tort, contract or under statute or otherwise, relating to the data.</em> By proceeding, the user agrees and accepts the terms of the Full Legal Disclaimer shown below."
"name": "Full Legal Disclaimer",
"content": "UTS, the authors, Energy Networks Australia and the Network Service Providers do not make any representations, guarantees or warranties as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency of the data and content of the maps or that reasonable care has or will be taken by UTS and Energy Networks Australia, the authors and the Network Service Providers in compiling preparing or updating the maps. Except to the extent not permitted by statute or any law, no liability (whether in negligence or tort, by contract or under statute or otherwise) for any error or omission is accepted by UTS, the authors, Energy Networks Australia and the Network Service Providers, and UTS, the authors, Energy Networks Australia and Network Service Providers specifically disclaim any liability for any costs, losses, claims, demands or liabilities of any kind suffered or incurred by any person by reason of or in connection with the maps or by any purported reliance on information contained in the maps.<p>While due care and attention has been taken in the presentation and transformation of available data and to verify the accuracy of the material published, the maps are not intended to be used as the basis for any investment decision. Users should make their own detailed investigations as to the reliability and suitability of the content of the maps for any use to which the user intends to put it, and initiate dialogue with the relevant Network Service Provider before considering any investment relating to the subject matter of the maps. <p>Data supplied by Network Service Providers and other parties used in the formulation of the maps has been provided, compiled and assessed in good faith, but may be incomplete and is subject to errors and to change over time as the network situation changes, load projections are amended and operational and technical matters affect network performance and investment. Such changes are likely but not guaranteed to have occurred both prior to and after publication of the maps. By accessing or using the data the user agrees to irrevocably release Network Service Providers, Energy Networks Australia and UTS from all claims, actions, damages, judgments, losses, remedies or matters whether in tort, contract or under statute or otherwise relating to the data.<p>A “Network Service Provider” referred to above is a person who engages in the activity of owning, controlling or operating a transmission or distribution system in the National Electricity Market and who is registered by AEMO as a Network Service Provider under Chapter 2 of the National Electricity Rules and includes Electranet, SA Power Networks, TasNetworks, United Energy Distribution, Ausnet Services, Jemena, Citipower-Powercor, ActewAGL, Transgrid, Ausgrid, Essential Energy, Endeavour Energy, Powerlink, Energex and Ergon Energy, Power and Water, Horizon Power, Western Power; and also includes AEMO."
"infoSectionOrder": [
"Description of Data",
"Data Currency",
"Data Supplier and Custodian",
"Plain English Disclaimer",
"Full Legal Disclaimer"
"initialMessage": {
"key": "initialMessage.dance3",
"title": "Network Opportunities Disclaimer",
"content": "<h4>Plain English Disclaimer</h4> These maps are intended to make data on electricity network planning and investment more accessible and consistent. These maps should not be used to make investment decisions, and should only be used to assist in discussions with the local Network Service Provider. You are free to use the data but do so at your own risk. <em>By accessing or using the data the user agrees to irrevocably release Network Service Providers, UTS and Energy Networks Australia from all claims, actions, damages, judgments, losses, remedies or matters whether in tort, contract or under statute or otherwise, relating to the data.</em> By proceeding, the user agrees and accepts the terms of the Full Legal Disclaimer shown below. <h4>Full Legal Disclaimer</h4> UTS, the authors, Energy Networks Australia and the Network Service Providers do not make any representations, guarantees or warranties as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency of the data and content of the maps or that reasonable care has or will be taken by UTS and Energy Networks Australia, the authors and the Network Service Providers in compiling preparing or updating the maps. Except to the extent not permitted by statute or any law, no liability (whether in negligence or tort, by contract or under statute or otherwise) for any error or omission is accepted by UTS, the authors, Energy Networks Australia and the Network Service Providers, and UTS, the authors, Energy Networks Australia and Network Service Providers specifically disclaim any liability for any costs, losses, claims, demands or liabilities of any kind suffered or incurred by any person by reason of or in connection with the maps or by any purported reliance on information contained in the maps.<p>While due care and attention has been taken in the presentation and transformation of available data and to verify the accuracy of the material published, the maps are not intended to be used as the basis for any investment decision. Users should make their own detailed investigations as to the reliability and suitability of the content of the maps for any use to which the user intends to put it, and initiate dialogue with the relevant Network Service Provider before considering any investment relating to the subject matter of the maps. <p>Data supplied by Network Service Providers and other parties used in the formulation of the maps has been provided, compiled and assessed in good faith, but may be incomplete and is subject to errors and to change over time as the network situation changes, load projections are amended and operational and technical matters affect network performance and investment. Such changes are likely but not guaranteed to have occurred both prior to and after publication of the maps. By accessing or using the data the user agrees to irrevocably release Network Service Providers, Energy Networks Australia and UTS from all claims, actions, damages, judgments, losses, remedies or matters whether in tort, contract or under statute or otherwise relating to the data.<p>A “Network Service Provider” referred to above is a person who engages in the activity of owning, controlling or operating a transmission or distribution system in the National Electricity Market and who is registered by AEMO as a Network Service Provider under Chapter 2 of the National Electricity Rules and includes Electranet, SA Power Networks, TasNetworks, United Energy Distribution, Ausnet Services, Jemena, Citipower-Powercor, ActewAGL, Transgrid, Ausgrid, Essential Energy, Endeavour Energy, Powerlink, Energex and Ergon Energy, Power and Water, Horizon Power, Western Power; and also includes AEMO.",
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"featureInfoTemplate": {
"name": "{{{asset_name}}}",
"template": "<h2>Asset Information</h2><dl class='isf-info'> <dt>Asset name </dt><dd> {{asset_name}} </dd> <dt>Owner </dt><dd> {{network}} </dd> <dt>Asset type </dt><dd> {{asset_type}} </dd> <dt>Asset code </dt><dd> {{asset_code}} </dd> <dt>Data last updated </dt><dd> {{data_issued}} </dd> <dt>Voltage Level (kV)</dt> <dd> {{#sub_voltage_level_display_string}} {{sub_voltage_level_display_string}} {{/sub_voltage_level_display_string}} {{#line_voltage_level}} {{line_voltage_level}} {{/line_voltage_level}} </dd> {{#relevant_voltage_for_connection}} <dt>Indicative substation new generation connection capacity relates to connections at</dt> <dd> {{relevant_voltage_for_connection}}</dd> {{/relevant_voltage_for_connection}} <dt>Indicative new generation connection capacity available (MW) </dt><dd> {{existing_new_connection_capacity}} </dd>\t</dl> {{#notes}}\t<h3>Notes:</h3> {{notes}} {{/notes}}<dl class='isf-info'> {{#potential_new_connection_capacity}} <dt>Potential new generation connection capacity (MW)(allowing for cost effective network augmentation)</dt> <dd> {{potential_new_connection_capacity}}</dd> {{/potential_new_connection_capacity}} {{#upgrades_required_to_achieve_potential_capacity}} <dt>Upgrades required to achieve potential connection capacity </dt><dd> {{upgrades_required_to_achieve_potential_capacity}} </dd> {{/upgrades_required_to_achieve_potential_capacity}} {{#cap_of_ext_and_committed_gen}} <dt>Capacity of pre-existing and committed generators (MW) </dt><dd>{{cap_of_ext_and_committed_gen}}</dd> {{/cap_of_ext_and_committed_gen}}</dl>{{#chart_true_false}}<h2>Graph of connection size vs estimated access level achieved</h2><chart column-names='Connection size, est. access level' x-column='ext_cap_at_acc_percent' y-columns='ext_access_percent' column-units='MW, %'>ext_cap_at_acc_percent,ext_access_percent\n{{#chart}}{{ext_cap_at_acc_percent}},{{ext_access_percent}}\n{{/chart}}</chart>{{/chart_true_false}}{{#existing_new_connection_capacity}}<h2>Factors and constraints in assessing connection capacity</h2> <table> <tr> <th style='padding: 10px;'>These types of constraints were considered </th> <th style='padding: 10px;'>These types of constraints were not considered in detail</th> </tr> <tr> <td> {{#thermal_constraints_considered}} <li> thermal </li> {{/thermal_constraints_considered}} {{#voltage_constraints_considered}} <li> voltage </li> {{/voltage_constraints_considered}} {{#stability_constraints_considered}} <li> stability </li> {{/stability_constraints_considered}} {{#existing_load_profiles_considered}} <li> existing load </li> {{/existing_load_profiles_considered}} {{#forecast_load_profiles_considered}} <li> forecast load </li> {{/forecast_load_profiles_considered}} {{#dynamic_stability_considered}} <li> dynamic stability </li> {{/dynamic_stability_considered}} {{#outage_stats_considered}} <li> outage statistics </li> {{/outage_stats_considered}} {{#seasonal_env_considered}} seasonal <li> environment </li> {{/seasonal_env_considered}} {{#credible_contingencies_considered}} <li> credible contingencies </li> {{/credible_contingencies_considered}} {{#other_generator_dispatch_considered}} <li> other generator dispatch </li> {{/other_generator_dispatch_considered}} </td> <td> {{^thermal_constraints_considered}} <li> thermal </li> {{/thermal_constraints_considered}} {{^voltage_constraints_considered}} <li> voltage </li> {{/voltage_constraints_considered}} {{^stability_constraints_considered}} <li> stability </li> {{/stability_constraints_considered}} </td> </tr></table> {{/existing_new_connection_capacity}}<h2>Further supporting information</h2>{{#supplementary_info_on_calc_considerations}}<p>{{supplementary_info_on_calc_considerations}}</p>{{/supplementary_info_on_calc_considerations}}<dl class='isf-info'> {{#max_fault_current_level}} <dt>Fault Level (MVA) </dt><dd>{{#min_fault_current_level}}Minimum: {{min_fault_current_level}}{{/min_fault_current_level}} Maximum: {{max_fault_current_level}}</dd> {{/max_fault_current_level}} {{#min_load_p}} <dt>Load </dt> <dd>Minimum: {{min_load_p}} MW, {{min_load_q}} MVAR {{#min_load_datetime}}at {{min_load_datetime}} {{/min_load_datetime}}| Maximum: {{max_load_p}} MW, {{max_load_q}} MVAR {{#max_load_datetime}}at {{max_load_datetime}}{{/max_load_datetime}}</dd> {{/min_load_p}} {{#line_r1}} <dt>Line impedance </dt><dd> R1: {{line_r1}} Ω /km {{#line_x1}}, X1: {{line_x1}} Ω /km{{/line_x1}}</dd> {{/line_r1}} {{#line_length}} <dt>Line Length (km) </dt><dd>{{line_length}} km</dd> {{/line_length}} {{#line_summer_thermal_rating}}{{#line_winter_thermal_rating}} <dt>Line thermal rating (MVA) </dt><dd>Summer: {{line_summer_thermal_rating}} MVA, Winter: {{line_winter_thermal_rating}}</dd> {{/line_winter_thermal_rating}}{{/line_summer_thermal_rating}}</dd> </dl><dl class='isf-info'> {{#url}} <dt> <a href={{url}}> For more information from {{network}} click here</a></dt><dd></dd> {{/url}} {{#contact_email}} <dt> New connections contact email: </dt><dd><a target='_blank' href=mailto:{{contact_email}} >{{contact_email}} </a></dd> {{/contact_email}} {{#contact_phone_number}} <dt> New connections contact phone number: </dt><dd>{{contact_phone_number}}</dd> {{/contact_phone_number}}</dl>"
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