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Created July 25, 2013 03:56
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Go package line counts
69173 syscall
48635 runtime
17797 net
15842 net/http
11672 crypto/tls
9402 math
9284 unicode
8416 reflect
8322 math/big
7808 encoding/gob
6683 html/template
6077 time
5817 encoding/xml
5814 os
5413 strconv
5288 encoding/json
5077 fmt
4723 crypto/x509
4005 regexp/syntax
3935 database/sql
3606 bytes
3604 strings
3508 go/printer
3409 go/ast
3408 regexp
3373 text/template
3369 go/parser
3100 compress/flate
2829 crypto/elliptic
2775 text/template/parse
2725 go/doc
2695 bufio
2690 debug/elf
2682 image/jpeg
2639 html
2508 encoding/asn1
2410 sync/atomic
2347 go/build
2299 path/filepath
2084 net/http/cookiejar
2058 archive/zip
2037 archive/tar
1959 crypto/rsa
1941 runtime/cgo
1881 debug/dwarf
1877 image/png
1862 image
1844 mime/multipart
1833 crypto/des
1772 net/rpc
1723 math/cmplx
1654 go/scanner
1629 sort
1608 net/url
1587 sync
1501 image/draw
1487 net/http/httputil
1450 net/textproto
1416 io
1403 debug/gosym
1402 os/exec
1362 math/rand
1333 crypto/aes
1311 flag
1253 net/http/cgi
1248 testing
1243 text/scanner
1214 encoding/binary
1214 crypto/md5
1207 text/tabwriter
1183 image/gif
1154 go/token
1152 compress/bzip2
1079 unicode/utf8
1074 crypto/cipher
1020 image/color
1007 net/smtp
991 debug/macho
982 compress/gzip
973 mime
853 encoding/csv
812 net/mail
811 compress/lzw
800 path
799 crypto/sha1
779 index/suffixarray
771 runtime/pprof
761 encoding/base32
756 encoding/base64
716 net/http/fcgi
706 log/syslog
681 encoding/pem
614 crypto/hmac
611 compress/zlib
607 testing/quick
551 debug/pe
545 os/signal
538 crypto/rc4
528 database/sql/driver
520 net/rpc/jsonrpc
504 crypto/sha512
492 encoding/ascii85
483 crypto/sha256
469 net/http/httptest
462 container/list
447 expvar
441 log
439 os/user
428 container/heap
419 io/ioutil
409 crypto/rand
366 runtime/debug
362 encoding/hex
361 container/ring
353 crypto/dsa
346 crypto/ecdsa
335 hash/crc32
323 go/format
295 hash/fnv
287 runtime/race
256 builtin
220 unicode/utf16
205 net/http/pprof
190 crypto/subtle
183 hash/adler32
177 testing/iotest
171 crypto/x509/pkix
168 hash/crc64
107 errors
84 crypto
43 hash
37 unsafe
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