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Created May 18, 2020 05:36
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from settings import *
from mongo_config import weather_data_collection, pollution_data_collection
from timeloop import Timeloop
from datetime import timedelta
import requests
import json
tl = Timeloop()
def get_weather_data():
""" get weather data from climacell """
url = ""
querystring = {"lat":"39.9042","lon":"116.4074","unit_system":"us","fields":"precipitation,wind_gust,humidity,wind_direction,precipitation_type,visibility,cloud_cover,cloud_base,cloud_ceiling,weather_code,feels_like,temp","apikey":CLIMACELL_API_KEY}
weather_response = requests.request("GET", url, params=querystring)
return weather_response.json()
def get_air_pollution_data():
""" get air quality data from climacell """
url = ""
querystring = {"lat":"39.9042","lon":"116.4074","unit_system":"us","fields":"o3,so2,co,no2,pm10,pm25","apikey":CLIMACELL_API_KEY}
air_pollution_response = requests.request("GET", url, params=querystring)
return air_pollution_response.json()
def sample_job_every_120s():
weather_response = get_weather_data()
air_pollution_data = get_air_pollution_data()
insert_to_mongo(weather_response, air_pollution_data)
def insert_to_mongo(weather_data, air_pollution_data):
""" insert weather data and traffic data to the proper collections """
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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