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Created September 12, 2015 19:19
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bash script for shortening urls with
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author: Nathan Farrar <>
# Website:
# Description: Command-line shortner script, in bash.
#/ Usage: gitio [options] <url>
#/ Shortens github URLs using The generated URL is automatically
#/ copied to the clipboard (requires xclip on linux platforms).
#/ -c <code> Specify an optional code to be used as a 'vanity' URL.
#/ -v Display verbose messages.
#/ -h Display this message & exit.
# Required to trim whitespace when parsing response.
shopt -s extglob
# The url for the api service.
# Output wrappers.
msg() { printf '\x1b[90m%s\x1b[0m\n' "$1" >&2; }
dbg() { [[ $dbg -eq 1 ]] && printf '\x1b[35mDEBUG:\t%s\x1b[0m\n' "$1" >&2; }
err() { printf '\n\x1b[31mERROR:\t%s\x1b[0m\n' "$1" >&2; }
# Display the usage message.
usage() {
while IFS='\n' read -r line ; do
msg "$line"
done < <(grep '^#/' <"$0" | cut -c4-)
# If no arguments were provided, display the usage message and exit.
[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && { usage; exit 0; };
# Parse options using getopts.
# The leading ':' tells getopts to suppress error messages (they're handled
# by the getopts loop. The ':' after 'c' tells getopts that 'c' has a required
# argument.
while getopts ":hdc:" option; do
case "${option}" in
h) usage;exit 0;;
d) dbg=1;;
c) code=$OPTARG;;
\?) usage; err "Unknown option: -$OPTARG" >&2; exit 1;;
:) usage; err "Missing option argument for -$OPTARG" >&2; exit 1;;
*) usage; err "Unimplemented option: -$OPTARG" >&2; exit 1;;
# Strip out the processed options, leaving the remaining command line
# arguments. The only argument left *should* be the URL to shorten.
shift "$((OPTIND - 1))"
[[ $# -ne 1 ]] && { usage; err "URL not provided."; exit 1; }
cmd="curl -s -i $api_url -F url=$url ${code:+-F code=$code}"
dbg "api_url=$api_url"
dbg "url=$url"
dbg "code=$code"
dbg "cmd=$cmd"
# If debugging output is enabled, insert an extra newline before it.
[[ $dbg -eq 1 ]] && printf "\n" >&2
# Execute the curl command, and parse the response values as key:value pairs.
# The output from the command is tee'd to stderr, so that we can see the
# response and still capture the output.
while IFS=':' read key value; do
value=${value##+([[:space:]])}; value=${value%%+([[:space:]])}
case "$key" in
Status) status="$value";;
Location) location="$value";;
HTTP*) read PROTO STATUS MSG <<< "$key{$value:+:$value}";;
done < <($cmd | tee >(cat >&2) )
# If debugging output is enabled, insert an extra newline before it.
[[ $dbg -eq 1 ]] && printf "\n" >&2
dbg "status=$status"
dbg "location=$location"
printf "The URL $url has been shortened to $location.\n"
# Copy the location to the clipboard.
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
printf "$location" | pbcopy
dbg "copied $location to clipboard"
elif [[ $OSTYPE == 'linux-gnu' ]] && [[ -x $(command -v xclip) ]]; then
printf "$location" | xclip -selection clipboard
dbg "copied $location to clipboard"
elif [[ $OSTYPE == "cygwin" ]]; then
printf "$location" | /dev/clipboard
dbg "copied $location to clipboard"
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