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Last active November 6, 2015 21:37
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" Author: Nathan Farrar <>
" Website:
" Description: vlog plugin {{{
" A light weight message logging interface for debugging vim configurations.
" Messages are saved to a list rather than a file to improve performance
" times.
" - Echo, echom and echoerr seem highly unreliable to me. Various plugins
" call :redraw, which flushes messages and we never see them.
" - It's not good practice to leave 'echo' commands sitting around in
" plugins - depending on the user's configuration they force 'prompt here
" to continue' messages, which makes the messages feature unusable for
" debugging output, imho.
" - log messages to a 'toggableable' buffer
" - capture messages from echo, echom & echoerr?
" - hook 'source' commands and inject debugging messages?
" Bookmarks:
" -
" -
" -
" -
" -
" -
" }}}
if exists('g:loaded_vlog') || &cp
let g:loaded_vlog = 1
" List of log messages.
let s:vlog_messages = []
" Bind log level names to ints.
let s:vlog_levels = {
\ 'ERROR': 4,
\ 'WARN': 3,
\ 'INFO': 2,
\ 'DEBUG': 1
\ }
" Set the default log level.
if ! empty($VIM_VLOG_LEVEL) && has_key(s:vlog_levels, $VIM_VLOG_LEVEL)
let s:vlog_level = $VIM_VLOG_LEVEL
let s:vlog_level = 'DEBUG'
function! s:timestamp() " {{{
return strftime("%Y.%m.%d_%H:%M:%S")
endfunction " }}}
function! s:vlog(msg, msg_lvl) " {{{
if a:msg_lvl >= s:vlog_levels[s:vlog_level]
call add(s:vlog_messages, s:timestamp() . ' ' . a:msg)
endfunction " }}}
function s:vlog_echo(msg) " {{{
" execute! printf '\x1b[31m;%s;[x1b\0m'
" echo printf("\x1b[31m%s[\x1b[0m", a:msg)
echo a:msg
endfunction " }}}
function! vlog#error(msg) " {{{
call s:vlog(a:msg, s:vlog_levels.ERROR)
endfunction " }}}
function! vlog#warn(msg) " {{{
call s:vlog(a:msg, s:vlog_levels.WARN)
endfunction " }}}
function! vlog#info(msg) " {{{
call s:vlog(a:msg, s:vlog_levels.INFO)
endfunction " }}}
function! vlog#debug(msg) " {{{
call s:vlog(a:msg, s:vlog_levels.DEBUG)
endfunction " }}}
function! vlog#display() " {{{
for msg in s:vlog_messages
call s:vlog_echo(msg)
endfunction " }}}
function! vlog#clear() " {{{
let s:vlog_messages = []
endfunction " }}}
" if has('autocmd')
" augroup
" autocmd!
" autocmd SourcePre call vlog#debug('sourced file ' . a:file)
" augroup END
" endif
" call vlog#debug('sourced '. expand('%:p')
call vlog#debug('test')
command! VlogDisplay :call vlog#display()
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