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Last active March 15, 2019 17:02
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Switch to rubygems version for shoulda-matchers
# The goal of this separate gem file is to clearly extract and reuse common Gemfile deps for specific environments
# since env-specific dependency could not be part of *_stack's gemspec it is "duplicated" in both repos
gem 'aws-sdk-s3', '~> 1.30', require: false # for ActiveStorage
gem 'bootsnap', '>= 1.1.0', require: false # Reduces boot times through caching; required in config/boot.rb
gem 'factory_bot_rails'
gem 'faker'
gem 'flutie', github: 'kriskhaira/flutie', branch: 'master' # view helpers by thoughtbot for body class & document title. Fork is for :reverse option
gem 'react-rails', github: 'reactjs/react-rails' # rubygem is rather outdated
gem 'rolify', github: 'RolifyCommunity/rolify', branch: 'master' # user roles
#because Heroku
group :staging, :production do
gem 'heroku-deflater' # Enable gzip compression on heroku, but don't compress images.
gem 'rack-timeout'
source '' do
gem 'rails-assets-jquery', '= 3.3.1'
gem 'rails-assets-timeago', '= 1.6.3'
group :development, :test do
gem 'bullet'
gem 'byebug', platforms: %i[mri mingw x64_mingw] # Call 'byebug' anywhere in the code to stop execution and get a debugger console
gem 'foreman'
gem 'rails_best_practices'
gem 'rspec-rails'
gem 'rubocop', '~> 0.63', require: false
gem 'rubocop-rspec', '~> 1.32', require: false
gem 'scss_lint', '~> 0.57', require: false #tool for writing clean and consistent SCSS
group :development, :test, :staging do
gem 'chronic' # natural language date/time parser
gem 'database_cleaner'
gem 'pry'
group :development do
gem 'annotate'
gem 'capybara-email'
gem 'listen', '>= 3.0.5', '< 3.2' # Access an interactive console on exception pages or by calling 'console' anywhere in the code.
gem 'overcommit', require: false # automatic pre-commit checks
gem 'spring' # Spring speeds up development by keeping your application running in the background. Read more:
gem 'spring-commands-rspec'
gem 'spring-watcher-listen', '~> 2.0.0'
gem 'web-console', '>= 3.3.0'
group :test do
gem 'bundler-audit', require: false
gem 'chromedriver-helper'
gem 'launchy' # for poltergeist debugging in browser
gem 'poltergeist' # driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless WebKit browser, provided by PhantomJS.
gem 'pundit-matchers'
gem 'rails-controller-testing'
gem 'rspec-collection_matchers'
gem 'rspec-instafail'
gem 'rspec-retry' #first browser spec sometimes fail on CircleCi
gem 'rspec-sidekiq'
gem 'rspec-wait'
gem 'rspec_junit_formatter' # For CircleCI
gem 'selenium-webdriver'
gem 'shoulda-matchers', '>= 4.0'
gem 'simplecov', require: false
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