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Forked from ibaca/
Created May 22, 2018 13:33
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GWT JsInterop DTOs inheritance
import static com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY;
import static com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME;
import static jsinterop.annotations.JsPackage.GLOBAL;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeName;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsOverlay;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsType;
@JsonTypeInfo(use = NAME, include = EXISTING_PROPERTY, property = "type", visible = true)
@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = GeoJson.Feature.class, name = "Feature"),
@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = GeoJson.FeatureCollection.class, name = "FeatureCollection")
@JsType(namespace = GLOBAL, name = "Object", isNative = true)
class GeoJson {
public String type;
public final @JsOverlay @JsonIgnore
Type getTypeEnum() { return Type.valueOf(type); }
public final @JsOverlay @JsonIgnore void setTypeEnum(Type type) { this.type =; }
public static @JsOverlay FeatureCollection featureCollection(Feature... features) {
FeatureCollection o = new FeatureCollection();
o.features = features;
return o;
public static @JsOverlay Feature feature(Geometry geometry) { return feature(null, geometry); }
public static @JsOverlay Feature feature(@Nullable String featureId, Geometry geometry) {
Feature o = new Feature();
o.setTypeEnum(Type.Feature); = featureId;
o.geometry = geometry;
return o;
public static @JsOverlay Point point(double x, double y) { return point(new double[] { x, y }); }
public static @JsOverlay Point point(double[] coordinates) {
Point o = new Point();
o.coordinates = coordinates;
return o;
public static @JsOverlay Polygon polygon(double[][] coordinates) {
Polygon o = new Polygon();
o.coordinates = new double[][][] { coordinates };
return o;
public enum Type {Feature, FeatureCollection}
@JsType(namespace = GLOBAL, name = "Object", isNative = true)
public static final class Feature extends GeoJson {
public @Nullable String id;
public Geometry geometry;
@JsType(namespace = GLOBAL, name = "Object", isNative = true)
public static class FeatureCollection extends GeoJson {
public Feature[] features;
@JsonTypeInfo(use = NAME, include = EXISTING_PROPERTY, property = "type", visible = true)
@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Point.class, name = "Point"),
@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Polygon.class, name = "Polygon")
@JsType(namespace = GLOBAL, name = "Object", isNative = true)
public static abstract class Geometry {
public String type;
public final @JsOverlay @JsonIgnore Geometry.Type getTypeEnum() { return Geometry.Type.valueOf(type); }
public final @JsOverlay @JsonIgnore void setTypeEnum(Geometry.Type type) { this.type =; }
public final @JsOverlay <T> T accept(GeometryVisitor<T> fn) { switch (getTypeEnum()) {
case Point: return fn.point((Point) this);
case Polygon: return fn.polygon((Polygon) this);
default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected type " + type);
} }
public static @JsOverlay @Nullable Point isPoint(@Nullable Geometry g) {
return g == null ? null : g.accept(new GeometryVisitor<Point>() {
@Override public Point point(Point g) { return g; }
@Override public Point polygon(Polygon p) { return null; }
public static @JsOverlay @Nullable Polygon isPolygon(@Nullable Geometry g) {
return g == null ? null : g.accept(new GeometryVisitor<Polygon>() {
@Override public Polygon point(Point g) { return null; }
@Override public Polygon polygon(Polygon p) { return p; }
public enum Type {Point, Polygon}
@JsonTypeName("Point") @JsType(namespace = GLOBAL, name = "Object", isNative = true)
public static class Point extends Geometry {
public double[] coordinates;
public final @JsOverlay @JsonIgnore double x() { return coordinates[0]; }
public final @JsOverlay @JsonIgnore double y() { return coordinates[1]; }
@JsonTypeName("Polygon") @JsType(namespace = GLOBAL, name = "Object", isNative = true)
public static final class Polygon extends Geometry {
public double[][][] coordinates;
public final @JsOverlay @JsonIgnore double[][] shell() { return coordinates[0]; }
public interface GeometryVisitor<T> {
T point(Point g);
T polygon(Polygon p);
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