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Created August 8, 2008 01:56
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PageView Columns (0.000863) SHOW FIELDS FROM `page_views` (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000101) BEGIN (pid:9950)
PageView Create (0.000295) INSERT INTO `page_views` (`updated_at`, `referer`, `user_agent`, `request_url`, `person_id`, `ip_address`, `created_at`) VALUES('2008-08-07 18:56:02', 'http://localhost:3000/admin/forums', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008072820 Firefox/3.0.1', '/admin/forums/22/edit', 1, '', '2008-08-07 18:56:02') (pid:9950)
SQL (0.006493) COMMIT (pid:9950)
Person Columns (0.001871) SHOW FIELDS FROM `people` (pid:9950)
Person Load (0.000403) SELECT * FROM `people` WHERE (`people`.`id` = 1) (pid:9950)
Analyzing Person Load
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | 4 | const | | 1 | PRIMARY | 1 | people | const | PRIMARY
SQL (0.000108) BEGIN (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000341) SELECT `email` FROM `people` WHERE (`people`.email = '' AND `people`.id <> 1) (pid:9950)
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | | | Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables | 1 | | | | |
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `people` WHERE (`people`.`id` = 1) (pid:9950)
Person Update (0.000337) UPDATE `people` SET `last_logged_in_at` = '2008-08-07 18:56:03', `updated_at` = '2008-08-07 18:56:03' WHERE `id` = 1 (pid:9950)
SQL (0.029556) COMMIT (pid:9950)
Preference Load (0.000127) SELECT * FROM `preferences` LIMIT 1 (pid:9950)
Analyzing Preference Load
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | | ALL | | 1 | | 1 | preferences | |
Preference Columns (0.001005) SHOW FIELDS FROM `preferences` (pid:9950)
Forum Columns (0.000784) SHOW FIELDS FROM `forums` (pid:9950)
Forum Load (0.000114) SELECT * FROM `forums` WHERE (`forums`.`id` = 22) (pid:9950)
Analyzing Forum Load
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | 4 | const | | 1 | PRIMARY | 1 | forums | const | PRIMARY
Rendering template within layouts/application (pid:9950)
Rendering admin/forums/edit (pid:9950)
Section Columns (0.000790) SHOW FIELDS FROM `sections` (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000122) SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `sections` WHERE (`sections`.forum_id = 22) (pid:9950)
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | | ALL | Using where | 1 | | 19 | sections | |
Section Load (0.000113) SELECT * FROM `sections` WHERE (`sections`.forum_id = 22) (pid:9950)
Analyzing Section Load
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | | ALL | Using where | 1 | | 19 | sections | |
Rendered admin/forums/_section (0.00271) (pid:9950)
Rendered admin/forums/_section (0.00122) (pid:9950)
Rendered admin/forums/_section (0.00101) (pid:9950)
Rendered admin/forums/_section (0.00067) (pid:9950)
Rendered admin/forums/_fields (0.03700) (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000100) SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `forums` (pid:9950)
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | 4 | index | Using index | 1 | | 2 | forums | | PRIMARY
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `forums` (pid:9950)
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `preferences` LIMIT 1 (pid:9950)
Rendered shared/_debug (0.00975) (pid:9950)
Completed in 0.61599 (1 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.05867 (9%) | DB: 0.06360 (10%) | 200 OK [http://localhost/admin/forums/22/edit] (pid:9950)
Processing ForumsController#update (for at 2008-08-07 18:56:09) [PUT] (pid:9950)
Pi4GOgpAdXNlZHsHOwhGOwlG--104a6bd36bc1b25b2553e5dc24ad77d48fc7738f (pid:9950)
Parameters: {"commit"=>"Update", "forum"=>{"name"=>"a", "section_attributes"=>[{"name"=>"b", "should_destroy"=>"1", "id"=>"31"}, {"name"=>"c", "should_destroy"=>"1", "id"=>"32"}, {"name"=>"d", "should_destroy"=>"1", "id"=>"39"}], "description"=>"e"}, "authenticity_token"=>"a445848e5e259bce2556a48138b8c02b8bb395f7", "_method"=>"put", "action"=>"update", "id"=>"22", "controller"=>"admin/forums"} (pid:9950)
PageView Columns (0.000834) SHOW FIELDS FROM `page_views` (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000104) BEGIN (pid:9950)
PageView Create (0.001364) INSERT INTO `page_views` (`updated_at`, `referer`, `user_agent`, `request_url`, `person_id`, `ip_address`, `created_at`) VALUES('2008-08-07 18:56:09', 'http://localhost:3000/admin/forums/22/edit', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008072820 Firefox/3.0.1', '/admin/forums/22', 1, '', '2008-08-07 18:56:09') (pid:9950)
SQL (0.005101) COMMIT (pid:9950)
Person Columns (0.001190) SHOW FIELDS FROM `people` (pid:9950)
Person Load (0.000408) SELECT * FROM `people` WHERE (`people`.`id` = 1) (pid:9950)
Analyzing Person Load
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | 4 | const | | 1 | PRIMARY | 1 | people | const | PRIMARY
SQL (0.000134) BEGIN (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000334) SELECT `email` FROM `people` WHERE (`people`.email = '' AND `people`.id <> 1) (pid:9950)
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | | | Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables | 1 | | | | |
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `people` WHERE (`people`.`id` = 1) (pid:9950)
Person Update (0.000351) UPDATE `people` SET `last_logged_in_at` = '2008-08-07 18:56:10', `updated_at` = '2008-08-07 18:56:10' WHERE `id` = 1 (pid:9950)
SQL (0.003944) COMMIT (pid:9950)
Preference Load (0.000131) SELECT * FROM `preferences` LIMIT 1 (pid:9950)
Analyzing Preference Load
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | | ALL | | 1 | | 1 | preferences | |
Preference Columns (0.000855) SHOW FIELDS FROM `preferences` (pid:9950)
Forum Columns (0.000928) SHOW FIELDS FROM `forums` (pid:9950)
Forum Load (0.000087) SELECT * FROM `forums` WHERE (`forums`.`id` = 22) (pid:9950)
Analyzing Forum Load
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | 4 | const | | 1 | PRIMARY | 1 | forums | const | PRIMARY
Section Load (0.000118) SELECT * FROM `sections` WHERE (`sections`.forum_id = 22) (pid:9950)
Analyzing Section Load
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | | ALL | Using where | 1 | | 19 | sections | |
Section Columns (0.000783) SHOW FIELDS FROM `sections` (pid:9950)
WARNING: Can't mass-assign these protected attributes: id (pid:9950)
WARNING: Can't mass-assign these protected attributes: id (pid:9950)
WARNING: Can't mass-assign these protected attributes: id (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000094) BEGIN (pid:9950)
Section Destroy (0.000364) DELETE FROM `sections`
WHERE `id` = 39
SQL (0.000416) COMMIT (pid:9950)
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/admin/forums (pid:9950)
Completed in 0.47786 (2 reqs/sec) | DB: 0.01897 (3%) | 302 Found [http://localhost/admin/forums/22] (pid:9950)
Processing ForumsController#index (for at 2008-08-07 18:56:10) [GET] (pid:9950)
ZWR7BzsIRjsJRg==--aadf196e0b848b5594d31054dc5c7eba5e66a444 (pid:9950)
Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"admin/forums"} (pid:9950)
PageView Columns (0.003609) SHOW FIELDS FROM `page_views` (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000109) BEGIN (pid:9950)
PageView Create (0.000278) INSERT INTO `page_views` (`updated_at`, `referer`, `user_agent`, `request_url`, `person_id`, `ip_address`, `created_at`) VALUES('2008-08-07 18:56:10', 'http://localhost:3000/admin/forums/22/edit', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008072820 Firefox/3.0.1', '/admin/forums', 1, '', '2008-08-07 18:56:10') (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000335) COMMIT (pid:9950)
Person Columns (0.001295) SHOW FIELDS FROM `people` (pid:9950)
Person Load (0.000407) SELECT * FROM `people` WHERE (`people`.`id` = 1) (pid:9950)
Analyzing Person Load
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | 4 | const | | 1 | PRIMARY | 1 | people | const | PRIMARY
SQL (0.000105) BEGIN (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000304) SELECT `email` FROM `people` WHERE (`people`.email = '' AND `people`.id <> 1) (pid:9950)
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | | | Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables | 1 | | | | |
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `people` WHERE (`people`.`id` = 1) (pid:9950)
Person Update (0.000347) UPDATE `people` SET `last_logged_in_at` = '2008-08-07 18:56:11', `updated_at` = '2008-08-07 18:56:11' WHERE `id` = 1 (pid:9950)
SQL (0.003612) COMMIT (pid:9950)
Preference Load (0.000145) SELECT * FROM `preferences` LIMIT 1 (pid:9950)
Analyzing Preference Load
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | | ALL | | 1 | | 1 | preferences | |
Preference Columns (0.000847) SHOW FIELDS FROM `preferences` (pid:9950)
Forum Load (0.000124) SELECT * FROM `forums` (pid:9950)
Analyzing Forum Load
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | | ALL | | 1 | | 2 | forums | |
Rendering template within layouts/application (pid:9950)
Rendering admin/forums/index (pid:9950)
Forum Columns (0.001898) SHOW FIELDS FROM `forums` (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000097) SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `forums` (pid:9950)
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | 4 | index | Using index | 1 | | 2 | forums | | PRIMARY
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `forums` (pid:9950)
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `preferences` LIMIT 1 (pid:9950)
Rendered shared/_debug (0.00818) (pid:9950)
Completed in 0.44869 (2 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.02124 (4%) | DB: 0.01457 (3%) | 200 OK [http://localhost/admin/forums] (pid:9950)
Processing ForumsController#edit (for at 2008-08-07 18:56:15) [GET] (pid:9950)
Pi4GOgpAdXNlZHsHOwhGOwlG--104a6bd36bc1b25b2553e5dc24ad77d48fc7738f (pid:9950)
Parameters: {"action"=>"edit", "id"=>"22", "controller"=>"admin/forums"} (pid:9950)
PageView Columns (0.000837) SHOW FIELDS FROM `page_views` (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000104) BEGIN (pid:9950)
PageView Create (0.000297) INSERT INTO `page_views` (`updated_at`, `referer`, `user_agent`, `request_url`, `person_id`, `ip_address`, `created_at`) VALUES('2008-08-07 18:56:15', 'http://localhost:3000/admin/forums', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008072820 Firefox/3.0.1', '/admin/forums/22/edit', 1, '', '2008-08-07 18:56:15') (pid:9950)
SQL (0.005508) COMMIT (pid:9950)
Person Columns (0.001421) SHOW FIELDS FROM `people` (pid:9950)
Person Load (0.000385) SELECT * FROM `people` WHERE (`people`.`id` = 1) (pid:9950)
Analyzing Person Load
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | 4 | const | | 1 | PRIMARY | 1 | people | const | PRIMARY
SQL (0.000107) BEGIN (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000345) SELECT `email` FROM `people` WHERE (`people`.email = '' AND `people`.id <> 1) (pid:9950)
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | | | Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables | 1 | | | | |
CACHE (0.000000) SELECT * FROM `people` WHERE (`people`.`id` = 1) (pid:9950)
Person Update (0.000343) UPDATE `people` SET `last_logged_in_at` = '2008-08-07 18:56:15', `updated_at` = '2008-08-07 18:56:15' WHERE `id` = 1 (pid:9950)
SQL (0.000335) COMMIT (pid:9950)
Preference Load (0.000122) SELECT * FROM `preferences` LIMIT 1 (pid:9950)
Analyzing Preference Load
select_type | key_len | type | Extra | id | possible_keys | rows | table | ref | key
SIMPLE | | ALL | | 1 | | 1 | preferences | |
Preference Columns (0.000864) SHOW FIELDS FROM `preferences` (pid:9950)
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