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Created March 31, 2016 22:40
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A paginator class
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
class Paginator(object):
Class that defines a Paginator.
def __init__(self, current_page, total_pages, boundaries=1, around=0, fail_silently=False):
self.fail_silently = fail_silently
# Initialize private attributes
self._total_pages = None
self._current_page = None
self._boundaries = None
self._around = None
self.total_pages = total_pages
self.current_page = current_page
self.boundaries = boundaries
self.around = around
self._pagination_list = []
self.pagination_list = []
def current_page(self):
return self._current_page
def total_pages(self):
return self._total_pages
def around(self):
return self._around
def boundaries(self):
return self._boundaries
def current_page(self, value):
if self.fail_silently:
# Takes into account when current_page value is smaller than 1 and bigger than total_pages value
value = max(1, min(self.total_pages, value))
if value < 1:
raise ValueError("Current page value can't be smaller than 1")
if value > self.total_pages:
raise ValueError("Current page value can't be bigger than total_pages value")
self._current_page = value
def total_pages(self, value):
if self.fail_silently:
# Takes into account when total_pages is smaller than 1
value = max(1, value)
if value < 1:
raise ValueError("Total pages value can't be smaller than 1")
self._total_pages = value
def around(self, value):
if self.fail_silently:
# Takes into account when around is smaller than 0 and bigger than total_pages
value = max(0, min(self.total_pages, value))
if value < 0:
raise ValueError("Around value can't be smaller than 0")
if value > self.total_pages:
raise ValueError("Around value can't be bigger than total_pages value")
self._around = value
def boundaries(self, value):
if self.fail_silently:
# Takes into account when boundaries is smaller than 0 and when is bigger than total_pages value
value = max(1, min(self.total_pages, value))
if value < 1:
raise ValueError("Boundaries value can't be smaller than 1")
if value > self.total_pages:
raise ValueError("Boundaries value can't be bigger than total_pages value")
self._boundaries = value
def _add_ellipsis_to_pagination_list(self):
Initialize a pagination list with ellipses for omitted values.
:return: The final pagination list, with ellipses, if necessary.
final_pagination_list = []
for index, number in enumerate(self._pagination_list):
if index + 1 < len(self._pagination_list):
if self._pagination_list[index] + 1 != self._pagination_list[index + 1]:
return final_pagination_list
def _clean_arounds(self, arounds_list):
Removes any number that is already included in boundaries lists (0 included).
:param arounds_list: A list with arounds values in it.
:return: A cleaned arounds list, with no boundaries or zero values in it.
for boundary_list in self.get_boundaries():
arounds_list = [around for around in arounds_list if around not in boundary_list]
if 0 in arounds_list:
return arounds_list
def _clean_boundaries(self, boundaries_list):
Removes current page from boundary list, if found it.
:param boundaries_list: A list with boundaries values in it.
:return: A cleaned boundaries list, without the current page value.
if self.current_page in boundaries_list:
return boundaries_list
def get_arounds(self):
Calculates left and right arounds.
:return: A tuple with two lists: a list for each left and right arounds.
current_page_min_range = max(1, self.current_page - 1)
current_page_max_range = min(self.current_page + 1, self.total_pages)
max_range = max(1, self.current_page - self.around - 1)
min_range = min(self.total_pages, self.current_page + self.around + 1)
left_arounds = sorted(range(current_page_min_range, max_range, -1), reverse=False)
right_arounds = range(current_page_max_range, min_range)
return self._clean_arounds(left_arounds), self._clean_arounds(right_arounds)
def get_boundaries(self):
Calculates left and right boundaries.
:return: A tuple with two lists: a list for each left and right boundaries.
left_boundaries = range(1, self.boundaries + 1)
left_boundaries = [boundary for boundary in left_boundaries if boundary < self.current_page] or [1]
right_boundaries = sorted(range(self.total_pages, self.total_pages - self.boundaries, -1), reverse=False)
right_boundaries = [boundary for boundary in right_boundaries if boundary > self.current_page] or [self.total_pages]
return self._clean_boundaries(left_boundaries), self._clean_boundaries(right_boundaries)
def set_pagination_list(self):
Initializes a pagination list given the current object arguments.
:return: A pagination list
self._pagination_list = self.get_boundaries()[0] + self.get_arounds()[0] + [self.current_page] + \
self.get_arounds()[1] + self.get_boundaries()[1]
self.pagination_list = self._add_ellipsis_to_pagination_list()
return self.pagination_list
def next_page(self):
Sets the next page as the current page
:return: The Paginator instance (updated)
if self.current_page + 1 <= self.total_pages:
self.current_page += 1
if self.fail_silently:
self.current_page = self.total_pages
raise ValueError("Current page value can't be bigger than total pages value")
self.pagination_list = self.set_pagination_list()
return self
def previous_page(self):
Sets the previous page as the current page
:return: The Paginator instance (updated)
if self.current_page - 1 >= 1:
self.current_page -= 1
if self.fail_silently:
self.current_page = 1
raise ValueError("Current page value can't be smaller than 1")
self.pagination_list = self.set_pagination_list()
return self
def __str__(self):
return ' '.join(self.set_pagination_list())
def __repr__(self):
return 'Paginator: {0}'.format(self.__str__())
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