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Forked from spinnaker-release/
Created May 2, 2018 19:04
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Spinnaker 1.7.0

Spinnaker 1.7.0

If you're a Halyard user, please upgrade to Halyard 1.0.0 before updating your Spinnaker version.

The most notable change in this Spinnaker release is that Kayenta is now part of the mainline Spinnaker BOM instead of its own canary-preview BOM.

There have also been numerous enhancements, fixes and features across all of Spinnaker's other services:

Front50 0.10.0


  • log: log whenever an object load returns a stale value (4ac72486)


  • pipelineTemplates: Validate Pipelines with Templates (7c04dea3)
  • serviceAccounts: Delete service account front Fiat when deleted from Front50 (483b800b)


  • build: Gradle parallel tasks (3a2ecb91)
  • docker: alpine-specific adduser (a6eef8d6)
  • pipelineTemplates: Use shared strings (d1495bfa)
  • s3: checks for non empty string before using it as an endpoint (bed259c4)

Igor 0.10.0


  • docker: Fallback value for item circuit breaker in Docker poller (72ab6b72)
  • docker: Redis key migration (a05b86b1)
  • docker: Adding typed keys for docker registry (a05b86b1)
  • jenkins: extension point for http request interceptor (5093a56f)
  • jenkins: Adding interface to supply custom OkHttpClient (285c4a47)
  • jenkins: Add interface for providing custom okhttpclient (285c4a47)
  • travis: Include artifacts in build event for completed builds (08ff512c)
  • web: Adding admin reindex api (60f4dbc3)


  • bitbucket: Fix NPE caused by non-network retrofit errors (c299d3a6)
  • docker: Redis key migration: Only migrate V1 keys (d4ceb8c6)
  • docker: Fix igor startup with dockerRegistry enabled (588b267a)
  • docker: Fix igor startup with dockerRegistry disabled (635ff504)
  • docker: Remove parallel stream on docker polling (589e21d9)
  • docker: Correctly set fastForward flag at poll interval start (167893d7)
  • docker: s/registry/repository (c50ba878)
  • docker: Fixing NPE when an image in list is null (1ba332f8)
  • docker: Fixing Groovyism: Defer problems to runtime, thats fine (cdd8cde8)
  • docker: Scaffold v2 docker registry cache key (a05b86b1)
  • dynomite: Fixing dyno scan usage (cf16a405)
  • health: non fatal healthindicator (ebcb828a)
  • polling: Non-reachable endpoint for fast forwarding a poller (5f4b5326)
  • polling: Regression causes send event logic to be inverted (fafa1f58)
  • polling: Fix igor startup with no active ci accounts (e9c99c43)
  • polling: Fast-forward flag correctly influencing send events (f6b532af)
  • polling: Correctly reset failed items gauge on success (60d3bfcf)
  • travis: Fix a code path that didn't fetch logs when it should (c23f73a7)
  • travis: Fix a regression that cause getBuilds() to be slow (ba445e5e)
  • travis: Switch inner and outer if statement (08ff512c)
  • travis: More effective polling, move log parsing to a later stage (08ff512c)
  • travis/packagecloud: Fix escaping in the packagecloud regex (87060ab0)


  • *: Fixing groovy cross-compilation problems (285c4a47)
  • *: Convert migrator to use keyfactory, tests (a05b86b1)
  • build: Gradle parallel tasks (8a7c9e3d)
  • docker: Change a list to a set for faster comparing (d4ceb8c6)
  • docker: alpine-specific adduser (41732175)
  • docker: run as spinnaker (0558990e)
  • docker: Adding additional logging around docker monitor ops (de183b50)
  • docker: Removing totally unreasonable log statement (168ebe5a)
  • docker: Incrementally migrate keys on each scan result (c4739c64)
  • igor: Update Spinnaker dependencies version to 0.147.0 (fe8c4eab)
  • jenkins: mostly cosmetic changes (f4e76f53)
  • monitor: Add new item circuit breaker on polling monitors (ec5a15c0)
  • safeguard: Setting default high value on item threshold (5ae4fff3)
  • travis: Convert Groovy to Java (d28e155b)

Orca 0.11.0


  • artifacts: Orca sends an an artifact to clouddriver (274420af)
  • artifacts: Use artifacts for Bake->Deploy GCE stages (c707ea55)
  • aws: Support for pinning min=desired capacity on source server group (07c97657)
  • bake/manifest: propegate "overrides" value (5271796a)
  • bake/manifest: bake manfest stage (16acfdd2)
  • canary-v2: Add kayenta config. (d58bf79f)
  • clouddriver: wait for instances down when server group is disabled (462bfaaa)
  • clouddriver: make restoreMin only restore the min size (4f3613fa)
  • clouddriver: Improved support for partially disabling a server group (8f530ec0)
  • core: strip logs from runjob executions and add expand param (5edf5512)
  • core: expose stage to getDynamicBackoffPeriod (3884a062)
  • dry run: find image by cluster / tag run for real in dry run (318069f8)
  • execution: Adding start time TTLs to executions and stages (8b235bb0)
  • kayenta: Adopt Kayenta code for ongoing development (7e1f0cba)
  • metric: execution deserialization errors (14d80305)
  • metrics: median queue lag (daee47d6)
  • metrics: graph max lag (22e1fa82)
  • metrics: graph queue lag (73566bf8)
  • orca-kayenta: move canaryExecutionRequest and application to top-level (104cdb2d)
  • persistence: Dynomite ExecutionRepository (b0579116)
  • pipeline_template: min and max filters (dc90956e)
  • pipelines: remove context/outputs/tasks on /pipelines?expand=false calls (6579f0cb)
  • provider/kubernetes: Await all manifests to become stable/fail (7ae9ffce)
  • provider/kubernetes: allow jobs/pods to fail (7fe34695)
  • queue: Bump keiko to 2.5.0 (2567f85d)
  • queue: Fill executor every poll cycle (0a183605)
  • queue: upgrade keiko to 2.3.0 (be06733e)
  • rollback: Support rollbacks for red/black when deploy fails (481f43f0)
  • rolling push: respect specified order of terminations (3281e9c9)
  • script: allow the job used by script stage to be overriden (e5bd1fbb)
  • titus: preferSourceCapacity support (0223634a)
  • ttl: Support for ttl'ing server groups (54bce956)
  • webhooks: support webhook artifacts (fb192b53)


  • API: don't allow running tasks to be deleted (9dd0d699)
  • API: don't allow running pipelines to be deleted (f8b7dead)
  • after stages: handle stage with pre-planned after stages (8edef9cf)
  • after stages: make sure anything downstream of a no-op stage runs (12f80a5c)
  • after stages: prevent after stages re-running (ece01817)
  • after stages: Allow for just-in-time planning of after stages (d2beacad)
  • artifacts: Don't replace artifacts in trigger after resolution (adf8bc80)
  • artifacts: Fix deploying of specified image for gce (0f8248ba)
  • artifacts: fix parsing buildInfo when artifacts missing (fb2f3d59)
  • artifacts: fix unconverted artifacts on triggers (db815cb2)
  • canary: fix canary stages (b12d9ee8)
  • canary-v2: Fix issue with serialization of duration string. (5eaec777)
  • clouddriver: determine target server group can be any ancestor (7c07824e)
  • clouddriver: Fix NPE while searching for ancestor stage (4af35a7d)
  • clouddriver: Getting task from clouddriver master when timed out attempts to replicas (2b6f0cab)
  • core: spotted that RollbackClusterStage was parallelizing regions! (a6ef328a)
  • core: trigger check for waiting pipelines even if pipeline is already complete (a76ccc5d)
  • core: don't cancel waiting pipelines as well as starting them (869e6eec)
  • core: null-check statuses read from DB (f612d440)
  • core: fix target server groups stages when running as synthetics (43afdc29)
  • core: prevent stages evaluating target server groups twice (c117f1f6)
  • core: Custom deserializer for old requisiteStageRefId (32020bb2)
  • core: Correctly handle artifact matching with multiple packages (d57d74a6)
  • core: Fix auth propagation from manual judgment stages (01fa141c)
  • core: Only record original capacity for server group if it exists (7b9d630b)
  • docs: Fix minor typo in README file (bbc42b3d)
  • dry run: Avoid potential NPE (5a6977c3)
  • echo: send different phase in notification when stage is skipped (cd64bc2f)
  • expressions: Better handling for composite spel (0f9ffdf1)
  • expressions: Apparently the getMessage() of an exception can be null (ce9ae653)
  • front50: Log an appropriate error if unable to fetch pipelines (ae182f73)
  • front50: Wait for pipeline to be updated before completing stage (46d3b50d)
  • kayenta: handle exceptions from Kayenta (b97d7418)
  • metrics: get more accurate queue lag metric (41f8000e)
  • notifications: sending required fields to echo (ac478d09)
  • orca: handle missing trigger json (48295ff6)
  • orca-webhook: Disable JsonPath cache (9cbf9772)
  • persistence: enable dynomite repository tests (e9afb1ad)
  • pipeline-templates: Fix trigger merging when hydrating templates. (80a9f756)
  • pipelines: improve error msg if running disabled pipeline (a0d46d18)
  • provider/amazon: restore finding imageId from trigger properties (493ed172)
  • provider/kubernetes: cancel timed-out run job pods (1c5dbba0)
  • queue: reschedule child pipeline when parent canceled (79f5ab3a)
  • queue: Upgrade keiko, keep deprecated attribute around (51f452d5)
  • queue: Override RunTask message ack timeout (fcb55a3f)
  • queue: Pass original task status along for CANCELED (ffa0bb06)
  • queue: FAILED_CONTINUE tasks should not halt stage execution (3a8bd242)
  • queue: FAILED_CONTINUE tasks should not halt stage execution (ab45ea6e)
  • queue: Fix execution type based clouddriver routing (c500e568)
  • queue: requeue running tasks from CancelStage (c57d92c9)
  • queue: NPE on RunTaskHandler on startTime (bad0b556)
  • queue: Ensure that refId generation accounts for existing stages (f5d33906)
  • queue: search for attributes in root queue package (3b5afdc6)
  • queue: Use a simpler queue serialization migrator (442ee13b)
  • queue-tck: Fixing transient late-night test errors (df1a10e7)
  • redis: Actually persist startTimeTtl (1257c50c)
  • resize: Support both 'asgName' and 'serverGroupName' (50710ea3)
  • rollback: Ensure that rollback stages are injected correctly (18a9b265)
  • rollback: Guard against entity tags not being enabled (9f3f4a06)
  • rollback: Better support for automatic rollbacks on RRB deploys (7d2e4d6a)
  • script: cancel Jenkins job associated with script if stage fails (ea381be2)
  • spel: Revert "fix(spel): Operate on evaluated stage in handlers. (#1972)" (86c3398f)
  • spel: Support new return types in SpEL expressions (d7fd7b75)
  • stage: Allow startTimeExpiry to be a string (d6b8fdd8)
  • stage: npe no longer thrown when stage name is not present (d20be33f)
  • tagging: NPE if image has no tags (b8ee2ea4)
  • targets: resolve target ASG with multiple dynamic target stages (79f71192)
  • tests: fix compile & test errors (a12f826d)
  • titus: set default security groups for run job stage (b9cefa9f)
  • trigger: better error message when triggering a disabled pipeline (26932e5d)
  • triggers: Git triggers must have a non-null hash (b31b03b7)
  • triggers: Git trigger should have a hash property (f71168da)
  • ttl: Avoid a NPE if ttl is not specified on a deploy config (686cd089)


  • Fix reading of converted template header (144807b1)
  • Revert "Revert "chore(*): Remove queue traffic shaping codebase"" (fe9c0c4a)
  • Revert "chore(*): Remove queue traffic shaping codebase" (7aa934b4)
  • Revert "feat(kayenta): Adopt Kayenta code for ongoing development" (ab86cd48)
  • add execution id to ExecutionSerializationException message (44028654)
  • *: Removing Dynomite (a12f826d)
  • *: Remove queue traffic shaping codebase (077b9fe0)
  • *: redis delegate for activeExecutionMonitor (c36da481)
  • *: Wiring up kork redis/dynomite client factories (9034cae8)
  • *: Speeding up the build, fixing transient test errors (df1a10e7)
  • *: Test zoomies: Removing unused orca-loadtest (df1a10e7)
  • *: Enabling parallel gradle execution (df1a10e7)
  • after stages: Always dynamically build after stages (7e843cd8)
  • artifacts: Move artifact binding to orca-core (a5da0ae4)
  • bakery: remove baseOs and baseLabel enums (7e15dff4)
  • build: add debug flag to orca build (18b2a304)
  • canary-v2: Add placeholder config to orca.yml. (ed4722c8)
  • canary-v2: Replace region with location. (4b884f84)
  • core: Alter startTimeTtl -> exiry, fix serialization (c3674cb7)
  • core: Change type to Instant (97947ecf)
  • core: old pipeline cleanup via redis delegate (b5103355)
  • debug: Log what went wrong if we fail to plan after stages (b9b786ef)
  • dependencies: upgrade kotlin (0d04c50c)
  • docker: alpine-specific adduser (62c681b6)
  • docker: run as spinnaker (2f645d19)
  • expressions: Remove deprecated versioning code (9d3fb8c5)
  • highlander: Instrument cluster-wide tasks. (e3a7580a)
  • kayenta: use StageGraphBuilder.append where it's simpler (ef91d0cc)
  • kayenta: made it easier to define a linear chain of synthetics (10db83be)
  • kayenta: use new API for synthetic stages (e1202b19)
  • kayenta: Use strongly typed classes to represent Kayenta stage config. (ac28355e)
  • kayenta: Migrate tests to Kotlin (ac28355e)
  • kayenta: Use strongly typed classes to represent Kayenta stage config (b6f070fb)
  • keiko: Upgrade Keiko (a45dc0e3)
  • kotlin: Kotlin 1.2.30 (f961e716)
  • logging: rm unnecessary printStackTrace (6de57f32)
  • metrics: Use an Atlas timer instead of gauges to track lag (e37e0ea6)
  • persistence: Unify Jedis/Dynomite Repos (f2856907)
  • pipelines: handle queueing pipelines with Keiko (25a442dc)
  • provider/kubernetes: de-capitalize cache refresh type (93686fdf)
  • queue: FAILED_CONTINUE tasks should halt stage execution (65bfafb3)
  • queue: removed unused throttle time attribute (1b48de90)
  • scale down: added execution id to debug logging (0107dbb6)
  • scale down: add some logging to try to identify why scale down doesn't always happen (99cfdd50)
  • tests: fix test that was slow and making real network connections to a host we don't own (e47956d2)
  • tests: added an extra verification to on failure stage tests (460e1e64)
  • tests: split up test helpers into multiple modules (5dc3a289)
  • tests: AssertJ instead of Hamkrest (33e2228c)

Gate 0.11.0


  • canary-v2: Add kayenta config. (4c9bf1fb)
  • core: expose skin on account model (2529e5d8)
  • core: add expand query param to execution history (4ba994d1)
  • pagerduty: Add pagerduty service (afcf2efd)
  • reservations: Support passing arbitrary reservation report filters (44e6f9f1)


  • credentials: Remove hystrix from CredentialsService (1f71a6b1)
  • credentials: Swap LoadingCache for @Scheduled (eb2120bb)
  • entitytags: Explicitly toLowerCase when looking up entity tags by id (2c4dbffa)
  • provider/gce: Allow short queries with explicit flag (ecf61b1c)
  • web: allow account details to be referenced in server group insight links (315b17e4)


  • build: Gradle parallel tasks (52a62e27)
  • docker: alpine-specific adduser (7f719951)
  • docker: run as spinnaker (b7a3d869)

Echo 0.9.0


  • artifacts: Docker registry event artifact parser (06b6c5b4)
  • artifacts: Support artifacts filtering in Travis triggers (90ef035c)
  • email/slack: allow custom messages per notification (f92a9ca3)
  • notifications: Adding an initial swabbie template for email (c980168a)
  • trigger: allow pubsub monitor to be overridden (755eea3a)


  • logging: Remove unnecessary log output (a51be9ad)
  • pubsub: use app default credentials when possible (d44b09e6)
  • pubsub: changing amazon subscription name (6d3dd4fe)
  • sqs: worker startup conditional on enabled (e1574c9f)
  • stage notifications: consuming updated orca payload (bd3965e0)


  • *: Bump Spinnaker dependencies to 0.147.0 (90ef035c)
  • build: Parallel gradle tasks (aaa50a85)
  • docker: run as spinnaker (b7a377f2)
  • eventMonitor: create method for emitting metrics for overriding (393f1a66)
  • pubsub: split into core and provider specific modules (1d4edfd6)
  • test: retrofitStubs available to other modules (4a9f9c04)


  • prometheus: Install for systemd in addition to upstart (40c822c9)
  • prometheus: upgrade to XYZ (92e6e9d3)


  • monitoring: Add kayenta configuration. (cd2679bf)

Kayenta 0.1.0


  • feat: add support for metric classification direction (8199717d)
  • feat: setup canary stage (a8e3dc84)
  • feat: add scopes to metric set pair (ffb9824a)
  • CanaryConfigIndexingAgent: add current and expected counts as they affect health (08b81aec)
  • atlas: Add support for retries with exponential backoff on calls to atlas. (49c47e07)
  • canary: add siteLocal to CanaryExecutionRequest (5020d90e)
  • classifier: Add Mean Inequality classifier for benchmarking (84180933)
  • config: Add /metadata/metricsService endpoint. (51185428)
  • config: First pass at canary config index. (c912b45a)
  • evaluation: Add support for evaluating metric classifiers. (ed424abd)
  • evaluation: Add evaluation measures for metric classifiers (ed424abd)
  • evaluation: Add failed metric examples (ed424abd)
  • evaluation: Add binary classification evaluator; add random metric classifier. (ed424abd)
  • executions: Add support for retrieving list of canary execution results by application. (7cca4c24)
  • judges: Add visible property to judge interface and default to false. (992a9c06)
  • move canaryExecutionRequest and application to top-level: (67843191)
  • orca: Adds endpoint to explicitly start/stop queue processing. (31a40b8c)
  • orca: Start orca queue processing after subsystems report healthy. (a42741cb)
  • orca: Persist results of analysis. (c1df72ac)
  • persistence: Add CONFIGURATION_STORE to allow configs to be stored in a different account than intermediate results. (1863ce6b)
  • pipeline: Add pipeline execution cancellation entrypoint. (1e6a5cb4)
  • pipeline: Add durationString to canned canary pipeline output. (50598b86)
  • prometheus: Minor cleanup relating to K8S support. (d82dba01)
  • prometheus: Add support for custom filter templates. (195cd276)
  • prometheus: Add support for aws/ec2. (582158eb)
  • prometheus: Add support for retrieving list of available metric descriptors. (a3f5cb4f)
  • prometheus: Additional pass at GCE support. (5d0aa635)
  • prometheus: Initial step at plumbing in prometheus (ef52c30d)
  • s3: Initial aws/s3 support. (2a963d18)
  • spectator: First pass at spectator integration. (066d3fd2)
  • stackdriver: Expose name of metrics store type for use in ui. (3ed16f19)
  • stackdriver: Allow scope/region/... to be used in templates. (f73186fb)
  • stackdriver: Add support for composing k8s queries. (c3ceefb0)
  • stackdriver: Add support for composing queries using global resource type. (c7514aff)
  • stackdriver: Add support for composing app engine queries. (b5a0ddac)
  • stackdriver: Add support for composing ec2 queries. (016813bf)
  • stackdriver/custom: Add support for custom queries. (15110a91)
  • xenial_debians: Add systemd service configuration. (c50a4688)


  • bug: context uses canaryConfigId, not configId (41f38f66)
  • Pass configuration account (befbac7d)
  • agent: Continue scheduled indexing even if jedis exception is thrown. (37ba996c)
  • build: Add back inadvertently-removed imports. (#296) (fd99dfa3)
  • build: Add spinnaker.project so we can publish to bintray like Spinnaker services. (9841fefd)
  • canary-config: Ensure that PUT applies same validation as POST. (10cdaab1)
  • canary-results: Propagate exceptions and improve cancelation handling. (51991e32)
  • controllers: Respond with 400 and exception message instead of just 404. (46e708b2)
  • doom: Set judge name on result. (a02f55cd)
  • dummy-judge: Propagate tags to canary analysis result. (be8072e4)
  • evaluation: Handle Error classifications. (fb1911bb)
  • indexer: Catch new exception type. (96fee55a)
  • json: look in older places for execution context too (2fe632b2)
  • judge: Use the right key to retrieve the metric direction from the config (38b3638d)
  • judge: Return ratio of 1.0 when input metrics are equal (4d56d29d)
  • pipeline: Propagate storage account name to Canary Judge stage. (bd8d7c8a)
  • pipelines: Do not change status to CANCELED if pipeline execution has already completed. (80c85298)
  • prometheus: Fixed sample prometheus canary config. (2ad92966)
  • random-judge: Fully populate dummy judge results so report ui has data to work with. (b46444ae)
  • retries: Catch unchecked io exception. (df7afe23)
  • scorer: Add test suite for WeightedSumScorer; calculate the score as a cumulative sum. (9ef083fb)
  • stackdrive: Break out spinnaker-member-of into individual labels. (26241c40)
  • stackdriver: custom filters (072aedf1)
  • stackdriver: Improve query-building so it works for all types of stackdriver metrics. (1301a7c8)
  • templates: Escape custom filter templates to protect them from premature expansion. (88ffc67e)


  • Fix typo in Dockerfile.slim (8d7e7b45)
  • chore: remove TODO file (208dcf74)
  • chore: update many dependency versions, add a log message on queue start (51f4c71c)
  • backlevel orca to dodge a bug (deb41240)
  • allow a single metricsetpair to be retrieved from the list (f7a66aa2)
  • Update (9d07872a)
  • Add blank line. (02c5e5a9)
  • add datadog integration (c83e8cc6)
  • add pipelineId to outer data, in case judge fails. (d555d374)
  • add missing copyright header (36733c08)
  • Send canary results as an ApplicatonEvent (b9e9685e)
  • harden atlas result handling (3f8557c8)
  • add OSSMETADATA for in-house Netflix tooling (9aea147a)
  • ignore port, as it's going away, and prevents http/https from working properly (7d1abe4b)
  • Address tied ranks with the Mann-Whitney Classifier (2110b48c)
  • ignore port, as it's going away, and prevents http/https from working properly (d4060187)
  • record atlas query and url used to retrieve data as UI assist (132efc2b)
  • add copyright (5abf1590)
  • check for nulls (2c9754b6)
  • add metadata (8f19dc2e)
  • add @Builder.Default to silence a warning (a0093719)
  • allow config to be submitted at runtime (a32e1e98)
  • handle MH failures by converting to an Error classification. Pre-check for identical data. (c85b50a9)
  • upgrade to public orca-queue 5.5.0, stop using embedded library (eb2ac07a)
  • remove canaryScope and require metrics to have scope names (563566a5)
  • remove old GET /canary/configId/executionId endpoint (3b4882b3)
  • Add /canary/ endpoint, remove metricSetPairListId from old location (ca30f02c)
  • Support multiple scopes per metric. (8c5bd7ad)
  • Convert most @Autowired fields to constructor (c2044f66)
  • One metric fetch per pipeline stage. (e07ea903)
  • remove duration again (bb6efe23)
  • add metricSetPairListId and pipelineId to the results we archive (7200c487)
  • Add TODO (78523bfc)
  • fix error message, add TODO (8d68534f)
  • remove unneeded temporary code (3f4fde27)
  • find interesting tags to keep (f65f2b80)
  • capture R exceptions and display them (130012e2)
  • fix a few overridden with missing annotation warnings (d59a351f)
  • add build, start, and end time to canary status result (ebce2b55)
  • Spectatorize (9821a373)
  • remove unused and confusing serviceName (dd062ced)
  • remove unused and confusing serviceName (73d72ff1)
  • remove unused and confusing serviceName (26d2a4e0)
  • bump to kotlin runtime 1.1.4 (a498dc15)
  • pass in the okHttpClient to updater (f46bfb21)
  • Try to work around / diagnose the ongoing timeout issue in atlas (4d3e7fbf)
  • expand to include RetrofitError (11bdbfea)
  • only build a snapshot release on master branch (0e440d01)
  • implement Atlas id= query param, set via fetchId in atlas named account config (5f50cde5)
  • Catch the newly thrown NotFoundException when checking for exisiting configs (538709f5)
  • return the metricSetPairList ID in the canary response (1edc5137)
  • correct spelling of timeout, add examples of backoff config to sample config file (bf281362)
  • atlas still takes longs (0fb0677d)
  • change what we return when iterating all configs in configbin (0b99e5fc)
  • retry on IOException up to 10 times (hard coded) (2ba7fc56)
  • rework previous to pass in the proper object mapper (be27ae93)
  • use kayentaObjectMapper (be5bd74e)
  • use kayentaObjectMapper (5d95d2d9)
  • Render canary config and execution request as part of the result (db47f0ae)
  • rework storage entirely. Fixes #118 (ac902aec)
  • Implement directionality config in the judge (f47dcb46)
  • Implement backends.json for atlas config (c5dbc976)
  • Support GET /canary/:config/:runId (0b17a47d)
  • use our configured objectmapper (fee8daef)
  • Json execution request (c354c5e7)
  • Json fix (bedfcfb7)
  • adjust TODO list (7512fd9e)
  • add initial thoughts on /canary endpoint changes (3ec84f7a)
  • lombok 1.16.18 (bb0f66a9)
  • atlas supports asg, cluster, and query scopes, not application scope (fe91806d)
  • Use the absolute value of the calculated point estimate (61d0f34a)
  • Use double math when computing group scores (c613f9a9)
  • Use the R-7 estimation strategy when computing percentiles (ab9549ad)
  • Use the Hodges–Lehmann estimator when calculating the upper and lower classification bounds. (12fb29fd)
  • work around serialization problems (3ed4d49b)
  • fix atlas scopes to be 'application, cluster, or query' (e76f5c89)
  • Add support for the URL-based configbin service (b36e040f)
  • Move the dummy judge to the judge module (eeb6f536)
  • fix the summary score calculation (da4ee83f)
  • fix order of control and experiment (dbb42b9a)
  • update the keys used and logging to make what object type is being manipulated more explicit (93e900e8)
  • Filter out all non-interesting tags, where the values do not vary across responses (007648e1)
  • rename Judge to NetflixACAJudge, and update the name string (c6d2074f)
  • Remove groupWeights from the root of the CanaryConfig (de7cbbc1)
  • actually commit the script... (60ae1734)
  • start Rserve using a script (c7b61065)
  • ACA Judge Implementation (c1e65ec6)
  • display log contents (5d8b13a9)
  • enable rserve again, this time hopefully ignoring failure (2601bc4b)
  • disable rserve for a bit longer, add config (c0c3fe02)
  • use container method (1007e622)
  • see if we need to sudo (1462c306)
  • start R on travis builds, take 1 (3226bb04)
  • Move yml file to resources directory to make intellij happy. (5561e54d)
  • Propagate combined result strategy to canary judge. (8b2550cb)
  • Propagate orchestrator score thresholds to canary judge. (3c93d77b)
  • Fix typo. (e8431441)
  • Rough stackdriver-oriented readme for development. (de61a9d0)
  • Namespace orca queue so it does not conflict with spinnaker-orca when sharing redis. (277c597d)
  • Revert /healthcheck in favor of built-in /health. (6716b16f)
  • Remove embedded redis. (6e4353e7)
  • Enable redis execution log. (f586a7eb)
  • Make canary judges pluggable. (793204b4)
  • Respect project.repackage. (c7be7628)
  • Import orca's OrcaConfiguration. (d51202eb)
  • force no repackaging (5d9e89a2)
  • Bump orca version to 3.0.8. (9f945fcc)
  • Upgrade common libraries to versions specified by spring boot 1.5.4 platform version manifest. (f254fce8)
  • Bump remaining spring boot references. (dce0a255)
  • bump to spring 4.3.10, and spring-boot 1.5.4 (343ed3df)
  • minor syntax tweak (b2538103)
  • whitespace whack (23e81f97)
  • implement /healthcheck (a7628bb8)
  • adds update canary config operation (f81a2873)
  • Update credentials (126f30de)
  • Config delele op should normalize config name to match create op (371fd0cd)
  • convert to using nebula.netflixoss plugin (37a1fa65)
  • return to building artifacts via travis (1928d2b7)
  • Standardize on iso timestamps. (73fec42e)
  • basic backend model (11d156f9)
  • Update judge results (e13bb5ec)
  • Undo spinnaker (900deb90)
  • undo bintray, again (d7c4aeff)
  • debug bintray publish (6f53140c)
  • go back to publishing artifacts, hopefully (fdd26aaa)
  • update travis link (c5e5ba3c)
  • Merge branch 'master' of (32d39178)
  • update keys (1807f9f9)
  • add kayenta-judge-netflix (4532dfc9)
  • update results to remove things we don't need (a4659d47)
  • undo travis upload to bintray until I get working credentials (67c9c324)
  • Cleanup baseline->control and canary->experiment naming. (8f6d8c5d)
  • Move results-related classes into canary.results package. (3a44a39b)
  • use trusty (2a62e2b0)
  • add (1f1f6072)
  • Merge branch 'master' of (8c7caf2e)
  • build via travis, with pushing to bintray (6ac272b1)
  • add bintray credentials (eff2bbbf)
  • start on judge response (f1f25d80)
  • Return just pipeline execution id instead of map. (996876f6)
  • Remove extraneous comment. (06b3c861)
  • Process all metrics defined in the canary config. (f492a090)
  • Clean up use of isPresent(). (63000f42)
  • Add /canary entry-point. (ec656c09)
  • Just reformatting. (077dfcd7)
  • First pass at CanaryJudgeStage/CanaryJudgeTask. (d0f36fbd)
  • Move logic out of provider-specific dev /fetch controllers into synchronous processors. (4700a12d)
  • Mgraff memory objectstore (553f8c0b)
  • Get atlas metrics service working against updated Atlas. (4ad0641a)
  • First pass at linking in orca queue library. (79155d18)
  • Unwrap atlas metric set query. (e2fb9c19)
  • Define canary config classifiers model. (3a6cbcd5)
  • Update (0bfdeac2)
  • Break out provider-specific canary scopes. (4fe3b657)
  • Tweak canary config format. (02dfe9cb)
  • add sample backends.json (7a04678d)
  • Update travis link. (bd536a3c)
  • Limit sse split to 2 elements. (8094fb1a)
  • Canary steps integration test (d19884a2)
  • Update (325d1b2c)
  • Add travis badge. (a06b514e)
  • test only through Travis for now (aaf448cc)
  • Don't install, just run the build and tests (6ed9a5f1)
  • Massage canary config format. (a8a724ab)
  • try to build under Travis (9e67042b)
  • s/baseline/control (192281a2)
  • Add support for SSE responses from updated Atlas. (e0de8d16)
  • use rounded values in samples to make debugging easier (a827b548)
  • s/v1/v2/ (e4678fd4)
  • add SSE responses to the sample Atlas controller (b7bd2708)
  • s/scala/java+groovy (6ed889db)
  • add sse stream examples from Atlas (60e1bf8a)
  • switch to using Java arrays for data (e998b579)
  • add basic atlas sse response handling (dde723bc)
  • Add support for listing and deleting canary configs and metric set lists. (e993ff9a)
  • Use canary config name in path to bucket. (07905c69)
  • Add metric set list controller capable of round-tripping metric set lists to/from object store. (d2e8f5aa)
  • Factor out common credentials-handling logic into helper class. (a23af0b5)
  • First pass at model classes for canary configs. (6b5d465c)
  • First pass at stitching a pair of metric set lists into one list of metric set pairs. (d763ffe5)
  • First pass at mixing metric sets into pairs of baseline/canary metric sets. (24913550)
  • First pass at transforming raw Stackdriver and Atlas results into common metrics format. (5cde992c)
  • First pass at Atlas integration. (e9cd8f7b)
  • tab -> space (326dfa87)
  • tab -> space take 2 (0501a651)
  • tab -> space (ab4de6ea)
  • fix up formatting and move more items to common area (6b24065c)
  • add sample JSON output formats (7aa9c54d)
  • Rename package from to (1486f0c1)
  • Initial redis config. (113868c4)
  • Merge pull request #3 from duftler/storage-config (d024f9e4)
  • First pass at: (d152a429)
  • Update (57c732a0)
  • Merge pull request #2 from duftler/google-config (0ea0f23e)
  • First pass at: (2ec1ee37)
  • Project structure (bda95a08)
  • build: Add spinnaker-gradle bits so we can build debs. (8c82875d)
  • canary-config: Move judge configuration to the top level. (47f0dcd9)
  • cleanup: Add missing copyrights, tweak sort-order, add note to readme. (5344e21b)
  • config: Add placeholder halconfig. (2152acc5)
  • config: Move kayenta-local.yml from ~/.kayenta to ~/.spinnaker. (70ec5725)
  • config: Support per-account endpoints for prometheus and atlas. (b2f1e832)
  • configs: Do not return bare strings. (a1063619)
  • controllers: Return 404 and json content when objects are not found. (457724be)
  • controllers: Return json instead of bare strings. (b0180e61)
  • custom-filters: Make custom filters not available only to stackdriver. (3b289f96)
  • datadog: Added Datadog module licensing (a81d2e5a)
  • debug: Add log.debug statements to StackdriverMetricsService. (78154420)
  • detectors: Rename outlier detector base class. (ff8f0811)
  • docker: alpine-specific adduser (fe0d7aea)
  • docker: run as spinnaker (8969a84a)
  • docker: Add Dockerfiles. (0260b6e9)
  • docs: Update json format examples. (57075451)
  • docs: Update json formats examples. (520aa0dd)
  • duration: If control and experiment durations match, populate durationString. (a1500806)
  • example: Remove extraneous 'serviceType' attribute. (d8e47a0f)
  • formatting: Minor formatting tweaks. (477ca07e)
  • google: Remove extraneous dependency. (8b84428f)
  • halyard: Cleanup halconfig file. (dec477a7)
  • halyard: Flesh out halconfig. (10f558df)
  • judge: refactor classifier parameters (af5638c5)
  • judge: cleanup (fd367cdb)
  • judge: Implement Mann-Whitney (acff987c)
  • judge: Implement Mann-Whitney (acff987c)
  • judge: Do not pass result strategy to judge. (195fc0da)
  • location: Replace region with location everywhere. (3e6d82ff)
  • objectmapper: Fixup object mapper autowiring. (5a48ebe6)
  • orca: upgrade orca: fix older execution json parsing (f12b3775)
  • orca: update to v6.30.2: listing executions problem (1e0e6196)
  • orca: bump orca to 6.26.1, kotlin to 1.2.31 (626168ee)
  • orca: Upgrade orca to 6.23.2. (8fce7384)
  • orca: Populate stage outputs instead of context. (a046e29c)
  • orca: Upgrade to latest verion of orca. (d1694a2f)
  • orca: Update to latest version to pickup improved behavior on control flow join. (ce0b7547)
  • preprocessing: Move Transforms and Validators to preprocessing package. (0509d58e)
  • prometheus: Add sample prometheus config. (1db50e5c)
  • prometheus: Remove extraneous type attribute. (a34608e9)
  • readme: Update readme (f704192f)
  • readme: Add readme, debug config and pull request template. (8aa372a0)
  • redis: Support selecting redis database. (4df86c76)
  • service: Make .conf file match other services. (542e69e1)
  • spectator: Add timer for prometheus calls. (963d7151)
  • spectator: Add timer for stackdriver calls. (a880bacb)
  • stackdriver: Inject default values for test controller. (5d368282)
  • stackdriver: Persist filter as 'query' in metric set list attributes. (65edf393)
  • stackdriver: Minor cleanup of k8s support. (89a64e00)
  • typo: Fix invalid json in json format examples. (d0bf333b)

Fiat 0.6.0


  • admin: Admin parameter in accounts not being passed properly. (8f4fa437)


Rosco 0.6.0


  • artifacts: Update GCE bake to send image reference (3da33494)
  • bake/manifest: support helm --set overrides (2896d13b)
  • bake/manifests: Rudimentary bake manifest support (7f42a888)
  • core: add shutdown hook to avoid killing running jobs (5917bd80)


  • bake: Fix broken AWS Windows bake script (6b59b56c)
  • bake/manifests: delete templates when request finishes (49a3fdac)


  • build: add debug flag to rosco build (8a7f60fd)
  • docker: update packer (e6caba3c)
  • docker: alpine-specific adduser (dbaf576b)
  • docker: run as spinnaker (8c1618a7)
  • packer: upgrade packer binary to 1.2.2 (f86b0413)

Spinnaker 0.18.0


  • Testcase: Adding again Statefulset/Daemonset creation testcases along with Delete test cases for Statefulset/Daemonset (Fixed namespace issue) (9daaee07)
  • buildtool: Support git ssh (42a005cb)
  • buildtool: Write changelog gists (c14a5047)
  • buildtool: Add version label to metrics (804f5bf0)
  • buildtool: artifact janitor (b0a448b2)
  • citest/pubsub: Adds GCS -> pubsub -> GAE citest. (c8fd49af)
  • codelabs: gke source to prod codelab (324a1e74)
  • kayenta: Added kayenta to build (f6adacb9)
  • validate: Remove ubuntu 1404 bias from testing. (e090b5b2)


  • build: Get tag version from bom (86fcb840)
  • buildtool: Git branch pushes tolerates command retries (383a0385)
  • buildtool: Publish release bom to halyard (22cfbc9b)
  • buildtool: Fixed version number when tags are in branches (30764ba6)
  • buildtool: moved halyard_version_check (b24fdd8f)
  • buildtool: Dont tag unchaged repos (7da6d0a2)
  • buildtool: supply branch for pushing changelog entry to (ce09fc59)
  • buildtool: Dont 'require' individual parameters. (46d1db97)
  • buildtool: Use higher-memory machines for build (0647ba4f)
  • buildtool: Handle only_repositories in publish_spinnaker (2cb92d5b)
  • buildtool: Skip null service entries in Bm (0b2fe42d)
  • buildtool: dont strip extension of bom alias (85fe9214)
  • buildtool: tolerate no halconfig for kayenta (81cb1820)
  • buildtool: fixed build_halyard typo (790f870c)
  • buildtool: Fixed halyard build (843f9024)
  • buildtool: prune old transient boms, not just invalid ones. (64a4f208)
  • buildtool: Fixed image generation against test repos. (cdad2f91)
  • c2d: rely on randomly generated bucket name (65f0747b)
  • github: fix broken troubleshooting link to point at FAQs (b4dc2606)
  • validate: Fixed typo (70912bb0)
  • validate: only configure/run pub sub tests when pubsub is enabled (6245ebd0)
  • validate: Tolerate some bintray unreliability. (6389d925)
  • validate: Fixed error collecting log files during validation. (fdf9dae8)
  • validation: Fixed return when doing no work and gke identification (41c303de)


  • Address pull request comments (470741d6)
  • build: Build component images for kayenta (5cee8f54)
  • buildtool: publish halyard releases (5657f639)
  • buildtool: Added additional validatino parameters (dd8229f4)
  • buildtool: Moved kayenta repository (25a4931d)
  • buildtool: Make libraries usable by validator. (c2402d97)
  • buildtool: lazily compute summary_info (7ff07252)
  • buildtool: Be efficient at doing nothing (83fa6a6a)
  • citest/pubsub: Add validation configurators for pub/sub test. (a43e3888)
  • google: Fix gce codelab (08e127e8)
  • kubernetes: statefulset & daemonset tests (4cb2f9eb)
  • readme: fix setup instructions (9e79b475)
  • testing: Removed deprecated "trace" parameters from interfaces. (f46c9236)
  • validate: Deploy kayenta (cda12067)
  • validate: Utilize buildtool libraries in validator. (71ca0d02)

Breaking Changes

  • artifacts: change fetch verb type (1813069a)


  • artifacts: Update google deploy validator to handle artifacts (44b9b18a)
  • artifacts: GCE deploy can consume image artifacts (935e4d23)
  • artifacts: Implement S3 artifacts (0a8d99ec)
  • artifacts: Add a "no auth" http artifact account where needed (3a06e8bb)
  • artifacts: base64 embedded artifact downloader (afb5ca5a)
  • artifacts: versoin is not required to load an aritfact (88b23452)
  • artifacts: Add support for HTTP artifacts (47533613)
  • aws: add support for resizing ASGs with optional min/max/desired (498cbb6f)
  • aws: skip no-op resize ASG requests (498cbb6f)
  • aws: Allow self-referencing security group clone ops (1426ce83)
  • aws: allow setting targetType when creating a target group (11e9cbae)
  • aws: Track the instanceIds being disabled (c1477b19)
  • aws/enchancement: Deploy encrypted EBS vols (79c76dc3)
  • aws/loadbalancing: load balancer attributes (751638d1)
  • cache/aws: Add relation between server group->ami and ami->server group (6ed3bb04)
  • cats: Dynomite-friendly ClusteredSortAgentScheduler (2bc56492)
  • core: Instrumented Jedis clients (8273dded)
  • core: allow per account ui skins (15e015ea)
  • jobs: allow jobs to be canceled (0b6dd897)
  • kubernetes: allow cluster provider to return subclasses of KubernetesV2ServerGroup (3157b81e)
  • provider/aws: Fetch image information based on image id (4b4c9d28)
  • provider/gce: Support nested health checks in autoHealingPolicy. (0c1904dc)
  • provider/kuberentes: expose kubectl executable option (828c9c79)
  • provider/kuberentes: restrict caching by kind (a9eeb907)
  • provider/kubernetes: allow jobs & pods to "fail" (cfd51800)
  • provider/kubernetes: register batchv1 api (a1f22b3e)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 cache & surface events per-resource (93bb22dc)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 allow service account auth (bb5888e1)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 Add support for RBAC resource kinds (377919f0)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 restrict namespaces for uploading manifests (299d35d7)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 run validators for deloyment and deletion of manifests (4b523472)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 Add support for Kubernetes jobs (d7b270f0)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 support pv & pvc deploys (8a22a600)
  • provider/kuberntes: deploy priority (20ef78b6)
  • redis: Retry logic on failed connections in cache & task repository (c7eb87cd)
  • reservations: Backport 'v4' to 'v3' (c1999cf4)
  • reservations: V4 reservation report that proportionally covers shortfalls (308b2d88)
  • titus: use pagination cursors (f744776f)
  • titus: pass an explicit list of task states instead of relying on titus master for active vs. archived tasks (e06601da)
  • titus: titus cloud provider (6e2be37f)
  • titus: titus cloud provider (d4dc723c)
  • titus: Force cache refresh support for server groups (d350c338)
  • web: Include capacity in ServerGroupViewModel (63b45990)


  • fix: test dependencies for clouddriver-titus (e538e977)
  • amazon: support long AMI ID patterns in image lookup (66f34075)
  • amazon/deploy: Allow deploying with target groups with two dashes (bcc87a98)
  • amazon/loadBalancer: If multiple subnets in an az, pick the one with most ip space (f375f99a)
  • amazon/loadBalancer: Allow updating protocol on a listener (1d9eea11)
  • amazon/loadBalancers: Allow setting target group stickiness.enabled to false (587e3c19)
  • artifacts: Fix broken Docker image name matching and add tests (010b83df)
  • artifacts: Make Docker image name matching more accurate (a3af9091)
  • aws: Make deploy atomic operation more resilient to AWS failures (8386dc94)
  • aws: Explicitly terminate instances when resizing to zero (0b920113)
  • aws: Only log warrning if lastModified not present and non-empty (842a7eab)
  • aws: support for null values in validateCapacity (03a74482)
  • aws: Continue if launch configuration already exists (3ceb6fce)
  • cache: remove hardcoded scanSize (144b8bf2)
  • cache: Remove anonymous noop SearchableProvider (9aa9b420)
  • caching: caching agent metricsSupport being null obscures original exception (34d3cadd)
  • core: Optimize CleanupPendingOnDemandCachesAgent (e9fc0a8c)
  • core: Handle reading task results from previous redis delegate (0f8501f6)
  • core: Log when results are being added to a task (de39c71b)
  • core: Switch task IDs to be UUIDs (1efd1ef0)
  • docker: logs the registry address when a tag cannot be loaded (5b391919)
  • dynomite: Cant use evalsha (4d5736cd)
  • elasticsearch: Proactively cleanup indexes when in a bad state (d166f3db)
  • entitytags: Handle a * entityRefAccount (d11e3248)
  • entitytags: Filter out any entity tags that have not been modified (bc443694)
  • eureka: getInstanceToModify calculation was incorrect with multiple health statuses (40842e0f)
  • google: Don't fetch image relationships (acdb6b6e)
  • groovy: Explicitly return null to avoid class cast exception (83dfda1b)
  • mdc: fix propagation of exection id (2024913d)
  • metrics: typo in kubernetes metric tag (0a288b7e)
  • metrics/prometheus: dots are not allowed in labels in prometheus (c9ed2801)
  • openstack/javadoc: Add placeholder javadoc class comment to make gradle javadoc happy. (31a8da20)
  • provider/aws: Correctly handle AmazonAutoScalingExceptions (2621ee29)
  • provider/aws: LifecycleNotification JsonMappingException (74bef46c)
  • provider/aws: Fix groovyism in call to elbv2 region scoped provider call (188434e6)
  • provider/ecs: Changes to allow ECS to work with AWS provider. (#2500) (52f86afe)
  • provider/ecs: Update AmazonClientProvider to pass NetflixAmazonCredentials (0cfe6d37)
  • provider/gae: Fix artifact deploy switch statement. (8e570594)
  • provider/gce: Support regional MIGs in validators. (834fe130)
  • provider/gce: Tolerate locations with no CpuPlatforms entry. (bb463ed0)
  • provider/gce: Fix deploying instance without autohealing (0414a9ec)
  • provider/kuberentes: v1 fix scaleTargetRef apiVersion in HPA (#2249) (3eac933e)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 Fix support for clusterrolebindings (c0dbe9e9)
  • provider/kubernetes: properly synchronize around kind/apiVersion (220adee3)
  • provider/kubernetes: guard against empty api & kind (b87021e4)
  • provider/kubernetes: validate correct delete coords (5c5b819b)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 Avoid NPE for unsupported k8s kinds (12a0b904)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 Fix support for rolebindings (a73d6d1f)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 Use artifact replacers for DaemonSets (a78c8460)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 Fix artifact replacers for StatefulSets (b8c0a493)
  • provider/kubernetes: tolerate per namespace failures (9be993c6)
  • provider/kubernetes: tolerate null service account (c41dfbf0)
  • provider/kubernetes: allow empty manifest in doc (2c594bfd)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 Fix stability check for DaemonSet (20b278e6)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 Fix validation to not require namespace (79c3e7d6)
  • provider/kubernetes: fix K8s provider outside proxy environment (a6f1919b)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 Allow ":" in keys (83248223)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 statefulset services don't need to be unique (c2800df5)
  • provider/kubernetes: don't return empty apps in app list (5fd252ad)
  • provider/kubernetes: upsertScalingPolicy will patch existing autoscaler instead of re-creating (bebfa2a7)
  • provider/kubernetes: fix v1 red/black pod restarts (dd108255)
  • provider/openstack: corrects behavior of status checkers for openstack operations (c260577a)
  • provider/openstack: handle operations on stacks that were deployed with the previous HEAT template. (478925fc)
  • reservations: Support for Windows BYOL (Amazon VPC) (455c0932)
  • reservations: Enable the additional allocation attributes for v3 (b3101836)
  • reservations: Add support for m5.large multiplier (28e22273)
  • titus: Align default caching agent timeout with AWS (every 30s) (11468e52)
  • titus: stopped titus jobs should be marked as failures (09a0dedb)
  • titus: stopped titus jobs should be marked as failures (09a0dedb)
  • titus: new titus-api-defintions package name (09a0dedb)
  • titus: fix policy creation on titus deploys (298808f6)
  • titus clone: remove env variables if empty on clone (fd808a30)


  • titus: return awsAccount for serverGroups endpoint (9c8989d5)
  • titus: fix casing of loadbalancingEnabled (5714b4f6)
  • titus: surface awsAccount and host ip (c941d0ba)
  • Titus: return instance ip, cluster and server group in instance details for generating insight links (5dd82d3e)
  • titus: fixing compilation issues (77071697)
  • Titus: code reformatting and copyright headers (88ad9b31)
  • titus: refactor channel instantiation code (f5cdc2de)
  • titus: remove netflix grpc protoc gen wrapper (912485ee)
  • titus: add a a docker section in buildInfo so we can build more detailed links (9ffe83f1)
  • titus: fix issue where sometimes region is null on health key lookup (ce558e7d)
  • Titus: improve logging and retry on UNAVAILABLE (7af956dd)
  • Titus: fix instance sidebar not showing for titus (09b6df52)
  • Titus: conditionally look up instance health only if a target group is provided for clusters view (2ce20bcc)
  • Titus: undo healthcheck lookup on clusters (635c7a18)
  • Titus: fix health check format for target groups (09914330)
  • Titus: removes v2 REST based API (433d5c2d)
  • ignore retrofit package for nebula publish (653e37eb)
  • Titus: fix aws account lookup to return null if account is not found (585c62d9)
  • Titus: return alb health in cluster and instance lookup (e51e2186)
  • Titus: also return targetGroups for clusters (4bdb288a)
  • Titus: restore awsVpcId method (a24c20d4)
  • Titus: index target groups (9f48323c)
  • utilize updateAutoScalingPolicy command for Titus policies (86142f09)
  • Titus: use shaded grpc netty (57faf1d2)
  • Titus: set metatron sigs in both attributes and job labels (d8c906cb)
  • Titus: fix issue where clone will set inService to previous server group's inService flag instead of false (0dbb113a)
  • delete entity tags on Titus job deletion (a9435987)
  • Titus: fix retry logic to now really only retry on find and gets (cea40186)
  • Titus: bump deadline to 60 seconds (0467a42c)
  • Titus: correctly index migration policy (8ea5ae7b)
  • Titus: migration policy changes (d560d786)
  • Titus: default instanceId to id as this field no longer exists in v3 engine (75c9ab4e)
  • Titus: record migration policy set in description (752e92d2)
  • Titus: return done jobs for getJob method for v3 engine (1c96361b)
  • try/catch enable/disable autoscaling processes on Titus server group ops (932a2504)
  • include jobId when disabling titus server groups (f5bbe1bb)
  • Revert "Titus: return done jobs for getJob method for v3 engine" (52a69560)
  • Titus: return done jobs for getJob method for v3 engine (d28f5fd8)
  • (titus): toggle scaling enabled on enable/disable; guard against async policy upserts (7414308a)
  • restore titus gRPC definitions (1484b062)
  • fix NPE in target group logic (4aa4c5f2)
  • Titus - fix issue where image name was set incorrectly on clone (e12bec23)
  • do not default titus scaling policy unit to None (f958e61d)
  • Titus - clean up deploy handler (dc7ae333)
  • Titus - support for adding a alb target group (0306e2a3)
  • handle target tracking policies on titus clone (dcb415bc)
  • Titus: change retry interceptor behavior to retry all the time on find and get methods and not on other methods like set or create (57cd99de)
  • titus: fix indexing and posting of efs volumes (8c205de9)
  • handle titus batch deployment jobUri field (2a1a0e1c)
  • include jobUri in titus deploy output (b6a43e67)
  • Never trust what IntelliJ tells you are unused imports (acf0f5b6)
  • Adjust titus retry intervals (280e3e4b)
  • Re-enabling titus clone behavior (take 2) (bff28731)
  • Re-enabling titus clone behavior (600fa8c4)
  • Temporarily revert the titus clone behavior (c7d00f93)
  • Titus - ensure soft and hard contraints are unique when copying from source job (402b6f74)
  • titus - handle clone operation correctly (26a820f6)
  • Ensure that titus server groups have non-null 'instances' collection (3cced97f)
  • titus - add titus spectator metrics interceptor to autoscaling client (6d71f7dc)
  • titus - adds titus account and region to netflix grpc interceptor calls (2e5f3730)
  • titus - adds the spectator metrics interceptor (21fb85a5)
  • titus - defaults inService to true when not set as grpc does not allow nulls (cb3b2bf2)
  • fix tests (71b5b5b7)
  • (titus) enable autoscaling on a per-account/per-region basis (2e5c0f56)
  • Titus - support useSourceCapacity (1e395006)
  • Titus - change v3 retry to 10 minutes (2f87cbc0)
  • titus: set target tracking unit to "None" if not specified (64c90fd6)
  • Titus - expose job and task endpoints for v3 (d6c45b44)
  • titus - adds a flag to set autoscaling enabled (8a31dca3)
  • (titus): allow autoscaling wherever eureka is configured (634591ec)
  • include status in titus scaling policy details (63a3db5c)
  • check for eureka before creating autoscaling client, do not copy deleting policies (65d44e2d)
  • include id in titus scaling policies (7df3b9c8)
  • Titus - sets capacity group for v3 grpc (30a8d6a9)
  • Support eviction of stale Titus server group keys (4abd3aa5)
  • fix test (3d7c4129)
  • implement autoscaling crud for titus (8ae2092c)
  • titus - retry on deadline exceeded or unavailable (dd2b91e4)
  • titus - allow users to specify migration policy (c1a0b5e0)
  • titus - fix incorrect constructor for v3 (d39a6ffc)
  • titus - read from eureka (dcc6ea98)
  • titus - first step of retry interceptor - just moves the deadline into an interceptor (75b0cd57)
  • titus - adds an interceptor that pumps metrics into spectator from grpc v3 (35ae2f78)
  • titus - add targetHealthyDeployPercentage to enableDisable operation (91800779)
  • Titus - add a deadline to connection requests in v3 grpc and bump api-definition versions (0484c9ee)
  • titus - set apiversion at the regional level rather than at the account level (2a29ce68)
  • Fix Run Job Stage for Titus v3 (187509fd)
  • Fix Run Job Stage for Titus v3 (5d3bc12d)
  • titus grpc load balancing (f79594cb)
  • titus: v3 api hard constraints and zone field (08d2a364)
  • Titus: only poll once for every job and map v3 states to v2 (8e2d9ecb)
  • Titus: add requiredGroupMembership to devvpc (c923baa8)
  • Titus v3: get api url from config file (207844ca)
  • Titus v3: handle missing titus health states (9d969b64)
  • Titus v3: fix find job by name and set instance count to desired (be3fa838)
  • Titus v3 api - fix serialization issue with job description request (857fce12)
  • Titus v3 api - fix broken tests, change field name to apiVersion (be9a0fc1)
  • Titus v3 api - additional changes to map response from grpc to old format (8df08b8e)
  • Bump to 1.6722 (restrict perf changes to aws) (6cbd3295)
  • Implement TitusClusterProvider.getCluster() (c09ae1f4)
  • Titus API - bring up to date with latest version (648b84e2)
  • Titus v3 api - metatron creds (b7ab0dd5)
  • fully remove OnDemand from TitusClusterCachingAgent instead of stubbing it out (0e060c2b)
  • Make destroy titus job noop on non-existent job (457a2b55)
  • enable v3 api for clouddriver.yml (381d6ba9)
  • Merge branches 'master' and 'titus-v3' of ssh:// into titus-v3 (9a0b6404)
  • Titus v3 api integration (6879472a)
  • titus: return for host ip (12688818)
  • 1.614.0 & fix titus instance retrieval (a68ba182)
  • 1.614.0 - include awsAccount, stack and region when indexing titus instances (7d769a76)
  • 1.611.0 move titus into clouddriver-nflx (f5db4f6d)
  • chore: add missing copyright headers (e6883617)
  • *: Bump spinnaker-dependencies to 1.151.0 (d4c6f6f0)
  • *: Bump spinnaker-dependencies to 0.142.1 (4c124a17)
  • aws: Avoid scheduling ReconcileClassicLinkSecurityGroupsAgent (182741e6)
  • aws: Increasing logs for scaling policies in case of AWS failure (c36d068f)
  • aws: add validateCapacity test cases (6d013b8c)
  • build: single-thread ci builds (03912e22)
  • build: add debug flag to clouddriver build (44eb0691)
  • build: Parallel gradle (7168d23b)
  • cats: metric to count onDemand requests (38b0e9fa)
  • core: Move image interface from openstack to core (25f230ce)
  • docker: run alpine-specific useradd command (79cb92e7)
  • docker: run as spinnaker (71635d0b)
  • provider/aws: Reduce common not found exceptions (3d46375a)
  • provider/gce: Instrument cluster caching. (7f7d88f9)
  • provider/gce: Add logging to cluster caching. (7f7d88f9)
  • provider/gce: Instrument svg caching agent onDemand handlers. (d82edaef)
  • provider/kubernetes: lay groundwork for "multi-kind" caching agents (8ab14e71)
  • provider/kubernetes: remove unused creds code (1f35d94a)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 rename deployer to handler (7e5396f2)
  • titus: Optimize out the per-security group lookups (c4043f75)
  • titus: Support for loading minimal clusters (134300aa)

Deck 2.2.0


  • amazon/loadBalancer: Export react load balancer components from @spinnaker/amazon (a6b52fff)
  • amazon/loadBalancers: Disable create button until security groups are refreshed (6809acd6)
  • amazon/serverGroup: Change default capacity constraint to off (965959c4)
  • appengine: support publishing appengine module as an npm package (28b568ec)
  • artifacts: Implement S3 artifacts (c119e9db)
  • artifacts: Support embedded/base64 artifact type (71239717)
  • artifacts: Enable GCE deploy stage to deploy an artifact (d4e61e5c)
  • aws: offer rollback when user enables an older server group (555e7466)
  • aws: Support rollback of a disabled server group (ccdfe60a)
  • aws: allow setting the target type for target groups (29fa10fd)
  • bake/manifest: support overrides (9da44589)
  • bake/manifest: bake manifest stage config (2a908d13)
  • core: show execution timestamp on hover (cc4a3314)
  • core: Add Pager UI for finding and paging application owners (103d7090)
  • core: move from provider version UI implementation to skins (dc6d3fdc)
  • core: allow custom warning when users skip wait stage (84d35a83)
  • core: navigate to first item in nav dropdown by default on click (69ff3458)
  • core: implement categorized navigation (9d59e048)
  • core: add categories for application data sources (7f42310f)
  • core: Support warning message type for stages (760b08ad)
  • core: omit unsupported cloud provider data from clusters (b2d60891)
  • core: adds ability to define a dockerInsight link (c3342e3b)
  • core: allow markdown in stage-level comments (7cc0a153)
  • core: support markdown in tooltips and popovers (58d15274)
  • core: expose spel evaluator in spinnaker/core (873cb702)
  • core: remove 'N/A' if no server group sequence exists (5a7eed5d)
  • core: allow custom warning when users skip an execution window (10e5dfe2)
  • core: allow parameters to be hidden based on other params (d4696478)
  • core: add a help menu with links to docs and community (4849bdfa)
  • core: update permissions help text to include warning about cache delay (84846f4b)
  • core/angular: Improve error message when angular module dep is undefined. Add overload to $q for normalizing a real promise into a fake angularjs promise. (c67cd0eb)
  • core/cluster: Allow task matchers to be configured from deck-customized (01096fe1)
  • core/entityTag: Close entity tag popover when delete/edit is clicked (75a8d729)
  • core/executions: allow pipeline rerun with same parameters (d75df6f8)
  • core/notification: Add a quick one-off slack channel affordance (990cd107)
  • core/overrideRegistry: Pass the original component to the overriding component as a prop (6a89eb96)
  • core/pagerDuty: Add pagerDuty feature to enable/disable adding pd keys (17727c23)
  • core/pipeline: Allow overriding of default timeout for "Script stage" from UI (33d70fee)
  • core/pipelines: allow user-friendly labels on pipeline parameters (4c435f7c)
  • core/presentation: Provide hidePopover() prop to popover contents component (75a8d729)
  • core/presentation: Add margin selector for flex-container-h layout (e9cacb83)
  • core/serverGroup: Use flexbox instead of bootstrap grid to layout running tasks (9f7d6a3c)
  • core/serverGroup: Refactor to smaller components and make them Overridable (73e002cd)
  • core/triggers: More relevant info when selecting execution (53395ac8)
  • core/triggers: More relevant info when selecting execution (53395ac8)
  • core/wizard: Support a waiting state for sections (abfc180a)
  • goats: goats (b1c112ac)
  • kubernetes: remove upper limit for CPU Target on resize (eaa25f18)
  • kubernetes: use v2 load balancer and security group transformers (81c0307a)
  • kubernetes: Expose use source capacity for deploy (#2543) (0c0dcfd1)
  • kubernetes: Surfacing timeout override for Deploy (Manifest) (37af25d3)
  • provider/appengine: add halyard feature flag for container image url deployments (9c49792e)
  • provider/gce: Support nested health checks in autoHealingPolicy. (c39e49c8)
  • provider/kubernetes: run job node selector (#5181) (af7cef40)
  • provider/kubernetes: pipeline manifest events (fa436486)
  • provider/kubernetes: events in manifest details (720f07d2)
  • provider/kubernetes: trim runJob logs from executions until explicitly requested (cab2cec4)
  • provider/kubernetes: link to resources next to YAML in deploy pipeline (4c3cbb57)
  • provider/kubernetes: delineate default artifacts in executions (9578dc8c)
  • pubsub: specify run-as-user for pubsub triggers (890b942c)
  • pubsub: pubsub providers list pulled from settings (7953dd6a)
  • redblack: UI option for 'Rollback on Failure' (0470561c)
  • rollback: Support rollback on failure for Rolling Red/Black (29e544fa)
  • improve nvm handling in (add34001)
  • titus: Support rollback of disabled server groups (parity with aws) (f742ffc4)
  • titus: Support specifying a percentage of instances to relaunch (507fc5e2)
  • titus: Rollback UI (55820d83)
  • titus: adding timeout override to run job stage (41b5b3bc)
  • webhooks: support artifact production (5e64470f)


  • *: update icons to font-awesome 5 equivalents (3a5e51da)
  • amazon: ask if reboot should consider amazon health only (ecb84af6)
  • amazon: show launch configuration for empty server groups (1f40b880)
  • amazon: make security groups in server group details links (555431c2)
  • amazon/deploy: Do not destroy SpEL based load balancers in deploy config (be99e7fe)
  • amazon/loadBalancer: Validate target group name when region/account changes (3abae77a)
  • amazon/loadBalancers: Don't allow to create if duplicate target group names (2a657a29)
  • amazon/loadBalancers: Disable editing target group names (d1bab477)
  • amazon/loadBalancers: Remove cert and ssl policies when submitting http listener (1852a0b3)
  • amazon/loadBalancers: Show target group sticky status appropriately (99bf884f)
  • amazon/loadBalancers: Stop showing stale data in load balancer edit dialog (c59d85ca)
  • amazon/securityGroup: ingress selector would try to eagerly load vpcs so set empty default (77bd7521)
  • amazon/serverGroup: Add spelLoadbalancers to IAmazonServerGroupCommand (c2fc1e3e)
  • amazon/serverGroups: Unable to open "Edit Scheduled Actions" modal (1ba68716)
  • artifacts: deleting expected artifact removes stale references (bd912257)
  • artifacts: Set the name field on the default github artifacts (342685ba)
  • artifacts: remove unreachable error markup (d9caaab5)
  • artifacts: Fix no expected artifacts message (86810c8a)
  • artifacts: Fix no expected artifacts message (9a8f9b3d)
  • artifacts: removing artifact from 'produces artifacts' throws exception (3ab15066)
  • artifacts: show artifact execution config (ed5ff510)
  • bake: Fix JavaScript error on bake stage load (64e2ac95)
  • build: turn off minification for deck-kayenta (77e3d93a)
  • core: fix HelpField export (4b390445)
  • core: fix awaiting judgment overflow, prevent flicker on active stages (ff9aa054)
  • core: fix execution rendering on lazy executions (80f533a9)
  • core: Fix pipeline configurer for new cache format (f196cf4a)
  • core: extract target accounts from config (8c1293fa)
  • core: fix manual judgment render, active execution refresh (9089ba89)
  • core: skin selection (7b797d24)
  • core: make nav category headings clickable in Firefox (e9d721b1)
  • core: do not cache non-json responses in local storage (3bc5b150)
  • core: remove :focus styling on nav dropdowns (ac520145)
  • core: toggle disabled to false if needed on application refresh (b935d9aa)
  • core: set initial state of skipWaitCustomText on wait stage (aa05331d)
  • core: fix submenu alignment, sync running badges (cf54d8fb)
  • core: do not throw exception on missing versioned provider (3e1d5c3c)
  • core: avoid overflow on Applications actions menu (ab4413e1)
  • core: load jQuery before Angular (13681071)
  • core: avoid excessive rerender on popovers with templates (8aa42713)
  • core: do not render application list if all are filtered out (fa56cb7a)
  • core: count down remaining time in wait stage details (a1978294)
  • core: render remaining wait on wait stage popover (c0d8cf51)
  • core: ensure stage comments are in string format (e010be07)
  • core: allow expressions in pipeline stage application field (164d32e3)
  • core: fix build link to parent pipeline (274690d8)
  • core: fix linting (69310120)
  • core: avoid rendering wizard pages before they have registered (931f8a39)
  • core: omit colon if there is no server group sequence (e69526dd)
  • core: Fix dismissal of new server group template modal (f52d61a7)
  • core: correct category on recently viewed analytics events (8ef9acca)
  • core: allow grouping by time on cancelled executions (6a79063e)
  • core-package: Add explicit do-not-ignores to .npmignore so yalc doesn't exclude them (1c297b6e)
  • core/application: fix scrolling of applications list (c832ff9d)
  • core/canary: do not transform lazy canaries; smarter stage hydration (da34c5fa)
  • core/entityTag: Fix notifications popover re-mounting during each render. (5c3b1b9c)
  • core/entityTag: Fix background colors of notification categories (40e77678)
  • core/entityTag: Fix error message after successful entity tag updates (56cd1c01)
  • core/execution: fix wrong parameter passed to getExectionsForConfigIds (3affdc7d)
  • core/executions: fix render of active manual judgment (9089ba89)
  • core/executions: fix assorted active refresh issues (9089ba89)
  • core/healthCounts: Propagate css class to health counts in either case (2ab4270c)
  • core/help: Allow target="_blank" in links in help popover (17c8eef5)
  • core/instance: Fix instance details loading on first click (a035097c)
  • core/instance: Update InstanceDetails when props change (7174a99f)
  • core/jenkins: show long choice params on multiple lines in dropdown (da4d1dc1)
  • core/nav: use 'undefined' instead of 'null' for empty select value (fb2295d4)
  • core/overrideRegistry: fix lint error (11aa394e)
  • core/overrideRegistry: Copy static class properties to Overridable component (5cf8c4b4)
  • core/overrideRegistry: Use account name (not id) when choosing overriding component (a2033a82)
  • core/overrideRegistry: Handle Override component synchronously, when possible (d4a75982)
  • core/overrideRegistry: Handle Override component synchronously, when possible (d4a75982)
  • core/pagerduty: Fix tests for new service interface (c5c93ec4)
  • core/pipeline: Fix rendering of execution graphs after tslint --fix (88269803)
  • core/pipeline: Fix rendering of pipeline graphs after tslint --fix (4af3b708)
  • core/pipeline: Update cancel execution icon for FA-v5. (708415a0)
  • core/pipeline: Fix closing of "new pipeline" modal using X or Cancel buttons (c22580e0)
  • core/pipeline: Fix pipeline config - add stage that uses BaseProviderStageCtrl (59783aea)
  • core/pipeline: Fix pipeline config - add stage that uses BaseProviderStageCtrl (59783aea)
  • core/pipelines: force refresh pipeline configs after save completes (b470ff89)
  • core/pipelines: force data refresh on pipeline creation (272b89e1)
  • core/presentation: Increase specificity of flex-pull-right within flex-container-h (0684cad7)
  • core/presentation: Fix react modal wrapper (747cc545)
  • core/reactShims: Fix first render when receiving props before $scope is set (0bb815eb)
  • core/search: dont throw when SETTINGS.defaultProviders is null-ish (e4f5f3e9)
  • core/search: Get rid of useless prompt, hide 'Recently Viewed' header if no history (a960ed53)
  • core/securityGroups: ensure security groups view renders when ready (deb1bbdd)
  • core/wizard: Fix header icons at smaller widths (71d978f0)
  • entityTags: Render alerts in netflix-aws and titus details (8bdc3ee5)
  • eslint: enable es2017 parsing to allow trailing commas in function declaration arguments (f2aa26d8)
  • executions: fontawesome renamed repeat icon to redo (080e83cb)
  • halyard: Do not assume latest halyard changes. (2f85ee37)
  • kubernetes: fix import (bee66c4e)
  • openstack: add missing semicolon (53738619)
  • package: Manually bump lockfile entry for fsevents@^1.0.0 (17feb0ce)
  • pipeline_templates: prevent [object Object] when object's defaultValue is provided (93a20c57)
  • provider/ecs: enable ecs provider within deck. (#5190) (01f4bda3)
  • provider/ecs: Fixed issue with AZ not appearing in deploy parameters (c161d41e)
  • provider/gce: Fix call to list backends (176df666)
  • provider/gce: Fix call to list backends (5c1c1daa)
  • provider/google: add resize stage timeout override (d24f5bfd)
  • provider/kubernetes: hide bake manifest stage from k8s v1 provider (15e7bd07)
  • provider/kubernetes: v2 incorrectly showing runjob stages (af6a1b10)
  • provider/kubernetes: v1 namespace lookup (dc0c184c)
  • provider/kubernetes: update stage's kind when controller's rawKind changes (60c3e208)
  • provider/kubernetes: Show warnings for dashes in app names (b5f1f2a1)
  • provider/kubernetes: deploy manifests array nests itself on save (d232dedb)
  • provider/kubernetes: add type to manifestController resolver funcs (f4f8a96c)
  • provider/kubernetes: delete action broken for all but server groups (f43dfea7)
  • provider/kubernetes: exclude manifest stages from v1 (f0a8d6b9)
  • provider/openstack: Do not replace security group application when editing. (bea57fe9)
  • titus: keep instance/job title on same line as icon (964f6e91)
  • titus: fix alignment of migration config fields (19dc6df2)
  • titus: restore load balancer tag icon (a8ce307a)
  • titus: handle strategy change (bb117572)
  • titus: handle strategy change event in deploy configuration (bb117572)
  • titus: fix linting and linking errors to open source titus module again (b6a5ba47)
  • titus: append insight menus to body (3bbc47dc)
  • titus/deploy: Show loading spinner for target groups in deploy config (a13b778b)
  • titus/deploy: Stop clobbering imageId if it is provided in the config. Fixes SPIN-3219. (c0cb51bc)
  • titus/loadBalancer: Fix load balancer icon (83b05b04)
  • tooltip: updating conditional on expression tooltip) (b25c9326)
  • triggers: Pass image as an artifact when using Docker trigger (9bc82e65)


  • remove a welcome message (017217eb)
  • Just Use Prettier™ (532ab778)
  • Updating to use auto-generated files from (c96f74b7)
  • Add the ability to enable infrastructureStages (9d5a0758)
  • preparing to oss titus again (b1fb57e2)
  • titus - change Urls from spinnaker api to titus UI (ebd0a311)
  • titus: set useprovider for loadbalancers (9515a5bf)
  • titus - expose target group health check (55cd7e55)
  • titus - adds clearer message about only using ip type load balancers (728b4e80)
  • titus - show target groups on clone command (33e3062f)
  • titus - clean up account and region changed subjects for load balancer selector (cab49f7b)
  • titus - show load balancer tag for titus clusters (f59bd2f6)
  • titus - alb UI support (6f9bb06a)
  • do not track titus policies by id (19aa4c8d)
  • Titus auto scaling - link to configbin (ff4161bf)
  • Titus: links to titus ui are now more specific (ecdcbce4)
  • Titus: fix incorrect links (8fb7d688)
  • Titus: change titus ui links to new ui and remove stack from titus-ssh as this is no longer needed (94e109d9)
  • amazon to 65, less gross disabled message on titus details (5c80b59a)
  • Titus: enable the migration policy field (7a0d3ae5)
  • catch not found server group promise (5e5cd3cc)
  • fix track by on target tracking policy, correct update/create link (68490678)
  • fix target tracking upsert (ffcb4875)
  • clean up titus server group wizard (5a851696)
  • use upper camel on titus step policy editing (5c4fa762)
  • add GA to insight links (0a332eea)
  • Titus - adds efsRelativeMount field (d119d620)
  • add ConfigBin link (97dac4bb)
  • handle additional titus accounts (f7694e66)
  • Now with more semicolon. (a72fe089)
  • convert find ami execution details to react (dff9f1b2)
  • remove predefined metrics from titus scaling config (49d22274)
  • titus - gpu field (0a058b10)
  • Fix lint warnings (971400cc)
  • enable titus autoscaling per-region (5e5b854f)
  • capacity dialogs from aws to titus (d24c2af9)
  • catch modal rejections (eb8c406a)
  • add titus target tracking policy support (a946443a)
  • proxy titus api links through spinnaker (614b0960)
  • add titus autoscaling support (25b64884)
  • Show results of run job properties file (4ab45045)
  • Removed colors.less and added support from custom variables (8e59091b)
  • Fixed color variables to use styleguide color vars (122f3c75)
  • convert UI to struts (e486f7c2)
  • adds terminate and shrink to titus sidebar (7d4d5213)
  • (titus) - fix issue where capacity group does not show on the sidebar if min == max (c6279c25)
  • discovery application might not be same as application (6e934569)
  • add Discovery Info links to instance details (97323be4)
  • add custom, redblack strategies to titus (08011ee3)
  • updates for new uirouter (372fcd65)
  • initial cutover from oss (ad1747e5)
  • fixed a spinner that was off (fab805f3)
  • Making sure styleguide renders in deck (2c9a101e)
  • *: de-angularize help contents/registry (4b390445)
  • *: bump packages for de-angularized help contents (4b390445)
  • *: De-angularize caches (2f654733)
  • *: Remove angular-loader in favor of using .name explicitly (16afcd0e)
  • *: Bump core and amazon (cca2f070)
  • *: update to react 16.2 (524210b1)
  • *: Prepare for upgrading to react 16 (0b9ebbaa)
  • *: Update typescript and tslint dependencies to latest (e8d39739)
  • all: Updated references to styleguide package (211647b7)
  • amazon: Bump to 0.0.89 (d2ea520a)
  • amazon: bump package to 0.0.87 (24c49bc7)
  • amazon: bump package to 0.0.83 (93809653)
  • amazon: bump package to 0.0.82 (12f8df13)
  • amazon: bump package to 0.0.80 (13d1749e)
  • amazon: Bump to 0.0.79 (e9444d4c)
  • amazon: Bump to 0.0.78 (915f3cb1)
  • amazon: Bump to 0.0.77 (8cc1dbf3)
  • amazon: Bump to 0.0.76 (64080a54)
  • amazon: bump package to 0.0.75 (53435648)
  • amazon/core: move targetHealthyPercentage component to core (bb33107f)
  • amazon/serverGroup: Export server group config interfaces (6dcedb74)
  • amazon/titus: bump packages to 90, 10 (b09bc918)
  • amazon/titus: bump packages to 0.0.88, 0.0.6 (d0433c6b)
  • canary-v2: Add placeholder config for kayenta. (c47a738d)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.197 (4b390445)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.194 (091c23e1)
  • core: fixed imports (c76d9628)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.193 (3ac539e6)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.192 (b44c5cea)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.191 (597607f9)
  • core: Bump to 0.0.190 (d460e74e)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.189 (1f4055c0)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.188 (dd32e241)
  • core: lazy load execution details (ce35bb63)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.187 (3d37206e)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.186 (b6ca1f32)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.185 (52412bb8)
  • core: Bump to 0.0.184 (edc92805)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.183 (40317f8f)
  • core: allow dataSources to specify a required dataSource (e995e1e9)
  • core: bump to 0.0.182 (9b44d15a)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.181 (56737bbc)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.180 (44ae6fd8)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.178 (fc85d34b)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.177 (f78bb703)
  • core: add running-count style to third-level nav badge (854aed60)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.176 (0cd5bbc4)
  • core: tweak navigation icon sizes/placement (faebfb21)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.175 (1289e4c3)
  • core: move app refresher, pager duty buttons to components (c128b915)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.174 (906a30e6)
  • core: higher contrast background on active page in page navigator (3e1d5c3c)
  • core: use different icon for application in search (3e1d5c3c)
  • core: override icon for sitemap (8b532810)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.172 (95aebb16)
  • core: upgrade to font-awesome 5 (c2bdbf72)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.170 (17db3421)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.169 (597b68c2)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.168 (7923da73)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.167 (5d4485b7)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.165 (fda1f45a)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.164 (e04770a3)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.163 (eba54f53)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.162 (85b5626e)
  • core: Bump to 0.0.161 (67ce54b9)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.160 (bb7d45bb)
  • core: bump to 0.0.159 (fd028b12)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.158 (615bff3f)
  • core: Bump to 0.0.157 (72479f27)
  • core: add analytics to recently viewed items (4310381d)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.156 (d88b5934)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.155 (5134200b)
  • core: wrap Overridable expressions in parens (f3874dcc)
  • core: postioned the entity notifications to the right (6f22937d)
  • core: Bump package to 0.0.154 (d90ba777)
  • core: Remove formsy; replace-ish with formik (5ae40835)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.153 (3ac16f91)
  • core: replace nano spinners on inline buttons (ad0cda4d)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.152 (1ba48c6a)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.151 (721e00bf)
  • core: bump package to 0.0.150 (5d570b16)
  • core/account: Fix account service spec -- Workaround native Promise and mocked AngularJS $q IQService interop (d4a75982)
  • core/amazon: bump packages to 0.0.179, 0.0.86 (3435ed2c)
  • core/amazon: bump core to 0.0.173, amazon to 0.0.85 (fb7c3986)
  • core/amazon: bump core to 0.0.171, amazon to 0.0.84 (843c4be9)
  • core/cache: Fix unit tests for cache initialization (59783aea)
  • core/entityTag: Convert clusterTargetBuilder.service to plain JS (378f228a)
  • core/naming: Convert angular naming.service to plain NameUtils (d9f313bd)
  • core/navigation: remove dead zones from nav dropdown (7e662195)
  • core/pagerDuty: Add status to IPagerDutyService (3af44c96)
  • core/presentation: Refactor some JSX to standalone components (75a8d729)
  • core/presentation: Change how ReactModal works (895fb3fe)
  • core/task+amazon/common: Reactify UserVerification and AwsModalFooter (5bd7e6d2)
  • deck-kayenta: bump package to 0.0.43 (4b390445)
  • deck-kayenta: bump package to 0.0.43 (4b390445)
  • deck-kayenta: bump package to 0.0.40 (18d9ba8b)
  • docker: grant www-data access to apache logs (67e5b126)
  • docker: make sure apache dirs exist (d0ebfd4b)
  • docker: correct permissions on lib and run (f9e29241)
  • docker: allow staged files to be edited by www-data (c3df8a33)
  • docker: change ownership while still root user (2984ce82)
  • docker: fix ownership of docker directory (93c932d7)
  • docker: run as www-data rather than spinnaker (709df337)
  • docker: deck has a special base image... (03bca5ee)
  • docker: alpine-specific adduser (7dfd7d36)
  • docker: run as spinnaker (b600f572)
  • halyard: Initial support for configuring deck for kayenta via halyard. (20735e53)
  • karma: do not use jenkins reporter (7c2079ed)
  • karma: remove mocha reporter in favor of dots (2a5f4834)
  • karma: fix lint errors in tests (68db0ea6)
  • karma: use 'dots' reporter for less clutter (532dc0c7)
  • karma: Update karma config for webpack 4 (3bc83809)
  • kayenta: Upgrade to version 0.0.38 (c7d97116)
  • kayenta: Upgrade to version 0.0.38 (c7d97116)
  • kayenta: bump kayenta to 0.0.35 (82330ce5)
  • kayenta: Upgrade kayenta to v0.0.33. (ca63b34e)
  • kayenta: bump kayenta module version (b2fd9ed4)
  • kubernetes: bump package to 0.0.7 (e989e202)
  • kubernetes: bump package to 0.0.6 (987d2684)
  • kubernetes: bump package version (59ba4479)
  • kubernetes: bump package version (eb1b2cc0)
  • npmignore: remove yalc workaround for 'history' and 'changes' (071275f1)
  • package: use --mode=production in gradle build (used by jenkins) (3df4d393)
  • package: minify package bundles in production mode only (a5bde826)
  • prettier: add prettier git hook (388f9d6e)
  • provider/titus: Remove duplicate execution details (f9b507eb)
  • settings: alphabetize features in settings.js (69f078d1)
  • titus: Bump to 0.0.9 (dc2f680e)
  • titus: bump package to 0.0.8 (a9505272)
  • titus: bump package to 0.0.7 (6701afac)
  • titus: bump package version to 0.0.5 (5edff2ef)
  • titus: bump package version to 0.0.4 (dde3f5f4)
  • titus: bump package to 0.0.3 (bb117572)
  • titus: bump package to 0.2 (857448f8)
  • titus/loadBalancer: Refactor to use AmazonLoadBalancersTag (04d0a882)
  • tslint: manually fix lint errors that don't have --fix (be938ab2)
  • tslint: ❯ npx tslint --fix -p tsconfig.json (b1ddb67c)
  • tslint: Add prettier-tslint rules, manually fix lint errors that don't have --fix (e74be825)
  • webpack: Print webpack mode (production/development) to console (3c2ad4a0)
  • webpack: rename webpack.common.js to webpack.config.js (008c6f9b)
  • webpack: update webpack configurations for webpack 4 (40981eae)
  • webpack: webpack 4.x libs and karma updates (0f10cc4f)
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