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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Internationalization of slickQuiz.JS jQuery plugin |
<!doctype html><meta charset=utf-8 /><title>*slickQuiz.JS internationalized/ translated</title>
<link rel=stylesheet href="" />
<link rel=stylesheet href="" />
body { background: #fdfdfd; }
#slickQuiz { border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 0 9px 9px; }
#slickQuiz .quizName span {
position: absolute;
top: -999px;
<h1>slickQuiz.JS internationalized/ translated</h1>
<form id="slickQuiz">
<h2 class="quizName"></h2>
<div class="quizArea">
<div class="quizHeader">
<a class="startQuiz" href="">Commencer!</a>
<div class="quizResults">
<h3 class="quizScore">Vous avez marqué: <span></span></h3>
<h3 class="quizLevel"><strong>Ranking:</strong> <span></span></h3>
<div class="quizResultsCopy"></div>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" charset=utf-8 data-lang=en ></script>
<script data-charset=utf-8 >
// Translated texts - these can be in a separate JS(JSON-P) file... (without this object, the "_t()" function works!)
// Schoolboy French?!
var SQ_i18n = {
'lang': 'fr-FR',
'dir': 'ltr',
'Check My Answer!': 'Vérifiez Ma réponse!',
'Next &raquo;': 'Suivant',
// NEW:
'Question %current of %total': 'Question %current de %total',
'You must select at least one answer.': 'Vous devez sélectionner au moins une réponse.',
'%count. %text': '%count、%text', // Chinese - "enumeration comma".
'%score / %total': '%score | %total',
'<span>Quiz: </span>%name': '%name<span> - Quiz - </span>',
// quizJSON
'Test Your Knowledge!!': 'Testez vos connaissances!'
$(function () {
var $quiz = $('#slickQuiz');
json: quizJSON,
// Existing text options:
checkAnswerText: _t('Check My Answer!'),
nextQuestionText: _t('Next &raquo;'),
backButtonText: _t(''),
tryAgainText: _t(''),
// NEW:
questionCountText: _t('Question %current of %total'), // Line 214.
preventUnansweredText: _t('You must select at least one answer.'), // L418.
//questionTemplateText: _t('%count. %text'), // L221.
scoreTemplateText: _t('%score / %total'), // L547.
nameTemplateText: _t('<span>Quiz: </span>%name'),
deprecatedText: _t('Deprecated: %message'), // L129 - maybe a bit fussy?
preventUnanswered: true,
//displayQuestionNumber: true //false
questionTemplateText: '%text'
// A basic translation function.
function _t(s) {
return window.SQ_i18n && SQ_i18n[s] || s;
$('.quizName').text(_t('Test Your Knowledge!!'));
// Accessibility.
var $qname = $('.quizName', $quiz);
$qname.attr('id', $quiz.attr('id') + '-name');
$qname.html(_t('<span>Quiz: </span>%name').replace('%name', $qname.text()));
'aria-labelledby': $quiz.attr('id') + '-name',
//'aria-label': 'Quiz',
'aria-live': 'polite',
'aria-relevant': 'additions ', //?
'role': 'form'
$('a.startQuiz, [href = "#"]', $quiz).attr('role', 'button');
NDF, 4 April 2014.
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