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Last active July 2, 2021 15:56
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Easy and cool auto formatter/prettier implementation for neovim's init.lua
Format = function()
vim.api.nvim_command(":w") -- save first
local formatCmds = { -- these are just commands that formatting files next to them 'in-place' for each filetype
lua = 'lua-format --indent-width=2 --spaces-inside-table-braces -i',
go = 'gofmt -w',
javascript = 'prettier -w --loglevel error',
typescript = 'prettier -w --loglevel error',
javascriptreact = 'prettier -w --loglevel error',
typescriptreact = 'prettier -w --loglevel error',
json = 'prettier -w --loglevel error',
css = 'prettier -w --loglevel error',
scss = 'prettier -w --loglevel error',
cmake = 'cmake-format -i',
c = 'clang-format -style=file -i',
cpp = 'clang-format -style=file -i',
markdown = 'prettier -w --prose-wrap always --loglevel error',
python = 'black -q'
local cmd = formatCmds[] or 'sed -i -e "s/\\s\\+$//"' -- set command or sed trailing whitespace if not specified
local f = io.popen(cmd .. ' "' .. vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name("%") .. '" 2>&1')
print(f:read('*all')) -- error to status to know what the fuck happened
vim.api.nvim_command("let tmp = winsaveview()")
vim.api.nvim_command("e!") -- these three are reloading buffer saving your window's view
vim.api.nvim_command("call winrestview(tmp)")
vim.api.nvim_command("IndentBlanklineRefresh") -- this is for a plugin 'blankline', remove it if don't have it
-- and other refreshing stuff if needed
-- now map the key, gonna exec vimscript for simplicity
vim.exec('map <silent> <leader>F :lua Format()<CR>')
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