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Last active March 27, 2024 16:15
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  • Save nftkitten/85023ef77aacd9842bedbb05a9301398 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nftkitten/85023ef77aacd9842bedbb05a9301398 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. API Public API

MagicEden Smart Contract v1

MagicEden Smart Contract v2 RPC

(I got most of the endpoints from the PieterSpruijt in Solmate discord channel)

JSON RPC Specification

MongoDB Aggregation Operators

Tested operators

Get Listed NFTs By Query


Method : GET

Public : NO

Auth required : NO

Query Parameters:

Name Value
nowait true/false
q MongoDB Aggregation Operators

Request examples:

await fetch("", {
    "credentials": "include",
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    "method": "GET",
    "mode": "cors"

Success Response:

Code : 200 OK

Content Examples:

    "symbol": "astrals",
    "categories": [
    "createdAt": "2022-03-10T00:15:57.032Z",
    "derivativeDetails": {
      "originName": "",
      "originLink": ""
    "description": "10,000 unique 3d avatars, 200 traits, 16 races, 3500 PX renders with masterfully crafted lore. Astrals is a community-driven project with aspirations of galactic proportions featuring the incredible character design art of Damien Guimoneau. Each Astral is your gateway to our Galaxy DAO and to stake to mine $GLXY - our governance token. Our goal as a community will be to bridge the gap between Solana and the Universe.",
    "discord": "",
    "enabledAttributesFilters": true,
    "image": "",
    "isDerivative": false,
    "name": "ASTRALS",
    "totalItems": 10000,
    "twitter": "",
    "website": "",
    "updatedAt": "2022-04-09T04:23:35.286Z",
    "watchlistCount": 1181,
    "isDraft": false,
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    "rarity": {
      "showHowrare": true,
      "showMoonrank": true
    "hasAllItems": false

Get Activities By Query


Method : GET

Public : NO

Auth required : NO

Query Parameters:

Name Value
nowait true/false
q MongoDB Aggregation Operators

Request examples:

await fetch("", {
    "credentials": "include",
    "headers": {
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        "Pragma": "no-cache",
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    "method": "GET",
    "mode": "cors"

Success Response:

Code : 200 OK

Content Examples:

    "symbol": "astrals",
    "categories": [
    "createdAt": "2022-03-10T00:15:57.032Z",
    "derivativeDetails": {
      "originName": "",
      "originLink": ""
    "description": "10,000 unique 3d avatars, 200 traits, 16 races, 3500 PX renders with masterfully crafted lore. Astrals is a community-driven project with aspirations of galactic proportions featuring the incredible character design art of Damien Guimoneau. Each Astral is your gateway to our Galaxy DAO and to stake to mine $GLXY - our governance token. Our goal as a community will be to bridge the gap between Solana and the Universe.",
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      "showHowrare": true,
      "showMoonrank": true
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Get Collections With Symbols


Method : GET

Public : NO

Auth required : NO

Query Parameters:

Name Value
nowait true/false
edge_cache true/false
symbols ["collection symbol"]

Request examples:

await fetch("", {
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Success Response:

Code : 200 OK

Content Examples:

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    "discord": "",
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    "image": "",
    "isDerivative": false,
    "name": "ASTRALS",
    "totalItems": 10000,
    "twitter": "",
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    "hasAllItems": false

Get Biddings By Query


Method : GET

Public : NO

Auth required : NO

Query Parameters:

Name Value
nowait true/false
q MongoDB Aggregation Operators

Request examples:

await fetch("{%22%24match%22%3A{%22escrowPubkey%22%3A%22GfhyX9SCkqN5YfQSHvczMxhAFbECiYKHCeHHjL2LbbY5%22}%2C%22%24sort%22%3A{%22createdAt%22%3A-1}}", {
    "credentials": "include",
    "headers": {
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Success Response:

Code : 200 OK

Content Examples:


Get NFT By Mint Address


Method : GET

Public : NO

Auth required : NO

Query Parameters:

Name Value
nowait true/false
q MongoDB Aggregation Operators

Request examples:

await fetch("", {
    "credentials": "include",
    "headers": {
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    "method": "GET",
    "mode": "cors"

Success Response:

Code : 200 OK

Content Examples:

 "results": {
  "id": "7mm29BxEdXLptr7XNDDVZbh1E4w13qE25xgwxVw5wZBW",
  "price": 0,
  "owner": "Axc2owCWv1cExF6CcDt52J2eGVnkv3DgiZWxSuXoomDk",
  "img": "",
  "title": "Girl In The Blue Hat",
  "content": "Girl In The Blue Hat  Sharon Tatem 1992 South Beach Collection Oil on Panel. South Beach may have been  falling to pieces, but all I saw was the most beautiful architecture I had ever seen.  I could not get enough.  So I brought the visions home and painted the color hat South Beach Art Deco Series.  I honestly do not remember the order but all 4 will be in this collection. \n\nBuyer is purchasing a high resolution clean image and the value is that I will be posting all my 600+ fine art paintings.  I am the hardest working fine artist and will not give up until all my paintings are NFT's \n\nEnjoy!\nSincerely \nSharon Tatem\n\nThe purchaser will receive the high resolution image clean from all watermarks.  The image is printable.\nAs a Fine Artist I will be dropping new NFTs on a Daily from the very large collection of fine art I have created over 35 years.  Please enjoy the NFT's and feel free to comment to me.\n",
  "propertyCategory": "image",
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    "value": "Art"
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    "value": "South Beach Artist"
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     "uri": "",
     "type": "image/png"
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   "creators": [
     "address": "FwUR3LNN9H4MHrJYxCnxeT4yfFfvBUjBPoHvR3SojaQr",
     "verified": true,
     "share": 100
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  "primarySaleHappened": 0,
  "onChainCollection": {},
  "tokenDelegateValid": false

Get Collection Escrow Stats


Method : GET

Public : NO

Auth required : NO

Query Parameters:

Name Value
:symbol collection symbol

Request examples:

await fetch("", {
    "credentials": "include",
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        "Pragma": "no-cache",
        "Cache-Control": "no-cache"
    "method": "GET",
    "mode": "cors"

Success Response:

Code : 200 OK

Content Examples:

 "results": {
  "symbol": "magicticket",
  "enabledAttributesFilters": true,
  "availableAttributes": [
    "count": 1026,
    "floor": 179000000,
    "attribute": {
     "trait_type": "Level",
     "value": 1
    "count": 282,
    "floor": 468000000,
    "attribute": {
     "trait_type": "Level",
     "value": 2
    "count": 194,
    "floor": 1400000000,
    "attribute": {
     "trait_type": "Level",
     "value": 3
    "count": 1026,
    "floor": 179000000,
    "attribute": {
     "trait_type": "Tier",
     "value": "Normie"
    "count": 282,
    "floor": 468000000,
    "attribute": {
     "trait_type": "Tier",
     "value": "Degen"
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    "floor": 1400000000,
    "attribute": {
     "trait_type": "Tier",
     "value": "OG"
  "floorPrice": 179000000,
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  "listedTotalValue": 32090254081780,
  "avgPrice24hr": 376218800,
  "volume24hr": 37621880000,
  "volumeAll": 31739450989608

Get NFT By Owner


Method : GET

Public : NO

Auth required : NO

Query Parameters:

Name Value
:token_mint mint address

Request examples:

await fetch("", {
    "credentials": "include",
    "headers": {
        "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:99.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/99.0",
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        "Sec-Fetch-User": "?1",
        "Pragma": "no-cache",
        "Cache-Control": "no-cache"
    "method": "GET",
    "mode": "cors"

Success Response:

Code : 200 OK

Content Examples:

 "results": [
   "id": "3WLSu9sLFwajYEqrWXWLQoaf6Q5WhCAQm8dDjVdQyRg9",
   "price": 0,
   "owner": "F6ZVwoX7Z1Ec81AJFGHyTciJUCumnkPetRWA6SHqpMko",
   "collectionName": "solana_bored_folks",
   "collectionTitle": "Solana Bored Folks",
   "img": "",
   "title": "SOLANA BORED FOLKS #154",
   "content": "333 UNIQUE BORED FOLKS",
   "propertyCategory": "image",
   "creators": [
     "address": "MTrrWxZh4bGsE2MESFnNiypp7HZrn8xRyBWd3So9z7L",
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     "share": 0
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     "trait_type": "BCKGROUND",
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     "trait_type": "EYES",
     "value": "SQUARE GLASSES"
     "trait_type": "FACE",
     "value": "NONE"
     "trait_type": "HAT",
     "value": "PLANETS"
     "trait_type": "PIPE",
     "value": "LONG"
   "properties": {
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      "uri": "",
      "type": "image/png"
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    "creators": [
      "address": "3qYAf6BCXsao7gCHton8BUmibEZY6dUKxLNJ9juYeHg2",
      "share": 100
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   "tokenDelegateValid": false

Get NFT Stats By MintAddress


Method : GET

Public : NO

Auth required : NO

Query Parameters:

Name Value
:token_mint mint address

Request examples:

await fetch("", {
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        "Pragma": "no-cache",
        "Cache-Control": "no-cache"
    "method": "GET",
    "mode": "cors"

Success Response:

Code : 200 OK

Content Examples:

 "results": {
  "_id": "625132a3fa13153687681997",
  "mintAddress": "FpqUMSWghvdJhdVm9DBCTfgQB7S4FqrbGV3v9N7rnz1c",
  "collectionSymbol": "fly",
  "attrs": [
    "trait_type": "Expression",
    "value": "I Wish",
    "valueCount": 88
    "trait_type": "Jacket",
    "value": "Quarter Zip Green",
    "valueCount": 34
    "trait_type": "Hat",
    "value": "Bell Boy Red",
    "valueCount": 34
    "trait_type": "Head",
    "value": "Cracked Mask Green Pink Mustard",
    "valueCount": 59
    "trait_type": "Background",
    "value": "Chalk Board",
    "valueCount": 48
  "totalMints": 888,
  "rarityA": 16.88212927756654,
  "rankA": 266

Get Global Activities By Query


Method : GET

Public : NO

Auth required : NO

Query Parameters:

Name Value
nowait true/false
q MongoDB Aggregation Operators

Request examples:

await fetch("{%22$match%22:{%22collection_symbol%22:%22stoned_ape_crew%22},%22$sort%22:{%22blockTime%22:-1,%22createdAt%22:-1},%22$skip%22:0}", {
    "credentials": "include",
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        "Sec-Fetch-User": "?1",
        "Pragma": "no-cache",
        "Cache-Control": "no-cache"
    "method": "GET",
    "mode": "cors"

Success Response:

Code : 200 OK

Content Examples:

 "results": [
   "_id": "625136ba95f92c7e1d6df043",
   "transaction_id": "4hJX8898UEbHVkSABjy2jYcZEVGnhsFKrpVQgxfDhQnB784qTNkttkFncMGBFEZo7FP7F5Rw4FxVLEgwsgeGKkBT",
   "txType": "initializeEscrow",
   "blockTime": 1649489591,
   "buyer_address": null,
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   "createdAt": "2022-04-09T07:33:14.776Z",
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   "parsedList": {
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   "slot": 128906507,
   "source": "magiceden_v2",
   "step": 0,
   "totalSteps": 1,
   "txName": "sell",
   "mintObject": {
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    "img": "",
    "supply": 1,
    "title": "Stoned Ape #3333",
    "content": "4200 Stoned Apes Form The Genesis Collection In The Crew With 4 Roles, Allowing Staking For Daily Rewards Of Our Utility Token $PUFF, An NFT Evolution Process With Token Burning Mechanics And More Dope Real World Utility. More Than Just Your Typical PFP Project.",
    "attributes": [
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      "trait_type": "Genesis Role?",
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    "onChainName": "Stoned Ape #3333"
} Undocumented API

Featured Carousels


Method : GET

Public : NO

Auth required : NO

Query Parameters:

Name Value
edge_cache true/false

Request examples:

await fetch("", {
    "credentials": "omit",
    "headers": {
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    "method": "GET",
    "mode": "cors"

Success Response:

Code : 200 OK

Content Examples:

    "_id": "624b8d9fad7bc10011a9363e",
    "description": "We are Solana's #1 marketplace! Check out some of our curated collections below 👇",
    "image": "",
    "title": "Welcome to Magic Eden!",
    "index": 0,
    "publishedAt": null,
    "removedAt": null,
    "url": ""

Featured Collections Carousels


Method : GET

Public : NO

Auth required : NO

Query Parameters:

Name Value
edge_cache true/false

Request examples:

await fetch("", {
    "credentials": "omit",
    "headers": {
        "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:99.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/99.0",
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Success Response:

Code : 200 OK

Content Examples:

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Popular Collections


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New Collections


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All Collections With Escrow Data


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All Organizations


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Launchpad Collections


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    "referrer": "",
    "method": "GET",
    "mode": "cors"

Success Response:

Code : 200 OK

Content Examples:

    "watching": false

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