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Created October 1, 2012 19:57
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Filling up for instructional automata paper in Haskell
{- ported from and/or filled for
"Regular Expressions and Automata using Haskell, Simon Thompson (Jan 2000)",
by @nfunato on 2012/04/07 -}
{- this code is provided "as-is". -}
import Data.List (foldl', nub, sort, sortBy, groupBy, elemIndex, findIndex)
import Data.Set (Set, empty, size, singleton, fromList, toList, toAscList,
elems, member, findMin, insert, union, intersection,(\\))
import qualified Data.List as L --
import qualified Data.Set as S --
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Function (fix, on)
-- ===================================================================
-- finite automata
type Symbol = Char
data Transition a =
Epsilon a a -- Epsilon fromState toState
| Labelled a Symbol a -- Labelled fromState label toState
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Fa a = Fa { -- Finite Automaton
states :: Set a
, transitions :: Set (Transition a)
, start :: a
, goals :: Set a
} deriving (Eq, Show)
makeFa :: Ord a => ([a], [Transition a], a, [a]) -> Fa a
makeFa (states, transitions, start, goals) =
assert checkArgs (Fa stSet trSet start goalSet)
stSet = fromList states
trSet = fromList transitions
goalSet = fromList goals
checkArgs =
let memSt st = st `elem` states
validTr (Epsilon f t) = memSt f && memSt t
validTr (Labelled f _ t) = memSt f && memSt t
-- also should check isolated state here
in memSt start
&& all memSt goals
&& all validTr transitions
accept :: Ord a => Fa a -> [Symbol] -> Bool
accept fa syms = any (flip member (goals fa)) states
where states = toList $ transit fa syms
transit :: Ord a => Fa a -> [Symbol] -> Set a
transit fa syms = foldl' (transitOne fa) startStates syms
where startStates = eClosure fa (singleton (start fa))
transitOne :: Ord a => Fa a -> Set a -> Symbol -> Set a
transitOne fa states = (eClosure fa) . transitOneLabel fa states
transitOneLabel :: Ord a => Fa a -> Set a -> Symbol -> Set a
transitOneLabel fa argStates argSym =
fromList [ toSt | argSt <- elems argStates,
Labelled fromSt sym toSt <- elems (transitions fa),
argSt == fromSt, argSym == sym ]
transitOneEpsilon :: Ord a => Fa a -> Set a -> Set a
transitOneEpsilon fa argStates =
fromList [ toSt | argSt <- elems argStates,
Epsilon fromSt toSt <- elems (transitions fa),
argSt == fromSt ]
eClosure :: Ord a => Fa a -> Set a -> Set a
eClosure fa argStates = fixpoint step argStates
where step states = states `union` transitOneEpsilon fa states
fixpoint :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
fixpoint f x
| x == newX = x
| otherwise = fixpoint f newX
where newX = f x
-- ===================================================================
-- automata arithmetic (just compiled, not tested at all)
renumSt :: Enum a => Int -> a -> a
renumSt offset state = (iterate succ state) !! offset
renumTr :: Enum a => Int -> Transition a -> Transition a
renumTr offset transition =
case transition of
Epsilon f t -> Epsilon (renum f) (renum t)
Labelled f s t -> Labelled (renum f) s (renum t)
where renum = renumSt offset
ensureSingleGoal :: Fa Int -> Fa Int
ensureSingleGoal fa@(Fa stSet trSet start goalSet) =
if size goalSet == 1
then fa
else Fa newStSet newTrSet start (singleton m)
m = size stSet
newStSet = insert m stSet
newTrSet = trSet `union` (\g -> Epsilon g m) goalSet
mOr fa1 fa2 = mOr' (ensureSingleGoal fa1) (ensureSingleGoal fa2) where
mOr' (Fa stSet1 trSet1 start1 goalSet1) (Fa stSet2 trSet2 start2 goalSet2) =
Fa newStSet newTrSet 0 (singleton (m1+m2+1))
goal1 = (elems goalSet1) !! 0
goal2 = (elems goalSet2) !! 0
m1 = size stSet1
m2 = size stSet2
stSet1' = (renumSt 1) stSet1
stSet2' = (renumSt (m1+1)) stSet2
trSet1' = (renumTr 1) trSet1
trSet2' = (renumTr (m1+1)) trSet2
newStSet = stSet1' `union` stSet2' `union` fromList [0, (m1+m2+1)]
newTrSet = trSet1' `union` trSet2'
`union` fromList [ Epsilon 0 (start1+1),
Epsilon 0 (start2+m1+1),
Epsilon (goal1+1) (m1+m2+1),
Epsilon (goal2+m1+1)(m1+m2+1)]
mThen fa1 fa2 = mThen' (ensureSingleGoal fa1) fa2 where
mThen' (Fa stSet1 trSet1 start1 goalSet1) (Fa stSet2 trSet2 start2 goalSet2) =
Fa newStSet newTrSet start1 goalSet2
goal1 = (elems goalSet1) !! 0
m1 = size stSet1
stSet2' = (renumSt m1) stSet2
trSet2' = (renumTr m1) trSet2
newStSet = stSet1 `union` stSet2'
newTrSet = trSet1 `union` trSet2'
`union` fromList [ Epsilon goal1 (start2+m1) ]
mStar fa = mStar' (ensureSingleGoal fa) where
mStar' (Fa stSet trSet start goalSet) =
Fa newStSet newTrSet 0 (singleton (m+1))
goal = (elems goalSet) !! 0
m = size stSet
stSet' = (renumSt 1) stSet
trSet' = (renumTr 1) (insert (Epsilon goal start) trSet)
newStSet = stSet' `union` fromList [0,m+1]
newTrSet = trSet' `union` fromList [ Epsilon 0 (m+1),
Epsilon 0 (start+1),
Epsilon (goal+1) (m+1) ]
-- ===================================================================
-- conversion from nfa to dfa (just tested for a few examples)
makeDfa :: Ord a => Fa a -> Fa Int
makeDfa = renumFa . makeDfa'
renumFa :: Ord a => Fa a -> Fa Int
renumFa (Fa stsSet trsSet starts goalsSet) =
Fa stSet trSet start goalSet
where -- we might want to memoize the result of convSt ...
stSet = fromList [0 .. stSize-1]
trSet = convTr trsSet
start = convSt starts
goalSet = convSt goalsSet
stList = toAscList stsSet
stSize = length stList
convSt st = fromJust $ elemIndex st stList
convTr (Labelled f s t) = Labelled (convSt f) s (convSt t)
-- convTr (Epsilon f t) = Epsilon (convSt f) (convSt t)
-- maybe we should incorporate 'alphabet' into a member of record 'Fa'.
alphabet :: Fa a -> [Symbol]
alphabet fa = sort $ nub [ sym | Labelled _ sym _ <- elems (transitions fa) ]
makeDfa' :: Ord a => Fa a -> Fa (Set a)
makeDfa' nfa = fixpoint (addStep nfa (alphabet nfa)) startDfa
startDfa = Fa (singleton startMetaSt) empty startMetaSt goalMetaSts
startMetaSt = eClosure nfa (singleton (start nfa))
| (goals nfa) `intersection` startMetaSt == empty = empty
| otherwise = singleton startMetaSt
addStep :: Ord a => Fa a -> [Symbol] -> Fa (Set a) -> Fa (Set a)
addStep nfa syms dfa =
foldl' (\dfa' dfaState' -> addTrs nfa dfaState' dfa' syms) dfa dfaStates
where dfaStates = toList (states dfa)
addTrs :: Ord a => Fa a -> Set a -> Fa (Set a) -> [Symbol] -> Fa (Set a)
addTrs nfa nfaStates dfa syms = foldl' (addTr nfa nfaStates) dfa syms
addTr :: Ord a => Fa a -> Set a -> Fa (Set a) -> Symbol -> Fa (Set a)
addTr nfa nfaStates (Fa stSet trSet start goalSet) sym =
Fa stSet' trSet' start goalSet'
newStates = transitOne nfa nfaStates sym
stSet' = stSet `union` singleton newStates
trSet' = trSet `union` singleton (Labelled nfaStates sym newStates)
| empty /= (goals nfa) `intersection` newStates
= goalSet `union` singleton newStates
| otherwise = goalSet
-- ===================================================================
-- minimizing dfa (just tested for a few examples)
-- maybe we can unify the body of 'minimizeDfa' into 'renumFa'.
minimizeDfa :: Ord a => Fa a -> Fa Int
minimizeDfa dfa@(Fa stSet trSet start goalSet)= Fa stSet' trSet' start' goalSet'
where -- we might want to memoize the result of convSt ...
stSet' = fromList [0 .. (length partition)-1]
trSet' = convTr trSet
start' = convSt start
goalSet' = convSt goalSet
partition = sortBy (comparing findMin) $ partitionDfaStates dfa
convSt st = fromJust $ findIndex (st `member`) partition
convTr (Labelled f s t) = Labelled (convSt f) s (convSt t)
partitionDfaStates :: Ord a => Fa a -> [Set a]
partitionDfaStates (Fa stSet trSet _ goalSet) = fixpoint step initialPartition
initialPartition = [goalSet, stSet\\goalSet]
step partition = refinePartitionBy groupId partition
groupId state = fromList [ (sym, inNthPartition toSt) |
Labelled frSt sym toSt <- elems trSet,
frSt == state ]
inNthPartition state = fromJust $ findIndex (state `member`) partition
refinePartitionBy :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> [Set a] -> [Set a]
refinePartitionBy groupId partition = concatMap refineElemOf partition
where refineElemOf = (fromList . ( fst))
. groupBy ((==) `on` snd) . sortBy (comparing snd)
. (\x -> (x, groupId x)) . toList
-- ===================================================================
-- test data
nfa1 = makeFa ([ 0..3 ],
[ Labelled 0 'a' 0,
Labelled 0 'a' 1,
Labelled 0 'b' 0,
Labelled 1 'b' 2,
Labelled 2 'b' 3 ],
nfa2 = makeFa ([ 0..5 ],
[ Labelled 0 'a' 1,
Labelled 1 'b' 2,
Labelled 0 'a' 3,
Labelled 3 'b' 4,
Epsilon 3 4,
Labelled 4 'b' 5 ],
nfaEx11 = makeFa ([ 0 .. 8],
[ Epsilon 0 1,
Epsilon 1 2,
Labelled 2 'a' 3,
Epsilon 3 6,
Epsilon 6 1,
Epsilon 1 4,
Labelled 4 'b' 5,
Epsilon 5 6,
Epsilon 6 7,
Labelled 7 'a' 8 ],
-- aka machineP
mP = nfaEx11
-- eof
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