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Last active October 13, 2015 06:37
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Unix cal(1) knockoff in Common Lisp / Haskell
import Data.List (transpose, unfoldr, intercalate)
import Data.Time.Calendar (gregorianMonthLength, fromGregorian)
import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate (toWeekDate)
-- utilities
dow y m d = pred $ trd $ toWeekDate $ fromGregorian y m d where trd(_,_,x) = x
groupsOf n | n>0 = unfoldr $ \x -> if null x then Nothing else Just(splitAt n x)
-- essential start of cal.hs --------------------------------------
type Month = (Integer,Int) -- a local definition of handy month
makeMonth :: Integer -> Int -> Month
makeMonth y i = (y + fromIntegral q, r+1) where (q,r) = (i-1) `quotRem` 12
-- string generation staff (maybe shortened with good sprintf function...)
monthHeadingRow (y,m) = " " ++ mnms!!(m-1) ++ " " ++ show y ++ " "
mnms = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]
dowRow = concatMap (++" ") $ take 7 $ drop ix0 dowNames
dowNames = cycle ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su"]
ix0 = 0
weeks (y,m) = groupsOf 7 $ pad(dow y m 1-ix0) ++ [] ++ pad(ix0-1-dow y m ml)
where ml = gregorianMonthLength y m
pad = flip replicate 0 . (`mod`7)
weekRow days = concatMap ((++" ") . dayStr) days
where dayStr n | n>9 = show n | n>0 = " " ++ show n | otherwise = " "
genMonthRows ym = monthHeadingRow ym : dowRow : map weekRow (weeks ym)
emptyRow = replicate (3*7) ' '
-- layout formatting staff
addPadRows rowsList = zipWith (++) rowsList padsList
where lenList = map length rowsList
maxLen = maximum lenList
padsList = map (flip replicate emptyRow . (maxLen-)) lenList
genGroupLines= map (intercalate" ") . transpose . addPadRows . map genMonthRows
genCalLines = intercalate [""] . map genGroupLines . groupsOf 3 . enumMonths
enumMonths (y,m,n) = map (makeMonth y) [m..m+n-1]
printCal year startMonth n = mapM_ putStrLn $ genCalLines (year,startMonth,n)
import Data.List (transpose, unfoldr, intercalate)
import Data.Time.Calendar (gregorianMonthLength, fromGregorian)
import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate (toWeekDate)
-- utilities
dow :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> Int
dow y m d = pred $ trd $ toWeekDate $ fromGregorian y m d where trd(_,_,x) = x
groupsOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupsOf n | n>0 = unfoldr $ \x -> if null x then Nothing else Just(splitAt n x)
-- essential start of cal.hs --------------------------------------
type Month = (Integer,Int) -- a local definition of handy month
makeMonth :: Integer -> Int -> Month
makeMonth y i = (y + fromIntegral q, r+1) where (q,r) = (i-1) `quotRem` 12
-- string generation staff (maybe shortened with good sprintf function...)
monthHeadingRow :: Month -> String -- 6 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 7 = 21
monthHeadingRow m = " " ++ monthName m ++ " " ++ yearName m ++ " "
yearName (y,_) = show y
monthName (_,m) = mnms !! (m-1)
mnms = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]
dowRow = concatMap (++" ") $ take 7 $ drop ix0 dowNames :: String
dowNames = cycle ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su"]
ix0 = 0 -- normally 0 (Monday) or 6 (Sunday)
weeks :: Month -> [[Int]]
weeks (y,m) = groupsOf 7 $ pad(dow y m 1-ix0) ++ [] ++ pad(ix0-1-dow y m ml)
where ml = gregorianMonthLength y m
pad = flip replicate 0 . (`mod`7)
weekRow :: [Int] -> String
weekRow days = concatMap ((++" ") . dayStr) days
where dayStr n | n>9 = show n | n>0 = " " ++ show n | otherwise = " "
genMonthRows :: Month -> [String]
genMonthRows ym = monthHeadingRow ym : dowRow : map weekRow (weeks ym)
emptyRow = replicate (3*7) ' ' :: String
-- layout formatting staff
addPadRows :: [[String]] -> [[String]]
addPadRows rowsList = zipWith (++) rowsList padsList
where lenList = map length rowsList
maxLen = maximum lenList
padsList = map (flip replicate emptyRow . (maxLen-)) lenList
genGroupLines :: [Month] -> [String] -- the months belong to the same horizon
genGroupLines= map (intercalate" ") . transpose . addPadRows . map genMonthRows
enumMonths :: (Integer,Int,Int) -> [Month]
enumMonths (y,m,n) = map (makeMonth y) [m..m+n-1]
genCalLines :: (Integer,Int,Int) -> [String]
genCalLines = intercalate [""] . map genGroupLines . groupsOf 3 . enumMonths
printCal :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
printCal year startMonth n = mapM_ putStrLn $ genCalLines (year,startMonth,n)
-- for self made version
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.List (transpose, unfoldr, intercalate)
dow :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> Int
dow y m d = assert (1752<=y && 1<=m && m<=12 && 1<=d && d<=31) (zeller y m d)
zeller :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> Int
zeller y m d = fromIntegral offset `rem` 7
where y' = if m<3 then y-1 else y
offset = y' + quot y' 4 - quot y' 100 + quot y' 400
+ [0,3,2,5,0,3,5,1,4,6,2,4] !! (m-1)
+ fromIntegral d + 6
gregorianMonthLength :: Integer -> Int -> Int
gregorianMonthLength y m | 1<=m && m<= 12 = mmd (isLeapYear y) !! (m-1)
where mmd True = [31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]
mmd False = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]
isLeapYear :: Integer -> Bool
isLeapYear y = zry 4 && not (zry 100) || zry 400 where zry = (0==) . rem y
;;; Unix cal(1) knockoff
;;; written by @nfunato on 2012/10/15 for some reason
(defvar $month-names '(nil "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun"
"Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"))
(defvar $dow-names-m '("Mo" "Tu" "We" "Th" "Fr" "Sa" "Su"))
(defvar $dow-names-s '("Su" "Mo" "Tu" "We" "Th" "Fr" "Sa"))
(defvar $dow-names $dow-names-m)
(defparameter *dow-from-monday-p* t)
(defun toggle-dow-from-monday ()
(prog1 (setf *dow-from-monday-p* (not *dow-from-monday-p*))
(setf $dow-names (if *dow-from-monday-p* $dow-names-m $dow-names-s))))
(defun dow (y m d)
(assert (and (<= 1752 y) (<= 1 m 12) (<= 1 d 31)))
(let ((y (if (< m 3) (1- y) y)))
(rem (+ y (truncate y 4) (- (truncate y 100)) (truncate y 400)
(svref #(nil 0 3 2 5 0 3 5 1 4 6 2 4) m)
(if *dow-from-monday-p* 6 0))
(defun leap-year-p (y)
(flet ((zry (n) (zerop (rem y n))))
(or (and (zry 4) (not (zry 100)))
(zry 400))))
(defun month-max-day (y m)
(assert (<= 1 m 12))
(+ (if (and (leap-year-p y) (= m 2)) 1 0)
(svref #(nil 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31) m)))
(defun take (n xs)
(loop for i from 0 below n
for x in xs
collect x))
(defun groups-of (n xs)
(cond ((zerop n) (error "groups-of"))
((null xs) '())
(t (cons (take n xs) (groups-of n (nthcdr n xs))))))
(defun make-month (y m)
"Returns a month object, hereafter month-obj. Month-obj is equal to its month-shape in the current implementation."
(month-shape y m))
(defun month-shape (y m)
"Returns information for printing a month, hereafter month-shape."
(assert (<= 1 m 12))
(let* ((mmd (month-max-day y m))
(weeks (groups-of 7
(nconc (make-list (dow y m 1))
(loop for d from 1 to mmd collect d)
(make-list (- 6 (dow y m mmd)))))))
(list* y m weeks)))
(defun shape-of (month-obj)
(defun month->rowstrs (month-obj)
(destructuring-bind (y m . weeks) (shape-of month-obj)
(flet ((ym-str () (format nil "~21:@<~a ~d~>" (nth m $month-names) y))
(dow-str () (format nil "~{~a ~}" $dow-names))
(week-str (w) (format nil "~{~:[ ~;~:*~2,d ~]~}" w)))
;; each list item, which we call rowstr, has same length, i.e. 21
(list* (ym-str) (dow-str) (mapcar #'week-str weeks)))))
(defun max-nelems (xss)
(loop for xs in xss maximize (length xs)))
(defun nspace-string (n)
(make-string n :initial-element #\space))
(defun append-padding-rows (rowstrs-list)
(let ((max-nrows (max-nelems rowstrs-list))
(padrow (nspace-string (length (caar rowstrs-list)))))
(mapcar (lambda (rowstrs)
(let ((nrows (- max-nrows (length rowstrs))))
(append rowstrs (make-list nrows :initial-element padrow))))
(defun print-months-horizontally (month-obj-list)
(let* ((rowstrs-list (mapcar #'month->rowstrs month-obj-list))
(padded-rowstrs-list (append-padding-rows rowstrs-list)))
(apply #'mapc
(lambda (&rest rowstr-list) (format t "~{~a~^ ~}~%" rowstr-list))
(defun print-groups-of-months (groups-of-month-objs)
(flet ((pmh-to-string (month-objs)
(with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
(print-months-horizontally month-objs))))
(format t "~{~a~^~%~}" (mapcar #'pmh-to-string groups-of-month-objs))))
(defun make-month-sequence (year start-month nmonth)
(loop for i from start-month below (+ start-month nmonth)
collect (multiple-value-bind (dy m-1) (truncate (1- i) 12)
(make-month (+ year dy) (1+ m-1)))))
(defun print-calendar (year start-month nmonth)
"An essential background implementation of CAL without optional parameter interface and argument checking."
(groups-of 3
(make-month-sequence year start-month nmonth))))
(defun cal (y &optional (m 1 sup-m) (num (if sup-m 1 12)))
"Main API. (CAL y m h) prints a calendar from month 'm' of year 'y' for 'n' months, with displaying in three columns. (CAL y m) is a synonym of (CAL y m 1), and (CAL y) is a synonym of (CAL y 1 12)."
(assert (and (plusp y) (<= 1 m 12) (plusp num)))
(print-calendar y m num))
;;; perhaps meaningful tests:
;;; (make-month 2010 8) (month->rowstrs (make-month 2010 8))
;;; (print-months-horizontally (list (make-month 2010 8)))
;;; (print-months-horizontally (make-month-sequences 2010 8 2))
;;; (cal 2010 1 3) (cal 2010 7 3) (cal 2012 7 3)
;;; (cal 2010 7) (cal 2010 8) (cal 2010 1) (cal 2010 2) (cal 2010 3)
;;; (cal 2010) (cal 2012 9 7)
;;; eof
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