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Last active September 28, 2019 00:48
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companion code for my local presentation "Code Walkers for Lisp"
;;;; companion code for my presentation at a local meeting on 2019-09-28
;;;; (
;;; prerequisite
(use-package :sb-walker)
(import 'sb-walker::walk-form-internal) ; for tracing
(ql:quickload "split-sequence")
(ql:quickload "cl-json")
;;; with-gensyms / once-only -- from Practical Common Lisp by Peter Seibel
(defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest names) &body body)
`(let ,(loop for n in names collect `(,n (gensym)))
(defmacro once-only ((&rest names) &body body)
(let ((gensyms (loop for n in names collect (gensym))))
`(let (,@(loop for g in gensyms collect `(,g (gensym))))
`(let (,,@(loop for g in gensyms for n in names collect ``(,,g ,,n)))
,(let (,@(loop for n in names for g in gensyms collect `(,n ,g)))
;;; walk-tree / walk-tree-atoms -- from CL tips by Zach Beane
(defun walk-tree (tree fn) ; call FN for every subform (cons/atom)
(subst-if t (constantly nil) tree :key fn))
(defun walk-tree-atoms (tree fn)
(tree-equal tree tree ; call FN for every atom
:test (lambda (atom1 atom2)
(declare (ignore atom2))
(funcall fn atom1)
(defvar *my-repl*
'(defun my-read-eval-print-loop (level)
(with-simple-restart (abort "Exit command level ~D." level)
(with-simple-restart (abort "Return to command level ~D." level)
(let ((form (prog2 (fresh-line) (read) (fresh-line))))
(prin1 (eval form))))))))
(defun test-walk-tree ()
(walk-tree *my-repl* #'print))
;;; my-macroexpand-all
(defmacro kond (&rest cls)
(if cls
`(if ,(caar cls)
(progn ,@(cdar cls))
(kond ,@(cdr cls)))))
(defun my-macroexpand-all (tree)
(let ((x (macroexpand tree)))
(if (atom x) x (mapcar #'my-macroexpand-all x))))
(defun test-my-macroexpand-all ()
'(mapcar #'(lmd (kond) (car kond)) list)
;;; macroexpand-all
(defvar *my-repl*
'(defun my-read-eval-print-loop (level)
(with-simple-restart (abort "Exit command level ~D." level)
(with-simple-restart (abort "Return to command level ~D." level)
(let ((form (prog2 (fresh-line) (read) (fresh-line))))
(prin1 (eval form))))))))
(defun test-mex-all (level &optional (form (fourth *my-repl*)))
(ecase level
(0 (macroexpand-1 form))
(1 (macroexpand form))
(2 (sb-cltl2:macroexpand-all form))))
;;; with-constant-folding
(defmacro with-constant-folding (&body body &environment env)
(WALK-FORM `(progn ,@body) env
(lambda (form context env2)
(declare (ignore env2))
(if (and (eq context :eval) (consp form)
(member (car form) '(+ - * /))
(every #'constantp (cdr form)))
(eval form)
(defun test-with-constant-folding ()
(let (x (y 1))
(setq x (+ 2 (* 3 4)))
(/ (- y (* 24 7))
(* 6 6)))))
;; the following is normally expanded into
;; '(progn (setq x (+ 2 12) (/ (- y 168) 3600)))
;; but really expanded into
;; '(progn (setq x 14) (/ (- y 168) 3600)))
;; in SBCL, which seems to evaluate (constantp '(* 3 4)) => T
(defun test-with-constant-folding-mex ()
(let (x (y 1))
(setq x (+ 2 (* 3 4)))
(/ (- y (* 24 7))
(* 6 6))))))
;;; replacing every variable reference
(defvar *wcr-sample*
'(let ((x (list Y)))
(tagbody x
(setq x (cons 'x X))
(if (< (length X) 8) (go x)))
(print X)))
(defun replace-varref (&optional (form *wcr-sample*) env)
(WALK-FORM form env
(lambda (form context env)
(declare (ignore env))
(if (and (eq context :eval)
(symbolp form)
;; (VAR-LEXICAL-P form env)
(defun replace-varref-lexvar-only (&optional (form *wcr-sample*) env)
(WALK-FORM form env
(lambda (form context env)
;; (declare (ignore env))
(if (and (eq context :eval)
(symbolp form)
(VAR-LEXICAL-P form env)
;;; aggregating closure variable in a lambda form
(defun lambda-form-p (form)
(and (consp form)
(eq (car form) 'lambda)
(cadr form)))
(defun same-var-p (var env1 env2) ; variable-same-p in Fig.10 [2]
(eq (VAR-LEXICAL-P var env1)
(VAR-LEXICAL-P var env2)))
(defun aggregate (lmd-form lmd-env &aux (pool '()))
(WALK-FORM lmd-form lmd-env
(lambda (f c e)
(when (and (eq c :eval) f (symbolp f) (same-var-p f e lmd-env))
(pushnew f pool))
(defvar *aggregate-sample*
'(let (x y z) (lambda (y) (foo x y z))))
(defun test-aggregate (&optional (form *aggregate-sample*) env)
(WALK-FORM form env
(lambda (f c e)
(declare (ignore c))
(when (lambda-form-p f) (return-from test-aggregate (aggregate f e)))
;;; alpha conversion
; currently no concrete samples -- sorry!
;;; a tiny symbol macro converted to an alist accessor
;(ql:quickload "split-sequence")
;(ql:quickload "cl-json")
(defun path-element-strings (s &optional (delimiter #\.))
(split-sequence:split-sequence delimiter (subseq (string s) 1)))
(defun symbol-to-assoc-form (sym decoded-str)
(flet ((fn (acc x)
`(cdr (assoc ,x ,acc :test #'string-equal)))
(reduce #'fn (path-element-strings sym) :initial-value decoded-str)))
(defun free-varref-p (form ctxt env)
(and form (symbolp form) (eq ctxt :eval)
(cond ((VAR-LEXICAL-P form env) nil)
((sb-walker::variable-symbol-macro-p form env) nil)
(t t))))
(defun @-prefixed-symbol-p (sym)
(char= #\@ (char (symbol-name sym) 0)))
(defun walk-with-json-body (decoded-str form env)
(WALK-FORM form env
(lambda (subform ctxt subenv)
(if (and (free-varref-p subform ctxt subenv)
(@-prefixed-symbol-p subform))
(symbol-to-assoc-form subform decoded-str)
;;; (json:decode-json-from-string "{\"a\": 1, \"b\": {\"bb\": 2}, \"c\": 3}")
;;; => ((:A . 1) (:B (:BB . 2)) (:C . 3))
;;; Here we want to refer 1 by @a, 2 by, and 3 by @c.
(defmacro with-json (json &body body &environment env)
(let ((decoded (gensym)))
`(let ((,decoded (json:decode-json-from-string ,json)))
,@(mapcar (lambda (form) (walk-with-json-body decoded form env))
(defun test-with-json ()
(with-json "{\"a\": 1, \"b\": {\"bb\": 2}, \"c\": 3}"
(let ((@c 999))
(list :a @a :c @c
(with-json "{\"a\": 10, \"b\": {\"bb\": 20}, \"c\": 30}"
(let ((@c 9990))
(list :a2 @a :b.bb2 :c2 @c)))))))
; => (:A 1 :B.BB 2 :C 999 (:A2 10 :B.BB2 20 :C2 9990))
;;;; eof
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