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Last active December 22, 2015 14:08
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- ==================================================================
-- Memo module
-- the code from
-- with non-essential patches by @nfunato on 2013-09-07
module Memo
memoize, evalMemo,
) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Function (fix)
-- Fixpoint utilities
-- "fix" is now provided by Data.Function
-- fix :: (a -> a) -> a
-- fix f = let x = f x in x
fix2 :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> b
fix2 = (fix .) . (.)
-- Memo
class Table t where
emptyTable :: Ord a => t a b
lookupTable :: Ord a => a -> t a b -> Maybe b
insertTable :: Ord a => a -> b -> t a b -> t a b
instance (Table t, Ord a, Eq b, Num b) => Eq (State (t a b) b) where
sx == sy = evalState sx emptyTable == evalState sy emptyTable
instance (Table t, Ord a, Num b, Show b) => Show (State (t a b) b) where
show sx = show (evalState sx emptyTable)
instance (Table t, Ord a, Num b) => Num (State (t a b) b) where
(+) = liftM2 (+)
(-) = liftM2 (-)
(*) = liftM2 (*)
negate = liftM negate
abs = liftM abs
signum = liftM signum
fromInteger = return . fromInteger
type Memo t a b = a -> State (t a b) b
memoize :: (Table t, Ord a) => Memo t a b -> Memo t a b
memoize mf x = do
prev <- find x
case prev of
Just y -> return y
Nothing -> do
y <- mf x
ins x y
return y
where find x = get >>= return . lookupTable x
ins x y = get >>= put . insertTable x y
evalMemo :: (Table t, Ord a) => (Memo t) a b -> (->) a b
evalMemo m v = evalState (m v) emptyTable
-- an example: fibonacchi
import Memo
import qualified Data.Map as M
instance Table M.Map where
emptyTable = M.empty
lookupTable = M.lookup
insertTable = M.insert
fibF f 0 = 0
fibF f 1 = 1
fibF f n = f (n-2) + f (n-1)
ifib :: (->) Integer Integer
ifib = fix2 ($) fibF -- same with "ifib = fix fibF".
mfib :: Table t => (Memo t) Integer Integer
mfib = fix2 memoize fibF
memofib :: Integer -> Integer
memofib = evalMemo (mfib :: (Memo M.Map) Integer Integer)
*Main> memofib 100
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