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Last active December 23, 2015 16:09
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Save nfunato/6660441 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
an exercise of Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
-- CSV file parser (as an exercise of Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP)
-- 2013-09-21 @nfunato
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), (<*), (*>))
-- NOTE:
-- The code here is baesd on
-- which shows code for Parsec2, not ReadP
-- BUGS:
-- Apparently it cannot handle an escaped dquote. Someday it might be fixed :)
-- the top-level API
parseCSV :: ReadS [[String]]
parseCSV = (parse' eatAll) csvFile
-- definitions for parsec2 compatibility
eatAll = filter (\(a,str)->str=="")
parse' f = (f .) . readP_to_S
parse = parse' id -- for interactive tests
noneOf = satisfy . flip notElem
-- CSV specification (RFC4180)
csvFile = record `endBy` eol -- assuming the last eol existence
record = field `sepBy1` comma
field = nonEscF +++ escF
nonEscF = many txData
escF = dquote *> many quotedCh <* dquote
quotedCh = (dquote>>dquote) <++ comma +++ eol +++ txData
dquote = char '"'
comma = char ','
txData = noneOf ",\"\r\n"
eol = (cr>>lf) <++ cr <++ lf -- only crlf in RFC4180, but it's practical
cr = char '\r'
lf = char '\n'
-- test data (which might include Japanese text in utf-8 encoding at some time)
-- Set1 (RWH Ch.16)
-- Set2 (escaping)
"\"O'Reilly Socks\",10\n"
"\"Shirt with \"\"Haskell\"\" text\",20\n"
"\"Shirt, \"\"O'Reilly\"\" version\",20\n"
"\"Haskell Caps\",15\n"
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