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Last active December 24, 2015 05:39
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Save nfunato/6751841 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
{-- Just a porting from, Dec 2011 by @nfunato --}
import Data.List ((\\), delete, nub, null)
import Data.Map ((!))
import qualified Data.Map as M -- Map, adjust, fold, fromList, toList
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Control.Monad (foldM, msum)
type Square = (Char,Char)
type Unit = [Square]
type SqMap a = M.Map Square [a]
type UnitMap = SqMap Unit
type PeerMap = SqMap Square
rows = "ABCDEFGHI"
cols = "123456789"
cross rs cs = [(r,c)| r<-rs, c<-cs] :: [Square]
squares = cross rows cols :: [Square]
unitlist = [cross rs cs | rs<-["ABC","DEF","GHI"], cs<-["123","456","789"]] ++
[cross rows [c] | c<-cols] ++ [cross [r] cols | r<-rows] :: [Unit]
units = M.fromList [(sq,[u|u<-unitlist, sq`elem`u]) | sq<-squares] :: UnitMap
peers = M.fromList [(sq, set(units!sq) \\ [sq]) | sq<-squares] :: PeerMap
where set = nub . concat
-- ===================================================================
paddings = ".0"
digits = "123456789"
type Digit = Char
type Grid = SqMap Digit
normalize_input :: String -> String
normalize_input = subst '.' "0" . check_len 81 . filter valid_char
where valid_char = flip elem (paddings ++ digits)
check_len n s = assert (length s == n) s
subst new olds = map (\x -> if x `elem` olds then new else x)
read_input, read_input' :: String -> [(Square,Digit)]
read_input = filter ((`elem` digits).snd) . read_input'
read_input' = zip squares . normalize_input
display_input :: String -> IO ()
display_input = display_grid . read_to_grid
where read_to_grid = M.fromList . map (\(sq,ch)->(sq,[ch])) . read_input'
display_grid :: Grid -> IO ()
display_grid = putStr . grid_string
grid_string :: Grid -> String
grid_string grid = concat [ disp r c | r<-rows, c<-cols ]
where disp r c = printf (fmt r c) width (grid!(r,c))
width = 1 + M.fold (\elem acc -> max (length elem) acc) 0 grid
hbreak = concat [s,"+",s,"+",s,"\n"] where s = replicate(width*3+1)'-'
fmt r c = "%*s" ++
(if c `elem` "36" then " |" else "") ++
(if c=='9' then "\n" else "") ++
(if c=='9' && r `elem` "CF" then hbreak else "")
initial_grid = M.fromList $ zip squares (repeat digits) :: Grid
-- ===================================================================
test_parse_grid, test_main :: String -> IO ()
test_parse_grid = mapM_ display_grid . mapMaybe parse_grid . return
test_main = mapM_ display_grid . mapMaybe solve . return
main = mapM_ display_grid . mapMaybe solve =<< fmap lines (readFile "hard1.txt")
solve str = search =<< parse_grid str
parse_grid = foldM assign initial_grid . read_input :: String -> Maybe Grid
search :: Grid -> Maybe Grid
search gr =
case [(len,(sq,ds))| (sq,ds)<-M.toList gr, let len=length ds, len/=1 ] of
[] -> return gr
tuples -> do let (_,(sq,ds)) = minimum tuples
msum [ assign gr (sq,d) >>= search | d<-ds ]
-- two constraints cause propagations according to an assignment, i.e.
-- 1. one value constraint
-- if a square takes only ONE VALUE, then eliminate the value from its peers.
-- 2. one place constraint
-- if a value can be at an only ONE PLACE in a unit, then place it there.
assign :: Grid -> (Square, Digit) -> Maybe Grid
assign gr (sq, d) = foldM eliminate gr $ zip (repeat sq) (delete d (gr!sq))
eliminate :: Grid -> (Square, Digit) -> Maybe Grid
eliminate gr (sq, d) =
let ds = gr!sq in
if d `notElem` ds
then return gr
else do
let ds' = delete d ds
gr' = M.adjust (const ds') sq gr
-- seek ONE VALUE constraint, and propagate it if exist
just_gr' <- case ds' of
[] -> Nothing
[d'] -> foldM eliminate gr' $ zip (peers!sq) (repeat d')
_ -> Just gr'
foldM (place d) just_gr' (units!sq)
place :: Digit -> Grid -> Unit -> Maybe Grid
place d gr u =
-- seek ONE PLACE constraint, and propagate it if exist
case filter (\sq -> d `elem` (gr!sq)) u of
[] -> Nothing
[sq] -> assign gr (sq,d)
_ -> return gr
-- ===================================================================
grid1 = "003020600900305001001806400008102900700000008006708200002609500800203009005010300"
grid2 = "4.....8.5.3..........7......2.....6.....8.4......1......."
grid3 = " . . 5 |3 . . |. . . 8 . . |. . . |. 2 . . 7 . |. 1 . |5 . . ------+------+------4 . . |. . 5 |3 . . . 1 . |. 7 . |. . 6 . . 3 |2 . . |. 8 . ------+------+------. 6 . |5 . . |. . 9 . . 4 |. . . |. 3 . . . . |. . 9 |7 . ."
hard1 = ".....6....59.....82....8....45..0.....3....0...6..3.54...325..6.................."
do_test () =
assert (length squares == 81) True &&
assert (length unitlist == 27) True &&
assert (all (\sq -> length (units!sq) == 3) squares) True &&
assert (all (\sq -> length (peers!sq) == 20) squares) True &&
assert (units!('C','2') == units_c2) True &&
assert (null (peers!('C','2') \\ peers_c2)) True
units_c2 = [[('A','1'),('A','2'),('A','3'),('B','1'),('B','2'),('B','3'),
peers_c2 = [('A','2'),('B','2'),('D','2'),('E','2'),('F','2'),('G','2'),
-- eof
{-- Just a porting from, Mar 2015 by @nfunato --}
import Data.List ((\\),nub,delete,null,union)
import Data.Map ((!))
import qualified Data.Map as M -- Map, adjust, fold, fromList, toList
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
import Control.Monad (foldM, msum)
-- ===================================================================
-- Square, Unit, allSqList, unitMap, peerMap
cp rs cs = [(r,c)| r<-rs,c<-cs] -- computing a cartesian product
rows = "ABCDEFGHI"
cols = "123456789"
type Square = (Char,Char) -- square at coordinate (Row,Col)
type Unit = [Square] -- square groups each of which shares digits
allSqList :: [Square]
allSqList = cp rows cols -- all squares *sorted in display order*
-- a map from each square to 3 units, i.e. row_unit, col_unit and sq_unit
unitMap :: M.Map Square [Unit]
unitMap = M.fromList [(sq, [u|u<-allUnitList, sq`elem`u]) | sq<-allSqList]
where allUnitList = sq_units ++ row_units ++ col_units
sq_units = [cp rs cs | rs<-["ABC","DEF","GHI"],cs<-["123","456","789"]]
row_units = [cp [r] cols | r<-rows]
col_units = [cp rows [c] | c<-cols]
-- a map from each square to all other squares in (unitMap!square)
peerMap :: M.Map Square [Square]
peerMap = M.fromList [(sq, set(unitMap!sq) \\ [sq]) | sq<-allSqList]
where set = nub . concat
-- ===================================================================
-- Digit, Grid, digits, initial_grid, display_grid
type Digit = Char -- Digit ranges over digits below
type Grid = M.Map Square [Digit] -- a map from each square to candidate digits
digits = "123456789" :: [Digit]
initial_grid :: Grid -- each square initially holds all digits
initial_grid = M.fromList $ zip allSqList (repeat digits)
grid_string :: Grid -> String
grid_string grid = concatMap disp allSqList
where disp (r,c) = printf (fmt r c) width (grid!(r,c))
width = 1 + M.fold (\elem acc -> max (length elem) acc) 0 grid
hbreak = concat [s,"+",s,"+",s,"\n"] where s = replicate(width*3+1)'-'
fmt r c = "%*s" ++
(if c `elem` "36" then " |" else "") ++
(if c=='9' then "\n" else "") ++
(if c=='9' && r `elem` "CF" then hbreak else "")
-- each grid cell shows a candidate digits string
display_grid :: Maybe Grid -> IO ()
display_grid = putStr . maybe "" grid_string
-- ===================================================================
-- Move, input_to_moves (and display_input)
type Move = (Square, Digit)
normalize_input :: String -> String
normalize_input = subst '.' "0" . check_len 81 . filter valid_char
where paddings = ".0" -- '0' is replaced with '.' by normalization
valid_char = flip elem (paddings ++ digits)
check_len n s = assert (length s == n) s
subst new olds = map (\x -> if x `elem` olds then new else x)
-- the result list includes a padding move as (sq, '.') in its elements
input_to_moves'= zip allSqList . normalize_input
input_to_moves :: String -> [Move]
input_to_moves = filter ((`elem` digits) . snd) . input_to_moves'
-- only for debug
display_input :: String -> IO ()
display_input = display_grid . Just . input_to_grid
where input_to_grid :: String -> Grid
input_to_grid = M.fromList . map (\(sq,ch)->(sq,[ch])) . input_to_moves'
-- ===================================================================
-- essential part of the solver
-- two constraints cause propagations according to an assignment, i.e.
-- 1. one value constraint
-- if a square takes only ONE VALUE, then eliminate the value from its peers.
-- 2. one place constraint
-- if a value can be at an only ONE PLACE in a unit, then place it there.
assign :: Grid -> Move -> Maybe Grid
assign gr (sq, d) = foldM eliminate gr $ zip (repeat sq) (delete d (gr!sq))
eliminate :: Grid -> Move -> Maybe Grid
eliminate gr (sq, d) =
let ds = gr!sq in
if d `notElem` ds
then return gr
else do
let ds' = delete d ds
gr' = M.adjust (const ds') sq gr
-- seek ONE VALUE constraint, and propagate it if exist
just_gr' <- case ds' of
[] -> Nothing
[d'] -> foldM eliminate gr' $ zip (peerMap!sq) (repeat d')
_ -> Just gr'
foldM (place d) just_gr' (unitMap!sq)
place :: Digit -> Grid -> Unit -> Maybe Grid
place d gr u =
-- seek ONE PLACE constraint, and propagate it if exist
case filter (\sq -> d `elem` (gr!sq)) u of
[] -> fail "sudoku: place" -- Nothing
[sq] -> assign gr (sq,d)
_ -> return gr
search :: Grid -> Maybe Grid
search gr =
case [(len,(sq,ds))| (sq,ds)<-M.toList gr, let len=length ds, len/=1 ] of
[] -> return gr
tuples -> do let (_,(sq,ds)) = minimum tuples
msum [ assign gr (sq,d) >>= search | d<-ds ]
-- ===================================================================
-- main
assign_initial_moves :: String -> Maybe Grid
assign_initial_moves = foldM assign initial_grid . input_to_moves
solve :: String -> Maybe Grid
solve str = assign_initial_moves str >>= search
solveStr :: String -> IO ()
solveStr str = display_grid $ solve str
solveFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
solveFile path = solveStr =<< readFile path
-- main = solveFile "hard1.txt"
main = solveStr hard1 -- just for example (most time-consuming one)
-- ===================================================================
-- problems to be solved
-- note: "display_grid $ assign_initial_moves grid1/kmzn1" returns a solution
grid1 = "003020600900305001001806400008102900700000008006708200002609500800203009005010300"
grid2 = "4.....8.5.3..........7......2.....6.....8.4......1......."
grid3 = " . . 5 |3 . . |. . . 8 . . |. . . |. 2 . . 7 . |. 1 . |5 . . ------+------+------4 . . |. . 5 |3 . . . 1 . |. 7 . |. . 6 . . 3 |2 . . |. 8 . ------+------+------. 6 . |5 . . |. . 9 . . 4 |. . . |. 3 . . . . |. . 9 |7 . ."
hard1 = ".....6....59.....82....8....45..0.....3....0...6..3.54...325..6.................."
kmzn1 = "...71246.....3.1.8.......734..3....565.....178....6..229.......5.1.9.....38124..."
kmzn2 = ".185........9..87...4..2...6..8..7......7......2..5..4...4..1...49..1........764."
kmzn3 = "..37.8............6..31....9.8..2..5..4...3..2..1..4.9....29...............8.47.."
tsd1 = "080260401000407906000030008100000090005000200040000007400070000308501000201043070"
tsd2 = ".6......7...5.3...9.1...3....37...2.."
qii1 = "8..........36......7..9.2...5...7.......457.....1...3...1....68..85...1..9....4.."
web1 = "9.5...1...73.549..."
-- the most difficult sudoku problem(?) by a Finnish mathematician
web2 = "8..........36......7..9.2...5...7.......457.....1...3...1....68..85...1..9....4.."
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