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Last active July 31, 2022 04:12
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;;; dunm.scm
;;; - cwd傘下のnode_modulesディレクトリのdisk usageを調べる
;;; - usageに基づいて、(確認後に)消せるようにする
;;; (report-stats [#f])
;;; (report-stats #t)
;;; 傘下のnode_modulesディレクトリのdisk usageをプリントする。
;;; arg1が#fのときは、1ヶ月以上アクセスしていないもののみを対象とする。
;;; 結果の情報は、変数 *result* に格納されている。
;;; (rmrf-nm)
;;; *result* の値に基づいて、そこに含まれる node_modulesディレクトリを消去する。
;;; *remove-switch* の値が#fの場合は、実際に /bin/rm -rf しない。
;;; (report-stats) を実行後に、*result* の値を手動で編集して、
;;; それから (rmrf-nm) するのが、一つの利用方法である。
;;; (Hint: Emacsのshell bufferとかでgaucheを実行すると便利である)
(use gauche.process)
(use gauche.collection)
(use util.match)
(use file.util)
(define pwd current-directory) ; utilities for interactive use
(define chdir sys-chdir)
(define *one-month-unused* ; command for search-node_modules
"find . -type d -mtime +30 -name node_modules -print")
(define *all-time* ; ditto
"find . -type d -name node_modules -print")
(define (sub-node_modules? dirpath)
;; If "/node_modules/" is found anywhere other than the end,
;; the DIRPATH is judged as a sub-node_modules directory.
(#/\/node_modules\/[^\/].*\/node_modules$/ dirpath))
(define (remove-sub-node_modules lines)
(filter (lambda (x) (not (sub-node_modules? x))) lines))
(define (list-node_modules :optional all?)
(let ((search-node_modules-command
(if all? *all-time* *one-month-unused*)))
(process-output->string-list search-node_modules-command))))
(define (parse-du-line line)
(match-let1 (amount path) (string-split line "\t")
(list (string->number amount) path)))
(define (sort-lines lines)
(sort lines > car)) ; non-destructive and stable
(define (du-node_modules dirs)
(receive (out name) (sys-mkstemp "/tmp/dunm-")
(call-with-output-process "xargs du -ms"
(lambda (out)
(for-each (lambda (x) (display x out) (newline out)) dirs) )
:output out)
(map parse-du-line
(process-output->string-list (format #f "cat ~a" name))))))
(define (get-stats :optional all?)
(let* ((lst (list-node_modules all?))
(len (length lst))
(usage (begin
(format #t "Found ~d node_module directories ..." len)
(du-node_modules lst)))
(total (begin
(format #t "~%Usage has been acquired.~%")
(sys-sleep 1)
(fold-left (lambda (acc x) (+ acc (car x))) 0 usage))))
(values len total usage)))
(define *result* #f)
(define (report-stats :optional all?)
(receive (num total usages) (get-stats all?)
(set! *result* (list num total usages))
(for-each (lambda (x)
(match-let1 (n p) x (format #t "~10:d ~a~%" n p)))
(format #t "~10:d~%" total)))
(define (x-or-y-p x y fmt . args)
(let1 fmt+ (apply format #f fmt args)
(define (prompt) (format #t "~a (~a or ~a) " fmt+ x y) (flush))
(define (query-read) (prompt) (read-line))
(let loop ((input (query-read)))
(cond ((string-ci=? input x) #t)
((string-ci=? input y) #f)
(else (loop (query-read)))))))
(define (y-or-n-p fmt . args) (apply x-or-y-p "Y" "N" fmt args))
(define (yes-or-no-p fmt . args) (apply x-or-y-p "Yes" "No" fmt args))
(define *remove-switch* #f)
(define (tweak xs)
(filter-map (lambda (x)
(match-let1 (num path) x
(and (not (zero? num)) path)))
(define (rmrf-nm :optional (dirs (tweak (caddr *result*))))
(define (delete-dir dir)
(format #t "Removing ~a ..." dir)
(if *remove-switch*
(sys-system #"/bin/rm -rf ~dir > /dev/null")
(sys-sleep 1))
(when (y-or-n-p "Really delete the selected node_modules directories?")
(when (yes-or-no-p "Seriously?")
(for-each delete-dir dirs)
(format #t "Done.~%"))))
;; メモ
;; Gauche
;; - ディレクトリ関連
;; - (use file.util) する
;; - (current-directory) や (sys-chdir "..") が使える
;; - gauchのsort関数
;; - destructiveではない。 (destructive版は sort!)
;; - arg2(cmpFn)が与えられ、かつ 同値に対して#fを返す場合は、stable。
;; ここでは、与えられた比較関数が > であることにより、結果はstableとなる。
;; findコマンドの時間指定オプション
;; (
;; -mmin ファイルのデータが最後に修正された日時 (分指定)
;; -mtime ファイルのデータが最後に修正された日時 (日指定)
;; -amin ファイルのデータに最後にアクセスされた日時 (分指定)
;; -atime ファイルのデータに最後にアクセスされた日時 (日指定)
;; -cmin ファイルのデータとステータスが最後に修正された日時 (分指定)
;; -ctime ファイルのデータとステータスが最後に修正された日時 (日指定)
;; 現在から3日前まで (現在時間〜72時間前)
;; # find ./ -mtime -3
;; 3日前 (72時間前〜96時間前)
;; # find ./ -mtime 3
;; 過去から3日前まで (72時間前〜過去)
;; # find ./ -mtime +2
;; ※ (2+1)日前以降
;; daystartオプションを指定すると0時を基準にします。
;; 1日単位で範囲指定したい場合に使用します。
;; 例として、現在を12月24日03時00分とします。
;; 現在から3日前まで (12月24日24時00分〜72時間前)
;; # find ./ -daystart -mtime -3
;; 3日前 (12月21日24時00分〜24時間前)
;; # find ./ -daystart -mtime 3
;; 過去から3日前まで (12月21日24時00分〜過去)
;; # find ./ -daystart -mtime +2
;; ※ (2+1)日前以降
;; 12時間前まで (現在時間〜12時間前)
;; # find ./ -mtime -0.5
;; src/libio.scm
(define (port->string port)
(let1 out (open-output-string :private? #t)
(copy-port port out :unit 'byte)
(get-output-string out)))
;; libsrc/gauche/process.scm
(define (call-with-input-process command proc :key (input *nulldev*)
((:error err) #f) (host #f) (on-abnormal-exit :error)
:allow-other-keys rest)
(let* ((p (%apply-run-process command input :pipe err host rest))
(i (wrap-input-process-port p rest)))
(unwind-protect (proc i)
(close-input-port i)
(process-wait p)
(handle-abnormal-exit on-abnormal-exit p)))))
(define (with-input-from-process command thunk . opts)
(apply call-with-input-process command
(cut with-input-from-port <> thunk)
(define (process-output->string command . opts)
(apply call-with-input-process command
(^p (with-port-locking p
(^[] (string-join (string-tokenize (port->string p)) " "))))
(define (process-output->string-list command . opts)
(apply call-with-input-process command
(define (call-with-output-process command proc :key (output *nulldev*)
((:error err) #f) (host #f)
(on-abnormal-exit :error)
:allow-other-keys rest)
(let* ((p (%apply-run-process command :pipe output err host rest))
(o (wrap-output-process-port p rest)))
(unwind-protect (proc o)
(close-output-port o)
(process-wait p)
(handle-abnormal-exit on-abnormal-exit p)))))
(define (with-output-to-process command thunk . opts)
(apply call-with-output-process command
(cut with-output-to-port <> thunk)
#| ext/gauche/test-process.scm
;; We haven't tested file.util, so we need to roll our own
(define (find-executable cmd)
[ cmd] ; we emulate cmd, so no need to search.
(let loop ([paths (string-split (sys-getenv "PATH") #[:])])
(if (null? paths)
(let1 p (string-append (car paths) "/" cmd)
(if (sys-access p X_OK)
(loop (cdr paths))))))]))
(define ls (find-executable "ls"))
(define cat (find-executable "cat"))
(define grep (find-executable "grep"))
(define (cmds . args)
(let1 cmdlist (apply cmd args)
(string-concatenate (apply append (map (^x `(,x " ")) cmdlist)))))
(test* "call-with-output-process" '(#t 1 2)
(let1 s (call-with-input-file "test.o" port->string)
(rmrf "test.o")
(receive (x y)
(call-with-output-process (cmds cat ">" "test.o")
(lambda (out) (display s out) (values 1 2)))
(let1 r (call-with-input-file "test.o" port->string)
(list (equal? r s) x y)))))
(test* "call-with-output-process (redirect)" '(#t 1 2)
(let1 s (call-with-input-file "test.o" port->string)
(rmrf "test.o")
(receive (x y)
(call-with-output-process (cmd cat)
(lambda (out) (display s out) (values 1 2))
:output "test.o")
(let1 r (call-with-input-file "test.o" port->string)
(list (equal? r s) x y)))))
(test* "call-with-output-process (redirect/error - ignore)" #t
(call-with-output-process (cmds cat "NoSuchFile")
(lambda (out) #f)
:error "test1.o" :on-abnormal-exit :ignore)
(sys-system (cmds cat "NoSuchFile" "2>" "test2.o"))
(let ((r (call-with-input-file "test1.o" port->string))
(s (call-with-input-file "test2.o" port->string)))
(equal? r s))))
(test* "call-with-output-process (redirect/error - raise)" #t
(guard (e ((<process-abnormal-exit> e)
(sys-system (cmds cat "NoSuchFile" "2>" "test2.o"))
(let ((r (call-with-input-file "test1.o" port->string))
(s (call-with-input-file "test2.o" port->string)))
(equal? r s))))
(call-with-output-process (cmds cat "NoSuchFile")
(lambda (out) #f) :error "test1.o")))
;; NB: On Solaris, cat seems to return 2 when the file doesn't exist.
(test* "call-with-output-process (redirect/error - handle)" (test-one-of 1 2)
(let/cc k
(call-with-output-process (cmd cat 'NoSuchFile)
:error "test1.o"
:on-abnormal-exit (lambda (p)
(k (sys-wait-exit-status
(process-exit-status p)))))))
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