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Created December 26, 2022 20:41
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Automating Stock Market Updates with Python
import json
import os
import requests
# function to read the config file and return a dictionary of ISIN codes and stock names
def read_config() -> dict:
stock_list = {}
with open(r"./config2.json") as file:
data_raw = json.loads(
watchlist = data_raw["watchlist"]
for stock in watchlist:
stock_list[stock["isin"]] = stock["name"]
return stock_list
# function to get data for a list of ISIN codes
def get_data(stock_list_chunk: dict) -> (dict, dict):
# get the list of ISIN codes and convert the list of ISIN codes to a string separated by commas
isins_list = stock_list_chunk.keys()
isin_string = ','.join(isins_list)
data_day = requests.get(url=f"{isin_string}",
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {os.environ.get('APIKEY')}"}).json()
gains_stock = {}
close_prices = {}
# iterate through the results and calculate the gain/loss and the closing price for each stock
for stock in data_day["results"]:
open_price = stock["o"]
close_price = stock["c"]
gain_loss_price_day = round(((open_price / close_price) * 100) - 100, 4)
gains_stock[stock["isin"]] = gain_loss_price_day
close_prices[stock["isin"]] = close_price
return gains_stock, close_prices
# function to merge the stock information, gain/loss, and closing price into a single dictionary
def merge_data(list_chunk: dict, gain_day: dict, end_price_day: dict) -> dict:
merged_dict = {}
# iterate through the list of ISIN codes and create a tuple of the stock information, gain/loss, and closing price
for k in list_chunk.keys():
merged_dict[k] = (list_chunk[k], gain_day[k], end_price_day[k])
return merged_dict
# function to get the data for a single chunk of ISIN codes
def single_batch(chunk: dict) -> dict:
gains, close_prices = get_data(chunk)
merged_data = merge_data(chunk, gains, close_prices)
return merged_data
# function to build a message string from the data dictionary
def build_message(data_dict: dict) -> str:
messages = ""
# iterate through the data and add it to the message string
for item in data_dict.values():
messages += f'{item[0]} -> price: {item[2]} \u20ac, 24h: {item[1]} \u0025 \n'
return messages
# function for sending the message to a discord webhook
def send_discord_message(discord_url: str, discord_message: str):
# post to discrod via webhook
result =, json={"content": f'{discord_message}'})
# check potential errors
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
print("Payload delivered successfully, code {}.".format(result.status_code))
if __name__ == "__main__":
stock_info = read_config()
all_data = {}
# create diffrent chunk from the stockInfo dict and call the API
for count in range(0, len(stock_info), 10):
stock_chunk = {k: stock_info[k] for k in list(stock_info)[count:(count + 10)]}
batch = single_batch(stock_chunk)
# build the complete message
message_array = build_message(all_data)
send_discord_message(os.environ.get("DISCORDURL"), message_array)
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