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ngarske/ Secret

Last active October 19, 2023 06:29
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Let's take a look at MQTT and how you can use MQTT with Rust using the rumqttc crate in your next IoT project.
use std::{thread, time::Duration};
use rumqttc::{Client, MqttOptions, QoS};
fn main() {
let mut mqttoptions = MqttOptions::new("NAME", "YOUR BROKER", 1883);
let (mut client, mut connection) = Client::new(mqttoptions, 10);
client.subscribe("demo/mqtt", QoS::AtMostOnce).unwrap();
thread::spawn(move || {
for i in 0..10 {
.publish("demo/mqtt", QoS::AtLeastOnce, false, vec![i; i as usize])
for (_i, message) in connection.iter().enumerate() {
println!("Message = {:?}", message);
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iot-resister commented Nov 26, 2022

II had to do something like this to get the message:

    for (_, notification) in connection.iter().enumerate() {
        match notification.unwrap() {
            Event::Incoming(Packet::Publish(p)) => {
                println!("Received: {:?}", p.payload);
            Event::Outgoing(_) => {
            _ => {

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menjaraz commented Oct 19, 2023

So the new GIST should be...

use std::{thread, time::Duration};
use rumqttc::{Client, Event, MqttOptions, Packet, QoS};

fn main() {
    let mut mqttoptions = MqttOptions::new("NAME", "YOUR BROKER", 1883);

    let (mut client, mut connection) = Client::new(mqttoptions, 10);
    client.subscribe("demo/mqtt", QoS::AtMostOnce).unwrap();

    thread::spawn(move || {
        for i in 0..10 {
                .publish("demo/mqtt", QoS::AtLeastOnce, false, vec![i; i as usize])

    for (_, notification) in connection.iter().enumerate() {
        match notification.unwrap() {
            Event::Incoming(Packet::Publish(p)) => {
                println!("Received: {:?}", p.payload);

            Event::Outgoing(_) => {

            _ => {

It compiles under Rust 1.7.3

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