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Created April 17, 2012 16:29
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Script to add a @rg tags to SAM or BAM alignments
import os
import sys
import glob
import pysam
import argparse
import multiprocessing
def get_args():
'''Parse sys.argv'''
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--cores', type=int,
help='the number of avalible processor cores')
parser.add_argument('-i','--input-dir', required=True,
help='The input directory containing the bam files.')
help="Name of sequencing center producing the read. \
GATK not required.")
help="Description. GATK Not Required. ")
parser.add_argument('-DT',type=str, required=True,
help="Date the run was produced (ISO8601 date or date/time). \
GATK Not Required. ")
parser.add_argument('-PI',type=int, required=True,
help="Predicted median insert size. GATK Not Required.")
parser.add_argument('-PL',type=str, required=True,
choices = ['CAPILLARY', 'LS454', 'ILLUMINA', 'SOLID',
help="Platform/technology used to produce the reads.")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def addRG2Header(filename, sam_info, args):
"""Add read group info to a header."""
# Read group. Unordered multiple @RG lines are allowed.
RG_template = { 'ID': '', # Read group identifier. e.g., Illumina flowcell + lane name and number
'CN': '', # GATK Not Required. Name of sequencing center producing the read.
'DS': '', # GATK Not Required. Description
'DT': '', # GATK Not Required. Date the run was produced (ISO8601 date YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDD)
'PI': '', # GATK Not Required. Predicted median insert size.
'PU': '', # GATK Not Required. Platform unit (e.g. flowcell-barcode.lane for Illumina or slide for SOLiD).
'SM': '', # Sample. Use pool name where a pool is being sequenced.
'PL': 'ILLUMINA'} # Platform/technology used to produce the reads.
samfile = pysam.Samfile(filename, 'r')
new_header = samfile.header.copy()
RG_template = RG_template.copy()
RG_template['ID'] = sam_info["sample_name"]
if args.CN: RG_template['CN'] = args.CN.upper()
if args.DS: RG_template['DS'] = args.DS
RG_template['DT'] = args.DT
RG_template['LB'] = sam_info["sample_name"]
RG_template['SM'] = sam_info["sample_name"]
RG_template['DS'] = "{0}.{1}".format(sam_info['sample_name'], sam_info['locality'])
RG_template['PI'] = args.PI
RG_template['PU'] = '{0}.{1}'.format(sam_info['flowcell_id'], sam_info['lane'])
new_header['RG'] = [RG_template]
return new_header
def add_RGs_2_BAMs_runner(data):
"""Generates the correct @RG header and adds a RG field to a bam file."""
# Make Bam of Sam if it doesn't exist
filename, new_RG_header = data
if filename.endswith('sam'):
sam_handle = pysam.Samfile(filename)
bam_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]+".bam"
bam_handle = pysam.Samfile( bam_name, "wb", template = sam_handle )
for s in sam_handle:
filename = bam_name
# Massage paths and make outputfiles
pysam.sort(filename, os.path.splitext(filename)[0]+".sorted")
filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]+".sorted.bam"
path, filename = os.path.split(filename)
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
new_name = name + '.wRG.' + 'bam'
outfile_name = os.path.join(path,new_name)
outfile = pysam.Samfile( outfile_name, 'wb', header = new_RG_header )
# Step 2: Process Samfile adding Read Group to Each Read
samfile = pysam.Samfile(os.path.join(path, filename))
for count, read in enumerate(samfile.fetch()):
name = read.qname
read_group = os.path.split(filename)[1].split(".")[0]
new_tags = read.tags
new_tags.append(('RG', read_group))
read.tags = new_tags
# Step 3: Make index of read group enabled samfile
def parseFileName(filepath):
path, filename = os.path.split(filepath)
sample_name, locality, inline_tag, third_read_tag = filename.split(".")[:-1]
sam_handle = pysam.Samfile(filepath,'r')
sam_line =
read_info = sam_line.qname
instrument, run_id, flowcell_id, lane = read_info.split(":")[:4]
info = {'sample_name': sample_name,
'locality': locality,
'inline_tag': inline_tag,
'third_read_tag': third_read_tag,
'run_id': run_id,
'flowcell_id': flowcell_id,
'lane': lane}
return info
def add_RGs_2_BAMs(pool, args):
data_for_map = []
print 'Making RG headers.'
for count, filename in enumerate(glob.glob(os.path.join(args.input_dir,'*'))):
if filename.endswith('sam') or filename.endswith('bam'):
sam_info = parseFileName(filename)
new_RG_header = addRG2Header(filename, sam_info, args)
data_for_map.append([filename, new_RG_header])
sys.stdout.write("\nAdding RGs and making BAMs")
sys.stdout.flush(), data_for_map)
def main():
args = get_args()
cores = args.cores
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(args.cores)
add_RGs_2_BAMs(pool, args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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