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Created August 7, 2013 21:11
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Bellman-Ford algorithm in python
def bellman_ford(graph, source):
# Step 1: Prepare the distance and predecessor for each node
distance, predecessor = dict(), dict()
for node in graph:
distance[node], predecessor[node] = float('inf'), None
distance[source] = 0
# Step 2: Relax the edges
for _ in range(len(graph) - 1):
for node in graph:
for neighbour in graph[node]:
# If the distance between the node and the neighbour is lower than the current, store it
if distance[neighbour] > distance[node] + graph[node][neighbour]:
distance[neighbour], predecessor[neighbour] = distance[node] + graph[node][neighbour], node
# Step 3: Check for negative weight cycles
for node in graph:
for neighbour in graph[node]:
assert distance[neighbour] <= distance[node] + graph[node][neighbour], "Negative weight cycle."
return distance, predecessor
if __name__ == '__main__':
graph = {
'a': {'b': -1, 'c': 4},
'b': {'c': 3, 'd': 2, 'e': 2},
'c': {},
'd': {'b': 1, 'c': 5},
'e': {'d': -3}
distance, predecessor = bellman_ford(graph, source='a')
print distance
graph = {
'a': {'c': 3},
'b': {'a': 2},
'c': {'b': 7, 'd': 1},
'd': {'a': 6},
distance, predecessor = bellman_ford(graph, source='a')
print distance
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