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Last active November 27, 2024 03:49
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Diagnostic Logging with the NGINX JavaScript Module
js_import json_log.js;
js_set $json_debug_log json_log.debugLog;
map $status $is_error {
# List of response codes that warrant a detailed log file
400 1; # Bad request, including expired client cert
495 1; # Client cert error
502 1; # Bad gateway (an upstream server cannot be selected)
504 1; # Gateway timeout (couldn't connect to selected upstream)
default $multi_upstreams; # If we tried more than one upstream server
map $upstream_status $multi_upstreams {
"~," 1; # Includes a comma
default 0;
log_format access_debug escape=none $json_debug_log;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access_debug.log access_debug if=$is_error;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;
# vim: syntax=nginx
export default { debugLog };
function debugLog(r) {
var connection = {
"serial": Number(r.variables.connection),
"request_count": Number(r.variables.connection_requests),
"elapsed_time": Number(r.variables.request_time)
if (r.variables.pipe == "p") {
connection.pipelined = true;
} else {
connection.pipelined = false;
if ( r.variables.ssl_protocol !== undefined ) {
connection.ssl = sslInfo(r);
var request = {
"client": r.variables.remote_addr,
"port": Number(r.variables.server_port),
"method": r.method,
"uri": r.uri,
"http_version": Number(r.httpVersion),
"bytes_received": Number(r.variables.request_length)
request.headers = {};
for (var h in r.headersIn) {
request.headers[h] = r.headersIn[h];
var upstreams = [];
if ( r.variables.upstream_status !== undefined ) {
upstreams = upstreamArray(r);
var response = {
"status": Number(r.variables.status),
"bytes_sent": Number(r.variables.bytes_sent),
response.headers = {};
for (var h in r.headersOut) {
response.headers[h] = r.headersOut[h];
return JSON.stringify({
"timestamp": r.variables.time_iso8601,
"connection": connection,
"request": request,
"upstreams": upstreams,
"response": response
function sslInfo(r) {
var ssl = {
"protocol": r.variables.ssl_protocol,
"cipher": r.variables.ssl_cipher,
"session_id": r.variables.ssl_session_id
if ( r.variables.ssl_session_reused == 'r' ) {
ssl.session_reused = true;
} else {
ssl.session_reused = false;
if ( r.variables.ssl_protocol == 'TLSv1.3' ) {
if ( r.variables.ssl_early_data == '1' ) {
ssl.zero_rtt = true;
} else {
ssl.zero_rtt = false;
ssl.client_cert = clientCert(r);
return ssl;
function clientCert(r) {
var clientCert = {};
clientCert.status = r.variables.ssl_client_verify;
clientCert.serial = r.variables.ssl_client_serial;
clientCert.fingerprint = r.variables.ssl_client_fingerprint;
clientCert.subject = r.variables.ssl_client_s_dn;
clientCert.issuer = r.variables.ssl_client_i_dn;
clientCert.starts = r.variables.ssl_client_v_start;
clientCert.expires = r.variables.ssl_client_v_end;
if ( r.variables.ssl_client_v_remain == 0 ) {
clientCert.expired = true;
} else if ( r.variables.ssl_client_v_remain > 0) {
clientCert.expired = false;
clientCert.pem = r.variables.ssl_client_raw_cert;
return clientCert;
function upstreamArray(r) {
var addr = r.variables.upstream_addr.split(', ');
var connect_time = r.variables.upstream_connect_time.split(', ');
var header_time = r.variables.upstream_header_time.split(', ');
var response_time = r.variables.upstream_response_time.split(', ');
var bytes_received = r.variables.upstream_bytes_received.split(', ');
var bytes_sent = r.variables.upstream_bytes_sent.split(', ');
var status = r.variables.upstream_status.split(', ');
var i, addr_port, upstream = [];
for (i=0; i < status.length; i++) {
upstream[i] = {};
addr_port = addr[i].split(':');
if (addr_port[0] == "unix") {
upstream[i].unix_socket = addr_port[1];
} else {
upstream[i].server_addr = addr_port[0];
upstream[i].server_port = Number(addr_port[1]);
upstream[i].connect_time = Number(connect_time[i]);
if (isNaN(upstream[i].connect_time)) upstream[i].connect_time = null;
upstream[i].header_time = Number(header_time[i]);
if (isNaN(upstream[i].header_time)) upstream[i].header_time = null;
upstream[i].response_time = Number(response_time[i]);
if (isNaN(upstream[i].response_time)) upstream[i].response_time = null;
upstream[i].bytes_sent = Number(bytes_sent[i]);
upstream[i].bytes_received = Number(bytes_received[i]);
upstream[i].status = Number(status[i]);
if (upstream[i].status == 502 && upstream[i].connect_time === null && upstream[i].response_time > 0) {
upstream[i].info = "Connection failed / SSL error";
if (upstream[i].status == 502 && upstream[i].connect_time === null && upstream[i].response_time == 0) {
upstream[i].info = "Not attempted / temporarily disabled";
return upstream;
user nginx;
worker_processes auto;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log notice;
pid /var/run/;
load_module modules/;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
sendfile on;
keepalive_timeout 65;
default_type application/octet-stream;
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
js_import json_log.js;
js_set $json_debug_log json_log.debugLog;
map $status $is_error {
# List of response codes that warrant a detailed log file
400 1; # Bad request, including expired client cert
495 1; # Client cert error
502 1; # Bad gateway (an upstream server cannot be selected)
504 1; # Gateway timeout (couldn't connect to selected upstream)
default $multi_upstreams; # If we tried more than one upstream server
map $upstream_status $multi_upstreams {
"~," 1; # Includes a comma
default 0;
log_format access_debug escape=none $json_debug_log;
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main gzip flush=90s;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access_debug.log access_debug if=$is_error;
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
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For a discussion of these files, see Diagnostic Logging with the NGINX JavaScript Module

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