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Created July 3, 2019 10:19
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Unshakable Freedom: Ancient Stoic Secrets Applied to Modern Life

  • Don’t you know that freedom is a glorious thing of great worth?   EPICTETUS

  • If you choose, you are free; if you choose, you need to blame no one and accuse no one                                                                                      Epictetus[5]

  • You can only control what is under your control.

  • What is not in your control is neither good nor bad.

  • “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.”

  • if something is only partially under your control, it is not under your control.

  • external things are a part of reality, and therefore they are neither good nor bad.

  • Enjoy every sandwich.

  • The past is a part of reality and immutable.

  • Where fear is, happiness is not. Seneca[42]

  • If he valued his life more than his freedom, anyone could threaten his life and force him to do anything.

  • no amount of worry can change the course of events.

  • You will always have the resources to cope with whatever happens to you.

  • We get used to anything in our life.

  • “The greatest obstacle to living a full life is having expectations, delaying gratification based on what might happen tomorrow which squanders today.”[56]

  • Premeditatio Malorum

  • Be Free to Enjoy the Festival of life

  • Because they are not under our total control, they are indifferents, not needed for our freedom.

  • hedonistic adaptation.

  • Freedom is a by-product of the good life.

  • “Maybe happiness is this: not feeling you should be elsewhere, doing something else, being someone else.”

  • Things that are not completely within your power are “indifferents,”

  • wisdom (resourcefulness and discretion), justice (honesty), courage, and self-discipline.

  • while are free to enjoy the preferred indifferents, they are simply a bonus, and we should be prepared to give them up with no notice.

  • You can never lose anything because you don’t own anything.

  • Clearly, if we leave our freedom to things that are outside of us – things, people, and events – we cannot really be free.

  • The core idea of Stoicism is that we can achieve freedom solely by controlling what is fully under our control.

  • Adapt to cold, heat, thirst, hunger, plain food, a hard bed, abstinence from pleasure and endurance of strenuous labor.                                                                    Musonius Rufus

  • Jules Evans Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations,

  • The Good Life Handbook,

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