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Forked from steveharoz/.block
Last active May 10, 2018 08:18
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  • Save ngminhtrung/b2d940e500af7bf29dd2ec3a9aa8facd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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d3-force testing ground
license: gpl-3.0
height: 1030
scrolling: yes
var svg ="svg"),
width = +svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().width,
height = +svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().height;
// svg objects
var link, node;
// the data - an object with nodes and links
var graph;
// load the data
d3.json("miserables.json", function(error, _graph) {
if (error) throw error;
graph = _graph;
//////////// FORCE SIMULATION ////////////
// force simulator
var simulation = d3.forceSimulation();
// set up the simulation and event to update locations after each tick
function initializeSimulation() {
simulation.on("tick", ticked);
// values for all forces
forceProperties = {
center: {
x: 0.5,
y: 0.5
charge: {
enabled: true,
strength: -30,
distanceMin: 1,
distanceMax: 2000
collide: {
enabled: true,
strength: .7,
iterations: 1,
radius: 5
forceX: {
enabled: false,
strength: .1,
x: .5
forceY: {
enabled: false,
strength: .1,
y: .5
link: {
enabled: true,
distance: 30,
iterations: 1
// add forces to the simulation
function initializeForces() {
// add forces and associate each with a name
.force("link", d3.forceLink())
.force("charge", d3.forceManyBody())
.force("collide", d3.forceCollide())
.force("center", d3.forceCenter())
.force("forceX", d3.forceX())
.force("forceY", d3.forceY());
// apply properties to each of the forces
// apply new force properties
function updateForces() {
// get each force by name and update the properties
.x(width *
.y(height *;
.strength(forceProperties.charge.strength * forceProperties.charge.enabled)
.strength(forceProperties.collide.strength * forceProperties.collide.enabled)
.strength(forceProperties.forceX.strength * forceProperties.forceX.enabled)
.x(width * forceProperties.forceX.x);
.strength(forceProperties.forceY.strength * forceProperties.forceY.enabled)
.y(height * forceProperties.forceY.y);
.id(function(d) {return;})
.links( ? graph.links : []);
// updates ignored until this is run
// restarts the simulation (important if simulation has already slowed down)
//////////// DISPLAY ////////////
// generate the svg objects and force simulation
function initializeDisplay() {
// set the data and properties of link lines
link = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "links")
// set the data and properties of node circles
node = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "nodes")
.on("start", dragstarted)
.on("drag", dragged)
.on("end", dragended));
// node tooltip
.text(function(d) { return; });
// visualize the graph
// update the display based on the forces (but not positions)
function updateDisplay() {
.attr("r", forceProperties.collide.radius)
.attr("stroke", forceProperties.charge.strength > 0 ? "blue" : "red")
.attr("stroke-width", forceProperties.charge.enabled==false ? 0 : Math.abs(forceProperties.charge.strength)/15);
.attr("stroke-width", ? 1 : .5)
.attr("opacity", ? 1 : 0);
// update the display positions after each simulation tick
function ticked() {
.attr("x1", function(d) { return d.source.x; })
.attr("y1", function(d) { return d.source.y; })
.attr("x2", function(d) { return; })
.attr("y2", function(d) { return; });
.attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; });'#alpha_value').style('flex-basis', (simulation.alpha()*100) + '%');
//////////// UI EVENTS ////////////
function dragstarted(d) {
if (! simulation.alphaTarget(0.3).restart();
d.fx = d.x;
d.fy = d.y;
function dragged(d) {
d.fx = d3.event.x;
d.fy = d3.event.y;
function dragended(d) {
if (! simulation.alphaTarget(0.0001);
d.fx = null;
d.fy = null;
// update size-related forces"resize", function(){
width = +svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().width;
height = +svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().height;
// convenience function to update everything (run after UI input)
function updateAll() {
/* HTML styles */
html{ width: 100%; }
width: 100%;
margin: 0; padding: 0;
display: flex;
font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 75%; }
.controls {
flex-basis: 200px;
padding: 0 5px;
.controls .force {
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 5px;
margin: 5px 0;
.controls .force p label { margin-right: .5em; font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold;}
.controls .force p { margin-top: 0;}
.controls .force label { display: inline-block; }
.controls input[type="checkbox"] { transform: scale(1.2, 1.2); }
.controls input[type="range"] { margin: 0 5% 0.5em 5%; width: 90%; }
/* alpha viewer */
.controls .alpha p { margin-bottom: .25em; }
.controls .alpha .alpha_bar { height: .5em; border: 1px #777 solid; border-radius: 2px; padding: 1px; display: flex; }
.controls .alpha .alpha_bar #alpha_value { background-color: #555; border-radius: 1px; flex-basis: 100% }
.controls .alpha .alpha_bar:hover { border-width: 2px; margin:-1px; }
.controls .alpha .alpha_bar:active #alpha_value { background-color: #222 }
/* SVG styles */
svg {
flex-basis: 100%;
min-width: 200px;
.links line {
stroke: #aaa;
.nodes circle {
pointer-events: all;
<div class="controls">
<div class="force alpha">
<p><label>alpha</label> Simulation activity</p>
<div class="alpha_bar" onclick="updateAll();"><div id="alpha_value"></div></div>
<div class="force">
<p><label>center</label> Shifts the view, so the graph is centered at this location.</p>
<output id="center_XSliderOutput">.5</output>
<input type="range" min="0" max="1" value=".5" step="0.01" oninput="'#center_XSliderOutput').text(value);; updateAll();">
<output id="center_YSliderOutput">.5</output>
<input type="range" min="0" max="1" value=".5" step="0.01" oninput="'#center_YSliderOutput').text(value);; updateAll();">
<div class="force">
<p><label><input type="checkbox" checked onchange="forceProperties.charge.enabled = this.checked; updateAll();"> charge</label> Attracts (+) or repels (-) nodes to/from each other.</p>
<label title="Negative strength repels nodes. Positive strength attracts nodes.">
<output id="charge_StrengthSliderOutput">-30</output>
<input type="range" min="-200" max="50" value="-30" step=".1" oninput="'#charge_StrengthSliderOutput').text(value); forceProperties.charge.strength=value; updateAll();">
<label title="Minimum distance where force is applied">
<output id="charge_distanceMinSliderOutput">1</output>
<input type="range" min="0" max="50" value="1" step=".1" oninput="'#charge_distanceMinSliderOutput').text(value); forceProperties.charge.distanceMin=value; updateAll();">
<label title="Maximum distance where force is applied">
<output id="charge_distanceMaxSliderOutput">2000</output>
<input type="range" min="0" max="2000" value="2000" step=".1" oninput="'#charge_distanceMaxSliderOutput').text(value); forceProperties.charge.distanceMax=value; updateAll();">
<div class="force">
<p><label><input type="checkbox" checked onchange="forceProperties.collide.enabled = this.checked; updateAll();"> collide</label> Prevents nodes from overlapping</p>
<output id="collide_StrengthSliderOutput">.7</output>
<input type="range" min="0" max="2" value=".7" step=".1" oninput="'#collide_StrengthSliderOutput').text(value); forceProperties.collide.strength=value; updateAll();">
<label title="Size of nodes">
<output id="collide_radiusSliderOutput">5</output>
<input type="range" min="0" max="100" value="5" step="1" oninput="'#collide_radiusSliderOutput').text(value); forceProperties.collide.radius=value; updateAll();">
<label title="Higher values increase rigidity of the nodes (WARNING: high values are computationally expensive)">
<output id="collide_iterationsSliderOutput">1</output>
<input type="range" min="1" max="10" value="1" step="1" oninput="'#collide_iterationsSliderOutput').text(value); forceProperties.collide.iterations=value; updateAll();">
<div class="force">
<p><label><input type="checkbox" onchange="forceProperties.forceX.enabled = this.checked; updateAll();"> forceX</label> Acts like gravity. Pulls all points towards an X location.</p>
<output id="forceX_StrengthSliderOutput">.1</output>
<input type="range" min="0" max="1" value=".1" step="0.01" oninput="'#forceX_StrengthSliderOutput').text(value); forceProperties.forceX.strength=value; updateAll();">
<label title="The X location that the force will push the nodes to (NOTE: This demo multiplies by the svg width)">
<output id="forceX_XSliderOutput">.5</output>
<input type="range" min="0" max="1" value=".5" step="0.01" oninput="'#forceX_XSliderOutput').text(value); forceProperties.forceX.x=value; updateAll();">
<div class="force">
<p><label><input type="checkbox" onchange="forceProperties.forceY.enabled = this.checked; updateAll();"> forceY</label> Acts like gravity. Pulls all points towards a Y location.</p>
<output id="forceY_StrengthSliderOutput">.1</output>
<input type="range" min="0" max="1" value=".1" step="0.01" oninput="'#forceY_StrengthSliderOutput').text(value); forceProperties.forceY.strength=value; updateAll();">
<label title="The Y location that the force will push the nodes to (NOTE: This demo multiplies by the svg height)">
<output id="forceY_YSliderOutput">.5</output>
<input type="range" min="0" max="1" value=".5" step="0.01" oninput="'#forceY_YSliderOutput').text(value); forceProperties.forceY.y=value; updateAll();">
<div class="force">
<p><label><input type="checkbox" checked onchange=" = this.checked; updateAll();"> link</label> Sets link length</p>
<label title="The force will push/pull nodes to make links this long">
<output id="link_DistanceSliderOutput">30</output>
<input type="range" min="0" max="100" value="30" step="1" oninput="'#link_DistanceSliderOutput').text(value);; updateAll();">
<label title="Higher values increase rigidity of the links (WARNING: high values are computationally expensive)">
<output id="link_IterationsSliderOutput">1</output>
<input type="range" min="1" max="10" value="1" step="1" oninput="'#link_IterationsSliderOutput').text(value);; updateAll();">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="code.js"></script>
"nodes": [
{"id": "Myriel", "group": 1},
{"id": "Napoleon", "group": 1},
{"id": "Mlle.Baptistine", "group": 1},
{"id": "Mme.Magloire", "group": 1},
{"id": "CountessdeLo", "group": 1},
{"id": "Geborand", "group": 1},
{"id": "Champtercier", "group": 1},
{"id": "Cravatte", "group": 1},
{"id": "Count", "group": 1},
{"id": "OldMan", "group": 1},
{"id": "Labarre", "group": 2},
{"id": "Valjean", "group": 2},
{"id": "Marguerite", "group": 3},
{"id": "Mme.deR", "group": 2},
{"id": "Isabeau", "group": 2},
{"id": "Gervais", "group": 2},
{"id": "Tholomyes", "group": 3},
{"id": "Listolier", "group": 3},
{"id": "Fameuil", "group": 3},
{"id": "Blacheville", "group": 3},
{"id": "Favourite", "group": 3},
{"id": "Dahlia", "group": 3},
{"id": "Zephine", "group": 3},
{"id": "Fantine", "group": 3},
{"id": "Mme.Thenardier", "group": 4},
{"id": "Thenardier", "group": 4},
{"id": "Cosette", "group": 5},
{"id": "Javert", "group": 4},
{"id": "Fauchelevent", "group": 0},
{"id": "Bamatabois", "group": 2},
{"id": "Perpetue", "group": 3},
{"id": "Simplice", "group": 2},
{"id": "Scaufflaire", "group": 2},
{"id": "Woman1", "group": 2},
{"id": "Judge", "group": 2},
{"id": "Champmathieu", "group": 2},
{"id": "Brevet", "group": 2},
{"id": "Chenildieu", "group": 2},
{"id": "Cochepaille", "group": 2},
{"id": "Pontmercy", "group": 4},
{"id": "Boulatruelle", "group": 6},
{"id": "Eponine", "group": 4},
{"id": "Anzelma", "group": 4},
{"id": "Woman2", "group": 5},
{"id": "MotherInnocent", "group": 0},
{"id": "Gribier", "group": 0},
{"id": "Jondrette", "group": 7},
{"id": "Mme.Burgon", "group": 7},
{"id": "Gavroche", "group": 8},
{"id": "Gillenormand", "group": 5},
{"id": "Magnon", "group": 5},
{"id": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "group": 5},
{"id": "Mme.Pontmercy", "group": 5},
{"id": "Mlle.Vaubois", "group": 5},
{"id": "Lt.Gillenormand", "group": 5},
{"id": "Marius", "group": 8},
{"id": "BaronessT", "group": 5},
{"id": "Mabeuf", "group": 8},
{"id": "Enjolras", "group": 8},
{"id": "Combeferre", "group": 8},
{"id": "Prouvaire", "group": 8},
{"id": "Feuilly", "group": 8},
{"id": "Courfeyrac", "group": 8},
{"id": "Bahorel", "group": 8},
{"id": "Bossuet", "group": 8},
{"id": "Joly", "group": 8},
{"id": "Grantaire", "group": 8},
{"id": "MotherPlutarch", "group": 9},
{"id": "Gueulemer", "group": 4},
{"id": "Babet", "group": 4},
{"id": "Claquesous", "group": 4},
{"id": "Montparnasse", "group": 4},
{"id": "Toussaint", "group": 5},
{"id": "Child1", "group": 10},
{"id": "Child2", "group": 10},
{"id": "Brujon", "group": 4},
{"id": "Mme.Hucheloup", "group": 8}
"links": [
{"source": "Napoleon", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mlle.Baptistine", "target": "Myriel", "value": 8},
{"source": "Mme.Magloire", "target": "Myriel", "value": 10},
{"source": "Mme.Magloire", "target": "Mlle.Baptistine", "value": 6},
{"source": "CountessdeLo", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Geborand", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Champtercier", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Cravatte", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Count", "target": "Myriel", "value": 2},
{"source": "OldMan", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Valjean", "target": "Labarre", "value": 1},
{"source": "Valjean", "target": "Mme.Magloire", "value": 3},
{"source": "Valjean", "target": "Mlle.Baptistine", "value": 3},
{"source": "Valjean", "target": "Myriel", "value": 5},
{"source": "Marguerite", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.deR", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Isabeau", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gervais", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Listolier", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fameuil", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fameuil", "target": "Listolier", "value": 4},
{"source": "Blacheville", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 4},
{"source": "Blacheville", "target": "Listolier", "value": 4},
{"source": "Blacheville", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 4},
{"source": "Favourite", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 3},
{"source": "Favourite", "target": "Listolier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Favourite", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 3},
{"source": "Favourite", "target": "Blacheville", "value": 4},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 3},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Listolier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 3},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Blacheville", "value": 3},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Favourite", "value": 5},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 3},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Listolier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 3},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Blacheville", "value": 3},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Favourite", "value": 4},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Dahlia", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 3},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Listolier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 3},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Blacheville", "value": 3},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Favourite", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Dahlia", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Zephine", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Marguerite", "value": 2},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Valjean", "value": 9},
{"source": "Mme.Thenardier", "target": "Fantine", "value": 2},
{"source": "Mme.Thenardier", "target": "Valjean", "value": 7},
{"source": "Thenardier", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 13},
{"source": "Thenardier", "target": "Fantine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Thenardier", "target": "Valjean", "value": 12},
{"source": "Cosette", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 4},
{"source": "Cosette", "target": "Valjean", "value": 31},
{"source": "Cosette", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 1},
{"source": "Cosette", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Valjean", "value": 17},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Fantine", "value": 5},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 5},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Cosette", "value": 1},
{"source": "Fauchelevent", "target": "Valjean", "value": 8},
{"source": "Fauchelevent", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Bamatabois", "target": "Fantine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Bamatabois", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Bamatabois", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Perpetue", "target": "Fantine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Simplice", "target": "Perpetue", "value": 2},
{"source": "Simplice", "target": "Valjean", "value": 3},
{"source": "Simplice", "target": "Fantine", "value": 2},
{"source": "Simplice", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Scaufflaire", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Woman1", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Woman1", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Judge", "target": "Valjean", "value": 3},
{"source": "Judge", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 2},
{"source": "Champmathieu", "target": "Valjean", "value": 3},
{"source": "Champmathieu", "target": "Judge", "value": 3},
{"source": "Champmathieu", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 2},
{"source": "Brevet", "target": "Judge", "value": 2},
{"source": "Brevet", "target": "Champmathieu", "value": 2},
{"source": "Brevet", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Brevet", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 1},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Judge", "value": 2},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Champmathieu", "value": 2},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Brevet", "value": 2},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 1},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Judge", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Champmathieu", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Brevet", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Chenildieu", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 1},
{"source": "Pontmercy", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Boulatruelle", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Eponine", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 2},
{"source": "Eponine", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Anzelma", "target": "Eponine", "value": 2},
{"source": "Anzelma", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 2},
{"source": "Anzelma", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Woman2", "target": "Valjean", "value": 3},
{"source": "Woman2", "target": "Cosette", "value": 1},
{"source": "Woman2", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "MotherInnocent", "target": "Fauchelevent", "value": 3},
{"source": "MotherInnocent", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gribier", "target": "Fauchelevent", "value": 2},
{"source": "Mme.Burgon", "target": "Jondrette", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gavroche", "target": "Mme.Burgon", "value": 2},
{"source": "Gavroche", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gavroche", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gavroche", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gillenormand", "target": "Cosette", "value": 3},
{"source": "Gillenormand", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Magnon", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Magnon", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 9},
{"source": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "target": "Cosette", "value": 2},
{"source": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Mme.Pontmercy", "target": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Pontmercy", "target": "Pontmercy", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mlle.Vaubois", "target": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Lt.Gillenormand", "target": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "value": 2},
{"source": "Lt.Gillenormand", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Lt.Gillenormand", "target": "Cosette", "value": 1},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "value": 6},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 12},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Pontmercy", "value": 1},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Lt.Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Cosette", "value": 21},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Valjean", "value": 19},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 1},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 2},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Eponine", "value": 5},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 4},
{"source": "BaronessT", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "BaronessT", "target": "Marius", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mabeuf", "target": "Marius", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mabeuf", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mabeuf", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Marius", "value": 7},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 7},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Javert", "value": 6},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 1},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Valjean", "value": 4},
{"source": "Combeferre", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 15},
{"source": "Combeferre", "target": "Marius", "value": 5},
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{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Claquesous", "value": 2},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
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{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Claquesous", "value": 1},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Montparnasse", "value": 1},
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{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Bahorel", "value": 1},
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{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 1}
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