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Created April 29, 2024 14:34
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TMDB Movie App UI
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<div class="genre">Grossing</div>
<h2 class="title-genre">Genres</h2>
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<div class="genre">Action</div>
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<div class="genre">TV Movie</div>
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<div class="genre">Thriller</div>
<a class="category-link" href="#" onclick="sortMovies('war')">
<div class="genre">War</div>
<a class="category-link" href="#" onclick="sortMovies('western')">
<div class="genre">Western</div>
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var next = 1;
var nextTV = 1;
var posterPaths = "";
var backgroundPaths = "";
var url = "";
var key = "&api_key=6b4357c41d9c606e4d7ebe2f4a8850ea";
var urlTV = "";
var moreTVinfo =
" +tvshow id+ ?&api_key=6b4357c41d9c606e4d7ebe2f4a8850ea";
var movieCast = "";
var actorInfo = "";
var imdbLink = "";
var date = new Date();
function sortMovies(choice) {
next = 0;
if (choice === "rating") {
choices = "vote_count.gte=50&sort_by=vote_average.desc";
$("h1").text("Top Rated");
} else if (choice === "grossing") {
choices = "sort_by=revenue.desc";
// Genres sort by list start
else if (choice === "action") {
choices = "&with_genres=28";
} else if (choice === "adventure") {
choices = "&with_genres=12";
} else if (choice === "animation") {
choices = "&with_genres=16";
} else if (choice === "comedy") {
choices = "&with_genres=35";
} else if (choice === "crime") {
choices = "&with_genres=80";
} else if (choice === "documentary") {
choices = "&with_genres=99";
} else if (choice === "drama") {
choices = "&with_genres=18";
} else if (choice === "family") {
choices = "&with_genres=10751";
} else if (choice === "fantasy") {
choices = "&with_genres=14";
} else if (choice === "foreign") {
choices = "&with_genres=10769";
} else if (choice === "history") {
choices = "&with_genres=36";
} else if (choice === "horror") {
choices = "&with_genres=27";
} else if (choice === "music") {
choices = "&with_genres=10402";
} else if (choice === "mystery") {
choices = "&with_genres=9648";
} else if (choice === "romance") {
choices = "&with_genres=10749";
} else if (choice === "science fiction") {
choices = "&with_genres=878";
$("h1").text("science fiction");
} else if (choice === "tv movie") {
choices = "&with_genres=10770";
$("h1").text("tv movie");
} else if (choice === "thriller") {
choices = "&with_genres=53";
} else if (choice === "war") {
choices = "&with_genres=10752";
} else if (choice === "western") {
choices = "&with_genres=37";
//genre ends
else {
choices = "sort_by=popularity.desc";
function sortTv(choice) {
nextTV = 0;
if (choice === "rating") {
choices = "vote_count.gte=50&sort_by=vote_average.desc";
} else if (choice === "grossing") {
choices = "sort_by=revenue.desc";
// Genres sort by list start
else if (choice === "action") {
choices = "&with_genres=28";
} else if (choice === "adventure") {
choices = "&with_genres=12";
} else if (choice === "animation") {
choices = "&with_genres=16";
} else if (choice === "comedy") {
choices = "&with_genres=35";
} else if (choice === "crime") {
choices = "&with_genres=80";
} else if (choice === "documentary") {
choices = "&with_genres=99";
} else if (choice === "drama") {
choices = "&with_genres=18";
} else if (choice === "family") {
choices = "&with_genres=10751";
} else if (choice === "fantasy") {
choices = "&with_genres=14";
} else if (choice === "foreign") {
choices = "&with_genres=10769";
} else if (choice === "history") {
choices = "&with_genres=36";
} else if (choice === "horror") {
choices = "&with_genres=27";
} else if (choice === "music") {
choices = "&with_genres=10402";
} else if (choice === "mystery") {
choices = "&with_genres=9648";
} else if (choice === "romance") {
choices = "&with_genres=10749";
} else if (choice === "science fiction") {
choices = "&with_genres=878";
} else if (choice === "tv movie") {
choices = "&with_genres=10770";
} else if (choice === "thriller") {
choices = "&with_genres=53";
} else if (choice === "war") {
choices = "&with_genres=10752";
} else if (choice === "western") {
choices = "&with_genres=37";
//genre ends
else {
choices = "sort_by=popularity.desc";
/// when enter is hit it starts the search
function checkSubmit(e) {
if (e && e.keyCode == 13) {
var searching = document.getElementById("search").value;
document.getElementById("search").value = "";
return false;
function search(search) {
var searchurl =
$.getJSON(searchurl + search, function (data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++) {
var id = data.results[i].id;
var title = data.results[i].title;
var rating = data.results[i].vote_average;
var poster = posterPaths + data.results[i].poster_path;
var overview = data.results[i].overview;
if (poster === "") {
//if their is no poster dont show the movie
} else if (
poster === ""
) {
//dont show if the overview is null
} else if (overview == "null") {
//dont show if the overview is null
} else {
"<a class='item link movies m" +
i +
"' id='" +
id +
"' onclick='movieInfo(" +
id +
")' href='#'><img src='" +
poster +
"' class='image'><div class='item-inner'><h2 class='item-title'>" +
title +
"</h2><span class='rating'><i class='fa fa-star' aria-hidden='true'></i> " +
rating +
function showMovie(choice) {
$.getJSON(url + choice + key + "&page=" + next, function (data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++) {
var id = data.results[i].id;
var title = data.results[i].title;
var overview = data.results[i].overview;
var rating = data.results[i].vote_average;
var poster = posterPaths + data.results[i].poster_path;
if (poster === "") {
//if their is no poster dont show the movie
} else if (
poster === ""
) {
//dont show if the overview is null
} else if (overview == "null") {
//dont show if the overview is null
} else {
"<a class='item link movies m" +
i +
"' id='" +
id +
"' onclick='movieInfo(" +
id +
")' href='#'><img src='" +
poster +
"' class='image'><div class='item-inner'><h2 class='item-title'>" +
title +
"</h2><span class='rating'><i class='fa fa-star' aria-hidden='true'></i> " +
rating +
function movieInfo(id) {
$.getJSON(movieCast + id + "/casts?" + key, function (json) {
cast1 = json.cast[0].name;
cast1id = json.cast[0].id;
cast2 = json.cast[1].name;
cast2id = json.cast[1].id;
cast3 = json.cast[2].name;
cast3id = json.cast[2].id;
cast4 = json.cast[3].name;
cast4id = json.cast[3].id;
var infoURL =
"" +
id +
$.getJSON(infoURL, function (data) {
var budget = "$" + data.budget;
if (budget === "$0") {
budget = "Budget not yet released";
var revenue = "$" + data.revenue;
if (revenue === "$0") {
revenue = "Revenue not yet released";
var release = data.release_date;
var imdb = imdbLink + data.imdb_id;
var runtime = data.runtime;
var tagline = data.tagline;
var year = data.release_date.slice(0, 4);
var title = data.title;
var rating = data.vote_average;
var overview = data.overview;
var poster = posterPaths + data.poster_path;
if (poster === "") {
poster = "";
var backdrop = backgroundPaths + data.backdrop_path;
if (data.genres.length > 3) {
genre =
data.genres[0].name +
", " +
data.genres[1].name +
", " +
data.genres[2].name +
", " +
} else if (data.genres.length > 2) {
genre =
data.genres[0].name +
", " +
data.genres[1].name +
", " +
} else if (data.genres.length > 1) {
genre = data.genres[0].name + ", " + data.genres[1].name;
} else {
genre = data.genres[0].name;
"<div class='overview'><div class='movie-container'><div class='movie-inner'><div class='movie-content'><div class='movie-poster'><img class='movie-img' src=" +
poster +
"></div><div class='movie-data'><div class='movie-info'><div class='movie-head'><h1 class='movie-title'>" +
title +
"</h1><h1 class='movie-tagline'>" +
tagline +
"</h1></div><div class='movie-subdata'><div class='movie-left'><p class='movie-stars'><i class='fa fa-star' aria-hidden='true'></i> " +
rating +
"</p></div><div class='movie-right'>" +
year +
" / " +
runtime +
" min</div></div><h3 class='movie-fields'>The Genres</h3><div class='movie-tags'><span class='movie-taxonomy'>" +
genre +
"</span></div><h3 class='movie-fields'>The Synopsis</h3><p class='movie-description'>" +
overview +
"</p></div><h3 class='movie-fields'>The Actors</h3><div class='movie-tags'><a class='movie-taxonomy' onclick='showActor(" +
cast1id +
")'>" +
cast1 +
"</a><a class='movie-taxonomy' onclick='showActor(" +
cast2id +
")'> " +
cast2 +
"</a><a class='movie-taxonomy' onclick='showActor(" +
cast3id +
")'>" +
cast3 +
"</a><a class='movie-taxonomy' onclick='showActor(" +
cast4id +
")'>" +
cast4 +
"</a></div><div id='hideMInfo' class='exit' style='font-size:30px;'><i style='cursor:pointer;' onclick='exit(" +
id +
")' class='fa fa-chevron-circle-left' aria-hidden='true'></i></div></div></div></div></div></div>"
function showActor(id) {
var next = 0;
$.getJSON(actorInfo + id + key + "&page=" + next, function (data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++) {
var id = data.results[i].id;
var title = data.results[i].title;
var overview = data.results[i].overview;
var rating = data.results[i].vote_average;
var poster = posterPaths + data.results[i].poster_path;
if (poster === "") {
poster = "";
"<a class='item link movies m" +
i +
"' id='" +
id +
"' onclick='movieInfo(" +
id +
")' href='#'><img src='" +
poster +
"' class='image'><div class='item-inner'><h2 class='item-title'>" +
title +
"</h2><span class='rating'><i class='fa fa-star' aria-hidden='true'></i> " +
rating +
function showTv(choice) {
console.log(url + choice + key + "&page=" + next);
$.getJSON(urlTV + choice + key + "&page=" + nextTV, function (data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++) {
var id = data.results[i].id;
var title = data.results[i].name;
var rating = data.results[i].vote_average;
var overview = data.results[i].overview;
var poster = posterPaths + data.results[i].poster_path;
if (poster === "") {
poster = "";
if (poster === "") {
//if their is no poster dont show the movie
} else if (overview == "null") {
//dont show if the overview is null
} else {
"<a class='item link tv t" +
i +
"' id='" +
id +
"' onclick='tvInfo(" +
id +
")' href='#'><img src='" +
poster +
"' class='image'><div class='item-inner'><h2 class='item-title'>" +
title +
"</h2><span class='rating'><i class='fa fa-star' aria-hidden='true'></i> " +
rating +
function tvInfo(id) {
var infoURL =
"" +
id +
$.getJSON(infoURL, function (data) {
var genre;
if (data.genres.length > 3) {
genre =
data.genres[0].name +
", " +
data.genres[1].name +
", " +
data.genres[2].name +
", " +
} else if (data.genres.length > 2) {
genre =
data.genres[0].name +
", " +
data.genres[1].name +
", " +
} else if (data.genres.length > 1) {
genre = data.genres[0].name + ", " + data.genres[1].name;
} else {
genre = data.genres[0].name;
var seasons = data.seasons.length;
var title =;
var rating = data.vote_average;
var overview = data.overview;
var poster = posterPaths + data.poster_path;
if (poster === "") {
poster = "";
var backdrop = backgroundPaths + data.backdrop_path;
"<div class='overview'><div class='movie-container'><div class='movie-inner'><div class='movie-content'><div class='movie-poster'><img class='movie-img' src=" +
poster +
"></div><div class='movie-data'><div class='movie-info'><div class='movie-head'><h1 class='movie-title'>" +
title +
"</h1></div><div class='movie-subdata'><div class='movie-left'><p class='movie-stars'><i class='fa fa-star' aria-hidden='true'></i> " +
rating +
"</p></div></div><h3 class='movie-fields'>The Genres</h3><div class='movie-tags'><span class='movie-taxonomy'>" +
genre +
"</span></div><h3 class='movie-fields'>The Synopsis</h3><p class='movie-description'>" +
overview +
"</p></div><h3 class='movie-fields'>Season information</h3><div class='movie-tags'><select class='season'></select></div><div id='hideMInfo' class='exit' style='font-size:30px;'><i style='cursor:pointer;' onclick='exitTv(" +
id +
")' class='fa fa-chevron-circle-left' aria-hidden='true'></i></div></div></div></div></div></div>"
for (var i = 0; i < data.seasons.length; i++) {
"<option onclick='seriesInfo(" +
data.seasons[i].id +
"," +
data.seasons[i].season_number +
")' value='" +
data.seasons[i].season_number +
"'>Season " +
data.seasons[i].season_number +
" </option>"
//var selected = $( ".season option:selected" ).value();
function seriesInfo(id, num) {
var seriesURL =
"" +
id +
"/season/" +
num +
$.getJSON(seriesURL, function (data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.episodes.length; i++) {
var seasonname =;
var seasonoverview = data.overview;
var episode = data.episodes[i].name;
var overview = data.episodes[i].overview;
var airdate = data.episodes[i].air_date;
"<div><p>" +
episode +
"</p><p>" +
overview +
"</p><p>" +
airdate +
$("#tv").click(function () {
nextTV = 0;
$("#movie").click(function () {
next = 1;
$(".more").click(function () {
$(".moreTV").click(function () {
function exit(id) {
window.location.hash = id;
function exitTv(id) {
window.location.hash = id;
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$(".category-link").removeClass("current ");
$(this).addClass("current ");
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