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Last active January 28, 2020 15:00
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
graph = {
'A': {'B': 4, 'D': 1, 'C': 7},
'B': {'C': 2},
'C': {'E': 2, 'F': 3},
'D': {'B': 2, 'E': 4},
'E': {'D': 3, 'B': 7},
'F': {'E': 1},
def dijkstra(graph, src, dst):
shortest_distance = {} # to store the smallest cost from 'src' to each node.
predecessor = {} # to store the link parent <-> child node.
unseen_nodes = graph # just another variable to store the list of node we haven't checked in.
infinity = sys.maxsize # the infinity (very big number) to tell no DIRECT path from x to y
path = [] # to store the shorted path from 'src' to 'dst'
# Initialize, set all node's cost to infinity
for node in unseen_nodes:
shortest_distance[node] = infinity
# however, the first node's cost is always 0
shortest_distance[src] = 0
# the actual dijkstra algorithm now starts
while unseen_nodes:
min_node = None
for node in unseen_nodes:
if min_node is None:
min_node = node
elif shortest_distance[node] < shortest_distance[min_node]:
min_node = node
for child_node, cost in graph[min_node].items():
if shortest_distance[min_node] + cost < shortest_distance[child_node]:
shortest_distance[child_node] = shortest_distance[min_node] + cost
predecessor[child_node] = min_node
# remove the node from unseen_nodes list as it is already been checked-in
# print the shortest distance from 'src' to each node
# print(shortest_distance)
# bonus: get the shortest path
current_node = dst
while current_node != src:
path.insert(0, current_node)
current_node = predecessor[current_node]
except KeyError:
print('Path not reachable')
# now print the result
if shortest_distance[dst] != infinity:
print("Shortest distance from {} to {} is: {}".format(src, dst, shortest_distance[dst]))
path.insert(0, src)
print("Path: {}".format(path))
print("There is no path from {} to {}".format(src, dst))
dijkstra(graph, 'A', 'F')
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