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  • Save ngoquang2708/07090ee739776252d26e6fd771b468fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ngoquang2708/07090ee739776252d26e6fd771b468fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
LineageOS Version: '15.1-20180603-UNOFFICIAL-vivalto3gvn'
Build fingerprint: 'samsung/lineage_vivalto3gvn/vivalto3gvn:8.1.0/OPM2.171019.029.B1/f0309e6e02:eng/test-keys'
Revision: '0'
ABI: 'arm'
pid: 162, tid: 162, name: bluetooth@1.0-s >>> /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service <<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
Cause: null pointer dereference
r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 af9087d0 r3 0000000f
r4 af9087c8 r5 af9087d0 r6 00000001 r7 af92f0a0
r8 0000000f r9 00000000 sl 00000000 fp bee01a5c
ip af793dd0 sp bee01780 lr af78dcc3 pc af78d866 cpsr 80010030
d0 676e697070696b53 d1 206b6e696c6e7520
d2 6573202c6c6c6163 d3 6964206563697672
d4 30302e3433302e31 d5 5f303930302e3833
d6 617669565f43524f d7 335f47332d6f746c
d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
d16 2e74736973726570 d17 2e6761742e676f6c
d18 afbe3b11afbe3b09 d19 afbe3b1dafbe3b19
d20 0000000800000008 d21 0000000800000008
d22 0000000400000004 d23 0000000400000004
d24 0000218100000181 d25 0000618100004181
d26 0000218000000180 d27 0000618000004180
d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
scr 20000010
#00 pc 00006866 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (android::hardware::bluetooth::V1_0::implementation::VendorInterface::Send(unsigned char, unsigned char const*, unsigned int)+121)
#01 pc 00006cbf /system/vendor/lib/hw/ ((anonymous namespace)::transmit_cb(unsigned short, void*, void (*)(void*))+34)
#02 pc 000023fd /system/vendor/lib/ (hw_lpm_enable+116)
#03 pc 00001749 /system/vendor/lib/ (op+140)
#04 pc 0000657b /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (android::hardware::bluetooth::V1_0::implementation::VendorInterface::Close()+30)
#05 pc 000064e7 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (android::hardware::bluetooth::V1_0::implementation::VendorInterface::Shutdown()+10)
#06 pc 000050c7 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (android::hardware::bluetooth::V1_0::implementation::BluetoothHci::close()+30)
#07 pc 0000537f /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (android::hardware::bluetooth::V1_0::implementation::BluetoothDeathRecipient::serviceDied(unsigned long long, android::wp<android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> const&)+42)
#08 pc 000211cb /system/lib/ (android::hardware::hidl_binder_death_recipient::binderDied(android::wp<android::hardware::IBinder> const&)+66)
#09 pc 0000e811 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::BpHwBinder::reportOneDeath(android::hardware::BpHwBinder::Obituary const&)+76)
#10 pc 0000e797 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::BpHwBinder::sendObituary()+100)
#11 pc 00010501 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::executeCommand(int)+648)
#12 pc 00010171 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+116)
#13 pc 00010713 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+38)
#14 pc 00000c1f /system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service
#15 pc 00000baf /system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service
#16 pc 00077489 /system/lib/ (__libc_init+48)
#17 pc 00000a90 /system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service (_start_main+88)
bee01740 00000000
bee01744 af90b008 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01748 00000002
bee0174c afbdd053 /system/lib/ (je_arena_malloc_hard+450)
bee01750 00000000
bee01754 af90b008 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01758 00000000
bee0175c 00000017
bee01760 af90b000 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01764 af90b008 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01768 00000002
bee0176c af9087b0 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01770 00000000
bee01774 00000000
bee01778 bee01a5c
bee0177c afbec2e3 /system/lib/ (je_malloc+118)
#00 bee01780 00000000
bee01784 af92f000 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01788 af980040 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee0178c afbdb437 /system/lib/ (arena_maybe_purge_decay+190)
bee01790 af786970 [stack:767]
bee01794 af786970 [stack:767]
bee01798 6de9aa90
bee0179c 00000017
bee017a0 00000000
bee017a4 6de9aa90
bee017a8 af9087c8 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee017ac 00000000
bee017b0 afeb2189 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::hidl_binder_death_recipient::binderDied(android::wp<android::hardware::IBinder> const&))
bee017b4 00000000
bee017b8 af9087b0 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee017bc af78dcc3 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ ((anonymous namespace)::transmit_cb(unsigned short, void*, void (*)(void*))+38)
#01 bee017c0 af9087c8 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee017c4 af5143ff /system/vendor/lib/ (hw_lpm_enable+118)
#02 bee017c8 bee017e8
bee017cc af910280 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee017d0 00000000
bee017d4 af51374d /system/vendor/lib/ (op+144)
#03 bee017d8 af92f0a0 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee017dc af78d57d /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (android::hardware::bluetooth::V1_0::implementation::VendorInterface::Close()+32)
#04 bee017e0 af980040 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee017e4 00000000
bee017e8 00000000
bee017ec 6de9aa90
bee017f0 bee0181c
bee017f4 af910280 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee017f8 00000000
bee017fc af78d4eb /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (android::hardware::bluetooth::V1_0::implementation::VendorInterface::Shutdown()+14)
#05 bee01800 00000000
bee01804 af78c0cb /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (android::hardware::bluetooth::V1_0::implementation::BluetoothHci::close()+34)
#06 bee01808 bee0181c
bee0180c af910320 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01810 00000000
bee01814 af78c381 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (android::hardware::bluetooth::V1_0::implementation::BluetoothDeathRecipient::serviceDied(unsigned long long, android::wp<android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> const&)+44)
#07 bee01818 af922074 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee0181c af922030 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01820 0000000c
bee01824 afc943fb /system/lib/ (android::hardware::Parcel::setDataSize(unsigned int)+18)
bee01828 0000000c
bee0182c c0186201
bee01830 af910320 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01834 6de9aa90
bee01838 af910320 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee0183c afeb21cd /system/lib/ (android::hardware::hidl_binder_death_recipient::binderDied(android::wp<android::hardware::IBinder> const&)+68)
#08 bee01840 af910338 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01844 00000000
bee01848 af908798 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee0184c 6de9aa90
bee01850 af90d100 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01854 afc90813 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::BpHwBinder::reportOneDeath(android::hardware::BpHwBinder::Obituary const&)+78)
#09 bee01858 af90d100 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee0185c af90f840 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01860 af910320 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01864 6de9aa90
bee01868 af90d100 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee0186c 00000000
bee01870 00000001
bee01874 afc9079b /system/lib/ (android::hardware::BpHwBinder::sendObituary()+104)
#10 bee01878 af922000 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee0187c af90d100 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee01880 40046302
bee01884 bee01a6c
bee01888 00000000
bee0188c afc92505 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::executeCommand(int)+652)
#11 bee01890 00000010
bee01894 bee01968
bee01898 af922000 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee0189c 00000000
bee018a0 00000000
bee018a4 00000000
bee018a8 00000000
bee018ac 00000000
bee018b0 00000000
bee018b4 af90c190 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee018b8 00000004
bee018bc 00000006
bee018c0 00000004
bee018c4 00000000
bee018c8 00000000
bee018cc 00000000
........ ........
#12 bee019b8 6de9aa90
bee019bc 00000000
bee019c0 00000000
bee019c4 af922000 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee019c8 00000001
bee019cc af922074 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee019d0 bee01a6c
bee019d4 afc92717 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+42)
#13 bee019d8 af910280 [anon:libc_malloc]
bee019dc 6de9aa90
bee019e0 00000000
bee019e4 bee01a08
bee019e8 00000000
bee019ec b01c3c23 /system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service
#14 bee019f0 6665640e
bee019f4 746c7561
bee019f8 00000000
bee019fc 6de9aa90
bee01a00 00000005
bee01a04 b01c3bb3 /system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service
#15 bee01a08 6665640e
bee01a0c 746c7561
bee01a10 00000000
bee01a14 6de9aa90
bee01a18 b01c3b71 /system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service (main)
bee01a1c bee01a64
bee01a20 00000001
bee01a24 afbfc48b /system/lib/ (__libc_init+50)
#16 bee01a28 b00d8890 [anon:linker_alloc_small_objects]
bee01a2c 00000000
bee01a30 00000000
bee01a34 00000000
bee01a38 00000000
bee01a3c b01c3a94 /system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service (_start_main+92)
#17 bee01a40 00000000
bee01a44 bee01a60
bee01a48 00000000
bee01a4c b01c6dc4 /system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service
bee01a50 b01c6dcc /system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service
bee01a54 b01c6dd4 /system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service
bee01a58 00000000
bee01a5c b00fadbd /system/bin/linker (__dl__ZN6soinfoD1Ev+52)
bee01a60 00000001
bee01a64 bee01b4e
bee01a68 00000000
bee01a6c bee01b84
bee01a70 bee01bce
bee01a74 bee01be9
bee01a78 bee01bfc
bee01a7c bee01c11
memory near r2:
af9087b0 afc9d2c0 af92a060 00000001 00000000 ....`...........
af9087c0 00000010 00000000 000f2000 00000000 ......... ......
af9087d0 000cfc27 00000000 00000000 00000000 '...............
af9087e0 000f2000 00000000 000cfc27 00000000 . ......'.......
af9087f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908800 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908810 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908820 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908830 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908840 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908850 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908860 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908870 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908880 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908890 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af9088a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
memory near r4:
af9087a8 af90f820 00000000 afc9d2c0 af92a060 ...........`...
af9087b8 00000001 00000000 00000010 00000000 ................
af9087c8 000f2000 00000000 000cfc27 00000000 . ......'.......
af9087d8 00000000 00000000 000f2000 00000000 ......... ......
af9087e8 000cfc27 00000000 00000000 00000000 '...............
af9087f8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908808 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908818 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908828 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908838 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908848 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908858 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908868 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908878 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908888 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908898 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
memory near r5:
af9087b0 afc9d2c0 af92a060 00000001 00000000 ....`...........
af9087c0 00000010 00000000 000f2000 00000000 ......... ......
af9087d0 000cfc27 00000000 00000000 00000000 '...............
af9087e0 000f2000 00000000 000cfc27 00000000 . ......'.......
af9087f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908800 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908810 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908820 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908830 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908840 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908850 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908860 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908870 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908880 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af908890 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af9088a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
memory near r7:
af92f080 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af92f090 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af92f0a0 af793a34 f82c223b af518cf0 00000000 4:y.;",...Q.....
af92f0b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af92f0c0 af92f0c4 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af92f0d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af92f0e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af92f0f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af92f100 00000000 00000000 af90c1e0 00000000 ................
af92f110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af92f120 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af92f130 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af92f140 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af92f150 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af92f160 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
af92f170 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
memory near fp:
bee01a3c b01c3a94 00000000 bee01a60 00000000 .:......`.......
bee01a4c b01c6dc4 b01c6dcc b01c6dd4 00000000 .m...m...m......
bee01a5c b00fadbd 00000001 bee01b4e 00000000 ........N.......
bee01a6c bee01b84 bee01bce bee01be9 bee01bfc ................
bee01a7c bee01c11 bee01c2c bee01c3f bee01c58 ....,...?...X...
bee01a8c bee01c71 bee01c8b bee01eb9 00000000 q...............
bee01a9c 00000010 000fb0d7 00000006 00001000 ................
bee01aac 00000011 00000064 00000003 b01c3034 ....d.......40..
bee01abc 00000004 00000020 00000005 00000009 .... ...........
bee01acc 00000007 b00e8000 00000008 00000000 ................
bee01adc 00000009 b01c3aa8 0000000b 000003ea .....:..........
bee01aec 0000000c 000003ea 0000000d 000003ea ................
bee01afc 0000000e 000003ea 00000017 00000000 ................
bee01b0c 00000019 bee01b3a 0000001f bee01fc6 ....:...........
bee01b1c 0000000f bee01b4a 00000000 00000000 ....J...........
bee01b2c 00000000 00000000 00000000 3d6f0000 ..............o=
memory near ip:
af793db0 afc56f19 afda344d afaeb80d af78cfb9 .o..M4........x.
af793dc0 af78ca2d af78d4dd afb9f3c9 af78d5f1 -.x...x.......x.
af793dd0 af78d7ed af78bc05 afc56f41 aff4baed ..x...x.Ao......
af793de0 afa2bd61 afa2bec5 afa2bed9 afa2bf49 a...........I...
af793df0 afa2bec5 afa2c0ad afa2bec5 afa2c0cd ................
af793e00 afa2c0fd afa2c0ad af78bc9d af78c101 ..........x...x.
af793e10 af78c141 af78c169 af78c0a9 afc563cd A.x.i.x...x..c..
af793e20 afc563cd afc56fd7 afc563cd aff4c849 .c...o...c..I...
af793e30 afed58d1 afebf5c5 afed5951 afed59c1 .X......QY...Y..
af793e40 afebf5c5 afebf7ad afebf5c5 afed5a71 ............qZ..
af793e50 afebf7fd afebf7ad afba1915 afb9d5e1 ................
af793e60 afbd77d5 afb9ce25 afe4fe25 afba4449 .w..%...%...ID..
af793e70 afba12ad afb9f395 afba5dc3 afba00d5 .........]......
af793e80 af78ccd9 afb9d600 afba50c5 af78cc45 ..x......P..E.x.
af793e90 afe4ff53 af78d4b1 af78d4b1 af78d10d S.....x...x...x.
af793ea0 af78d5fd afe2d0ad afe2d0bf af78cd81 ..x...........x.
memory near sp:
bee01760 af90b000 af90b008 00000002 af9087b0 ................
bee01770 00000000 00000000 bee01a5c afbec2e3 ........\.......
bee01780 00000000 af92f000 af980040 afbdb437 ........@...7...
bee01790 af786970 af786970 6de9aa90 00000017 pix.pix....m....
bee017a0 00000000 6de9aa90 af9087c8 00000000 .......m........
bee017b0 afeb2189 00000000 af9087b0 af78dcc3 .!............x.
bee017c0 af9087c8 af5143ff bee017e8 af910280 .....CQ.........
bee017d0 00000000 af51374d af92f0a0 af78d57d ....M7Q.....}.x.
bee017e0 af980040 00000000 00000000 6de9aa90 @..............m
bee017f0 bee0181c af910280 00000000 af78d4eb ..............x.
bee01800 00000000 af78c0cb bee0181c af910320 ......x..... ...
bee01810 00000000 af78c381 af922074 af922030 ......x.t ..0 ..
bee01820 0000000c afc943fb 0000000c c0186201 .....C.......b..
bee01830 af910320 6de9aa90 af910320 afeb21cd ......m ....!..
bee01840 af910338 00000000 af908798 6de9aa90 8..............m
bee01850 af90d100 afc90813 af90d100 af90f840 ............@...
code around pc:
af78d844 6801e001 47886909 21004813 44789102 ...h.i.G.H.!..xD
af78d854 a9027001 688268b8 47902007 462a6f38 .p...h.h. .G8o*F
af78d864 68014643 4631688f 490c47b8 44799a09 CF.h.h1F.G.I..yD
af78d874 68096809 bf041a89 e8bdb00a f7fd81f0 .h.h............
af78d884 bf00ed62 00006562 00006806 000067fd
af78d894 000067ea 000062ca 000067b2 000064ea .g...b...g...d..
af78d8a4 b089b5f0 483a4604 460d4a3b 49394478 .....F:H;J.FxD9I
af78d8b4 a33a447a 44796800 90086800 95002003 zD:..hyD.h... ..
af78d8c4 ed4cf7fd 0090f8d4 f7ffb130 f7fdff3f ..L.....0...?...
af78d8d4 2000ed82 0090f8c4 b1b86ea0 2d002100 ... .....n...!.-
af78d8e4 2101bf08 1008f88d 698a6801 4790a902 ...!.....h.i...G
af78d8f4 f1046ea0 42810158 b128d003 69496801 .n..X..B..(..hIi
af78d904 6801e001 47886909 66a02000 4d2968a0 ...h.i.G. .f.h)M
af78d914 6882447d 46292005 4e274790 6828a71f }D.h. )F.G'N..(h
af78d924 447ea226 20049000 4631463b ed16f7fd &.~D... ;F1F....
af78d934 a9012001 68a09001 20066882 a2254790 . .....h.h. .G%.
code around lr:
af78dca0 490b460c c030f8df 4479447b 601a44fc .F.I..0.{DyD.D.`
af78dcb0 f1048008 f8dc0208 21010000 f7fd8863 ...........!c...
af78dcc0 b114eb7a f7fd4620 2001ed32 bf00bd10 z... F..2.. ....
af78dcd0 00006366 00006364 00006354 b082b580 fc..dc..Tc......
af78dce0 a3074905 44794a05 447a9000 f7fd2003 .I...JyD..zD. ..
af78dcf0 b002eb38 bf00bd80 00003792 00003905 8........7...9..
af78dd00 6c697065 635f676f 00000062 b084b580 epilog_cb.......
af78dd10 c018f8df e88da30f a2050007 200344fc .............D.
af78dd20 f7fd4661 b004eb1e bf00bd80 0000375c aF..........\7..
af78dd30 72207325 6c757365 25203a74 6f202c64 %s result: %d, o
af78dd40 25203a70 68202c64 6c646e61 25203a65 p: %d, handle: %
af78dd50 00000064 70643261 66666f5f 64616f6c d...a2dp_offload
af78dd60 0062635f b882f003 4604b510 f7fd2008 _cb........F. ..
af78dd70 4903eada 44796862 e9c03108 bd101200 ...IbhyD.1......
af78dd80 00005cc2 447a4a03 600a3208 60486840 .\...JzD.2.`@hH`
af78dd90 bf004770 00005cb2 68404770 b896f003 pG...\..pG@h....
memory map (147 entries):
--->Fault address falls at 00000000 before any mapped regions
af415000-af415fff --- 0 1000 [anon:thread stack guard page]
af416000-af511fff rw- 0 fc000 [stack:1640]
af512000-af517fff r-x 0 6000 /system/vendor/lib/ (BuildId: e3bbb39480a9d308eb137272bc2105f0)
af518000-af518fff r-- 5000 1000 /system/vendor/lib/
af519000-af519fff rw- 6000 1000 /system/vendor/lib/
af553000-af553fff --- 0 1000 [anon:thread stack guard page]
af554000-af64ffff rw- 0 fc000 [stack:769]
af68a000-af68afff --- 0 1000 [anon:thread stack guard page]
af68b000-af786fff rw- 0 fc000 [stack:767]
af787000-af791fff r-x 0 b000 /system/vendor/lib/hw/ (BuildId: bb057e9550f7ccb38655cfa57921f540)
af792000-af792fff --- 0 1000
af793000-af793fff r-- b000 1000 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
af794000-af794fff rw- c000 1000 /system/vendor/lib/hw/
af7da000-af8d7fff r-- 0 fe000 /dev/hwbinder
af8d8000-af8dbfff r-x 0 4000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: 647fcd25c1320e18a7b595bbb2b53d50)
af8dc000-af8dcfff r-- 3000 1000 /system/lib/
af8dd000-af8ddfff rw- 4000 1000 /system/lib/
af900000-af9fffff rw- 0 100000 [anon:libc_malloc]
afa1c000-afa3cfff r-x 0 21000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: 91b502b63b302133fb88235c6353e4f5) (load bias 0x1000)
afa3d000-afa3efff r-- 20000 2000 /system/lib/
afa3f000-afa3ffff rw- 22000 1000 /system/lib/
afa4a000-afa6afff r-x 0 21000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: a2d2723af00cbcb96caf59fb2c7057e6)
afa6b000-afa6bfff r-- 20000 1000 /system/lib/
afa6c000-afa6cfff rw- 21000 1000 /system/lib/
afab5000-afab7fff r-x 0 3000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: 93e794f10dfd309ed11d7d6fa31d5807)
afab8000-afab8fff r-- 2000 1000 /system/lib/
afab9000-afab9fff rw- 3000 1000 /system/lib/
afad6000-afaeffff r-x 0 1a000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: bb36f49e7e87b24e421806465da0f35a)
afaf0000-afaf0fff --- 0 1000
afaf1000-afaf1fff r-- 1a000 1000 /system/lib/
afaf2000-afaf2fff rw- 1b000 1000 /system/lib/
afb01000-afb14fff r-x 0 14000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: d564e01b571bbfa35acbb77ef1aaeb09)
afb15000-afb15fff r-- 13000 1000 /system/lib/
afb16000-afb16fff rw- 14000 1000 /system/lib/
afb17000-afb5cfff rw- 0 46000 [anon:.bss]
afb85000-afc0efff r-x 0 8a000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: c6e365aff88603a453f432139ddbcfe6)
afc0f000-afc12fff r-- 89000 4000 /system/lib/
afc13000-afc14fff rw- 8d000 2000 /system/lib/
afc15000-afc15fff rw- 0 1000 [anon:.bss]
afc16000-afc16fff r-- 0 1000 [anon:.bss]
afc17000-afc1cfff rw- 0 6000 [anon:.bss]
afc4c000-afc60fff r-x 0 15000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: 6b3e9451b911ed9b0e1378654439fb20)
afc61000-afc61fff --- 0 1000
afc62000-afc62fff r-- 15000 1000 /system/lib/
afc63000-afc63fff rw- 16000 1000 /system/lib/
afc82000-afc9bfff r-x 0 1a000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: 21301b13f15ae2f350a42438fac47cb8)
afc9c000-afc9dfff r-- 19000 2000 /system/lib/
afc9e000-afc9efff rw- 1b000 1000 /system/lib/
afcd5000-afce7fff r-x 0 13000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: e6fda8307af1e5b9b97293ae1c598d07)
afce8000-afce8fff --- 0 1000
afce9000-afce9fff r-- 13000 1000 /system/lib/
afcea000-afceafff rw- 14000 1000 /system/lib/
afd11000-afd26fff r-x 0 16000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: f21f808fad2599a3a050ea78109b9a1b)
afd27000-afd27fff r-- 15000 1000 /system/lib/
afd28000-afd28fff rw- 16000 1000 /system/lib/
afd29000-afd2efff rw- 0 6000 [anon:.bss]
afd5b000-afd5dfff r-x 0 3000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: eb39cd0ee8f9b41dcb3cde3d8a6cff9c)
afd5e000-afd5efff r-- 2000 1000 /system/lib/
afd5f000-afd5ffff rw- 3000 1000 /system/lib/
afd9d000-afdaefff r-x 0 12000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: c7d88753c2c6095167b88578c3956780)
afdaf000-afdaffff r-- 11000 1000 /system/lib/
afdb0000-afdb0fff rw- 12000 1000 /system/lib/
afde2000-afdeffff r-x 0 e000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: b05808b53725be547b77718d1808208e)
afdf0000-afdf0fff r-- d000 1000 /system/lib/
afdf1000-afdf1fff rw- e000 1000 /system/lib/
afe2c000-afe2efff r-x 0 3000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: 698f7b7c9d1645530dd28a89a05ccb47)
afe2f000-afe2ffff r-- 2000 1000 /system/lib/
afe30000-afe30fff rw- 3000 1000 /system/lib/
afe31000-afe31fff rw- 0 1000 [anon:.bss]
afe48000-afe53fff r-x 0 c000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: 9233ee53fccb0dab7dc98054d5f636ab)
afe54000-afe54fff --- 0 1000
afe55000-afe55fff r-- c000 1000 /system/lib/
afe56000-afe56fff rw- d000 1000 /system/lib/
afe93000-afedffff r-x 0 4d000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: 2d92ae2826add4d8b86f9d41021184e5) (load bias 0x2000)
afee0000-afee0fff --- 0 1000
afee1000-afee4fff r-- 4d000 4000 /system/lib/
afee5000-afee5fff rw- 51000 1000 /system/lib/
afee8000-aff07fff r-- 0 20000 /dev/__properties__/u:object_r:default_prop:s0
aff08000-aff91fff r-x 0 8a000 /system/lib/ (BuildId: 74c63bf25d82ab04ece925dbda3abc5f) (load bias 0x2000)
aff92000-aff92fff --- 0 1000
aff93000-aff96fff r-- 8a000 4000 /system/lib/
aff97000-aff97fff rw- 8e000 1000 /system/lib/
aff98000-aff98fff rw- 0 1000 [anon:.bss]
affa5000-affa5fff r-- 0 1000 [anon:atexit handlers]
affa6000-affa6fff r-- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc]
affa7000-affc6fff r-- 0 20000 /dev/__properties__/properties_serial
affd3000-affd3fff rw- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc_vector]
affe2000-affe2fff rw- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc]
affe4000-affe4fff --- 0 1000 [anon:thread signal stack guard page]
affe5000-affe8fff rw- 0 4000 [anon:thread signal stack]
affe9000-affe9fff --- 0 1000 [anon:thread signal stack guard page]
affea000-affedfff rw- 0 4000 [anon:thread signal stack]
affee000-affeefff --- 0 1000 [anon:bionic TLS guard]
affef000-afff1fff rw- 0 3000 [anon:bionic TLS]
afff2000-afff3fff --- 0 2000 [anon:bionic TLS guard]
afff4000-afff6fff rw- 0 3000 [anon:bionic TLS]
afff7000-afff7fff --- 0 1000 [anon:bionic TLS guard]
afff8000-b0017fff r-- 0 20000 /dev/__properties__/u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0
b0018000-b0018fff --- 0 1000 [anon:thread signal stack guard page]
b0019000-b001cfff rw- 0 4000 [anon:thread signal stack]
b001d000-b001dfff r-- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc]
b0021000-b0021fff --- 0 1000 [anon:bionic TLS guard]
b0022000-b0024fff rw- 0 3000 [anon:bionic TLS]
b0025000-b0025fff --- 0 1000 [anon:bionic TLS guard]
b0026000-b0026fff r-- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc]
b0027000-b0027fff rw- 0 1000 [anon:arc4random data]
b0028000-b0047fff r-- 0 20000 /dev/__properties__/u:object_r:log_tag_prop:s0
b0048000-b0067fff r-- 0 20000 /dev/__properties__/u:object_r:logd_prop:s0
b0068000-b0087fff r-- 0 20000 /dev/__properties__/u:object_r:hwservicemanager_prop:s0
b0088000-b0089fff rw- 0 2000 [anon:linker_alloc_vector]
b008a000-b008afff rw- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc_small_objects]
b008b000-b008bfff rw- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc]
b008d000-b008dfff rw- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc_small_objects]
b008e000-b008efff r-- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc]
b008f000-b00aefff r-- 0 20000 /dev/__properties__/u:object_r:debug_prop:s0
b00af000-b00cefff r-- 0 20000 /dev/__properties__/properties_serial
b00cf000-b00cffff rw- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc_vector]
b00d0000-b00d0fff rw- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc_small_objects]
b00d1000-b00d1fff rw- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc_vector]
b00d2000-b00d2fff --- 0 1000
b00d3000-b00d3fff rw- 0 1000 [stack:1639]
b00d4000-b00d4fff --- 0 1000
b00d5000-b00d5fff rw- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc_lob]
b00d6000-b00d6fff r-- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc]
b00d7000-b00d7fff rw- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc_vector]
b00d8000-b00d8fff rw- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc_small_objects]
b00d9000-b00d9fff rw- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc]
b00da000-b00dafff rw- 0 1000 [anon:linker_alloc_small_objects]
b00db000-b00dbfff r-- 0 1000 [anon:atexit handlers]
b00dc000-b00dcfff --- 0 1000 [anon:thread signal stack guard page]
b00dd000-b00e0fff rw- 0 4000 [stack:162]
b00e1000-b00e1fff rw- 0 1000 [anon:arc4random data]
b00e2000-b00e2fff --- 0 1000 [anon:bionic TLS guard]
b00e3000-b00e5fff rw- 0 3000 [anon:bionic TLS]
b00e6000-b00e6fff --- 0 1000 [anon:bionic TLS guard]
b00e7000-b00e7fff r-x 0 1000 [sigpage]
b00e8000-b0170fff r-x 0 89000 /system/bin/linker (BuildId: 21cbc4edfe679de4c3d907f357c989eb)
b0171000-b0172fff r-- 88000 2000 /system/bin/linker
b0173000-b0173fff rw- 8a000 1000 /system/bin/linker
b0174000-b01bbfff rw- 0 48000
b01bc000-b01bcfff r-- 0 1000
b01bd000-b01c2fff rw- 0 6000
b01c3000-b01c5fff r-x 0 3000 /system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service (BuildId: 3980f0bc0a779ec905c6866fa1918882)
b01c6000-b01c6fff r-- 2000 1000 /system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service
b01c7000-b01c7fff rw- 0 1000
bede1000-bee01fff rw- 0 21000
ffff0000-ffff0fff r-x 0 1000 [vectors]
--------- tail end of log main
06-04 02:58:10.349 162 767 E bt_upio : set_bluetooth_power : write(/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state) failed: Operation not permitted (1)
06-04 02:58:10.349 162 767 I bt_userial_vendor: userial vendor open: opening /dev/ttyS0
06-04 03:01:44.914 162 162 E android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: BluetoothDeathRecipient::serviceDied - Bluetooth service died
06-04 03:01:44.914 162 162 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: BluetoothHci::close()
06-04 03:01:44.914 162 162 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: Skipping unlink call, service died.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
pid: 162, tid: 767, name: HwBinder:162_1 >>> /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service <<<
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
pid: 162, tid: 769, name: HwBinder:162_2 >>> /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service <<<
signal 5 (SIGTRAP), code -32763 (PTRACE_EVENT_STOP), fault addr 0x301
r0 00000003 r1 c0186201 r2 af64f8a0 r3 af64f89c
r4 af64f8a0 r5 c0186201 r6 af9221c0 r7 00000036
r8 af922234 r9 af9221f0 sl 00000000 fp 00000000
ip 00000000 sp af64f888 lr afba2e5f pc afbce2c8 cpsr 20000010
d0 4242424242424242 d1 4242424242424242
d2 4242424242424242 d3 4242424242424242
d4 af91030000000001 d5 0000000000000020
d6 70742a8500000000 d7 af91530000000001
d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
d16 af41500000000001 d17 00001000000fc970
d18 0000000000000000 d19 0000018000000180
d20 0000000800000008 d21 0000000800000008
d22 0000000400000004 d23 0000000400000004
d24 0000218100000181 d25 0000618100004181
d26 0000218000000180 d27 0000618000004180
d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
scr 80000010
#00 pc 000492c8 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+8)
#01 pc 0001de5b /system/lib/ (ioctl+38)
#02 pc 0001000b /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+170)
#03 pc 00010105 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+8)
#04 pc 00010713 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+38)
#05 pc 00016f95 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::PoolThread::threadLoop()+12)
#06 pc 0000d225 /system/lib/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+144)
#07 pc 00047b73 /system/lib/ (__pthread_start(void*)+22)
#08 pc 0001afe3 /system/lib/ (__start_thread+32)
af64f848 afc92e49 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::freeBuffer(android::hardware::Parcel*, unsigned char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int const*, unsigned int, void*))
af64f84c af9221c0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f850 af90f7f0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f854 af92a000 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f858 0f43484e
af64f85c 00000010
af64f860 00000641
af64f864 000003ea
af64f868 00000020
af64f86c 6de9aa90
af64f870 00000004
af64f874 af9221f0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f878 af9221c0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f87c 00000000
af64f880 af922234 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f884 af9221f0 [anon:libc_malloc]
#00 af64f888 af64f89c [stack:769]
........ ........
#01 af64f888 af64f89c [stack:769]
af64f88c 6de9aa90
af64f890 00000000
af64f894 afc9200f /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+174)
af64f898 af64f8a0 [stack:769]
af64f89c 00000000
#02 af64f8a0 00000000
af64f8a4 00000000
af64f8a8 af929500 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f8ac 00000100
af64f8b0 00000000
af64f8b4 af929400 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f8b8 6de9aa90
af64f8bc af9221c0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f8c0 00000000
af64f8c4 af922234 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f8c8 00000000
af64f8cc af64f928 [stack:769]
af64f8d0 000002ff
af64f8d4 afc58e6d /system/lib/ (thread_data_t::trampoline(thread_data_t const*))
af64f8d8 00000000
af64f8dc afc92109 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+12)
#03 af64f8e0 af9221c0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f8e4 af9221f0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f8e8 af922234 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f8ec af9221c0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f8f0 00000000
af64f8f4 af922234 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f8f8 00000000
af64f8fc afc92717 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+42)
#04 af64f900 af9152a0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f904 00000000
af64f908 af9152a0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f90c 00000000
af64f910 af64f970 [stack:769]
af64f914 afc98f99 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::PoolThread::threadLoop()+16)
#05 af64f918 af9152a0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f91c afc59227 /system/lib/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+146)
#06 af64f920 af9152a0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f924 af90f880 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f928 af9152a0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f92c af90f800 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f930 af9152a0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af64f934 6de9aa90
af64f938 af64f970 [stack:769]
af64f93c af64f970 [stack:769]
af64f940 af64f970 [stack:769]
af64f944 00000078
af64f948 000000a2
af64f94c 000002ff
af64f950 afc58e6d /system/lib/ (thread_data_t::trampoline(thread_data_t const*))
af64f954 afbccb75 /system/lib/ (__pthread_start(void*)+24)
#07 af64f958 afbccb5d /system/lib/ (__pthread_start(void*))
af64f95c afb9ffe5 /system/lib/ (__start_thread+34)
#08 af64f960 af64f978 [stack:769]
af64f964 afbccb5d /system/lib/ (__pthread_start(void*))
af64f968 af64f970 [stack:769]
af64f96c 00000000
af64f970 af786970 [stack:767]
af64f974 af511970 [stack:1640]
af64f978 00000301
af64f97c 000000a2
af64f980 00000001
af64f984 af553000 [anon:thread stack guard page]
af64f988 000fc970
af64f98c 00001000
af64f990 00000000
af64f994 00000000
af64f998 00000003
af64f99c 00000000
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
pid: 162, tid: 1640, name: HwBinder:162_3 >>> /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service <<<
signal 5 (SIGTRAP), code -32763 (PTRACE_EVENT_STOP), fault addr 0x668
r0 00000003 r1 c0186201 r2 af5118a0 r3 af51189c
r4 af5118a0 r5 c0186201 r6 af9222a0 r7 00000036
r8 af922314 r9 af9222d0 sl 00000000 fp 00000000
ip 00000000 sp af511888 lr afba2e5f pc afbce2c8 cpsr 20000010
d0 7265646e6942773a d1 0000006400000031
d2 af92f00000000036 d3 00000080af90e532
d4 af91030000000001 d5 0000000000000020
d6 70742a8500000000 d7 af91530000000001
d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
d16 0000000000000000 d17 0000000000000000
d18 0000000000000000 d19 0000000000000000
d20 0000000000000000 d21 0000000000000000
d22 0000000000000002 d23 0000000000000000
d24 0000218100000181 d25 0000618100004181
d26 0000218000000180 d27 0000618000004180
d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
scr 80000010
#00 pc 000492c8 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+8)
#01 pc 0001de5b /system/lib/ (ioctl+38)
#02 pc 0001000b /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+170)
#03 pc 00010105 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+8)
#04 pc 00010713 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+38)
#05 pc 00016f95 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::PoolThread::threadLoop()+12)
#06 pc 0000d225 /system/lib/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+144)
#07 pc 00047b73 /system/lib/ (__pthread_start(void*)+22)
#08 pc 0001afe3 /system/lib/ (__start_thread+32)
af511848 00000008
af51184c 00000100
af511850 00000000
af511854 af90b208 [anon:libc_malloc]
af511858 0000000f
af51185c afbdd053 /system/lib/ (je_arena_malloc_hard+450)
af511860 00000000
af511864 af90b208 [anon:libc_malloc]
af511868 00000000
af51186c 6de9aa90
af511870 00000004
af511874 af9222d0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af511878 af9222a0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af51187c 00000000
af511880 af922314 [anon:libc_malloc]
af511884 af9222d0 [anon:libc_malloc]
#00 af511888 af51189c [stack:1640]
........ ........
#01 af511888 af51189c [stack:1640]
af51188c 6de9aa90
af511890 00000000
af511894 afc9200f /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+174)
af511898 af5118a0 [stack:1640]
af51189c 00000000
#02 af5118a0 00000000
af5118a4 00000000
af5118a8 af929700 [anon:libc_malloc]
af5118ac 00000100
af5118b0 00000000
af5118b4 af929600 [anon:libc_malloc]
af5118b8 6de9aa90
af5118bc af9222a0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af5118c0 00000000
af5118c4 af922314 [anon:libc_malloc]
af5118c8 00000000
af5118cc af511928 [stack:1640]
af5118d0 00000301
af5118d4 afc58e6d /system/lib/ (thread_data_t::trampoline(thread_data_t const*))
af5118d8 00000000
af5118dc afc92109 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+12)
#03 af5118e0 af9222a0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af5118e4 af9222d0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af5118e8 af922314 [anon:libc_malloc]
af5118ec af9222a0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af5118f0 00000000
af5118f4 af922314 [anon:libc_malloc]
af5118f8 00000000
af5118fc afc92717 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+42)
#04 af511900 af9152d0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af511904 00000000
af511908 af9152d0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af51190c 00000000
af511910 af511970 [stack:1640]
af511914 afc98f99 /system/lib/ (android::hardware::PoolThread::threadLoop()+16)
#05 af511918 af9152d0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af51191c afc59227 /system/lib/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+146)
#06 af511920 af9152d0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af511924 af90f8c0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af511928 af9152d0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af51192c af90f8a0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af511930 af9152d0 [anon:libc_malloc]
af511934 6de9aa90
af511938 af511970 [stack:1640]
af51193c af511970 [stack:1640]
af511940 af511970 [stack:1640]
af511944 00000078
af511948 000000a2
af51194c 00000301
af511950 afc58e6d /system/lib/ (thread_data_t::trampoline(thread_data_t const*))
af511954 afbccb75 /system/lib/ (__pthread_start(void*)+24)
#07 af511958 afbccb5d /system/lib/ (__pthread_start(void*))
af51195c afb9ffe5 /system/lib/ (__start_thread+34)
#08 af511960 af511978 [stack:1640]
af511964 afbccb5d /system/lib/ (__pthread_start(void*))
af511968 af511970 [stack:1640]
af51196c 00000000
af511970 af64f970 [stack:769]
af511974 00000000
af511978 00000668
af51197c 000000a2
af511980 00000001
af511984 af415000 [anon:thread stack guard page]
af511988 000fc970
af51198c 00001000
af511990 00000000
af511994 00000000
af511998 00000003
af51199c 00000000
open files:
fd 0: /dev/null
fd 1: /dev/null
fd 2: /dev/null
fd 3: /dev/hwbinder
fd 4: socket:[6305]
fd 6: pipe:[13735]
fd 7: pipe:[13735]
--------- log main
06-04 02:58:10.347 162 767 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: BluetoothHci::initialize()
06-04 02:58:10.348 162 767 D : get_local_address: Trying /efs/bluetooth/bt_addr
06-04 02:58:10.348 162 767 D : get_local_address: Got Factory BDA F8:84:F2:7D:94:44
06-04 02:58:10.348 162 767 I bt_vendor: init
06-04 02:58:10.348 162 767 I bt_vnd_conf: Attempt to load conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_vendor.conf
06-04 02:58:10.349 162 767 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: Open vendor library loaded
06-04 02:58:10.349 162 767 E bt_upio : set_bluetooth_power : write(/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state) failed: Operation not permitted (1)
06-04 02:58:10.349 162 767 W bt_vendor: NOTE: BT_VND_PWR_ON now forces power-off first
06-04 02:58:10.349 162 767 E bt_upio : set_bluetooth_power : write(/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state) failed: Operation not permitted (1)
06-04 02:58:10.349 162 767 I bt_userial_vendor: userial vendor open: opening /dev/ttyS0
06-04 03:01:44.914 162 162 E android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: BluetoothDeathRecipient::serviceDied - Bluetooth service died
06-04 03:01:44.914 162 162 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: BluetoothHci::close()
06-04 03:01:44.914 162 162 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: Skipping unlink call, service died.
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