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  • Save ngoquang2708/a6777ad7464c8ca1106470621a707f0f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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07-11 21:20:03.967 357 502 E LightsService: Light requested not available on this device. 2
07-11 21:20:04.011 1632 1632 D QuickViewIntentBuilder: Preparing intent for doc:7379-11E9:Videos/medium.mp4
07-11 21:20:04.017 357 373 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content:// typ=video/mp4 flg=0x3} from uid 10001
07-11 21:20:04.062 357 819 W SchedPolicy: add_tid_to_cgroup failed to write '1727' (Permission denied); fd=28
07-11 21:20:04.065 357 819 W SchedPolicy: add_tid_to_cgroup failed to write '1632' (Permission denied); fd=3
07-11 21:20:04.246 357 1488 W SchedPolicy: add_tid_to_cgroup failed to write '1371' (Permission denied); fd=3
07-11 21:20:04.349 1727 1727 D CodeauroraVideoView: setVideoURI uri = content://
07-11 21:20:04.361 1727 1727 W AudioManager: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
07-11 21:20:04.361 1727 1727 W AudioManager: See the documentation of requestAudioFocus() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case
07-11 21:20:04.362 357 825 I MediaFocusControl: requestAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10020/1727$5@3311f01 req=2 flags=0x0 sdk=26
07-11 21:20:04.366 183 183 I hash_map_utils: key: 'EnableStereoOutput' value: ''
07-11 21:20:04.538 184 778 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xb0a8b400) created, clientPid(1727)
07-11 21:20:04.542 118 118 W /system/bin/hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest.
07-11 21:20:04.550 184 184 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0xac512008, reason setVideoSurfaceTexture
07-11 21:20:04.552 184 1774 D NuPlayer: onSetVideoSurface(0xac512800, no video decoder)
07-11 21:20:04.554 1727 1727 W MediaPlayer: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
07-11 21:20:04.554 1727 1727 W MediaPlayer: See the documentation of setAudioStreamType() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case
07-11 21:20:04.567 184 1775 D GenericSource: FileSource remote
07-11 21:20:04.637 176 758 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc w:480, h:800, format:1 usage:0xb02 start
07-11 21:20:04.638 176 758 V gralloc.scx15: the flag 0x4 and the vadress is 0xad7aa000 and the size is 0x177000
07-11 21:20:04.639 176 758 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc handle:0xb181a760 end err is 0
07-11 21:20:04.640 1727 1745 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
07-11 21:20:04.646 1727 1745 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
07-11 21:20:04.693 357 406 I ActivityManager: Displayed +626ms
07-11 21:20:04.699 357 406 E LightsService: Light requested not available on this device. 2
07-11 21:20:04.750 357 825 W SchedPolicy: add_tid_to_cgroup failed to write '1371' (Permission denied); fd=26
07-11 21:20:04.757 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc w:480, h:800, format:1 usage:0xb02 start
07-11 21:20:04.760 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: the flag 0x4 and the vadress is 0xad2c2000 and the size is 0x177000
07-11 21:20:04.760 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc handle:0xb181a820 end err is 0
07-11 21:20:04.761 1727 1745 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
07-11 21:20:04.762 1727 1745 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
07-11 21:20:04.864 184 1774 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xb0a8b400), (5, 640, 360, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
07-11 21:20:04.868 790 922 D MediaBufferGroup: creating MemoryDealer
07-11 21:20:04.870 184 1774 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xb0a8b400), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
07-11 21:20:04.901 1727 1727 V CodeauroraVideoView: surfaceChanged() start()
07-11 21:20:04.925 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free buffer_handle_t:0xb181a220 start
07-11 21:20:04.925 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free buffer_handle_t:0xb181a220 flags:0x4 start
07-11 21:20:04.925 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free the vadress 0xad921000 size of 0x177000 will be free
07-11 21:20:04.925 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free end
07-11 21:20:04.925 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free buffer_handle_t:0xb181a5e0 start
07-11 21:20:04.925 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free buffer_handle_t:0xb181a5e0 flags:0x4 start
07-11 21:20:04.925 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free the vadress 0xad439000 size of 0x177000 will be free
07-11 21:20:04.925 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free end
07-11 21:20:04.925 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free buffer_handle_t:0xb181a700 start
07-11 21:20:04.925 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free buffer_handle_t:0xb181a700 flags:0x4 start
07-11 21:20:04.925 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free the vadress 0xac994000 size of 0x177000 will be free
07-11 21:20:04.926 176 252 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free end
07-11 21:20:04.982 1727 1727 D MediaPlayerNative: getMetadata
07-11 21:20:04.987 357 1488 V MediaRouterService: restoreBluetoothA2dp(false)
07-11 21:20:04.999 184 470 D NuPlayerDriver: start(0xb0a8b400), state is 4, eos is 0
07-11 21:20:04.999 184 1774 I GenericSource: start
07-11 21:20:05.037 184 1781 E ACodec : Unable to instantiate a decoder for type 'audio/mp4a-latm' with err 0xfffffffe.
07-11 21:20:05.037 184 1781 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0xfffffffe, internalError -2)
07-11 21:20:05.038 184 1781 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0xfffffffe, actionCode 0, while in state 1
07-11 21:20:05.038 184 1780 E NuPlayerDecoder: Failed to create audio/mp4a-latm decoder
07-11 21:20:05.039 184 1774 E NuPlayer: received error(0x80000000) from audio decoder, flushing(0), now shutting down
07-11 21:20:05.039 184 1782 E ACodec : Unable to instantiate a decoder for type 'video/avc' with err 0xfffffffe.
07-11 21:20:05.039 184 1782 E ACodec : signalError(omxError 0xfffffffe, internalError -2)
07-11 21:20:05.040 184 1779 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0xfffffffe, actionCode 0, while in state 1
07-11 21:20:05.040 184 1778 E NuPlayerDecoder: Failed to create video/avc decoder
07-11 21:20:05.049 184 1774 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xb0a8b400), (200, 804, -2147483648, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
07-11 21:20:05.049 184 1774 E NuPlayer: received error(0x80000000) from video decoder, flushing(0), now shutting down
07-11 21:20:05.049 184 1774 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xb0a8b400), (100, 1, -2147483648, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
07-11 21:20:05.050 1727 1738 W MediaPlayerNative: info/warning (804, -2147483648)
07-11 21:20:05.050 1727 1738 E MediaPlayerNative: error (1, -2147483648)
07-11 21:20:05.056 1727 1727 E MediaPlayerNative: start called in state 0, mPlayer(0xb1c55400)
07-11 21:20:05.056 1727 1727 E MediaPlayerNative: error (-38, 0)
07-11 21:20:05.096 357 381 W SchedPolicy: add_tid_to_cgroup failed to write '1632' (Permission denied); fd=26
07-11 21:20:05.159 176 176 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free buffer_handle_t:0xb1819f20 start
07-11 21:20:05.159 176 176 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free buffer_handle_t:0xb1819f20 flags:0x4 start
07-11 21:20:05.159 176 176 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free the vadress 0xadc0f000 size of 0x177000 will be free
07-11 21:20:05.159 176 176 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_free end
07-11 21:20:05.174 1727 1727 E MediaPlayer: Error (1,-2147483648)
07-11 21:20:05.174 1727 1727 D CodeauroraVideoView: Error: 1,-2147483648
07-11 21:20:05.258 184 752 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xb0a8b400) at state 5
07-11 21:20:05.269 184 752 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xb0a8b400), (8, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0)
07-11 21:20:05.270 184 1774 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xb0a8b400)
07-11 21:20:05.284 184 778 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xb0a8b400) at state 0
07-11 21:20:05.284 184 778 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0xac512008, reason disconnectNativeWindow
07-11 21:20:05.289 1727 1727 V MediaPlayer: resetDrmState: mDrmInfo=null mDrmProvisioningThread=null mPrepareDrmInProgress=false mActiveDrmScheme=false
07-11 21:20:05.289 1727 1727 V MediaPlayer: cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=null mDrmSessionId=null
07-11 21:20:05.358 1727 1737 I zygote : Background concurrent copying GC freed 1967(236KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 25% free, 1575KB/2MB, paused 97us total 375.503ms
07-11 21:20:05.453 357 661 V MediaRouterService: restoreBluetoothA2dp(false)
07-11 21:20:05.598 176 176 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing to
07-11 21:20:05.685 176 496 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc w:552, h:300, format:1 usage:0xb02 start
07-11 21:20:05.686 176 496 V gralloc.scx15: the flag 0x4 and the vadress is 0xadce4000 and the size is 0xa1b80
07-11 21:20:05.686 176 496 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc handle:0xb181a0a0 end err is 0
07-11 21:20:05.686 176 496 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc w:552, h:300, format:1 usage:0xb02 start
07-11 21:20:05.687 176 496 V gralloc.scx15: the flag 0x4 and the vadress is 0xadc42000 and the size is 0xa1b80
07-11 21:20:05.687 176 496 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc handle:0xb181a1c0 end err is 0
07-11 21:20:05.687 176 496 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc w:552, h:300, format:1 usage:0xb02 start
07-11 21:20:05.690 176 496 V gralloc.scx15: the flag 0x4 and the vadress is 0xad9f6000 and the size is 0xa1b80
07-11 21:20:05.690 176 496 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc handle:0xb181a580 end err is 0
07-11 21:20:05.690 176 496 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc w:552, h:300, format:1 usage:0xb02 start
07-11 21:20:05.691 176 496 V gralloc.scx15: the flag 0x4 and the vadress is 0xad954000 and the size is 0xa1b80
07-11 21:20:05.691 176 496 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc handle:0xb181a6a0 end err is 0
07-11 21:20:05.763 1727 1745 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
07-11 21:20:05.800 1727 1745 I chatty : uid=10020( RenderThread identical 2 lines
07-11 21:20:05.802 1727 1745 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
07-11 21:20:05.862 176 681 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc w:480, h:800, format:1 usage:0xb02 start
07-11 21:20:05.867 176 681 V gralloc.scx15: the flag 0x4 and the vadress is 0xad439000 and the size is 0x177000
07-11 21:20:05.867 176 681 V gralloc.scx15: alloc_device_alloc handle:0xb181a8e0 end err is 0
07-11 21:20:05.868 1727 1745 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
07-11 21:20:07.098 1727 1745 I chatty : uid=10020( RenderThread identical 4 lines
07-11 21:20:07.100 1727 1745 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
07-11 21:20:08.687 187 271 D ENGPC : parse_event: event { 'change', '/devices/platform/sec-battery/power_supply/battery', 'power_supply', '' }
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