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Last active March 4, 2023 05:58
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Inverse Probability Tilting (IPT) Weights from Graham et al. (2012)
# IPT_ATT() and IPT_ATE() compute IPT weights for the ATT or ATE, respectively.
# `formula` should be a model formula for the treatment, and `data` should be the
# dataset (as in `glm()`). Code for the ATT weights comes form the `drdid` package.
IPT_ATT <- function(formula, data) {
mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data)
int.cov <- model.matrix(formula, data = mf)
int.cov[,-1] <- scale(int.cov[,-1])
D <- model.response(mf)
pslogit <- = int.cov, y = D, family = binomial())
init.gamma <- pslogit$coefficients <- function(gamma1, n, D, int.cov){
#Coefficients for quadratic extrapolation
cn <- -(n - 1)
bn <- -n + (n - 1) * log(n - 1)
an <- -(n - 1) * (1 - log(n - 1) + 0.5 * (log(n - 1))^2)
vstar <- log(n - 1)
v <- gamma1 %*% t(int.cov)
phi <- ifelse(v < vstar, - v - exp(v), an + bn * v + 0.5 * cn * (v^2))
phi1 <- ifelse(v < vstar, - 1 - exp(v), bn + cn * v)
phi2 <- ifelse(v < vstar, - exp(v), cn)
# Minus is because nlm minimizes functions, and we aim to maximize!
res <- - sum((1 - D) * phi + v)
attr(res, "gradient") <- - t(int.cov) %*% as.vector(((1-D) * phi1 + 1))
attr(res, "hessian") <- - t(as.vector((1-D) *phi2) * int.cov) %*% int.cov
pscore.IPT <- suppressWarnings(stats::nlm(, init.gamma, iterlim = 10000, gradtol = 1e-06,
check.analyticals = F,
D = D, int.cov = int.cov,
n = length(D))) <- try(pscore.IPT$estimate)
#Compute fitted pscore and weights for regression
pscore.index <- tcrossprod(, int.cov)
p <- as.numeric(stats::plogis(pscore.index))
ifelse(D == 1, 1, p/1-p)
IPT_ATE <- function(formula, data) {
mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data)
int.cov <- model.matrix(formula, data = mf)
int.cov[,-1] <- scale(int.cov[,-1])
D <- model.response(mf)
pslogit <- = int.cov, y = D, family = binomial())
init.gamma <- pslogit$coefficients
f <- function(b, x, D, t) {"cbind", lapply(1:ncol(x), function(i) {
if (t == 1)
(D / plogis(x %*% b) - 1) * x[,i]
((1-D) / (1-plogis(x %*% b)) - 1) * x[,i]
})) |>
sol1 <- rootSolve::multiroot(f, x = int.cov, D = D, t = 1, start = init.gamma)
sol0 <- rootSolve::multiroot(f, x = int.cov, D = D, t = 0, start = init.gamma)
p <- ifelse(D == 1,
drop(plogis(int.cov %*% sol1$root)),
drop(plogis(int.cov %*% sol0$root)))
ifelse(D == 1, 1/p, 1/1-p)
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