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A short set of questions to get the idea of what engineering is like at a given place

Source code organization

A physical organization of the code. Is there a established practice (in the scope of all projects or within a single project) regarding the following:

  • project source tree;
  • consistent file naming;
  • rules for putting classes and functions into one file (a file pair (hpp/cpp) to be more precise);
  • rules for naming and formatting (style guide, clang-format);
  • parameter ordering (e.g. input, then output);
  • code documentation requirements.


What about the following:

  • unit tests;
  • practice for manual testing in cases where automatic testing is not applicable (is there a separate QA engineer?);
  • integration test to test the whole project (if applies);
  • external tools like static analyzers and sanitizers (aka dynamic analyzers);
  • fuzzing;

Code review

What the process of code review looks like?

Build infrastructure

  • What are the compilers and C++NN versions?
  • What build systems are used and what is the CI infrastructure?
  • what are supported OS?

Version control

What VCS is used? What is the "branching" strategy or what is instead of it?

Dependency management

  • How dependencies between own libraries (if reuse is possible) are handled?
  • How dependencies on 3rd-party libraries are handled?
  • The procedure for introducing a new 3rd-party library to a pool of used 3rd-party packages?
  • Rules for how to keep dependencies physically (wherein a source tree or using package managers like Vcpk or Conan), and how to build them and how to introduce dependencies to a project?

Release process (release circle)

  • What is the approach for releases?

Software usage & purpose?

Is all the software a matter of internal usage? Or it might be considered for delivery to an external party (in binaries in sources)?


What does the management process look like?

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