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Created July 30, 2022 14:37
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Custom Homebrew formulae — see
class QemuSpice < Formula
desc "Emulator for x86 and PowerPC"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "50435f5fb361fbd57b7ec719290fd29f9a6ec96c73f04775a285a514085c7d6a"
license "GPL-2.0-only"
revision 1
head "", branch: "master"
bottle do
rebuild 1
sha256 arm64_monterey: "f392a90d2ffce27b0dc370bf2d487b68bf15c174c5c22124f3ffef1bf77c3e6c"
sha256 arm64_big_sur: "961dd7152f2aa4cd3f87429a6928c77307748fdda00ad55c359b2b77c383d99c"
sha256 monterey: "083ca77ed158f6df966acbeeefd086fcb922ea5fe14cea4ff390475403c98686"
sha256 big_sur: "334d48d38b97e7724a64dacd2548594e5264e9995d117f8c4e81351574325090"
sha256 catalina: "806796c78fbb4c453361e94a502e1c0bdef1711959a6307334e4a97380475986"
sha256 x86_64_linux: "200b3d9d2b454dac6e6a0de585ca3267a1b3aab8de327548650de59b895498bd"
depends_on "libtool" => :build
depends_on "meson" => :build
depends_on "ninja" => :build
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "glib"
depends_on "gnutls"
depends_on "jpeg"
depends_on "libpng"
depends_on "libslirp"
depends_on "libssh"
depends_on "libusb"
depends_on "lzo"
depends_on "ncurses"
depends_on "nettle"
depends_on "pixman"
depends_on "snappy"
depends_on "vde"
depends_on "zstd"
on_linux do
depends_on "attr"
depends_on "gcc"
depends_on "gtk+3"
depends_on "libcap-ng"
fails_with gcc: "5"
# 820KB floppy disk image file of FreeDOS 1.2, used to test QEMU
resource "homebrew-test-image" do
url ""
sha256 "81237c7b42dc0ffc8b32a2f5734e3480a3f9a470c50c14a9c4576a2561a35807"
# Fixes RDTSCP not being exposed to hosts
# See
patch do
url ""
sha256 "b7c0db81e136fb3b9692e56f4c95abbcbd196dc0b7feb517241dda20d9ec3166"
def install
ENV["LIBTOOL"] = "glibtool"
args = %W[
# Please remove this line when the CI gets updated to a recent version of Ubuntu(kernel version >= 4.9)
args << "--disable-linux-user"
# Sharing Samba directories in QEMU requires the smbd which is
# incompatible with the macOS-provided version. This will lead to
# silent runtime failures, so we set it to a Homebrew path in order to
# obtain sensible runtime errors. This will also be compatible with
# Samba installations from external taps.
args << "--smbd=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/sbin/samba-dot-org-smbd"
args << "--disable-gtk" if OS.mac?
args << "--enable-cocoa" if OS.mac?
args << "--enable-gtk" if OS.linux?
system "./configure", *args
system "make", "V=1", "install"
test do
expected = build.stable? ? version.to_s : "QEMU Project"
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-aarch64 --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-alpha --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-arm --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-cris --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-hppa --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-i386 --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-m68k --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-microblaze --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-microblazeel --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-mips --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-mips64 --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-mips64el --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-mipsel --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-nios2 --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-or1k --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-ppc --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-ppc64 --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-riscv32 --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-riscv64 --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-rx --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-s390x --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-sh4 --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-sh4eb --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-sparc --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-sparc64 --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-tricore --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-x86_64 --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-xtensa --version")
assert_match expected, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-xtensaeb --version")
resource("homebrew-test-image").stage testpath
assert_match "file format: raw", shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-img info FLOPPY.img")
class SpiceMacos < Formula
desc "SPICE remote display system server component for macOS"
homepage ""
url ""
version "master"
license "GNU LGPL 2.1+"
class Spice < Formula
depends_on "autoconf" => :build
depends_on "autoconf-archive" => :build
depends_on "autogen" => :build
depends_on "automake" => :build
depends_on "gobject-introspection" => :build
depends_on "intltool" => :build
depends_on "libtool" => :build
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "vala" => :build
depends_on "atk"
depends_on "cairo"
depends_on "gdk-pixbuf"
depends_on "gettext"
depends_on "glib"
depends_on "gst-libav"
depends_on "gst-plugins-bad"
depends_on "gst-plugins-base"
depends_on "gst-plugins-good"
depends_on "gst-plugins-ugly"
depends_on "gstreamer"
depends_on "gtk+3"
depends_on "jpeg"
depends_on "json-glib"
depends_on "libusb"
depends_on "lz4"
depends_on "openssl@1.1"
depends_on "opus"
depends_on "pango"
depends_on "pixman"
depends_on "spice-protocol"
depends_on "usbredir"
def install
system "./"
system "./configure", "--disable-debug",
system "make", "install"
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