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Created December 10, 2008 14:07
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Feature: Upload Data # features/basic/upload.feature
In order to make easy to use
I should be able to upload data file to generate mspots
Scenario Outline: Uploading Data File # features/basic/upload.feature:9
Given I am using <browser> to go to / # features/basic/upload.feature:10
When I press on "Select a Spreadsheet to Upload" # features/basic/upload.feature:11
And I attach "<file>" # features/basic/upload.feature:12
Then I should see "Processing Upload" status indicator # features/basic/upload.feature:13
|browser|file |
|firefox|/tmp/locations.xls |
|firefox|/tmp/locations.ods |
Scenario Outline: Downloading Sample Data File # features/basic/upload.feature:22
Given I am using <browser> to go to / # features/basic/upload.feature:23
When I select "<option>" in "Download Sample Spreadsheet" # features/basic/upload.feature:24
Then I should be able to download "<sample>" # features/basic/upload.feature:25
|browser|option |file |
|firefox|Openoffice Sample (*.ods) |
|firefox |Gnumeric Sample (*.gnumeric)|
|firefox |MS Excel Sample (*.xls) |
15 steps passed
6 steps pending (6 with no step definition)
Finished in 0.003491 seconds
0 examples, 0 failures
Feature: Upload Data
In order to make easy to use
I should be able to upload data file to generate mspots
Scenario Outline: Uploading Data File
Given I am using <browser> to go to /
When I press on "Select a Spreadsheet to Upload"
And I attach "<file>"
Then I should see "Processing Upload" status indicator
| browser | file |
| firefox | /tmp/locations.xls |
| firefox | /tmp/locations.ods |
| firefox | /tmp/locations.gnumeric |
Scenario Outline: Downloading Sample Data File
Given I am using <browser> to go to /
When I select "<option>" in "Download Sample Spreadsheet"
Then I should be able to download "<sample>"
| browser | option | file |
| firefox | Openoffice Sample (*.ods) | locations-sample.ods |
| firefox | Gnumeric Sample (*.gnumeric) | locations-sample.gnumeric |
| firefox | MS Excel Sample (*.xls) | locations-sample.xls |
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