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A simple sample of Airbnb's home screen

Airbnb Home screen sample

You can see it anywhere. It's very popular in home screen, gallery screen. See how to do that.

  • Create new project. Remove ViewController.swift and the view controller in Main storyboard.
  • Add TableViewController to storyboard. Don't forget check Is Initial View Controller
  • Name the Table View Cell and Identifier HeaderCell. Set cell's height to 400.
  • Design your cell look like this

  • Add new file HeaderCell.swift and connect with our HeaderCell. Remember, HeaderCell.swift is subclass of UITableViewCell. Clear code and connect outlets.

  • Write a method to make the search button as a circle. Create a new file name UIExtension.swift. You see how it's useful later.

      extension UIView {
          func createBorder(color: UIColor, width: CGFloat = 2) {
              self.layer.borderColor = color.CGColor
              self.layer.borderWidth = width
          func createRoundCorner(radius: CGFloat = 4) {
              self.layer.cornerRadius = radius
              self.clipsToBounds = true

If you don't know about Extension yet, read more here. It's awesome.

  • Back to HeaderCell, add setupView() method.

      func setupView() {
          searchButton.createRoundCorner(radius: 22) // radius must be  button's height / 2
  • Add a subclass of UITableViewController file name HomescreenViewController.swift, connect it to your Table View Controller in IB and clear all template codes.

  • Add some codes

      class HomescreenTableViewController: UITableViewController {
          let sections = ["", "Recently View", "Favourite", "Suggestion"] // It's the header of the sections. The first empty section header is use for header.
          // MARK: - Table view data source
          override func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
              return 1
          override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
              return sections.count
          override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
              let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("HeaderCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! HeaderCell
              return cell
          override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat {
              return 400
  • Run app and you see header cell.

  • Now is the main design of the screen. Add new Table View Cell, name and Reuse identifier is PlaceCategory
  • Change cell height to 400.
  • Add a Collection View to your cell, set delegate and datasource to your PlaceCategory cell.

  • Select the Collection View and set cell size to width: 300, height: 350. Set scroll direction to Horizontal.
  • Select the Collection View Cell and set reuse identifier is PlaceCell
  • Design the PlaceCell like the UI.

  • Add new file (subclass of UITableViewCell), name PlaceCategoryCell.swift. Connect it to your PlaceCategoryCell and connect outlets to your file.
  • Add new file (subclass of UICollectionViewCell), name PlaceCollectionViewCell. Connect it to your PlaceCell. Connect outlets to your file.

  • Add setupView() method to your code

      func setupView() {
      	avatarImageView.createRoundCorner(radius: 22) // radius must be  avatarImageView's height / 2
  • Back to PlaceCategoryCell.swift and add some codes.

      // Model
      class PlaceModel : NSObject {
          var placeName = ""
          var shortDescription = ""
          var price: Int64 = 0
          var currency = ""
          var unit = ""
          var thumbnailImage: UIImage?
          var avatarImage: UIImage?
          var didWish = false
      class PlaceCategoryTableViewCell: UITableViewCell, UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout, UICollectionViewDataSource {
          @IBOutlet weak var sectionLabel: UILabel!
          var placeList = [PlaceModel]()
          // Setup for collection view 
          func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
              return placeList.count
          // setup data for the collection view cell. 
          func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
              let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier("PlaceCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! PlaceCollectionViewCell
              let place = placeList[indexPath.row]
              cell.thumbnailImageView.image = place.thumbnailImage
              cell.avatarImageView.image = place.avatarImage
              cell.priceLabel.text = String(place.price)
              cell.currencyLabel.text = place.currency
              cell.unitLabel.text = place.unit
              cell.placeNameLabel.text = place.placeName
              cell.placeDescriptionLabel.text = place.shortDescription
              return cell
          func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGSize {
              return CGSize(width: 300, height: 350)
  • It's nearly done. Your UI setup is ready to display data. We create some sample data to show now.

  • Create new file SampleData.swift and add some codes

      import UIKit
      class SampleData {
      	    static let places = ["Ha Noi", "Hai Phong", "Trang An", "Hoi An", "Ho Chi Minh", "Bien Hoa", "My Tho", "Can Tho", "Tay Ninh", "Con Dao"]
      	    static let avatars = ["Avatar1", "Avatar2", "Avatar3", "Avatar4", "Avatar5", "Avatar6", "Avatar7", "Avatar8", "Avatar9", "Avatar10"]
          static let thumbnails = ["Place1", "Place2",  "Place3",  "Place4",  "Place5",  "Place6",  "Place7",  "Place8",  "Place9",  "Place10"]
          static let prices: [Int64] = [5000000, 15000000, 18000000,  2000000, 25000000, 15000000, 9000000, 1000000, 12000000, 6000000]
          static let shortDescriptions = ["New BedRm by C.Park",
              "Cozy & Private Floor of Brownstone",
              "Studio Apartment with King Bed",
              "Beautiful Midtown East",
              "Brooklyn Style - With a Balcony!!!",
              "Cozy Bedroom in Apartment",
              "Loft with Manhattan skyline view!",
              "Hell's Kitchen 1-Bdr. Apt. Share",
              "Green Room"]
          static func generateFavouriteList() -> [PlaceModel] {
              var favouriteList = [PlaceModel]()
              for _ in 0..<10 {
                  let randomIndex = randomInt(10)
                  let place = PlaceModel()
                  place.placeName = places[randomIndex]
                  place.avatarImage = UIImage(named: avatars[randomIndex])
                  place.thumbnailImage = UIImage(named: thumbnails[randomIndex])
                  place.unit = "PER NIGHT"
                  place.currency = "VND"
                  place.price = prices[randomIndex]
                  place.shortDescription = shortDescriptions[randomIndex]
              return favouriteList
          static func generateRecentlyList() -> [PlaceModel] {
              var recentlyList = [PlaceModel]()
              for _ in 0..<10 {
                  let randomIndex = randomInt(10)
                  let place = PlaceModel()
                  place.placeName = places[randomIndex]
                  place.avatarImage = UIImage(named: avatars[randomIndex])
                  place.thumbnailImage = UIImage(named: thumbnails[randomIndex])
                  place.unit = "PER NIGHT"
                  place.currency = "VND"
                  place.price = prices[randomIndex]
                  place.shortDescription = shortDescriptions[randomIndex]
              return recentlyList;
          static func generateSuggestionList() -> [PlaceModel] {
              var suggestionList = [PlaceModel]()
              for _ in 0..<10 {
                  let randomIndex = randomInt(10)
                  let place = PlaceModel()
                  place.placeName = places[randomIndex]
                  place.avatarImage = UIImage(named: avatars[randomIndex])
                  place.thumbnailImage = UIImage(named: thumbnails[randomIndex])
                  place.unit = "PER NIGHT"
                  place.currency = "VND"
                  place.price = prices[randomIndex]
                  place.shortDescription = shortDescriptions[randomIndex]
              return suggestionList
          static func randomInt(max: UInt32) -> Int {
              return Int(arc4random_uniform(max))
  • Please make sure you add 10 avatar images (Avatar1.png, Avatar2.png..., Avatar10.png) and 10 place images (Place1.png, Place2.png..., Place10.png)

Run and enjoy.


The main purpose is to show how nest a Collection View in a Table View. The Airbnb home has many things to do.

You can download my project at my github

Written on Jan 27, 2016

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