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Created November 15, 2010 02:42
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Given /^I'm a new user$/ do
# Nothing to do here
Given /^I am an existing user$/ do
@user = User.create( :email => '', :subdomain => 'example', :fb_access_token => 'abcde12345' )
When /^I log in using Facebook$/ do
@facebook = double( 'facebook' )
Koala::Facebook::OAuth.should_receive( :new ).and_return( @facebook )
@facebook.should_receive( :url_for_oauth_code ).and_return( facebook_callback_url( :code => 'abcd' ) )
visit( '/sign_in' )
@facebook.should_receive( :get_access_token ).with( 'abcd' ).and_return( "abcde12345" )
@graph = double( 'graph' )
Koala::Facebook::GraphAPI.should_receive( :new ).with( "abcde12345" ).and_return( @graph )
me = { 'location' => { 'name' => 'Seattle' }, 'first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Doe',
'gender' => 'male', 'birthday' => 1978, 12, 19 ),
'email' => '', 'website' => '' }
@graph.should_receive( :get_object ).with( 'me' ).and_return( me )
click_link( 'Sign in with Facebook' )
Then /^I should confirm my data$/ do
current_url.should == facebook_callback_url( :code => 'abcd' )
find_field( "user[given_name]" ).value.should == 'John'
find_field( "user[family_name]" ).value.should == 'Doe'
# FIXME: geolocation
find_field( "user[location]" ).value.should == 'Seattle'
find_field( "user[gender]" ).value.should == 'male'
# FIXME: standardize representation
find_field( "user[birthday]" ).value.should == '1978-12-19'
find_field( "user[email]" ).value.should == ''
find_field( "user[url]" ).value.should == ''
fill_in "user[subdomain]", :with => 'example'
click_button( "Save" )
Then /^I should be redirected to my dashboard$/ do
current_url.should == ''
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