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Created April 22, 2018 06:08
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#include "Search.h"
#include <iostream>
namespace Search
std::vector<Coord> dirRook = {Coord(0, 1), //The 4 Ray directions rooks can slide to (raymove)
Coord(0, -1),
Coord(1, 0),
Coord(-1, 0)};
std::vector<Coord> dirBishop = {Coord(1, 1), //The 4 Ray directions bishops can slide to (raymove)
Coord(1, -1),
Coord(-1, -1),
Coord(-1, 1)};
std::vector<Coord> dirQueen = {Coord(1, 1), //The 8 Ray directions queens can slide to (raymove)
Coord(1, -1),
Coord(-1, -1),
Coord(-1, 1),
Coord(0, 1),
Coord(0, -1),
Coord(1, 0),
Coord(-1, 0)};
std::vector<Coord> dirKnight = {Coord(1, 2), //The 8 square directions a knight can jump to (squareMove)
Coord(2, 1),
Coord(2, -1),
Coord(1, -2),
Coord(-1, 2),
Coord(-2, 1),
Coord(-2, -1),
Coord(-1, -2)};
std::vector<Coord> dirKing = {Coord(-1, -1), //The 8 square directions a king can slide to (squareMove)
Coord(-1, 0),
Coord(-1, 1),
Coord(0, 1),
Coord(0, -1),
Coord(1, -1),
Coord(1, 0),
Coord(1, 1)};
//The three unique movements of a white pawn (Push, Capture, and Move2)
std::vector<Coord> dirWpawnPush = {Coord(0, 1)};
std::vector<Coord> dirWpawnCapture = {Coord(1, 1),
Coord(-1, 1)};
std::vector<Coord> dirWpawnMove2 = {Coord(0, 2)}; //White Pawn on a starting rank has option to move 2 squares
//The three unique movements of a black pawn (Push, Capture, and Move2)
std::vector<Coord> dirBpawnPush = {Coord(0, -1)};
std::vector<Coord> dirBpawnCapture = {Coord(1, -1),
Coord(-1, -1)};
std::vector<Coord> dirBpawnMove2 = {Coord(0, -2)}; //Black Pawn on a starting rank has option to move 2 squares
// returns a vector<Coord> of all pieces with same ePieceCode
std::vector<Coord> findPieces(Board b, ePieceCode piece)
Piece **board = b.getBoard();
std::vector<Coord> pieces;
//Searches all squares
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (board[i][j].getPieceCode() == piece)
pieces.push_back(Coord(j, i));
return pieces;
//Function checks a board and tests if the king is in check
bool inCheck(Board b, Move m)
//Board b2;
int i=0; //used to determine White or Black ePieceCode by adding 7 for white 0 for black
std::vector <Coord> pieceV;
b = b.makeMove(m); // This is the board if the move is made
//set pieceV to the correct color
pieceV = findPieces(b, epcWking); //cast code to correspoding white ePieceCode
{pieceV = findPieces(b, epcBking);} //cast code to correspoding black ePieceCode
for(unsigned int j=0; j<pieceV.size(); j++)
Coord piece = pieceV[j];
//Chceks if there is a non-pawn attacking the king
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
//Checks if there is a bishop, rook, queen, or king attack the knight
Coord possibleMove = piece + dirQueen[k];
while ((b.inside(possibleMove) && (b.getPiece(possibleMove).empty() || b.getPiece(possibleMove).getColor() == b.opposite())))
//If Piece is a bishop, rook, queen, or king return true
if(b.getPiece(possibleMove) == ePieceCode(3+i) || b.getPiece(possibleMove) == ePieceCode(4+i)
|| b.getPiece(possibleMove) == ePieceCode(5+i) || b.getPiece(possibleMove) == ePieceCode(6+i))
return true;
//if there is an enemy piece on dirQueen[k] line that is not attacking the king
else if(b.getPiece(possibleMove) == b.opposite())
//else check next square in the direction
possibleMove = possibleMove + dirQueen[k];
//Checks if there is a knight attacking the king
possibleMove = piece + dirKnight[k];
if(b.inside(possibleMove) && b.getPiece(possibleMove) == ePieceCode(2+i))
return true;
//checks if there is a pawn attacking the king
for(int k=0; k<2; k++)
//if whiteTurn
Coord possibleMove = piece + dirWpawnCapture[k]; //The two squares a pawn can be attacking from
if(b.inside(possibleMove) && b.getPiece(possibleMove) == ePieceCode(8))
return true;
//if black
Coord possibleMove = piece + dirBpawnCapture[k]; //The two squares a pawn can be attacking from
if(b.inside(possibleMove) && b.getPiece(possibleMove) == ePieceCode(1))
return true;
//Purpose: Add all possible moves to v for pieces that move in rays (Rooks, Bishops, Queens)
//rayMove pieces can "slide" (move) in directions given by dir until square is occupied.
void rayMove(std::vector<Move> &v, Board b, std::vector<Coord> &pieceV, std::vector<Coord> dir)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pieceV.size(); i++)
Coord piece = pieceV[i]; //storing location
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dir.size(); j++)
Coord possibleMove = piece + dir[j];
if(b.inside(possibleMove) && !inCheck(b, Move(piece, possibleMove)))
//Examines each square in the direction dir[j]
//while the square is empty or opposite (color)
//Note: When the possibleMove is occupied by same color piece. break while loop (do not examine rest of the squares in that direction)
while (b.inside(possibleMove) && (b.getPiece(possibleMove).empty() || b.getPiece(possibleMove).getColor() == b.opposite()))
//if square is occupied by enemy, option to occupy square. break while loop
if (b.getPiece(possibleMove).getColor() == b.opposite())
v.push_back(Move(piece, possibleMove));
//else add possibleMove and slide to the next square in the same direction
v.push_back(Move(piece, possibleMove));
possibleMove = possibleMove + dir[j];
//Purpose: Add all possible moves to v for pieces that move to a single square in a direction
//squareMove pieces can move to only the first square for each direction ray
void squareMove(std::vector<Move> &v, Board b, std::vector<Coord> &pieceV, std::vector<Coord> dir)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pieceV.size(); i++)
Coord piece = pieceV[i]; //storing location
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
Coord possibleMove = piece + dir[j];
if (b.inside(possibleMove) && (b.getPiece(possibleMove).empty() || b.getPiece(possibleMove).getColor() == b.opposite()))
v.push_back(Move(piece, possibleMove)); //if square is empty or occupied by enemy, add possibleMove to v
//Purpose: adds to v by generating all moves based off 3 conditional types of movements
void pawnMove(std::vector<Move> &v, Board b, std::vector<Coord> &pieceV, std::vector<Coord> push, std::vector<Coord> move2, std::vector<Coord> dir3)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pieceV.size(); i++)
Coord piece = pieceV[i];
Coord possibleMove = piece + push[0]; //possibleMove set to a pawn push
//Checks forward square for pawn push direction and checks for special 2 square move
if (b.inside(possibleMove) && (b.getPiece(possibleMove).empty())) //tests a pawn push
v.push_back(Move(piece, possibleMove));
possibleMove = piece + move2[0]; //possibleMove set to special 2 square move
if ((piece.y == (b.isWhite() ? 1 : 6)) && b.getPiece(possibleMove).empty()) // ???? KEVINNNN
v.push_back(Move(piece, possibleMove));
//for loop for the two capture directions
for(int j=0; j<2; j++)
possibleMove = piece + dir3[j]; //possibleMove set to a pawn capture direction
if(b.inside(possibleMove)&&b.getPiece(possibleMove).getColor() == b.opposite()) // test opposite color piece in square
void generateMove(std::vector<Move> &v, Board b, int code)
std::vector<Coord> pieceV;
// sets pieceV to the correct color
if (b.isWhite())
pieceV = findPieces(b, (ePieceCode)code); //cast code to correspoding white ePieceCode
pieceV = findPieces(b, (ePieceCode)(code+7)); //cast code to correspoding black ePieceCode
//Based on the ePieceCode, the appropriate move function is called with appropriate parameters
//each move function parameters are
//all possible moves vector v, the Board b, a vector of all piece types, and vector direction the piece moves
case 1: //Pawn move
{pawnMove(v, b, pieceV, dirWpawnPush, dirWpawnMove2, dirWpawnCapture); break;}
{pawnMove(v, b, pieceV, dirBpawnPush, dirBpawnMove2, dirBpawnCapture); break;}
case 2://Knight move
squareMove(v, b, pieceV, dirKnight); break;
case 3://Bishop move
rayMove(v, b, pieceV, dirBishop); break;
case 4://Rook move
rayMove(v, b, pieceV, dirRook); break;
case 5://Queen move
rayMove(v, b, pieceV, dirQueen); break;
case 6://king move
squareMove(v, b, pieceV, dirKing); break;
std::vector<Move> generateMoveList(const Board &b)
// std::cout << "I MAKE ddddddddddddddddddTHE GIRLS GO LIKE";
std::vector<Move> v;
//generates all the possible moves for the code's ePieceCode representation
//1-6 of enum ePieceCode are piece types with a corresponding number
for(int code=1; code<7; code++)
generateMove(v, b, code);
return v;
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