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Created April 28, 2017 14:37
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Versioned serialisation in Haskell without per-value versioning overhead
-- This snippet shows an idea I had about versioned serialisation.
-- Many serialisation frameworks don't deal with backwards compatibility:
-- If the serialisation logic is changed, new programs can no longer
-- read data generated by old code.
-- This creates issues in upgradability, see e.g.
-- *
-- Solutions so far included
-- * fix serialisation for any given type forever
-- (no way to fix e.g. performance mistakes later)
-- * change serialisation (breaking backwards compatibility)
-- * make a new serialisation framework
-- An obvious upgradable solution is to tag every serialised value
-- with a version, so that deserialisation code can inspect the version
-- to read old serialisations.
-- This has the drawback of vastly bloated binary representations:
-- If each Word8 carries e.g. a Word32-sized version tag, the storage
-- needed increases 5-fold compared to storing just the data.
-- The idea is now to store the version tags not for each sub value in
-- the object to serialise, but only once for each type, in a "header"
-- next to the top-level object.
-- For example, this header would carry the information about which
-- version *all* of the Word8's in the objects are serialised; the
-- Word8 version tag is stored once, instead of next to each Word8.
-- As a result, the versioning overhead in the serialised value is
-- O(number of types in the object)
-- instead of
-- O(number of values in the object).
-- This snippet demonstrates this idea.
-- Details:
-- * Each type that can be serialised is an instance of the `Serialize`
-- typeclass.
-- * Each such type has a globally unique `typeId` that never changes,
-- and a `typeVersion` that should be bumped when the serialisation
-- format is changed.
-- (Global uniqueness is enforced by randomly generating the `typeId`
-- enough bits so that collisions are unlikely, as is common practice
-- for UUIDs; in this example I use 64 bits but 128 would be better.)
-- * By inspecting the `typeVersion`, old formats can be deserialised.
-- * The `Serialize` typeclass provides the functionality of collecting,
-- for a serialisable type `a`, all the `typeId`s and their
-- `typeVersion`s of any type that can appear in any sub-object of
-- `a`, so that a global map from `typeId` to `typeVersion` can be
-- stored at top-level along with the serialised `a`.
-- * For deserialisation, this map map is decoded first from the
-- top-level header, and then passed along to the deserialisation
-- function for each type, so that each instance can look up its
-- `typeId` in the map to decide what version it needs to deserialise.
-- TODO:
-- * Add default `collectSubTypeVersions` implementation using
-- `GHC.Generics`.
-- * Use the usual efficient machinery for serialisation (like a Builder);
-- put `serialize`/`deserialisation` behind standard `Get`/`Put`
-- monads (not done here for simplicity and demonstration).
-- Once done, the `TypeVersionMap` argument to `deserialize` should
-- live in the `Get` context instead, and `deserialize` should take
-- a `TypeVersion` argument instead, so that each deserialisation
-- function can only see the version it should deserialise, an not
-- the versions of all types in the `TypeVersionMap`.
-- * Currently we store all types that can occur in a value in the
-- `TypeVersionMap` (we can compute it statically). An alternative
-- is to store only those types that do actually occur in a value.
-- This can make the `TypeVersionMap` smaller when sum types are used,
-- but requires a full traversal of the value to serialise in order
-- to compute the header (loss of streaming serialisation support).
-- Most likely, both approaches are useful an should be offered.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module ToplevelVersionedSerialization where
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
newtype TypeId a = TypeId { unTypeId :: Word64 } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
newtype TypeVersion a = TypeVersion { unTypeVersion :: Word64 } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
newtype TypeVersionMap a = TypeVersionMap { unTypeVersionMap :: Map Word64 Word64 } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
instance Binary (TypeVersionMap a)
lookupTypeVersion :: TypeId a -> TypeVersionMap a -> Maybe (TypeVersion a)
lookupTypeVersion (TypeId i) (TypeVersionMap m) = TypeVersion <$> Map.lookup i m
castTypeVersionMap :: TypeVersionMap a -> TypeVersionMap b
castTypeVersionMap = coerce
class Serialize a where
-- | Unique ID for this type; must never change.
typeId :: TypeId a
-- | Current serialisation representation version for this type;
-- change it when you change how this type is serialised.
typeVersion :: TypeVersion a
-- | Contains the versions of all sub types.
-- To get a map that also contains an entry for the current type (a),
-- use `typeVersionMap`.
-- Implementations should call `typeVersionMap` on all of the data
-- types immediate sub types (fields / record fields).
collectSubTypeVersions :: TypeVersionMap a
-- | Serialise a value.
serialize :: a -> BSL.ByteString
-- | Tries to deserialise a value at a given version.
-- On success, returns the value and the remaining input `ByteString`.
-- Implementations should query which version is in the `ByteString`
-- using `version = lookupTypeVersion typeId versionMap`
-- and then deserialise that version appropriately.
deserialize :: TypeVersionMap a -> BSL.ByteString -> Either String (a, BSL.ByteString)
-- | Given a type `a`, returns a map that tells us the `TypeVersion` of
-- any recursive sub-type used inside `a`; also contains an entry
-- for `a` itself.
-- Use `lookupTypeVersion` on the result to query versions.
-- This function ensures termination on recursive data types;
-- its outputs are always finite.
typeVersionMap :: forall a . (Serialize a) => TypeVersionMap a
typeVersionMap = addUnseenTypes $ TypeVersionMap (Map.singleton (unTypeId (typeId @a)) (unTypeVersion (typeVersion @a)))
addUnseenTypes :: TypeVersionMap a -> TypeVersionMap a
addUnseenTypes !m = case lookupTypeVersion (typeId @a) m of
Just{} -> m -- already in the map; stop recursing
Nothing -> addUnseenTypes $ TypeVersionMap (unTypeVersionMap m `Map.union` unTypeVersionMap (collectSubTypeVersions @a))
-- | Serialise a data type, encoding a header containing all versions
-- of all types inside it along with it.
toplevelSerialize :: forall a . (Serialize a) => a -> BSL.ByteString
toplevelSerialize a = enc (typeVersionMap @a, serialize a)
-- | Deserialise a value serialised with `toplevelSerialize`.
toplevelDeserialize :: forall a . (Serialize a) => BSL.ByteString -> Either String (a, BSL.ByteString)
toplevelDeserialize bs = case dec bs of
Left errMsg -> Left errMsg
Right ((typeVersions :: TypeVersionMap a, serializedA :: BSL.ByteString), shouldBeEmptyRest)
| not (BSL.null shouldBeEmptyRest) -> Left "toplevelDeserialize: shouldBeEmptyRest not empty"
| otherwise -> deserialize typeVersions serializedA
-- Some helpers to turn values into `ByteString`s an the other way around.
enc :: (Binary a) => a -> BSL.ByteString
enc = Binary.encode
dec :: (Binary a) => BSL.ByteString -> Either String (a, BSL.ByteString)
dec bs = case Binary.decodeOrFail bs of
Left (_bs, _offset, errMsg) -> Left errMsg
Right (restBs, _offset, a) -> Right (a, restBs)
-- Example usage
instance Serialize Int where
typeId = TypeId 0x1f1ccad4d2f5ae37
typeVersion = TypeVersion 1
collectSubTypeVersions = TypeVersionMap $ Map.fromList []
serialize = enc
deserialize versionMap bs = let i = typeId in case lookupTypeVersion i versionMap of
Nothing -> Left $ "deserialize @Int: Missing typeId " ++ show i ++ " in versionMap"
Just version
| version == typeVersion -> dec bs
| otherwise -> Left $ "deserialize @Int: Unknown typeVersion " ++ show version
instance Serialize Text where
typeId = TypeId 0xb1cc1583d92aca3c
typeVersion = TypeVersion 1
collectSubTypeVersions = TypeVersionMap $ Map.fromList []
serialize = enc
deserialize versionMap bs = let i = typeId in case lookupTypeVersion i versionMap of
Nothing -> Left $ "deserialize @Int: Missing typeId " ++ show i ++ " in versionMap"
Just version
| version == typeVersion -> dec bs
| otherwise -> Left $ "deserialize @Text: Unknown typeVersion " ++ show version
data User = User
{ userName :: Text
, userAge :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Serialize User where
typeId = TypeId 0x74286ebf6d139844
typeVersion = TypeVersion 1
collectSubTypeVersions = TypeVersionMap $ Map.unions
[ unTypeVersionMap (typeVersionMap @Text)
, unTypeVersionMap (typeVersionMap @Int)
serialize (User name age) = serialize name `BSL.append` serialize age
deserialize versionMap bs = let i = typeId in case lookupTypeVersion i versionMap of
Nothing -> Left $ "deserialize @User: Missing typeId " ++ show i ++ " in versionMap"
Just version
| version == typeVersion -> do
(name, restBsAge) <- deserialize (castTypeVersionMap versionMap) bs
(age, restBs) <- deserialize (castTypeVersionMap versionMap) restBsAge
return (User name age, restBs)
| otherwise -> Left $ "deserialize @User: Unknown typeVersion " ++ show version
data NewUser = NewUser
{ userName2 :: Text
, userAge2 :: Int
, userVisits :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Serialize NewUser where
typeId = TypeId 0x74286ebf6d139844 -- same as `User`
typeVersion = TypeVersion 2 -- updated from `User`
collectSubTypeVersions = TypeVersionMap $ Map.unions
[ unTypeVersionMap (typeVersionMap @Text)
, unTypeVersionMap (typeVersionMap @Int)
, unTypeVersionMap (typeVersionMap @Int) -- technically unnecessary duplicate, but we just do one or each record field, like a Generic instance would do
serialize (NewUser name age visits) = serialize name `BSL.append` serialize age `BSL.append` serialize visits
deserialize versionMap bs = let i = typeId in case lookupTypeVersion i versionMap of
Nothing -> Left $ "deserialize @NewUser: Missing typeId " ++ show i ++ " in versionMap"
Just version
| version == typeVersion -> do
(name, restBsAge) <- deserialize (castTypeVersionMap versionMap) bs
(age, restBsVisits) <- deserialize (castTypeVersionMap versionMap) restBsAge
(visits, restBs) <- deserialize (castTypeVersionMap versionMap) restBsVisits
return (NewUser name age visits, restBs)
| version == TypeVersion 1 -> do
(User name age, restBs) <- deserialize (castTypeVersionMap versionMap) bs
return (NewUser name age 0, restBs)
| otherwise -> Left $ "deserialize @NewUser: Unknown typeVersion " ++ show version
instance (Serialize a) => Serialize (Maybe a) where
typeId = TypeId 0x1f92d0dbf020caa4
typeVersion = TypeVersion 1
collectSubTypeVersions = TypeVersionMap $ Map.unions
[ unTypeVersionMap (typeVersionMap @a)
serialize m = case m of
Nothing -> "0"
Just x -> "1" `BSL.append` serialize x
deserialize versionMap bs = let i = typeId in case lookupTypeVersion i versionMap of
Nothing -> Left $ "deserialize @(Maybe a): Missing typeId " ++ show i ++ " in versionMap"
Just version
| version == typeVersion -> do
let (tag, rest) = BSL.splitAt 1 bs
case tag of
"0" -> return (Nothing, rest)
"1" -> do
(val, restBs) <- deserialize (castTypeVersionMap versionMap) rest
return (Just val, restBs)
_ -> Left $ "deserialize @(Maybe a): Unknown tag " ++ show tag
| otherwise -> Left $ "deserialize @(Maybe a): Unknown typeVersion " ++ show version
data Recursive = Recursive
{ recValue :: Int
, recNext :: Maybe Recursive
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Serialize Recursive where
typeId = TypeId 0xbb8a2db28b32caf7
typeVersion = TypeVersion 1
collectSubTypeVersions = TypeVersionMap $ Map.unions
[ unTypeVersionMap (typeVersionMap @Int)
, unTypeVersionMap (typeVersionMap @Recursive)
serialize (Recursive value m'next) = serialize value `BSL.append` maybe "" serialize m'next
deserialize versionMap bs = let i = typeId in case lookupTypeVersion i versionMap of
Nothing -> Left $ "deserialize @Recursive: Missing typeId " ++ show i ++ " in versionMap"
Just version
| version == typeVersion -> do
(value, restBsNext) <- deserialize (castTypeVersionMap versionMap) bs
(next, restBs) <- deserialize (castTypeVersionMap versionMap) restBsNext
return (Recursive value next, restBs)
| otherwise -> Left $ "deserialize @Recursive: Unknown typeVersion " ++ show version
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Simple serialisation / deserialisation
print $
toplevelDeserialize @User (toplevelSerialize (User "name" 42))
-- Deserialisation of old versions
let oldVersionBytes :: BSL.ByteString
oldVersionBytes = toplevelSerialize (User "name" 42)
print $
toplevelDeserialize @NewUser oldVersionBytes
-- Recursive data type
print $
toplevelDeserialize @Recursive (toplevelSerialize (Recursive 1 (Just (Recursive 2 Nothing))))
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