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Haskell: Patching libc with Cabal postBuild hook
# This isn't a full nix file, just a rough example on how to use the Setup.hs
glibc_patched = pkgs.glibc.overrideAttrs (old: {
patches = (old.patches or []) ++ [
# glibc patch for malloc so that we get correct MallocInfo accountin in EKG.
# That works only when this glibc is preloaded into a binrary,
# see `glibc_patched_shell_exe_start_prefix`/`WITH_PATCHED_GLIBC` below.
glibc_patched_interpreter = "${glibc_patched}/lib/";
# Prepend this in front of a (shell, not execve()!) command to run it with our patched glibc.
glibc_patched_shell_exe_start_prefix = "LD_PRELOAD=${glibc_patched}/lib/ ${glibc_patched_interpreter}";
# When these are set, our Setup.hs `postBuild` hook automatically calls patchelf
glibc_patched_cabalHookShellExports = ''
export LIBC_TO_REPLACE_LIB_PATH="${pkgs.glibc}/lib"
export PATCHED_LIBC_FULL_LIB_PATH="${glibc_patched}/lib"
export PATCHED_LIBC_FULL_INTERPRETER_PATH="${glibc_patched_interpreter}"
myhaskellpackage = mkDerivation rec {
# ...
shellHook = ''
preConfigure = ''
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
import Control.Concurrent.Async (forConcurrently_)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Distribution.Simple (defaultMainWithHooks, simpleUserHooks)
import Distribution.Simple.Setup (buildVerbosity, fromFlagOrDefault)
import Distribution.Simple.UserHooks (UserHooks(..))
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (notice)
import Distribution.Types.BuildInfo (BuildInfo)
import Distribution.Types.ComponentLocalBuildInfo (ComponentLocalBuildInfo(..))
import Distribution.Types.ComponentName (ComponentName, componentNameString)
import Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo (LocalBuildInfo(..))
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName (unUnqualComponentName)
import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity, normal)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
import System.Posix.Files.ByteString (touchFile)
import System.Process (callProcess, readProcess)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
-- | Replaces libc using `patchelf` based on env vars:
-- in all built executables.
patchelfLibc :: LocalBuildInfo -> Verbosity -> IO ()
patchelfLibc LocalBuildInfo{ componentNameMap, buildDir } verbosity = do
mbToReplaceLibPath <- lookupEnv "LIBC_TO_REPLACE_LIB_PATH" -- should end with "/lib"
for_ mbToReplaceLibPath $ \toReplaceLibPath -> do
let replacementLibPathEnvVar = "PATCHED_LIBC_FULL_LIB_PATH"
let replacementInterpreterPathEnvVar = "PATCHED_LIBC_FULL_INTERPRETER_PATH"
replacementLibPath <- do
mbPath <- lookupEnv replacementLibPathEnvVar
maybe (fail $ "postBuild hook: missing env var " ++ replacementLibPathEnvVar) return mbPath
replacementInterpreterPath <- do
mbPath <- lookupEnv replacementInterpreterPathEnvVar
maybe (fail $ "postBuild hook: missing env var " ++ replacementInterpreterPathEnvVar) return mbPath
let patchComponent :: ComponentName -> IO ()
patchComponent componentName = do
let name =
(error $ "patchelfLibc: component has no unqualified name: " ++ name)
(componentNameString componentName)
notice verbosity $ "Patching libc of " <> name
let exe = buildDir FP.</> name FP.</> name
out <- readProcess "patchelf" ["--print-rpath", exe] ""
let oldRpaths = [ T.unpack $ T.strip $ T.pack p | p <- FP.splitSearchPath out ]
let newRpaths =
[ if r == toReplaceLibPath then replacementLibPath else r
| r <- oldRpaths
let newRpath = intercalate [FP.searchPathSeparator] newRpaths
[ "--set-interpreter", replacementInterpreterPath
, "--set-rpath", newRpath, exe
forConcurrently_ (concat $ Map.elems componentNameMap) $ \componentLocalBuildInfo -> do
case componentLocalBuildInfo of
-- Nothing to patch for libraries
LibComponentLocalBuildInfo{} -> return ()
FLibComponentLocalBuildInfo{} -> return ()
-- Patch all executable things
ExeComponentLocalBuildInfo{ componentLocalName = n } -> patchComponent n
TestComponentLocalBuildInfo{ componentLocalName = n } -> patchComponent n
BenchComponentLocalBuildInfo{ componentLocalName = n } -> patchComponent n
main :: IO ()
main = do
defaultMainWithHooks $
{ postBuild = \_args buildFlags _packageDescription localBuildInfo -> do
-- Insert our patched libc
patchelfLibc localBuildInfo (fromFlagOrDefault normal (buildVerbosity buildFlags))
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