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Last active December 17, 2015 00:39
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Working with all past data types that ever existed using typed versions + type classes (Example)
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
-- | past: Compile-time checked backwards compatibility
-- Dealing with data types from the past, forever.
module Main where
-- | Expresses that a can be automatically be migrated to b.
class Migrate a b where
migrate :: a -> b
-- * Sum type of what we send, with version tag each.
data Packet = Packet1 User1
| Packet2 User2
| Packet3 User3
| Packet4 User4
| Packet5 User5
-- * Versioned datatypes
data User1 = User1 { name_1 :: String }
data User2 = User2 { name_2 :: String, enabled_2 :: Bool }
data User3 = User3 { name_3 :: String, age_3 :: Int }
data Account1 = Account1 { balance_1 :: Int }
data Files1 = Files1 { fileList_1 :: [String] }
data User4 = User4 { name_4 :: String, account_4 :: Account1, files_4 :: Files1 }
data Account2 = Account2 { balance_2 :: Int, currency_2 :: String }
data User5 = User5 { name_5 :: String, account_5 :: Account2, files_5 :: Files1 }
-- * Migrations
instance Migrate User1 User2 where
migrate (User1 name) = User2 name True
instance Migrate User3 User4 where
migrate (User3 name _age) = User4 name (Account1 0) (Files1 [])
instance Migrate Account1 Account2 where
migrate (Account1 balance) = Account2 balance "USD"
instance Migrate User4 User5 where
migrate (User4 name account files) = User5 name (migrate account) files
-- * Use
class HasReport a where
report :: a -> String
instance HasReport User1 where
report (User1 name) = name
instance HasReport User2 where
report (User2 name enabled) = name ++ if enabled then " (enabled)" else " (disabled)"
instance HasReport User3 where
report (User3 name age) = name ++ ", " ++ show age ++ " years old"
class HasRenderAccount a where
renderAccount :: a -> String
class HasRenderFiles a where
renderFiles :: a -> String
instance HasRenderAccount Account1 where
renderAccount (Account1 balance) = "{ balance: " ++ show balance ++ " }"
instance HasRenderFiles Files1 where
renderFiles (Files1 fileList) = show fileList
reportWithAccountsAndFiles :: (HasRenderFiles a1, HasRenderAccount a) => [Char] -> a -> a1 -> [Char]
reportWithAccountsAndFiles name account files = name ++ ": { account: " ++ renderAccount account ++ ", files: " ++ renderFiles files
instance HasReport User4 where
report (User4 name account files) = reportWithAccountsAndFiles name account files
instance HasRenderAccount Account2 where
renderAccount (Account2 balance currency) = "{ balance: " ++ show balance ++ " " ++ currency ++ " }"
instance HasReport User5 where
report (User5 name account files) = reportWithAccountsAndFiles name account files
-- By using reportWithAccountsAndFiles we can share the code of "HasReport User4" and "HasReport User5".
-- All code in the hiearchy between the changed data type (Account2) and the top level (UserN) had to be upgraded (with trivial functions).
-- * Top-level packet processing function; enumerates all versions we support.
-- If we forget to handle a version, we get a warning.
-- (At least with -W, -Wall, or -fwarn-incomplete-patterns.)
process :: Packet -> IO ()
process p = putStrLn $ case p of
Packet1 u -> report u
Packet2 u -> report u
Packet3 u -> report u
Packet4 u -> report u
-- Packet5 u -> report u
-- * Some runtime examples
main :: IO ()
main = do
process . Packet1 $ User1 "Niklas"
process . Packet2 $ User2 "Niklas" True
process . Packet3 $ User3 "Niklas" 21
process . Packet4 $ User4 "Niklas" (Account1 100) (Files1 [])
let user_4 = User4 "Niklas" (Account1 100) (Files1 [])
upgraded_4_5 = migrate user_4 :: User5
process . Packet5 $ upgraded_4_5
process . Packet5 $ User5 "Niklas" (Account2 200 "SGD") (Files1 [])
-- * Making sure production code uses the most recent version
-- | Denotes the latest version of something.
-- As a reward, you get the function `versionGuard`, which you can stick
-- in front of your data types to get a compile-time notification when somebody
-- upgrades the version and you are using an older one.
-- Example:
-- User_v3 { name_v3 = "...", age_v3 = "..." }
-- This will go unnotified if the most recent version is changed to User_v3
-- versionGuard $ User_v3 { name_v3 = "...", age_v3 = "..." }
-- This will give a compile time error.
-- You can then decide to explicitly keep the old version or upgrade to User_v4.
class CurrentVersion a where
versionGuard :: a -> a
versionGuard = id
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