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Last active January 10, 2023 21:49
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Clone all repos from Azure DevOps using Powershell
--credits to
Create a file called "CloneAllRepos.config" in the same directory with
To execute the script in the Windows or PowerShell command prompt, run the following command:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ./CloneAllRepos.ps1
If you’d like to execute the script without bypassing the policy in each call, you have to enable script execution globally:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Now, you can execute the script in the PowerShell command line in this way:
# Read configuration file
Get-Content "CloneAllRepos.config" | foreach-object -begin {$h=@{}} -process {
$k = [regex]::split($_,'=');
if(($k[0].CompareTo("") -ne 0) -and ($k[0].StartsWith("[") -ne $True)) {
$h.Add($k[0], $k[1])
$url = $h.Get_Item("Url")
$username = $h.Get_Item("Username")
$password = $h.Get_Item("Password")
# Retrieve list of all repositories
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $username,$password)))
$headers = @{
"Authorization" = ("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)
"Accept" = "application/json"
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
$gitcred = ("{0}:{1}" -f [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($username),$password)
$resp = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -Uri ("{0}/_apis/git/repositories?api-version=1.0" -f $url)
$json = convertFrom-JSON $resp.Content
# Clone or pull all repositories
$initpath = get-location
foreach ($entry in $json.value) {
$name = $
Write-Host $name
$url = $entry.remoteUrl -replace "://", ("://{0}@" -f $gitcred)
if(!(Test-Path -Path $name)) {
git clone $url
} else {
set-location $name
git pull
set-location $initpath
Copy link

It works, but I had to change line 53 to
$url = $entry.webUrl -replace "://", ("://{0}@" -f $gitcred)

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